I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 221 Jingzhou Cultivation World

Wuzuo's practice lasted for a full half a month.

The reputation of this monk gradually spread throughout the Detective Investigation Department.

Not long after arriving, major cases have been solved repeatedly, and old cases have even been unearthed. In the file room, without leaving home, just by looking at the various clues in the files, many unjust cases have been solved, and many unjust cases have been uncovered. Major cases in previous years.

Even many people, ordinary people, sent plaques.

Everyone said that at the feet of the Emperor, a "Master Qingtian" emerged from the imperial city of Jingzhou.

"It's almost time to leave."

Wu Lang felt peaceful as he sat in the archives room and opened three files at the same time.

One eye, ten lines, one mind, three uses.

It seems like only half a month, but in fact he is involved in several professions, including biological anatomy, meticulous knife work, and evolutionary calculations.

The speed of practicing one hundred green fortunes has not slowed down.

"Huh!" Wu Lang finally left that day, but before leaving, he handed a copy of "Yutang Judgment Method" to a young man.

[Name: Xu Zheng]

[Main horoscope: majestic and upright (purple)]

[Secondary destiny: Pure and clear heart (purple)]

With a double purple destiny, he is already the theoretically strongest genius in the world of immortality.

But this person cannot practice cultivation. Like Wu Lang, Shuangzi has useless spiritual roots. Although he had a small reputation in this case-solving department before, he is still a mortal after all.

Nowadays, it is possible to soar into the sky, and it is not impossible to carry a piece of Jingzhou's future prosperity.

"It is said that times create heroes." Wu Lang said softly: "Before, this person was a mortal who could not practice cultivation, but now, his qualifications may be comparable to those of the saints of the great sect, standing at the top."

Every time there is a general trend, talents will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

The changes in this world are still very interesting.

And half a day later.

Xu Zheng entered the archives room and saw the exercises and autograph letters left by the senior, and he was stunned in place.

"That person."

"I will definitely live up to the appreciation of the current Holy One!" His eyes were blazing with fire and there was light in his eyes. He wanted to become a truly majestic and perceptive official in the world, and would not allow an unjust or wrong case to occur under his hands.

Within a few days, the Investigation Department also gained a reputation.

The monk went to the next place, the slaughterhouse.

He honestly picked up the butcher's knife and started one of the most despicable professions in the eyes of outsiders, butchering pigs, draining pigs, cutting pig skins, and pig kidneys one by one.

Many people even complained when they saw the monk coming to kill him, calling him a fake monk.

A few more months passed.

More and more monks came before the martial arts performance began.

After all, no matter how big Jingzhou is, if we set out more than half a year in advance, we can still reach Jingzhou Imperial City.

In the past six months, the people in the entire Jinghuang City have also gradually changed, as if a spirit of the great era has been nurtured, which exists in the entire bustling streets, including the teahouses and taverns, the medical clinics and pawnshops on the streets, and the snacks and delicacies on the roadside.

Mysterious yet mysterious.

The spirit of the times in the imperial city of Jingzhou has no fairy spirit, but the smell of fireworks unique to the secular world.

Many people began to notice.

And the geniuses and reconstruction masters from various states who were secretly competing and competing in various teahouses also noticed something strange.

Mu Jiqiu exclaimed: "Look, this Jinghuang City has always felt different in the past few months. Look at the young juggler on the street, the waiter at the wine shop on the street, and the doctor at the medical center. Anger appears!"

Xu Xinying took a look and suddenly felt normal:

"Well, isn't this normal for the Emperor of Jingzhou? Every time there is a grand ceremony, he will always do something to celebrate and show his new power. Before, he built the imperial city and displayed the red stone abacus, and then he ascended the throne. Show the world's canal formation to kill the emperor."

Although she couldn't quite understand it, she thought it was normal.

What kind of person is Master?

Can you not understand yourself?

If you find out about your senior brother and his own skills, you will know his underlying mentality.

She felt that she was promiscuous and beaten all day long, which was enough, but compared with her master, she was still an obedient disciple.

As a loyal fan girl, I have always believed that:

Master, you are a ruthless person in this world, and you will be remembered forever!

"Indeed, this Jingzhou Imperial City is just preparing for the martial arts ceremony that is about to begin. It will temporarily give us the national prestige of Jingzhou. The people have begun to change, and a silent wave is rushing among them."

And a woman from Jizhou and Mu Jiqiu's vindictiveness, after looking at it for a few times, I was immediately horrified. A doctor, a noodle shop, a sideshow, a beggar.

One level of Qi training!

The second level of Qi training!

In the past, it was okay if it was just craftsmen, and they just thought it was a cultivation system, and they thought it was very ordinary after seeing it, but now the harmonious "market scene" of the entire street, where every profession can practice, is what makes people feel the real intensity. A sense of shock.

Her heart was beating loudly, as if she had seen a future:

The doctors on the street, who use the flesh and bones of dead people, seem ordinary. In the future, they may be able to cure all kinds of obsessions, side effects of magic skills that are difficult to deal with in the current world of immortality, and even cure the incompleteness of the true spirit!

A street juggler with a knife, his knife is superb, seemingly ordinary, but in the future it contains the sharpness that can pierce the sky.

And the master of the street noodle shop will create all kinds of immortal food in the future, which will make people intoxicated and dream into the three thousand worlds of the avenue.

There is a great power hidden in this street.

The phrase "hidden in the city" was a joke here in Kyushu before.

The powerful and powerful people in this world of cultivating immortals. The traditional cultivators basically live in seclusion in the mountains, away from the world, and do not eat the fireworks of the world. They are all warlike in destiny, explore secret realms, and like to compete in battles.

Traditional destiny can only be improved by fighting.

But the non-traditional destiny in front of them is a non-warfare cultivation path. They all like to practice harmoniously in the market and are not a militant group.

"What a big surprise!"

Mu Jiqiu's heart beat a few times and he said: "If the world is full of immortal cultivators, then there will be no immortal cultivators in the world. At that time, everyone will be just a mortal."

"Just like today's world, freeloaders on the street will be beaten out by the noodle shop owner with a rolling pin. Customers who drink without paying will be arrested by the restaurant owner and washed dishes."

Everyone imagines that scene, the world has returned to the most distant ancient times, an era without immortality, and everyone is a mortal.

You swordsman, if you dare to come and eat for free, you will be beaten up by the restaurant owner on the roadside until your nose is black and your face is swollen.

The picture seems bizarre when I think about it.

"This is not cultivating immortality, this is cultivating the truth!"

Mu Jiqiu stood up slowly and silently thought about it: "We cultivate in the ethereal and lofty places, far away from the troubled world of mortals. They cultivate in the common world and cultivate in daily life. This is a brand new system of cultivation, which can be called cultivators. This Jingzhou cultivator The Immortal World is already the Jingzhou Cultivation World.”

"We are cultivating immortals, and he is cultivating truth, which is amazing!"

A young demon lord next to him was startled, his eyes flashing.

No matter what, they all clearly felt that someone was spreading various techniques, and no matter where the source was, it must have been spreading for quite some time.

I'm afraid they weren't the first to notice.

We are hindsight.

"That source is probably still wandering in the streets of Jinghuang City, working in hundreds of professions." Mu Jiqiu said with a smile: "Everyone, you guys, who could that person be?"

The faces of the prodigies who were gathering in the restaurant changed.

Who could it be?

Is there any need to guess?

The young scholar from before once told about his experience, traveling around the world, learning hundreds of professions, and looking for an answer.

It's just a matter of blending into the crowd again.

After all, the people in Jingzhou were very fanatical about him. They didn't always say a few words:

He comes from the crowd and returns to the crowd.

Some people practice in order to become superiors to others, and some people practice in order not to be superior to others.

"The man was born."

Someone slowly stood up and said with great interest: "The Imperial City of Jingzhou is already the transition point of the land of Jiuzhou, where all the heroes of the world gather. And now, we finally meet the recognized leader of the younger generation, and hold this event." The boy king of the party.”

"What if I can compete with him?" Someone said slowly, with longing eyes and raging fighting spirit. With traditional spiritual cultivation, there is basically no one who is not wary.

"I hope he can play in person in the Jingzhou competition." Someone was fascinated, "Instead of not showing up, he will be strategizing behind the scenes and scheming the world."

"I don't think it will happen. He has practiced hundreds of professions and is not good at killing. It is still a blessing to sit with him and discuss Tao!"

They were incredibly excited.

I have been in Jinghuang City for so long, and I have basically interacted with all the powerful figures of the younger generation, but that person is only known by name, but not seen in person.

The next second, everyone was slightly startled, but they saw a voice coming from the street below the teahouse: "Collect the trash, collect the trash."

Dang, Dang, Dang!

He walked a few steps and struck the gong, making a clear sound.

"Recycle a lot of rotten pots, rotten shovels, rotten weapons, broken magic weapons, rotten clothes, old coins and bad coins."

The man was wearing a raincoat and a straw hat and was shouting loudly, but he had the appearance and appearance of an ordinary farmer, but he had no image at all. He could be seen everywhere in the streets.

However, he, a mortal, was silently followed by a group of hidden monks, who actually formed a long queue behind him.

"Collect scraps, collect scraps~~"

Everyone was startled, then suddenly smiled, put down their teacups, and looked at each other: "That person is probably the current Holy Emperor of Jingzhou."

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