Negotiating with Po Meng is very simple. After all, her favorability is basically full, and as the only hope for the rise of Huangquan Sect, she basically responds to her requests.

And Po Meng was also surprised.

This guy Li Qingrou actually has such great potential, and she still hides it so deeply from herself.

However, only the clone flow can hide it from himself.

She immediately smiled.

What does it mean if the other party wants to hide his identity and kill Xing Hanhan?

Xing Hanhan's life doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

She laughed and said, "God behold our Holy Sect of Huangquan! Since there is a wizard like you who has opened up a new era, there is also a person with immortal talents from the old era, Li Gou and Li Qingrou!"

She held Li Qingrou's hand, looking like a loving mother, and said sadly: "It's really hard on you to be bullied by that guy Xing Hanhan all these years. I gave you such a mean name. Tell me what you want. Follow me." If we develop together with your uncle, it’s okay to go to Jingzhou.”


When Po Meng came up, she immediately smashed all the benefits, "Although your true spirit clones are divided into thousands of parts and spread all over the place, they can't communicate with each other, right? Even if you die outside, your body will not know."

"Take it."

When she came up, she backhanded a thousand Huangquan Sect disciple tokens and said gently: "Your avatar can communicate through the identity of a Huangquan Sect disciple, which makes up for the biggest flaw. If it is not enough, please tell me again."

After accepting a lot of benefits, Wu Lang guaranteed that Li Qingrou would be his helper, so Li Qingrou committed suicide and accompanied Wu Lang to be reincarnated in Jingzhou.

Jingzhou Imperial City.

In a palace, a baby was born into the world with a cry.


Babies grow rapidly into adults.

She then quickly stretched out her hand, wearing a snow-white dress and a shawl. After being neatly dressed, she transformed into a cold and classical beauty and walked out of the room.

"Welcome to Jingzhou."

Wu Lang showed a gentle smile.


She handed over the tea and sensed the air, "Jingzhou's spiritual energy has really revived, especially in Uncle Master's palace, the spiritual energy is extremely rich."

"Yes, Zhengchou has too many resources to spend, which is very wasteful." Wu Lang sat down with her and had a drink. "You come to Jingzhou, and you can help me spend some resources."

Li Qingrou's qualifications are among the best in the world, and coming to Jingzhou to help him is even more powerful than a tiger.

Now that I think about it, Jingzhou has gathered most of its forces, including two disciples, Mu Jiqiu, and even Li Qingrou.

What is developing outside is the Empress of the Yu Kingdom with the first test players in the endless sea of ​​suffering: Xing Hanhan.

and the eldest disciple Liu Ping.

As for Liu Ping, he absolutely cannot be recalled to Jingzhou. Just let him be his Dragon King outside, be low-browed and unlucky, and cause harm to the enemy everywhere.

"Jingzhou is a place where the times are reviving, and all kinds of geniuses naturally gather together." Li Qingrou didn't like to be polite, sitting on a chair and said coldly: "Then, how are we going to do it?"

Both men knew it.

Li Hairou.

This person is the real terror.

She has a bad temper, is impatient, and has a perverted personality. She also likes to do things, and her pleasure based on the pain of others is a typical traditional demonic character.

Such people are the most difficult to control.

Without plotting against her, without secretly dealing with her, she could stain the Jingzhou cultivation world with blood all by herself.

"I can prevent her from being bored in Jingzhou, fight with wits and courage, and feel like she has defeated me. However, this will only last a while, but not forever."

She is very rational, "As long as you don't reveal your true identity and deal with her, you will continue to consume her patience. This relaxation is only temporary."

"That's enough for a while." Wu Lang smiled deeply.

No matter how irritable, flammable or explosive she is, as long as she has some time to increase her favorability to over 50 points, she will be able to restrain her inner perversion for her friend.

She is so promiscuous now because she is not favorably liked enough.

This is the most realistic thing.

If someone is not familiar with you, why should they suppress their own character and give you face?


Wu Lang and Li Qingrou started to make plans and discuss the plan.

This also made Wu Lang sigh with emotion.

So many times before, he had been alone to resist the foreign enemies that invaded Jingzhou. Now this time he finally had allies and joined forces to resist the enemies.

Time passed to half a month later.

Under the blue sky.

Above the boundless waves, the Great Tribulation Emperor came with his husband in a carriage with the dragon pattern of time, breaking through the waves.

"Submit or die?"

Her voice was cold.

"We are willing to surrender."

The leader of the shark clan bowed his head and bowed slowly.

These great powers in the combined stage actually surrendered one after another.

There was a hint of fear in their brows.

The Wuji Bitter Sea is obviously their home, and they are extremely familiar with the ocean currents. Even the Tribulation Emperor would find it difficult to catch them hiding in the sea.

But this terrifying woman knows the endless sea of ​​suffering better than they do, and she will be found wherever she flees.

And soon, after dealing with the shark people along the coast of Jingzhou, she and Jing Tianzi also returned to the coast.

She slowly took Wu Lang's hand and said with a smile: "Husband, it has been more than a year since the coastal war in the Wuji Sea of ​​Bitterness was quelled."

Wu Lang was silent for a moment.

The ocean currents in this seasonless sea of ​​suffering do indeed take up a lot of time, but as more time passes, it is clear that you are accelerating our time.

Her battle is to accelerate time.

"This is not real time." Wu Lang said.

"Isn't this the time for us to be together?" She suddenly looked at herself and said, "Husband, you must keep your word."

"This is natural." Wu Lang nodded and could only touch her head and said softly.

Wu Lang seemed to understand why her character wanted to have fun.

The side effect of time stance is a long time, and only new things can bring her excitement.

"So, where are we going in the next year?" She smiled, "How about we go to the sky to have a look? Look for the legendary Dragon Island??"

She is someone who can't make up her mind.

"However, Dragon Island is not necessarily floating above us now, although in my opinion, those guys from the Dragon Clan are definitely coming to Jingzhou, and maybe they are already driving Dragon Island closer!"

"When they arrive, let's run."

"Dragon Emperor has reached the state of transcending the Great Perfection of Tribulation and the Supreme Emperor in the human world. Even the old emperor who was respected and injured before is probably no match for him."

Wu Lang was silent.

Everyone in the world comes to Jingzhou to mess with me.

You are also one of them.

And you, the ultimate top nuclear woman, are simply too fierce these days, pacifying difficult foreign enemies and pushing the giant squid.

This big boss helped develop Jingzhou, but he killed people indiscriminately, which was extremely comfortable.


She is the biggest hidden danger.

Such as in front of me.

"Then how about we go to the Yunwuyuan next?"

She suddenly laughed, and the cheerful man said: "We, husband and wife, went to attack that old emperor who probably only has a few years left to live. After attacking her, we sat in a carriage and cruised over the abyss of clouds and mist with his head hanging on it. To show off the majesty of our Jingzhou state?"

That would be fun for sure.

"The Demon Emperor is still unfathomable. At his peak, he was a mid-level emperor. His peak is estimated to be around the fifth level of Tribulation. He may die." Wu Lang frowned.

will die?

Wouldn't that be more exciting?

In her heart, she was looking forward to the excitement brought by this kind of death, and she was extremely bellicose. Even when she came to Jingzhou, she preached unscrupulously.

In this world, basically no one can kill her.

Even the old enemy Li Qingrou has clones all over the place and is difficult to kill. How could he be inferior to her?

It is precisely because of immortality and this kind of invincible loneliness that one can provoke and seek fun everywhere unscrupulously.

But she couldn't say that. In order to fit the character, she said coldly: "Don't worry, my husband, I am absolutely sure that I can win."

"Oh well."

Wu Lang had no choice but to follow her wishes.

She pretended at first because she thought it was new and interesting.

Now I am obviously impatient and feel bored, which is an extremely bad sign.

But she is still waiting for those three years. Although she uses her time stance to cover her surroundings, her normal coverage rate is not fast, that is, one day is used as five days.

In other words, in just over half a year, he would take her to find his true identity!

If she breaks the contract when the time comes, she will definitely go on a rampage and kill someone.

He glanced down.

Li Hairou favorability: 42

The influence of my "charm" is still not enough, so I have to continue to brush her and influence her subtly.

Soon, Wu Lang followed her closer to the Yunwu Abyss.

But Wu Lang has no real intention to enter the Yunwu Abyss. Killing the Demon Emperor, whether successful or not, will provoke the entire Yunwu Abyss. The Demon Emperors in other areas will send troops to Jingzhou.


Wu Lang and her landed in a coastal border city.

Wu Lang spent a few days cultivating here in the name of rest.

As for Li Hairou, walking on the street, it was no longer easy to speed up time, and she started dating with peace of mind, enjoying her husband's doting and tenderness towards her.

Huh? ?

She suddenly raised her brows and showed a half-smile.

"What's wrong?" Jing Tianzi fed her food with a spoon.

"No, it's okay, I suddenly remembered something interesting." She smiled.

And the other side.

A woman in a cloak was running away frantically, and the space kept flashing, fleeing towards the mountains in the distance, "That strange woman, found me!"


"Are you curious about who I am? Why did you come so close to your husband when I couldn't help but come after him?" A voice as cold as the abyss resounded through the other person's bones.


Under Li Herou's frightened look, her arm suddenly squirmed with flesh and blood, and a face grew, looking at her with a half-smile.

"Who are you? You are not our real body!! You are pretending to be your real body and getting close to your husband!" Li Herou's cold face finally showed a trace of panic, and she decisively cut off her arm with a grimace and threw it away.

She continued to jump through space.

"It's useless, the flesh spores are already parasitic."

Li Herou jumped crazily in space before landing in a mountain range.

Her belly started to squirm, and flesh and blood gradually grew. A pair of bloody arms stretched out, then a head, a torso, and a woman crawled out of her belly.

"Your body was almost killed by my move before."

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