
Li Qingrou was completely silent and stood quietly in the center of the room.

Wu Lang was not in a hurry.

Instead, he drank a cup of tea silently, feeling very calm in his heart, silently waiting for her thoughts and reactions. After all, the two of them still had a long time together.

Li Qingrou's good impression has never been improved, which is normal.

After all, she wears a mask, hides her true identity, and is prepared for everything. How can she improve her favorability?

Only by breaking down barriers, sharing common secrets, knowing the truth, and being "complicit" can we quickly close the distance.

Right before our eyes is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Look at these."

Wu Lang said calmly: "In order to stabilize her and not attack our Jingzhou, I did these things."

Scenes of getting along flashed by.

Holding hands, feeding, hugging, and even in the end, Li Hairou grabbed her uncle's hand and stuffed it into her sleeve, looking as charming as she wanted.

That woman! !

She was so angry that her brain was buzzing, and her sneer was full of murderous intent, saying: "Shameless, that is my body."

at this time.

If Li Hairou knew this scene, she would be so angry that she would vomit blood in an instant.

Because she made such a big sacrifice, she was prepared to expect a stimulating reaction from her old enemy Li Hairou, and Wu Lang used it to stimulate him.

What kind of expression does this look like?

Wu Lang sat on the chair, as if thinking about it, and even in the mood to do some evaluation.


Ashamed and angry?


Intent to kill?

That look was so complex that there seemed to be a thousand emotions.

No wonder Li Hairou is looking forward to it so much. Her angry expression is just like Huang Mao who messed with her body after being hypnotized in the plot of the book, looking like a pure love warrior who wants to kill the minotaur.

She broke through the defense directly.

She has a cold and elegant personality, but her Wannian Bingshan looks so cute that she is so angry that she wants to cry.


No matter how cold you are, you still have a sense of shame.

In fact, being aloof was her self-protection shell in this cruel demonic sect. Before the sect was destroyed, she was not a cold-blooded person who would not let strangers in.

At this time, Wu Lang was sitting opposite, showing the picture of himself and Li Hairou, and some inexplicable excitement emerged in his heart.

Is this the expression of a cuckold?

No wonder Li Hairou is looking forward to it so much.

"Wait a minute, my mentality is not right at all!"

Wu Lang suddenly reacted in his heart.

In order to prevent her from directly attacking Jingzhou, he sacrificed himself as a tiger, and for a month he and the tauren were scheming and cheating on each other. She was about to be assimilated into a tauren?

Oh shit.

How did your character become so bad?

His expression changed slightly.

That woman, in all likelihood, has something wrong with her!

He was trying to increase her favorability, so she was probably secretly casting a spell on him in some way, to make him evil and bad?

"I still underestimated her. Her skills are still unknown." He quickly calmed down his mood, returned to his normal state of mind, and quickly calmed down.

"How?" Wu Lang calmed down his mood.

Li Qingrou was silent.


Just in terms of profit.

It has brought negative benefits to itself.

He unintentionally tricked his uncle and almost allowed a tribulation crocodile to attack and destroy the Jingzhou cultivation world he had worked so hard to build.

But the other party brought positive benefits.

Using her time spirit root, she took her uncle to see the ruins of the Great Leiyin Temple, went to Wuji Sea of ​​Bitterness to help suppress the sharks, and even seemed willing to become a Taoist companion.

Two old enemies, which side do you lean towards?

Nature is clearer.

As for the sages, they are compassionate and must help themselves?

Uncle Master is helping the common people, opening up a new era for the people, and overthrowing the high-ranking immortal sects that stand in the way. What is it like that all the immortal sects have been attacked and plotted against each other?

He is also a fairy himself.

He naturally chose the direction most convenient for the development of Jingzhou.

She took a deep breath, calmed down again, and said, "Uncle Master, what do you get from me by telling me this?"

"Sign a contract and serve me for a thousand years."

Wu Lang said bluntly: "In this way, I will protect you. Xing Hanhan will not know the details of you. Po Meng will not do anything to you for my sake. I will even help you fight Li Hairou, who is exposed in Jingzhou." cover."

"With my right to rule, it is not difficult to cover up your appearance and provide a reasonable explanation. After all, it's just that the appearance is similar. Except for me, there is a 'Taoist Companion Contract' confirming that it is you. Who would know that it is the same person based on his appearance alone?" ? Even the spiritual roots are different."

This level of cover-up was easy for me, the ruler of Jingzhou.

"In exchange for a thousand years?" she said, hesitantly.

Her lifespan is destined to be tens of thousands of years, and a thousand years is not a big loss to her.

"Don't worry, I'm just letting you work to open up the era, and I won't squeeze your labor or violate your dignity."

Wu Lang gave the bargaining chip, "Even in this thousand years, I will help you improve your realm and provide you with various resources. With my help, in these thousand years, you will definitely develop faster than you can secretly develop on your own."

She was silent.

The other party does have this confidence.

After all, he is practicing so fast now because he has the luck of the human emperor from the other party.

"Next, your true body, come to Jingzhou to help me." Wu Lang said.

"Coming to Jingzhou?" She was silent.


Wu Lang said: "You commit suicide and come to Jingzhou on the road to hell. Is there no problem? Your true spirit will recover on its own anyway, and there will be no loss to you at all."

"You have been hiding yourself before, so that you cannot use one-tenth of your strength."

"I will help you get rid of Po Meng! You can create clones at will and be reincarnated in various parts of Jiuzhou through Huangquan Road. Isn't it better than spreading clones everywhere with your feet?"

"I can give you the channels for your clones to spread, and even the huge mana you need to frantically produce clones. With me, you can completely explode all your strength, and clones are everywhere."

Li Qingrou was completely moved.

The other party's character is already good, and the treatment he is now receiving is also very preferential.

"What about Li Hairou?" Li Qingrou suddenly showed a hint of anger and said, "I'm going to Jingzhou in my own body, you help me kill her?"

"I can't help."

Wu Lang spoke bluntly and said bluntly: "She is in the stage of transcending tribulation, and her cultivation speed is extremely fast, and she is still beneficial to me in Jingzhou. Due to emotion and reason, it is impossible for me to take action against her now."

"You should do this yourself. You are only in the integration stage now. If you don't take refuge in me, your cultivation speed will never be able to keep up with her who has already taken refuge in me."

"As for your battle, it doesn't mean that I won't intervene. It depends on your subsequent performance. If you surpass the opponent, I will help you."

Wu Lang's words were very rational.

Carrot and stick.

At the same time, he really intends to check and balance both sides.

Both sides are not fuel-efficient, both are ruthless characters, and both may backfire on themselves.

And the best countermeasure.

The purpose is to check and balance them, and then slowly brush the super low favorability of the two of them, which is over 30, and after brushing the favorability to a high level, then take a closer look at the situation of the two people.

"What's your choice?" Wu Lang asked.

"Do I still have a choice?" Li Qingrou sighed. She was not an indecisive person.

"Very good, I will explain it to Po Meng, but Senior Sister Xing Hanhan will keep it secret." Wu Lang stood up and said, "You commit suicide right now and come to me, Jingzhou, to be reincarnated."

"By the way, there's one more thing." Wu Lang said suddenly.

"What's up?"

She looked wary.

"Now, Li Hairou is sweeping across Jingzhou alone. No one can defeat her. In order to stabilize her and avoid murderous attacks everywhere, you'd better cooperate with me in advance to put on a show to make her feel happy."


Li Qingrou's expression suddenly fell silent. After a while, she said: "We worked together to plot against her and make her think that I am a real Taoist monk to stabilize her. I can understand it, but pleasure? I can't understand it. Can you explain it in detail?"

"Just play the role of the master of suffering."

Wu Lang said honestly and described the specific plan in detail.

After all, Li Hairou's identity as a Taoist monk is still very doubtful considering Li Hairou's level of caution and intelligence.

Based on Li Qingrou's character, if she was really a Taoist companion of the Emperor of Jingzhou, she would definitely leave a clone in Jingzhou to monitor her before going to the Sea of ​​Misery.

A person whose clones are everywhere, doesn’t leave a single clone in Jingzhou?

It doesn't make sense.

So Wu Lang's plan is: a local clone of Li Qingrou noticed that someone was pretending to be close to her husband, so he wanted to find the emperor of Jingzhou to expose the matter.

Then, Li Hairou caught the clone dangerously, and happily released his various emotions, teasing and torturing the clone.

In this way, it not only fills up the flaws, but also gives her a sense of accomplishment. The joyful monster who likes excitement and thrills will be stable for a while, and this terrifying nuclear bomb will be stable.

It's a pretty good psychological calculation.

Li Qingrou was stunned and refused directly: "This is impossible!"

Seeing that she was determined to fight to the death, Wu Lang could only say: "That's it, I can only deal with her by myself. That woman is looking for fun everywhere, so it's really difficult to deal with her."

Li Qingrou hesitated to speak.

After a while, she suddenly said: "Forget it, I'll just leave a clone and play a show with you. After all, I also know that crazy woman. She has no patience and is very irritable. There is no sweetness for a while. Maybe I feel so bored that I can’t sit still, there might really be a big problem in Jingzhou.”

"That time bomb, if we don't deal with her, there will be risks at any time." She sighed. After all, she was going to Jingzhou. She would not be easy if something happened to Jingzhou, and she had been bullied by Xing Hanhan for many years. It would be nothing to endure it any longer.

"Okay." Wu Lang smiled. Planning is a matter of one aspect, and two people executing a secret plan with only two people together is one of the best ways to get closer to each other.

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