I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 222 Jingzhou is surging and the Holy Spirit is fishing

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's hearts moved.


Many people wanted to go down to communicate and say hello. After all, they came to Jingzhou to cultivate immortality just for this legendary young man of the same era as them.

How not to be curious?

At that moment, several people who were drinking, eating, and talking about food in the teahouses high up in the restaurant were about to jump out of the window and fight with that person.

"Wait!" At this time, Mu Jiqiu quickly stopped them.

"Why are you stopping me?" A strong man with a slightly grumpy temper, the Holy Son, had a dissatisfied face.

Mu Jiqiu shook his head, smiled, and said: "Do you think you would be the first to stop the other party and ask for a competition? Others can't think of it? Why are they still wrapped up behind them, following silently, not daring to move? Look at it. The common people who collect rags?"

"How do I know??" The strong man snorted coldly, but he also had some reaction.

If you think about it carefully, it’s really weird!

According to this situation, the monk obviously exposed himself.

But it's also normal.

If you spread the law, study everywhere, and move from job to job, sooner or later you will expose your own heel, and others will be able to guess it.

And this has obviously been exposed for a while, and everyone has grown up behind him, swaggering through the city, but no one dares to step forward, which is outrageous.

"Let's take a look and talk about it later," Mu Jiqiu said.

Everyone was a proud person, but in front of them, they calmed down and felt that there was something fishy about this matter, so they began to observe silently!


After they secretly observed for a while, they saw the common people collecting rags walking through a few streets. When some genius groups passing by other teahouses saw him, they also guessed the identity of this person just like them. Eighty-nine years ago, he was the current young emperor.

"It's him!"

A tall and mighty young man with a scar suddenly stood up, put down his tea cup, showed a fierce fighting spirit, jumped down from the teahouse, and stopped in front of the man collecting rags.

"Are you the current young emperor of Jingzhou?" The scarred young man showed some confusion and awe, cupping his fists and saying, "I want to compete with you!"

"Master Immortal, what are you talking about?" This common man looked timid and frightened. He was so frightened that he stepped back several steps and said softly: "I am just a mortal who collects old things. How can I be compared with that high and mighty person?" To compete with the emperor?"

The temperament exuded by this person gives people an aura of timidity, weakness and fear of getting into trouble.

In their realm, one can tell at just one glance that this person's destiny is that of a low-level mortal, the kind of person who recycles old things. This cannot be faked.

Could it be that I really admitted my mistake?

This person's temperament is obviously inconsistent.

But the next second, the scarred boy woke up in his heart:

No, he is really an ordinary person, how come there are so many people following him?

Master said, his destiny is unprecedented! It is an alternative variant of the destiny of a sage. The destiny is "all the people in the world". It turns into one of these people, and it is naturally lifelike.

"No need to pretend, I knew it was you!"

The young man with the scar immediately said, "I know that you penetrated among the people, played roles, transformed into gods, and first transformed into mortals. You are indeed an ancient genius! When you ascended the throne and beheaded the emperor, you were only in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Forty years in the ocean of time, you are now In addition to the current ten years, only fifty years have passed, and you have reached the Great Perfection from the early stage of Yuanying, and you have to enter the world to practice and prepare to become a god."

"Three years of golden elixir, ten years of Nascent Soul, and sixty years of transformation into a god. Your qualifications can be said to be rare in history."

He showed a confident smile: "But you can't hide it from me."

"Hey, Lord Immortal, I really don't know what you are talking about?" The common people pulling the tattered scrap car became more and more frightened.

"Don't hide it from me!"

Seeing that the other party was still acting out, he couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry.


He reached out to grab the other person's wrist.

But the next second, a thunder exploded in the void, and the scar genius from the Demon Sect Holy Land in Liangzhou flew backwards in an instant, vomiting blood.

In the void, a voice came:

"When you enter our Jinghuang City and participate in the martial arts performance of the world, you are not allowed to use force to stir up trouble in the city. Anyone who violates this rule will be disqualified from the competition!"

As soon as these words fell.

This person was swept away by a strong wind and sent outside Jinghuang City.

Obviously, in this most prosperous era of Jingzhou's immortal cultivation world, there are naturally several great emperors in the Tribulation Period who are stationed in the city to monitor and control the situation so as not to disrupt the rules and regulations.

The people at the top of the restaurant showed some drastic changes in their expressions, with lingering fears.

"He's fishing, and he's fishing again!" The muscular man just now suddenly wondered: "I almost got caught."

In the imperial city of Jingzhou, it is forbidden to use force and disturb the rules and regulations.

If he takes action, he can eliminate some enemies and competitors, which is really a good plan.

Everyone immediately looked at each other.

Thinking of all the amazing tricks and calculations of this person before, this is a powerful counselor who will be taken out of the scene if he is not careful.

They had worked so hard to be squeezed by Po Meng and reincarnated in Jingzhou through Huangquan Road. If they lost the qualification for elimination before the competition started, wouldn't they be killed alive by the sect behind them?

"Although we are seducing, it is just attracting some violent trash." A woman next to him said with a smile: "But the current saint of Jingzhou is entering the drama and transforming into a mortal. We really cannot communicate with him or interfere with him. I can only watch.”

"That's true."

Another existence has a secret plan in his heart, "He is transforming into a mortal, and he is also preaching hundreds of Dharma to the people of Jingzhou. He wants us to watch the ceremony and be the opening ceremony of Jingzhou's martial arts performance. Witness the transcendence of mortals and the complete transformation of the times. Let us wait." Be a witness to history.”

"If someone doesn't understand his methods and interferes with his opening ceremony, then he deserves to be eliminated." Someone smiled.

Everyone was shocked.

This world martial arts performance in Jingzhou City is now undercurrent, and other players are beginning to be eliminated in large numbers. If you are not careful, you will be calculated out.

Their hearts were filled with fear, worthy of that young scholar.

He is too sinister.

"Are we going to join in the fun? Follow behind and watch the ceremony?" Xu Xinying said enthusiastically, and she got up and followed the master. This seemed to be fun.

Xu Xinying's words made the people around her move again.

Although I can't do anything, following behind and witnessing the opening of a vast era, the transformation of the world of immortality into the birth of the world of cultivation, as a witness is enough to remember for a lifetime!

Let’s take another 10,000 steps back.

Even if you don't witness the grand ceremony of the opening of the era, if you just follow him and see him transform into a mortal, integrating into various folk professions, constantly rotating venues and deducing various techniques in the streets and alleys, among the people in the market, you may be able to get a glimpse of his ancestors. It is a great opportunity to learn the unique skills of his deductions.

Xu Xinying said: "Shall we follow behind? There is a long queue!"


Mu Jiqiu knocked his best friend on the head, "Our current emperor in Jingzhou is very sinister. You only saw the first trap, but now you have fallen into his second trap."

"Ah?" Xu Xinying became confused.

Mu Jiqiu was still puzzled when he saw him, but he looked at the mighty long dragon and said: "When you see the people collecting rags, pulling a car full of scraps and rags behind them, and a group of people following behind them, you think it's... What scene?”

Xu Xinying took a closer look and suddenly looked strange.

When collecting scraps, wouldn't it mean that the long queue behind him is all scraps? Following farmers collecting rags, are they all trash?

This is swearing.

This is Jiang Taigong fishing, and those who wish will take the bait.

As soon as Mu Jiqiu finished speaking, everyone's expression changed slightly.

They lowered their heads.

"Collect scraps, collect scraps."

Dang, Dang, Dang!

He kept walking around the streets, banging the gong every few steps with a clear voice, and shouting slogans: "Recycle a lot of rotten pots, rotten shovels, rotten weapons, broken magic weapons, rotten clothes, old coins and bad coins."

His slogan still sounded simple and ordinary, but it fell on the hearts of several people at this time, as if it formed a different scene:

This young emperor.

Use Jingzhou Imperial City as a fish pond.

Take the genius of Kyushu as a fish.

Everyone in the teahouse woke up suddenly. In a trance, they seemed to see a calm and calm young emperor, sitting in the pond fishing. Before he really started to perform martial arts, a group of fish of various sizes had automatically jumped into his fish basket. In the middle, the pots are full and the pots are full.

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