I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 398 The Terrifying and Cruel Emperor of Heaven

Wu Lang noticed it, and so did Xiao Yuer, who was working next to him.

She put down the Jingzhou office documents and turned around to look, "Husband, why is there a person in this space artifact from the Great Leiyin Temple?"

She stood up, walked slowly over, and lay down on it to watch the monkeys:

"Why does this person appear in the core of my Great Thunder Sound Temple?"

In the space tunnel inside, a handsome young man seems to be constantly studying, soaring in the void, as if he is about to enter here.

However, this man was extremely handsome, and for some reason, his face was a little pale.

He looked a little weak and weak, as if his body had been drained dry.

Ah this? ?

Wu Lang couldn't laugh or cry.

Who knows why he showed up here? ?

This is already my home!

Just like in the landscape painting in my living room, someone suddenly knocked on the wall.

Horrifying ghost story.

"Chi Huaqing" Wu Lang touched his nose and shook him directly.

Po Meng, the Evil Buddha Emperor.

Li Yurou, Li Qingrou.

after awhile.

Mrs. Meng and the two girls came directly through Huangquan Road.

The Evil Buddha Emperor was also in Liangzhou next door, protecting the Taoism of a hundred girls, and he came very quickly.

"We are trying to make a breakthrough recently. What are we going to do?" The two women frowned slightly. They have not been looking for them for a hundred years.

This scumbag.

If you have something to do, go to them to get together, and if you don't have anything to do, ignore them.

"Yeah, why?"

Evil Buddha Emperor also showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

This is treating him as a tool!

Just now, he was guarding the road for the younger generation in Liangzhou and protecting those 100 people, and now he was suddenly called back to work overtime.

"Look there!" Wu Lang said.

When several people saw it, they suddenly looked strange.

Why did this guy come out of his own home?

They also walked up to watch the monkeys together.

"Nine times out of ten, it's the back-up man left by the previous generation of Huangquan Cult Master in the Great Leiyin Temple."

Wu Lang was the first to speak, and said honestly: "Master Huangquan wants to sneak into the fairy world. It is definitely not that he will never return, but that he is prepared to have a way back."

The way back is obviously the Great Leiyin Temple!

Although this space fragment artifact is not complete, it seems that it can open up the prehistoric Great Leiyin Temple?

"Evil Buddha Emperor, go and trick him." Wu Lang stretched out his hand and waved, "Pretend to be like before, there is no owner of the Great Leiyin Temple, and you guard the door and compete with the Emperor of Jingzhou in a battle of wits and courage."


All the office items in the entire Greater Leiyin Temple were put into the space ring by Wu Lang, and the place was restored to its original state, turning into the ruins of the previous restricted area.

This place was restored to the way it was before it was occupied by me.

"Hahaha, I have been acted in hundreds of episodes of "Prison Academy" by your underworld disciples. I am a professional." Evil Buddha Emperor laughed strangely in his heart and immediately began to pretend to guard the gate.

Recently, accompanying those one hundred women to practice in Liangzhou?

He's going crazy!

He was chirping and jumping like a hundred ducks. He was the Evil Buddha Emperor, a man who had just been upright, but he had to be cared for like a child.

What a shame!

It’s okay for you, the Emperor of Jingzhou, to treat me as a mount. You haven’t ridden a few times anyway, so it’s too much to ask me to help you raise your children.

But now, it's finally my turn to show off!

Let him see what a real villain is.


On the other end, after groping for a while, Chi Huaqing looked a little weird, "Finally got through and returned to the real world."

But he didn't know that Daleiyin Temple had already been refined.

He can only come in after Wu Lang lets him in.

Tap tap tap!

When he stepped into the Great Leiyin Temple, he looked at the deserted top floor, and then looked around at the main Buddha hall next door. A row of corpses of immortal Buddhas were sitting on the hall, emitting an immortal aura.

"Exactly the same as before."

Chi Huaqing slowly opened the door.

But when they saw the Evil Buddha Emperor, he was still drinking tea at the door, suppressing the outside to prevent the Emperor of Jingzhou from entering.

When Evil Buddha Emperor saw him, he was shocked and said, "How did you get out of the door? I was obviously guarding the door!"


Chi Huaqing pretended to be mysterious and sneered, "Do you know who I am?"

"You are Chi Huaqing, the first peak master of Huangquan Sect."

The Evil Buddha Emperor pretended to think for a moment, then suddenly reacted and asked curiously: "Didn't the outside world say that you defected to the Huangquan Sect? Why are you here?"

"I said, I came down from the fairy world, do you believe it?" Chi Huaqing looked neither happy nor sad. He stretched out his finger and the fairy energy suddenly emerged.

"Immortal energy? You!! Have you become an immortal??"

The Evil Buddha Emperor was shocked and took a few steps back. This was not an act, he was really scared. Under the immortals, all are ants.

Seeing that the other party didn't want to take action, Evil Buddha Emperor couldn't help but said: "Could it be that you disappeared in the Immortal Ruins restricted area a hundred years ago and found the jade dish of creation in the Immortal Ruins and ascended to the Immortal World."

"That's right! Now in the lower realm, I have a big plan." He said lightly: "I have established a force in the immortal world for thousands of years, with a solid foundation."

Only you know your own affairs.

His qualifications are incredible, and if he meets a good sect, he will definitely be a core disciple.

Unfortunately, as soon as he entered, everyone scattered around. He didn't know the other seniors of Huangquan Sect. When he came up, he met a group of women using him to practice magic skills.

The higher his qualifications, the happier they will be.

He was drained to the point of becoming emaciated and emaciated, and he was completely ruined. He was eventually sold to work as a fairy stone miner. After finally escaping, he did establish a small force with two or three kittens.

And the other side.

Wu Lang, Xiao Yu'er, and Po Meng were watching in secret.

"He became an immortal?" Wu Lang was shocked.

"Tsk, it's just a mysterious immortal." Po Meng sneered, "It corresponds to the realm of the Perfect Emperor."

Po Meng introduced.

In the old days, there was no need to break through to the Perfect Emperor or transcend the ninth level of tribulation before one could ascend and become an Earth Immortal.

And the perfect emperor? Normal monks will not have a breakthrough, just like Perfect Foundation Establishment breaks through the golden elixir, the emperor on earth corresponds to the mysterious immortal in heaven.

There are five immortal realms.

Earth Immortal, transcending the ninth level of calamity.

Xuanxian, overcame the tribulation and forcibly broke through to perfection, and reached the tenth level of perfection to reach the emperor.


Golden fairy.

Da Luo.

When Wu Lang heard this, he immediately understood.

This guy is most likely bragging.

It is estimated that he spent several thousand years in the immortal world before he reached the level of emperor. With his qualifications, practicing in the mortal world would not be so miserable.

He must have received a beating from society in the fairy world.

This is because I can't survive in the fairy world, so I came back to look for face.

Po Meng patiently explained: "Don't underestimate him! He is a Xuanxian, and although he corresponds to the Perfect Emperor, he has become an immortal and has transformed into an immortal body. The body is flowing with immortal energy, and the body of the Evil Buddha Emperor is spiritual energy. Far from his match."

"The two of us combined can't beat him." Feeling the opponent's terror, Li Qingju said: "He uses fairy energy, and we use spiritual energy."

Wu Lang frowned.

The difference between immortals and mortals is too great. No matter how useless the immortals are, they still use their immortal energy. Mortals are no match.

No wonder he dared to come down.

If you can't survive, going through the tribulation in the immortal world is equivalent to gold plating, and you will be a big shot when you return from overseas.

"But don't panic. If he is outside, an immortal has descended from the realm. The entire Kyushu will boil with fear! There is nothing we can do!"

"But here, you are the master. A mere Xuanxian was just a third-generation novice monk in the old Buddha. He still has a great chance to suppress him in your Great Leiyin Temple Immortal Treasure."

Po Meng's eyes flickered, thinking about how to make this "big brother".

Wu Lang suddenly looked weirder after hearing this.

As expected of a senior brother.

Experience baby.

He was going to be overthrown by him in all the nine states in the outside world, but he happened to show up at my house and threw himself into the trap. I can suppress him with the fairy treasure.

Could it be that this is the inertia of history?

The experience monster he had ran away before would eventually come back to give him experience.

And this time.

The Evil Buddha Emperor was also flustered, but he kept talking, "You're lying! How did you come down from the fairy world after you ascended to it?"

"It's very simple. There is also the Great Leiyin Temple in the immortal world."

"The Immortal World and the Great Thunder Sound Temple fell in later generations, but in the thirty-three days, neither the Immortal World nor the Great Thunder Sound Temple fell, but Buddhism was enslaved by the Emperor of Heaven."

"With the help of Fozi's bloodline, I got close to the space artifact fragments of the prehistoric Great Leiyin Temple, established a space channel, and opened the [space artifact fragments] from the past and the future, and then I can come down."

But the Evil Buddha Emperor quickly raised objections, "Impossible! In the fairy world, even if there are fragments of the space rules of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, how can it be possible for people to approach it at will? How can you get close?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chi Huaqing laughed loudly, "A summer insect cannot speak of ice, don't use your common sense, how can you measure the thirty-three days of being aloof?"

he said.

Thirty-three days, time is not continuous, as if it has been cut, and the time of each day has been deliberately divided.

It is the fairyland of the first, second and third days. Each day forms a cycle of its own and becomes a gap.

As a result, for thirty-three days, there was a fairy land every day.

Therefore, the geographical environment of the fairy world is the same every day, and there is also a Great Leiyin Temple, but the Buddhist disciples in it have already served the Emperor of Heaven.

There are thirty-two Da Leiyin Temples. Except for the last day - the thirty-third day, there is no Da Leiyin Temple. There are others.

Because on the thirty-third day, the last day of the existence of the fairy world, the war broke out. On this day, the Great Thunder Sound Temple fell to later generations and was no longer in prehistory.

This last day is also where the Emperor of Heaven lives, the place where the immortal world is finally destroyed, where time ends.


Structured like this.

The thirty-two Great Leiyin Temples tower into the clouds, each one is as tall as a continent, and they are all at the same position. They are gradually connected one by one into a column, piercing the thirty-third sky.

"Da Leiyin Temple is already the Pillar of Bearing Heaven!"

"The nine-story Leiyin Temple Pillar is the corridor that connects each other in the thirty-three heavenly world on each level! It carries the heaven and the earth! It is called the Leiyin Building Wood! Why can't I get closer?"

simply put.

that is:




this structure.

He said calmly, "Every day, countless monks use it to go back and forth in the thirty-three days! Every time you pass by, you can look at the ruins of the ancient Buddhist world and display the corpses of immortals and Buddhas inside, and drive the great thunder sound Temple!”

Listening to such an epic poem about the land of immortality and its landform structure, Evil Buddha Emperor was mesmerized!

The power of time, every day in the immortal world is an independent day. Just thinking about it, it is so beautiful and vast. The immortal world of the thirty-three days of eternity will always live in the past, the majestic ancient immortal god.

And Wu Lang listened.

Suddenly he frowned secretly.

This Emperor of Heaven is so cruel. Sure enough, I guessed him right.

He was born as a hunter in the wilderness tribal era. He was not elegant and liked to display his trophies the most, just like a hunter who hunts bears and hangs the bear skins at home.

The dragon robe is like this.

The Great Leiyin Temple was destroyed, and the ruins of the Great Leiyin Temple were used as up and down passages for the thirty-three days. The corpses of immortal Buddhas were used to drive the Great Leiyin Temple to provide the space power of the immortal world and facilitate the people.

The upper and lower passages are all crowded and viewed as an exhibition hall.

The Emperor of Heaven is truly terrifying!

Is that his former good brother, the best friend who created the era together, hanged up and whipped? Use the remains of immortal Buddhas to drive Leiyin Temple?

It can only be said that, just like the history of the earth, these heroes and most of the founding emperors also loved to kill heroes, kill donkeys, and kill all the civil and military officials in the dynasty.

The birds are all good and the bows are hidden, and the cunning rabbits are dead and being cooked by running dogs.

That's it.

"This Great Leiyin Temple has become the infrastructure of the fairy world."

At this time, Chi Huaqing sighed, but he was still showing off. In order to prove his power, he continued to say that the moon in foreign countries is very round, "Da Leiyin Temple has been turned into civilian use, allowing the monks to use the power of space to become teleporters." array"

"After all, how huge is this fairy world?"

"You have also seen the ruins of the Immortal Realm now. They are slightly larger than a continent. Thirty-three times the size? It is far from comparable to remote places like ours in Kyushu!"

"The vast land uses the fragments of the rules of the Great Thunder Sound Temple for the immortals to use and transmit, so that the news of the entire immortal world is not isolated!"

The space array, and even the six-passage magic weapon of the Great Leiyin Temple, monitors the earth. The power of this space makes his immortal world extremely prosperous and becomes a truly vast ancient immortal dynasty.

"Then you come down this time."

Evil Buddha Emperor hesitated.

"Huh, naturally I want to conquer Jiuzhou, regain the Huangquan Sect, become the master, establish the underworld, become a giant, and pursue the new position of Emperor of Heaven."

Chi Huaqing said calmly, "Evil Buddha Emperor, you are forced to guard this door. It is the Emperor of Jingzhou who has caused this. You cannot leave and can only wait to die."

"Why don't you follow me?" This was his plan. After traveling back to the present world, he would convince the Evil Buddha Emperor who was guarding the gate to become his first step in ruling the Nine Provinces!

When immortals come down to earth, they will definitely rule over the nine states.

I want Po Meng and Lord Seventh Peak to look good!

But he didn't know that in the short time since he ran away, the Great Leiyin Temple had already changed hands.

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