I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 397 Baixiaomen was brutally beaten, Chi Huaqing went down to the next world to take revenge

Wu Lang began to wander around Liangzhou.

He never felt that the times could be driven by one person.

It takes countless geniuses and geniuses to stand on the shoulders of giants so that the road can continue to be extended and civilization can continue to advance.

But now, he wants to become the real mastermind behind the scenes, copying the perfect techniques developed by the evil cultivators and geniuses who appeared in these eras.

One by one, the one hundred gods in Wu Lang's body gradually became more knowledgeable, eagerly absorbing the heritage of each era.

And the entire Liangzhou gradually discovered this scene.

"This person seems to be a mortal, with average cultivation and very low foundation. He seems to be only at the sixth level of the integration stage, but he can have such a terrible record?"

"Yes, a look at his destiny shows that it is only at the level of an average purple color, even slightly weaker. It is the mysterious monsters surrounding him that give him such combat power."

They were not wrong. One hundred ordinary green fates were only as weak as Wu Lang, who had just traveled through the early stage.

But his soft rice level is high!

I am weak and I am acting like a petri dish for my destiny, but there are a hundred little gongju around me, which is enough to make someone cry.

But no matter what, the reputation gradually grew, and Wu Lang was too lazy to continue shopping.

Because it's boring.

so boring.

What kind of adventure, exploring secret places, fighting against the heroes of the world?

I walked around and tried it, but it was not as interesting as my overtime job.

Just like those tourists who started to travel with their girlfriends with great interest. After arriving at the scenic spots, they found that it was just like that, the same landscape buildings, the same cutting of leeks.

After shopping around for a while, I still hid at home and didn’t go out. I added Feizhai Happy Water and a network cable to take a peek and had fun.

He plans to go home.

With this time, I can raise one or two more green life patterns and turn them into purple ones.

His overtime addiction relapsed.

So, he planned to start stocking.

They are already mature natal magical powers, and they need to learn to leave their bodies and go out to upgrade and fight monsters!

"You were young before and didn't know common sense. Now I've taken you down the mountain for a walk and you understand how people are. Now I'll let you continue to practice. I feel relieved."

Wu Lang pretended to be serious.


They looked confused, and they went shopping, shopping, eating delicious food, and peeking at people's martial arts with their masters. It was such an interesting time.

But now, the master is gone?

"You guys have to work hard."

Wu Lang said seriously, "When you improve yourself, you will still be monsters! Let your [Destiny Evolution] sister help you turn purple into orange. I will give you a reward when you have a hundred oranges."


They were a little less angry now.

"Evil Buddha Emperor, I have called you back to the town."

"After the first battle with us in Liangzhou, there were no old monsters strong enough to protect you. A hundred of you are going to take down the younger generation of Liangzhou. Are you confident?"



A hundred goblins said.

"Very good." Wu Lang planned to let them out and conquer all nine states. "A hundred of you will be called Baixiao Clan!"

"Baixiaomen?" They were suddenly happy.


Wu Lang said: "As the ancestor emperor who created the era, I have no external disciples. And those disciples are all in the Demon Sect, and it is impossible to recognize them openly, so you just happen to be my disciples."

After drawing big cakes for them, Wu Lang returned to Daleiyin Temple.

He found that it was indeed comfortable to work overtime.

As expected of me!

He couldn't help but complain about his fate.

After working crazy overtime for 1,200 years, I didn’t get tired of it and vomited. After going out to relax for a few months, I regained my interest in working overtime.

I can add another five hundred years!

After all, if you are strong, you have to endure loneliness and loneliness.

The next few days.

After Wu Lang worked overtime every day to practice, he used the "telescope technique" to look at Liangzhou in the distance on the top floor of Daleiyin Temple and see their achievements.

The first battle was against the Demon Sect, Huapi Sect, which was already very famous in Kyushu.

I went to study for a while and came back with a full load.

The second battle is between the Demon Weaving Sect, and the Weaving Sect has entered the Demon Sect.

Still stealing lessons.

A monk came out and angrily scolded them for stealing their lessons. As a result, they held grudges and crushed each other's genius.

But as their reputation gradually grew, various factions in Kyushu also noticed this group of people from neighboring Jingzhou.

"Let me tell you, the emperor of Jingzhou is restless, how can he practice silently for hundreds of years? It turns out that he is raising disciples."

"One hundred disciples, inheriting one hundred of his magical powers, would be quite powerful, isn't Baixiao Sect?"

"But why are they all women?"

"Human Emperor Sect, I understand everything."

"Let's go and beat them!"

"Now that a hundred years have passed, the emperor of Jingzhou should have entered the period of transcending tribulation with the younger generation, right?"

"It's probably more than that! He is so cunning and cunning, and his cultivation speed is so fast, he may have reached the third or fourth level of tribulation!"

"It's conservative. With that person's character, he has to be a mid-level emperor, and then he pretends to be in the combined stage and continues fishing?"

People all over the world are discussing it enthusiastically.

Baixiaomen is popular!

Who doesn’t know the reputation of the Emperor of Jingzhou?

Everyone knows that there are one hundred of them, each corresponding to a great avenue.

But these one hundred people make all the geniuses jealous and want to compare with each other and become a touchstone. The other party always has its own system, which is the same as mine.

But the younger generation has basically fallen.

"Seventy battles, seventy victories!"

"Are they monsters?"

"They are so capable of learning. I don't know where they got them from. They get stronger as they fight. Is this the daughter of the Emperor of Jingzhou? Did she inherit his physique?"

"Phew! Who said the Emperor of Jingzhou can't have children? I'll beat him to death!"

"I don't know what secret technique he has, but I also want to have a family full of descendants."

Soon, after beating ordinary practitioners with imperial qualifications, they met a genius of the cultivation era who was at the seventh level of the integration stage.

This person was unknown before.

But now he showed his fangs.

This genius suddenly took action and chose women from the same system to fight, "I noticed that you have cultivated your own destiny. I will not deceive you if you have a single destiny. I will use one of my own to fight with one of yours."

After more than ten minutes of fighting.

This deity of heaven and earth was defeated, defeated by the same magical power.

Because she has a purple destiny magical power, but the opponent has a stronger purple destiny supernatural power, even close to orange intensity!

other side

There is immortal talent!

The opponent's destiny is stronger than your own, and your cultivation level is more perfect than your own, so you can't beat him.

"Here comes the next one."

The man said calmly, "I will take the second life and fight you. Everyone will follow the same path."

He pointed at one of them.

Another big battle.

He defeated another woman, "Next one."

After this day, a terrible news spread throughout the world:

"This man defeated thirty-seven and thirty-eight people in a row!"

Moreover, this person's reputation was not known before, but now the world knows that this hidden genius has terrifying combat power.

At the height of his fame, he was suddenly like Xi Ruming in the old days.

This person announced:

"My name is Su Lou. I was born in the forty-seventh year after Emperor Jing opened the era. At that time, there was a battle between Liangzhou and Jingzhou Zhengzheng. After that, I was accepted as a disciple by the Liangzhou sect and devoted myself to practice for more than a hundred years."

"Now, I am more than 150 years old and at the seventh level of the integration stage. I can only say that I am quite decent for a person with immortal qualifications."

"He, the Emperor of Jingzhou, is two hundred years old and is fifty or sixty years older than me. I'm afraid he has already entered the stage of transcending tribulation."

"The reason why I hide it is that this generation of young cultivators in Jiuzhou is rare and I can see them. All my life, I have only admired the Emperor of Jingzhou for opening up hundreds of paths for mortals. He can be called a selfless saint. That's why I fought with hundreds of people from Baixiao Clan."

He announces it to the world.

"These hundreds of people are worthy of my attention. They each cultivate their own lineage. They are quite interesting. Their potential is indeed impressive."

"One day, when I enter the Tribulation Stage, I can fight with the Emperor of Jingzhou on the same level to see the heritage of this sage."

Su Lou thought.

The young man who led a hundred of them to train before was so weak in the integration stage and had a weak destiny in his body. Naturally, he was not the emperor of Jingzhou, but just a minister of Jingzhou.

The emperor of Jingzhou must have entered the period of transcending tribulation, so he hoped to continue practicing and fight against it.

"It's quite impressive."

Wu Lang looked at the battle and felt dumb in his heart, "After all, if they have the same purple destiny, there will naturally be people in the world who are stronger than them. It would be a good thing to weaken their spirit."

He continued to practice.

A few more years passed.

It was reported that a hidden immortal gifted genius was born and began to challenge Baixiao Sect.

This is a leader of the Beggar Clan. His begging skills are unparalleled and his practice is weird. A big bowl, not only begging for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also begging for the other party's magical powers and slashes to be integrated into the body.

He claimed to have transformed into a new physique:

"Ten Thousand Demonic Body."

He alone only defeated thirteen people from Baixiao Clan, and his combat power was equally astonishing.

"I have immortal talents, but I'm not as good as Su Lou!"

He left sadly.

Soon, this attack on Baixiao Sect has become a craze all over the world.

Countless hidden monsters with immortal talents have been born one after another, in order to prove their combat power and prove how many female disciples they can string together to rank their combat power.

Some even secretly claimed:

The founder emperor of Bai Xiao Sage has now entered the period of transcending tribulation.

He is proficient in hundreds of fields. If he were to fight at the same level as him, he would at least defeat a hundred of his Baixiao Sect disciples who each inherited one method.

Only a group of one hundred people are qualified to fight at the same level!

As soon as this news came out, many people recognized it.

After all, the Emperor of Jingzhou ushered in an era for them. Now that everyone practices his method, they naturally develop awe and respect, which increases the opponent's combat power infinitely!

Wu Lang, who was still fishing on the sixth level of the integration stage, ignored the speculations about him from the younger generation in the world and those with higher realms than him. He had not improved his realm for more than a hundred years.

At this time, something big happened in the Great Leiyin Temple.


The time and space artifact of the Great Thunder Sound Temple is slowly fluctuating.

Wu Lang felt as if something was trying to come out. When he looked inside, he saw that it was his senior brother Chi Huaqing who had disappeared for a long time.

"Isn't this animal in the Thirty-three Heavenly Realm? Why did it escape from my hometown of Great Leiyin Temple?"

at this time.

Chi Huaqing felt happy.

"I'm finally down."

"They all know that entering this jade dish of creation is a one-way door, and there is no return. But how could my father not be prepared when he was alive?"

"Without preparation, how could you possibly go there to seduce people?"

"In the Great Leiyin Temple, there was another small half of the space artifacts in prehistoric times, which were left in the fairy world as a backup. Through the space artifacts there, we can open up the space artifacts in the present world."

"The space tunnel can transcend time."

Time, space, life, the three strongest rules of the Three Thousand Avenues, can interfere with each other.

"The jade plate of creation is the entrance to the fairy world, and the Great Leiyin Temple is the exit to the fairy world."

His expression was peaceful, showing a hint of solemnity and bitterness.

"It's been three thousand years. It's been three thousand years. I had bad luck when I entered. I fell into a demon gate and suffered all the humiliation. In order to hide my identity, those evil women used me as a cauldron to destroy my Taoism. I suffered all the humiliation. This time I The lower realm is the only hope!”

He couldn't help but feel sick when he thought of the humiliation he had suffered.

He was once the number one immortal in the younger generation of Kyushu, and his father was the number one person in the Demon Sect. He was a descendant of the ancient Buddha, but he ended up like this.

"Now, the Evil Buddha Emperor is still guarding the gate, right? I can negotiate with him and let me refine this place. I wonder if the underworld in the outside world is almost completed?"

Killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Po Meng.

The Lord of the Seventh Peak.

It was precisely because of these two people that he was unprepared and forced to escape. As a result, he fell into the hands of a group of demons and was tortured for thousands of years. This revenge must be avenged.

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