I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 410 An old enemy appears

"That time bug hiding in the dark, do you think he is invincible?" Wu Lang was speechless and slowly stood up from the throne, his expression extremely calm.

"Is not it?"

Li Yurou's eyes widened.

The so-called victory or defeat is influenced by too many factors.

It's not about good talent or strong combat power, it's purely about panel data, it's a turn-based system where you punch me and you punch me.

The factors of victory and defeat cover all aspects, including the current fighting mentality, mutual restraint techniques, knowing the opponent's details, and predicting the next move.

And what’s the winning or losing factor in all of this?

The opponent can completely crush them all with one method:

See through destiny and travel between your past and future.

The power of time is the greatest weapon in the world. As long as the probability of occurrence is not zero, time will turn any low-probability event into an inevitable event.

As long as you can lose, you will definitely lose!


Wu Lang stood up and showed a strange smile: "I am invincible. You just need to eat and drink well. Watch me kill hundreds of them, just like killing chickens."

He stepped down from the throne step by step.

Suddenly, he realized in his heart that this was the first battle in which he really used his skills, the first battle in the mountain.

"You four, come back."


The four Xuanxian disciples hesitated for a moment, but obeyed their master's order and returned directly.

And some of them looked slightly aside, and they were inexplicably weird: "Master took action, but he didn't even take the one hundred concubines with him?"

"Or is it that the destiny in the body is enough now??"

They hesitated and looked down silently.

Although the master is well-informed and has a stable character, and he must know the gap in combat power between the enemy and ourselves before taking action, this is too much.

Wu Lang stepped forward step by step, standing in the void, looking at the three leaders, "If you want me to come, I will come."

"You took action personally? According to the general routine, don't you take action last?"

Zhang Tianguan raised his eyebrows and said, "You two, he didn't let the two empresses take action. He took action himself. There must be some conspiracy, so be careful."

Wu Lang looked at the army of hundreds of people.

He waved the sleeves of his robe:



Everyone didn't say much and just took action angrily.

The terrifying and violent power was rapidly aroused, and countless people surrounded and suppressed him alone.

The majestic and vast Taoism comes from all directions.

The Emperor of Jingzhou was like a fish swimming lightly, walking in the void, constantly stretching out his fingers and palms to push away these various Taoist techniques, as if he had seen through everyone's attacks.

In an instant, everyone felt a natural and peerless beauty, as if they were seeing the way of heaven and the three thousand avenues.


In an instant, this thought came to everyone's mind.

They who practice his way in the world are all one of his hundreds of fields, and all their trump cards are also transparent.

All their moves have been seen through.

"the first person."


As if he was wandering among the flowers, not a single leaf touching him, he gently laid down a young saint and turned around again.

"The second person, the third person."

The encircled and suppressed Holy Sons fell one after another like bone tiles.

"How can it be!!"

Weaver Girl and Huapi stared wide-eyed.

These four powerful immortals with great cultivation levels can crush them, and everyone can pull them away. Hundreds of people can restrain one, and the weak can defeat the strong.

But now the Earth Immortal, whose realm is lower than theirs, is defeated by the weak and the strong?

This is simply out of common sense.

The two women quickly contacted the mysterious man:

"Senior, as promised, we can win by following your command!"

These two people were indeed very strong in cultivation, but they were not that exaggerated.

It was this mysterious man who contacted them and helped them practice. Among the countless fate lines, he glimpsed the puppet technique that was most suitable for them, and found the strongest version of themselves on the timeline.

Then, the two of them used this most powerful spell to find the one in tens of thousands of captives on this battlefield in countless fates.

Driving straight all the way, it seems like there is nothing you can't do.

But, what’s happening in front of me?

The voice on the other side was also filled with madness and uncertainty: "This is impossible! The fate I see seems to have another person, competing with me for the future trajectory! He is also calculating!"

"Is he calculating?"

"Yes, he restrains me! His fate restrains me too much! I go to the future myself, and he is calculating the future!"

Before the two women had time to think too much, they saw each other casually knocking down the saints of various factions who had been enslaved by puppets one after another.

The posture is elegant, as if the road is alive.


The next second, with their mouths agape, they broke through the defense line of hundreds of people, came straight forward, and took the heads of two people.

"Is this the greatest saint of our time?? The monster who opened up hundreds of paths in the world?" The two people were so frightened that their brains suddenly buzzed.

They are the "Queens" who chose the Taoism of the Puppet System in order to control so many geniuses, and their own combat power is extremely weak.

"It's just a bunch of trash fish you used."

The punch hit one of them in front of the brain, and at the same time, a horrifying sound sounded in their heads.

"The so-called direction of destiny is, in a sense, nothing more than probability. The odds of winning in countless directions. He uses time to spy on destiny, and I use knowledge to spy on destiny."

"He found that probability, and I also found it."

The terrifying pressure swept down and hit the heads of the two women:

"And this group of manipulated trash, without the peeps of fate, is just hundreds of local dogs. It is easy to defeat them one by one."


The next second.

These two people pulled countless geniuses and saints in front of them, and they flew out upside down.


The Emperor of Jingzhou turned around, ignoring the two women who flew out, and looked into the void with a calm expression, "Are you here? I caught you, little mouse."


He stepped on the void.

Arriving in an instant.

An old man of the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal was torn out from his body, spitting out blood.


"You're not good at fighting. Reset the past. So that's it?" Wu Lang reached out and shook his head, "You didn't even resist?"


As the mastermind behind the scenes, this old man suddenly sneered and said: "It's useless. I am the inspector of the ancient immortal world, monitoring the mortal world. If you kill me, I will live again in the past. I am immortal."

"That's a bit outrageous." The Emperor of Jingzhou pondered.

Kill and go back to the past?

Are you the legendary rebirth protagonist?

He laughed loudly: "You catch me now! Time will be restarted. Back to ten minutes ago, I will know that you will catch me here, and I will set a trap to ambush you."

"Oh?" Wu Lang opened his eyes wide and was very curious: "Then why don't you be reborn and see if you and these two women can win?"

The next second.


Time fluctuates slightly.




Time fluctuates slightly.



The expression of the old man in his hand gradually stiffened.

Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times!

His magic power is not enough, but the Emperor of Heaven left him enough information, and he can extract the power of time from the entire ocean of time in the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Travel through time and go back to the past!

Infinite restarts.

But after being beaten to death for the 370th time, he was already breaking out in cold sweat and his eyes were filled with fear.

"Monster, how could you do that, monster???" He seemed to have seen the most terrifying monster in the world. More than three hundred times, he had seen a truly invincible monster.

"How is it possible? How is it possible!! No matter how many times it is restarted, the probability of those two women using these hundreds of puppets to kill you in any way is .0%."

"it is as expected."

The Emperor of Jingzhou nodded, not surprised at all, and said thoughtfully:

"The reason why you can defeat the strong with the weak is because the four of them have shortcomings, flaws, and weaknesses. But I have no shortcomings, no flaws. The hexagonal warrior can deal with any weird means. You can beat me at the same level. The probability is naturally 0%."

The other party's eyes widened and his expression changed drastically.

"The black hand who killed the leader of Huangquan? That's all."

The light in Wu Lang's hand surged, gradually evolving into a long knife, and he said slowly: "First level of Earth Immortal, how about cutting off your head and locking it up?"

"This farce in this world is over."

He shook his head slowly, and sighed as he shook his head:

"You, the younger generation, are already very powerful, brilliant and brilliant. You are showing off your magical powers. You are a proud figure who is respected in the past and today."

"To be able to achieve this level this time, to be able to defeat less than 1% of my strength, is enough to do your best."

His eyes flashed with admiration, and he was very pleased with this era.

As expected, senior brother Chi Huaqing worked very hard.

He actually raised hundreds of geniuses. Although most of them have earthly immortal qualifications, they are also respected immortals, which is enough to increase their foundation.

He was just about to take action and seal this person, but the next second.


A cold light illuminates the heaven and earth.

The young man carrying a big box opened the box with his fingers, and countless weapons appeared together. The long dragon of hundreds of weapons turned into a torrent of steel bars, blocked in front of Wu Lang, and swept away the head.


Wu Lang could have stopped him, but he didn't.

Because it is meaningless, this inspector can go back to the past at will and cannot be killed.

This person is somewhat difficult to deal with.

Otherwise, the Emperor of Heaven would not have left this person to monitor Jiuzhou, and the leader of Huangquan would not have been plotted to death by him.

"Are you finally willing to take action? Are you starting to pay attention to the old man who controls two good-for-nothing women?"

Jing Tianzi stood there and turned around, the light in his eyes skyrocketed, he strode over to the young man, and looked at him openly, "I thought your destiny was very strange from the beginning, you can also absorb the destiny? "

He suddenly remembered a similar fate pattern from his previous life. The opponent's fate pattern was like a thousand white attack grooves.

Are these various magical powers that attack fate refined into weapons by him?

Could it be related to the second destiny?

My second destiny is to become a mother, and his second destiny is to become a weapon?

It's just that he is not enlightened. After turning into a weapon, he has no spiritual intelligence, but he can still be kept outside the body and given to other monks for training? Or even absorb similar fates from other monks?

"Old man, help those two losers. No matter how many miscellaneous fish there are, they are still waste. The greatest strength is the power of one person."

Zhang Tianguan reached out and held the unkillable old man with one hand. He would be in trouble if he was sealed. He turned to look at the Emperor of Jingzhou and said calmly: "Thousands of opportunities are my destiny."

"Thousands of opportunities?" Wu Lang smiled and looked at his weapons, "Swallowing every fate and evolving into weapons and magic weapons?"

Such is destiny!

One by one, the innate gods of heaven and earth opened up the great world.

Innate magic weapons from heaven and earth continue to arrive one after another.

"Did you discover it?"

"The way of heaven has its own destiny."

"We are just like those two women, sworn enemies. We are born to devour and make up for each other, one in a billion."

He flicked his finger.


A thousand destiny weapons surrounded him, all of them were purple destiny weapons. He solemnly said: "There will be a battle between you and me, and the winner can usher in an era."

"This is a gift and recognition of destiny, and it is also a test." He said softly, "You and I are a battle of fate."

"And I am the master of war and good at conquest. You are the master of non-war and good at teaching the law. I am the real king. Destiny allows me to become the real emperor of heaven. You are the human ancestor who can only lay the foundation."

"I see."

Wu Lang stretched out his hand and asked, "Where is Xu Xinying?"

Zhang Tianguan's mind was buzzing and he didn't have time to react.

"I'm here."

Xu Xinying seemed to have seen a big treasure, her eyes shining crazily.

"Go and meet my destined enemy for a while." After fighting for a while, he sat down again quietly and looked at Zhang Tianguan with interest.

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