I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 411 The real trump card

Zhang Tianguan was stunned.

"Good guy, let me meet you for a while!"

Xu Xinying immediately started chasing them, her eyes glowing as she looked at the thousand weapons.

Zhang Tianguan instinctively used the magic weapon to wave, and countless magic weapons bombarded her body. However, he saw this woman's expression red and excited, and her face was full of happiness.

"Emperor Jingzhou, why do you let this kind of person??"

He was furious.

The old enemies who were agreed upon are attracted to each other by destiny, and a fateful showdown will take place? How did you let this damn thing out? ?

far away.

Wu Lang sat back again and smiled at Li Qingrou next to him: "This is called one thing subduing another, and the technique is restrained."

Is Xu Xinying weak?

Not weak!

If it weren't for those animals, through trial and error of constantly loading files, they finally knew how to control this "human shield" and not kill her remaining health, she would have been helpless.

After all, she has to be beaten to gain energy, so if she keeps pulling and kiting her, she is ultimately a human shield berserker, so there is really no way around it.

And Xu Xinying, who was being pulled and hung by hundreds of people, could finally let out a sigh of relief and defeat a certain weapons expert!

And are the remaining three Xuanxian disciples weak?

Not weak either.

If Wu Lang were to challenge them in a duel, he might not be able to defeat these monster disciples given that his current body does not have a "Bai Zi" destiny.

After all, they were carefully raised.

I am only at the first level of the Earth Immortal, and they are at the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal. Their realms are still too different.

All I can say is that they must restrain each other.

I, Bai Xiao, can really defeat these hundreds of talented puppet legions who practice my own Taoism. I keep reading files and give you 10,000 tests, and the winning rate is 0.

"How come there are thousands of this man?"

At this time, Li Hairou's face was full of curiosity, "Isn't this ten times more destiny than yours?"

"He has a thousand whites gathered together, and I have a hundred greens gathered together. My starting point is higher, but now he seems to be able to release it and improve his destiny."

Wu Lang thought for a while, "Also, he looks very strong, but in fact he is quite single. He only has a thousand attack points. It's too extreme. Otherwise, he wouldn't be defeated by someone. He's not as good as a hundred of my quality." , a fairly balanced hexagonal warrior.”

He is Qianzhan and he is Baixiao. Generally speaking, they have their own merits and belong to the same level.

"But when you think about it, destiny is interesting."

Wu Lang thought deeply: "I opened up the world and shouldered the destiny. This is a great test and a reward!"

far away.

Zhang Tianguan was too restrained, and his restraint was extremely miserable.

This cultivation method is now divided into two categories, combat techniques and non-combat techniques.

Take the fight into your own hands.

The emperor of Jingzhou mastered non-combat.

And what about the thousands of combat cultivation and destiny magical powers that I have mastered?

Xu Xinying had been beaten all over the place for hundreds of years. The attacks of these powerful cultivators had basically slashed Xu Xinying.

People have already become resistant!

In addition, the opponent is the ninth level of Xuanxian Dzogchen, one big realm ahead of him, and his Dharma is more powerful and profound than his own. How can he fight this?

Normally at the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal, he could really kill someone beyond his level, but this...

Blood grams.

It’s just ridiculous!

"Damn it! Damn it, how could there be such a crazy woman in this world??" He was furious.

He slashed many times in succession.

There are a thousand weapons, and one cut is a thousand cuts.

I thought she would be unable to bear it any time soon, but who would have thought that it took 700,000 cuts to kill her before she started to lose any blood.

"Ah! I'm going to die!"

Xu Xinying's remaining blood began to scream, "It hurts, it hurts!!"

Do you dare to be more exaggerated?

But Zhang Tianguan was angry and laughed, how could I be fooled by you? ?

This is a lie. Let’s continue to attack her!

Who doesn't know that the residual blood is just the beginning for her, she has just entered the state.

He was suddenly shocked and angry, "According to this ratio, I can't even beat her to death. Old man, this Jingzhou Emperor is immoral and refuses to give me a fair fight. What should I do?"

He noticed that the other party had hundreds of purple fates in his body, which were obviously developing ten times faster than his own, but none of them were orange?

Does he live his life like a dog?

He was born nearly a hundred years younger than him, and now he has a thousand purple fates. His adventures are terrifying, and his growth rate is faster than him. He is a sure winner.

"There's no way."

At this time, the inspector in the body spoke and said in a deep voice: "I went back to the past seven times and assisted you in trying various methods, but I couldn't defeat her. I chopped her up to 17.2 million knives, but still... A dying look."


Xu Xinying screamed, chasing the opponent and crushing him: "I'm going to die!"

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Tianguan's arrogance gradually disappeared. The Jingzhou Emperor was indeed a monster, and it would not be easy to overthrow him.

There are too many people protecting him.

He himself is strong.

"We can only ask for foreign help. Let's ask those two women to die first and re-encourage their almost crippled puppets."


"It's no use. I've tried it seven times! Every time this madman asks the two women over there for help to contain Xu Xinying again, he goes over there to kill those two women without giving us an opportunity to exchange opponents."

"Damn it!"

Zhang Tianguan gritted his teeth and said: "The Emperor of Jingzhou is simply not a human being!"

The old man's heart kept sinking, "Let's go to the other side to the Imperial battlefield, where the veteran cultivators are, and see if we can encourage them to help deal with the Emperor of Jingzhou."


Immediately came another message.

"I have come back from the future. I am useful and can barely spare my fighting power. The three major demon sects including the Lord of Shitian Palace, as well as some righteous people, are also willing to kill the Emperor of Jingzhou with us first."

"The good and evil of the older generation are willing to work together to eradicate this Jingzhou emperor? Great! He deserves to make the world angry, and everyone regards him as a thorn in their side. Then why are you back? Did you lose?"

The old man said: "The odds of winning are not that great. Most of the good and evil parties are willing to join forces, but the Emperor of Jingzhou has his own strength. The Human Emperor Sect and the Buddhist Sect are all on his side! We still win for him!"

"What should we do?" Zhang Tiandao was a little desperate.

The old man sighed and frowned: "I can't help it. The odds of winning are always so far away! The four great immortals are not a problem. Each of them has shortcomings and weaknesses. When it comes to targeting them, as long as there is a slight chance, I can win. "

"This fused empress is not a problem! Their fusion time is very short. I have already prepared a one-time space magic weapon. I can predict when they will fuse, and leave as soon as they fuse! Wait for the other party to be exhausted before coming back. Not afraid at all!”

"It's a pity, mainly because of Emperor Jing." The old man sighed.

Zhang Tianguan was silent, watching this delicate battle situation.

It's so difficult!

This Tian Ji is a horse racer.

He could deal with the Emperor of Jingzhou, but unfortunately, he let Xu Xinying go.

But Xu Xinying can deal with others.

This has created a delicate balance.

"If you still have a chance, you can be reborn countless times and live again! You can definitely win!" Zhang Tianguan encouraged.

"I'm not afraid of that." The old man said sternly, "Back then, the siege and killing of the leader of the Underworld Religion was repeated quite a lot. I'll give it another try."


Time keeps turning back and restarting.

The old man is completely old and getting older.

His return to time was not without cost, and the endless time he spent traveling through time and rebirth was counted as part of his lifespan.

This is also the reason why he rarely wakes up from his deep sleep to this day. His life span is too precious.

But now, he has put aside everything and returned madly, vowing to find the strongest way to defeat the opponent.

If you can't find it in the underworld, go to Kyushu to look for it.

Go to the Xianxu restricted area to find it, and go to other secret realms to find it.

Endless reincarnation, endless transcendence, he tried the impossible again and again, and his lifespan became older and older, looking for a way to defeat this big devil.

Kyushu cannot fall into the hands of this person.

For the Emperor of Heaven!

This person must not be allowed to rule the mortal world.

And this time.

"Hahahaha, I finally found a way to defeat him, the Emperor of Jingzhou!" The old man laughed wildly, with a free and easy expression on his face.

"What is the solution?" Zhang Tianguan asked curiously.

"The solution is far away but right in front of you. It's those Huangquan Sect disciples who are watching, looking like they are eating strange snacks." The old man said.

"Them? These losers?" Zhang Tianguan frowned.

far away.

"Oh, that's great. We really can't do it." A player smiled bitterly and ate melon seeds. "I've died seventeen times. I guess I'm completely useless."

"There is nothing we can do. Our team of five has tried our best. Cry, cry, cry." Someone was holding a bucket for the whole family.

"Yeah, I can only watch this CG cutscene." Someone looked sad and angry.

Just them? ?

Zhang Tian couldn't see anything.

Still stupid.

"They are a bunch of drama queens! They are so good at acting! Don't be fooled by them! They are not trash. I saw with my own eyes that the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind!"

The old man said in surprise: "This time I let you die from the beginning and gave up on myself. Let me see what will happen next. What did I find? Those Demon Sect disciples, the three major Demon Sects have long secretly practiced the secret knowledge of Tongtian. He killed the Emperor of Jingzhou with one move!"

"Just them?"

Zhang Tianguan was surprised.

"Yes, they laughed wildly at the end and called us fools. As the Emperor Tiangou took action, a giant emperor who reached the sky and penetrated the earth appeared. He called himself Pangu. With only one move! One move! He destroyed the Emperor of Jingzhou. Her combat power is comparable to that of a fused empress!" The old man looked in disbelief.

Zhang Tianguan took another look at those guys.

Still chattering and going crazy.

If that's the case, these people are terrible.

Playing dumb to cover up the truth?

In the end, the Huangquan Sect won?

Zhang Tianguan frowned, "Then what should I do? Fake death and let them take over, so we can benefit from the secret? Or just expose their pretense directly?"

"Destroy them directly! How can you fake death? You don't have this method, your technique is too simple." The old man shouted, transmitting a message to him.

When Zhang Tianguan heard this, while being chased by Xu Xinying, he shouted directly at the Yincha disciples in the distance:

"You can't hide it from me, don't think about the fisherman's profit! Pangu, soul, bone, and flesh, the three demon sects merge into one, the giant giant created the world, and beheaded the emperor of Jingzhou!"

He said nouns one by one.

The words fell.

Emperor Tiangou in the distance was completely silent.

How could a person like him not be prepared to cause trouble, try to find a way to benefit from it, and become the final winner?


His old background was revealed just like this?

"That's it, that's all."

He shook his head slowly and walked out step by step.

He entered the battlefield with a calm expression, glanced at the Emperor of Jingzhou and the crowd, and said calmly: "I wanted to watch a big show, with all the old enemies fighting, so that the battlefield would not be cleared so quickly, but that's it."

Huang Mingshan said calmly: "I'll send you all on a trip to Huangquan."

"Start the war."

Reach out and wave.

In the distance, the leaders of the White Bone Cult, the Lord of the Shitian Palace, and Huangquan Xing Hanhan, the leaders of the three major demon sects, smiled gloomily, stood up and shouted: "Trinity!"

"It's our turn. Today is the day when the Emperor of Jingzhou dies!! Our demon sect will dominate the world and all nine states!" The flesh and blood are swelling, the bones are intersecting the earth, and the soul is covering the sky. It seems that the flesh and blood in the dark are building a terrifying tower. of invincible existence.

The three major demon sects seemed to be one in some way.

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