I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 409 Number of Destiny


Countless mana forces gathered together and attacked the throne.


These hundreds of earthly immortals, after being controlled by these three people, turned out to be extremely coordinated. They were as rigid and rigid as mechanical puppets. They all used their magic power to join forces to create a huge aggregation of Taoism.

"Don't be so presumptuous!"

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The four Xuanxian all resisted.

"Hmph! Holding the banner of justice and doing all kinds of bad things!"

Mu Jiqiu's face was as cold as frost as he walked out step by step.

She holds a long sword with murderous intent. It is a fairy treasure in the fairy world.

"You people! You are so ambitious! In essence, you just want to seize power and seize the power of the underworld! You are just trying to fight for the world! What you say is very righteous!"

This opened up all kinds of laws for the world, and the merits of the Emperor of Jingzhou were immeasurable, benefiting all people.

But he insists that he will definitely become the next cruel Emperor of Heaven. Isn’t this a typical accusation of rebellion?

The main reason is that the reputation of the Emperor of Jingzhou is so good!

People all over the world support him. To kill him, all he needs is a name!

Xu Xinying was also laughing and scolding loudly, saying: "This young generation of cultivators from Jiuzhou are secretly controlled by the three of you and used as cannon fodder! For such a dirty thing, if we let go of the minds of the monks in the world, let's see if they will surround Jingzhou. Emperor??"

If this is not controlled, anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is a mess.


Liu Ping also slowly said: "The ancestors of the past were also very meritorious and selfless. They were probably overthrown by such an evil emperor. Why bother to accuse them?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Today is the day to kill the corrupt emperor and open up a future for the world! History will record this moment!!"


The two sides fought together and collided wildly.

In constant fight.

The eyes of the Painted Skin Leader and the Weaver Girl Leader changed slightly, confirming each other's identity.

"Jingzhou Sword God Mu Jiqiu! Jingzhou Sword Tomb Xu Xinying, the younger generation plague god Dragon King from Liangzhou next door to Jingzhou, and a demon emperor from the Jingzhou Demon Kingdom??"

The way of the Emperor of Jingzhou is really wild!

The first two are okay, but the latter two have also become famous in recent years, and secretly they are the emperor of Jingzhou.

"Collude with the Demon Emperor, and still claim to be immortal?"

The young man carrying the big box looked like a passionate hero, shouting loudly, "I, Zhang Tianguan, will definitely overthrow you!"

All I can say is that this person is pretending well and is very shameless.


The two sides said no more.

The chilling aura spread out, numerous Taoist magics bloomed, and violent magic power filled the sky.

The four disciples of Wu Lang, each of whom had already broken through to the ninth level of the Xuan Immortal Peak, were fighting against this group of Earth Immortals in a vigorous manner.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This is so weird.

Logically speaking, four powerful veteran immortals holding immortal treasures, fighting this group of unarmed immortals who have just become enlightened and are not yet familiar with their own powers, isn't it like cleaning up?


They just resisted.

"It's a little weird, it's so weird, they were so successful, it was like fate quickly turned to their side."

On the throne, the young emperor with a leisurely expression ate the sweet pastries handed by the girl, looked at the war below, and said calmly:

"How could it be that simple for these hundreds of geniuses who just fought in a melee?"

"Each one of them has been burdened with destiny, big or small. Even in the middle of the battle, Huapi and Zhinv secretly used strange spells to attack and assassinate each of them. Then it was so easy to turn them all into puppets?"

"There are a total of 632 people. If it is a sudden attack, it is okay to control three to four hundred people, but how about controlling them all?"

"is it possible?"

"The success rate is less than one in ten thousand."

Wu Lang showed surprise and guessed: "But they succeeded, as if on the timeline of tens of thousands of fates, they were looking for an incredible way to kill me."

A hundred girls behind him listened silently, without saying a word, feeding snacks and beating their shoulders.

"This was a coincidence from before, you guys, look at the coincidence before you."

This young emperor looked down with deep eyes:

"Look, among my four disciples, which one is not extraordinary in combat power? Which one is not a heaven-defying figure? If you don't know their details, you will definitely suffer a big loss, but look at this encirclement and suppression army?"

Bai Nu from Baixiao Clan looked at it, her heart suddenly felt cold.

The gap between this realm system is so huge!

In this world where people are brave.

In the past, there was often a Xi Ruming who swept through hundreds of people in the Jingzhou martial arts arena, and the Evil Buddha Emperor swept through the entire battlefield of the Great Leiyin Temple for countless tribulation periods.

In front of me, not to mention the strength of these four absolutely suppressive Xuanxian, just one of them is enough to sweep across a battlefield according to common sense, destroying everything!

But at this time, the four of them were all stuck!

It’s like you are constantly loading files and starting over among countless failed routes. Choose the one that is most beneficial to you!

Weird and scary.

"This scene reminds me of the battle between the Underworld Cult Leaders."

At this time, Li Qingrou's voice was cold, and she suddenly smiled beside her:

"Back then, thousands of people surrounded and suppressed the leader of Huangquan, who was just a bunch of fish. Holding the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the leader of Huangquan directly drove other supreme emperors to the first peak because he knew that no one in the entire Kyushu could kill him. The Kyushu surrounded and suppressed him, He can kill all of Jiuzhou alone, he has this confidence."

"It's a pity that in that battle back then, he would never have imagined that he would lose to this group of fishes. How could those ants kill a tiger like him? Their chance of defeating the leader of Huangquan back then was less than one in ten thousand."

"But the situation of the battle has turned out to be one in ten thousand."

Her voice was cold.

Everyone seemed to recall the turning point in the fate of the Huangquan Sect.

Suddenly it died.

It was obviously so powerful that it spanned nine states and overwhelmed the world, but it died so easily. It was indeed strange.

"Hairou, what do you think?" Wu Lang opened his mouth with a smile and ate a pastry from the side.

Li Hairou smiled and said: "I heard a hundred years ago that the reason why the major monks in Kyushu at that time were able to find the location of Huangquan Sect for a surprise attack seemed to be that they obtained a mysterious magic weapon that could locate the leader of Huangquan Sect. "

"A magic weapon suddenly appeared. Who gave it to me? Is it a coincidence?" Wu Lang said with a smile.

"Coincidence, what a coincidence." Li Hairou smiled brightly.

Hundreds of goddesses broke out in cold sweat.

In this battle with the Underworld Cult Leader, it seems like a big hand that has never been seen is fiddling with the fate of the underworld, taking away the life of the Underworld Cult Leader?

That incredible peak leader, shocking the world, died at the hands of a group of Kyushu ants and useless people!

"Senior Po Meng, you said before that I was too cautious and took out four immortals from the immortal world to suppress these little guys in the mortal world. Now, is this still considered cautious?" Wu Lang's eyes flashed.

"You're smart, but you're not smart! You've already followed the old guy's footsteps!" Po Meng's expression was gloomy and extremely gloomy.

The death of the leader of Huangquan back then was indeed very strange!

How could she not know now?

Behind the young generation of these encirclement and suppression campaigns, there must be a bigger black hand, which has been dormant on the land of Kyushu, monitoring the mortal world.

"But, even if I am smart, no matter how smart I am"

Wu Lang exhaled slowly: "No matter how careful I am, it seems that they have broken through. That person hasn't shown up yet, and he doesn't even need to show up. These ants are going to kill me."

"This person is mysterious and has the power of time." Li Qingrou frowned.

Very likely.

He is the uncle of this heavenly princess, or an elder of a certain fairy royal family.

The Ancient Heavenly Emperor is a supervisor who remains in the mortal world.

"Now, they are surrounding and killing four earth-shattering Xuanxian disciples. They are being forcibly delayed. They are like being trapped in a quagmire. They will be slowly consumed to death."

Wu Lang smiled slightly and looked weird, "I never thought that one day I would be defeated by the weak and the strong would be defeated, and a miracle would be created."

This is frustrating.

It was so frustrating.

The disciples who have worked so hard to raise are not allowed to show up often, just to hide their fate and trump cards.

The battle between the strong is about the mysterious trump card, to see who has more tricks!

But what about now?

After hiding it for so long, the sword had just come out of the body and was exposed before it could be used.

Which of these people doesn't have earth-shattering trump cards?

The real first battle was so uncomfortable that they were being targeted crazily. Every one of their trump cards seemed to be known.

"How about the two of us take action?"

Li Qingrou frowned slightly and said: "The two of us combined, plus the four mysterious immortals, should be able to easily destroy these people."

"Don't worry, how did you know they were unprepared?" Wu Lang shook his head and asked.

Who knows if the combined empress will perform the miracles they were prepared for after her death?

After all, it only lasts for more than ten seconds.

It is not impossible to restrain and hide.

And even if it fails.

The other party also has a mysterious method of peeking into the future or restarting the past.

As long as the winning rate is not absolutely 0%, even if it is 0.0001%, the opponent may fluctuate his fate to that timeline.

From this perspective, bringing two people together is a trap.

Hasten your own death.

Wu Lang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this seemed to be a dead end.

The death of the leader of Huangquan was not unjust.

The ancient Emperor of Heaven not only sealed the princess, but also released an old yin dog to secretly plot against the mortal world.

"Adjust the order."

Wu Lang looked down and said, "Let the four of them get off the field. After all, they will be exhausted if they are dragged along. You two don't need to play. I'm here to meet the younger generation of this world."


Li Qingrou and Li Hairou were surprised.

Don't quite believe it.

You are now on the first level of transcending tribulation and becoming an immortal, which is the weakest level of Earth Immortal.

And those hundreds of people are still generally at the third or fourth level of the Tribulation Stage. Everyone is higher than you. How can you fight them alone?

One person jumps over the level and fights hundreds of people?

Even four disciples who are far higher than you are being madly targeted by them.

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