I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 433 Dao Lord noticed

"This scholar is willing to open a fairy gate for the world!"

At this time, a tall and handsome man was shouting in a mortal city, looking at the mortal people below, his whole body was filled with divine brilliance.

As the bloodline of the strong continues to degrade, there are also mortals in the immortal world who cannot practice.

These mortals were also stunned.

Seeing those companions who, like me, were previously unable to practice, now enter the path of practice, is as incredible as a dream.

The immortal world has been imprisoned for tens of billions of years, can we break through it?

"Can we live forever?"

"Practice! We are willing to follow you and practice together!"

No mortal can resist this temptation.

Mortals living in the fairy world, even if they can live for hundreds of years with the nourishment of fairy energy, still long for immortality and fly to the sky to escape the earth.

The Huangquan Sect disciples in the distance smiled slightly, and someone shouted: "Come here to test your spiritual roots and allocate various positions. We, the Mortal Cultivation Alliance, will arrange suitable teachers!"


Countless mortals began to line up.

Textiles, storytelling, medicine, food, all perform their duties.

"What city is it?" At this time, Tian Kaitai, who was watching the speech queue from a distance, asked.

"I have spoken in thirty-seven cities."

At this time, Xiao Die'er cast a spell in the distance and said with a smile: "I used illusion to isolate the outside world. No one noticed us. Anyway, the immortals never care about mortals."

They open immortal gates for mortals and only secretly teach the Dharma in a small area.

Does everyone in the world know it?

What is the difference between this and seeking death?

They were not ruthless people like the Emperor of Jingzhou. They had never seen him be so promiscuous, and he succeeded in doing so without being beaten to death.

They focus on stability.

"But still be cautious."

Xiao Fumei said slowly: "After the speech is completed, all the people will be included in the subspace and migrated back to our underground city. They are all a considerable force."

They established business alliances, and as their operations expanded, they needed to produce a large amount of goods.

There are hundreds of businesses in the market, and every profession can produce benefits.

The textile line produces luxury clothing.

Painting line sells calligraphy and painting.

Write novels in the novel line.

Not to mention the sale of medicine in hanging bottles, even the gourmet food line has now developed vacuum-packed cooking foods, which have begun to dominate the market and gradually subvert the traditional monks' lifestyle.

The production of these messy goods requires a large number of workers.

"The environment in the fairy world is very good. Even mortals with white destiny can cultivate to the golden elixir stage."

At this time, Xiao Fumei's eyes flashed with a cunning light, "We only need to help them practice in the name of helping them practice, so we don't need to pay them wages! We're using their products for free!"

"We can snowball and recruit illegal workers like crazy. After we get the money, as long as we have money and are as rich as the country, we can practice cultivation quickly!"

Tian Kaitai's eyes were bright, "In the immortal world, time can be bought with money!! As long as we have money and resources, we can even build a golden immortal in no time!"

Even in tens of billions of years of history, there have been legends:

The family was wiped out, and a genius encountered a series of adventures. It only took him twenty-seven years to reach the ninth level of the Golden Immortal and kill all his enemies.

Hundreds of years?

For thousands of years?

Hundreds of millions of years?

Time in other worlds is time, but in the fairy world time is a boring number that keeps jumping up and down.

Getting rich overnight is not a luxury.

"It's done!" Someone shouted in the distance.

"Retreat!" Soon, like a secret army that had been rehearsed many times, the entire mortal city was deserted.

A few days later.

A monk from a local sect noticed something unusual and came to investigate. He frowned deeply: "Mortals have disappeared again. There are already many."

"Oh?" A Xuanxian was surprised, "It's probably some low-level demonic monks in the combined stage who are practicing demonic skills on these mortals."

This kind of thing is very common.

The only ones who attack mortals are little guys who have not become immortals.

"But you are so brave. This kind of thing can also happen within the jurisdiction of our Xuanming Sect." Another Xuanxian's eyes were as cold as frost. "Go back and let the sect's seniors calculate this devil and capture it."

This is a small thing.

However, when an immortal began to calculate the little devil who was causing trouble on Tai Sui's head, he couldn't figure it out.

So things got confusing.

At this time, a golden immortal palm sect from the Xuanming Sect received the message and was sitting in the study, frowning: "Guys who can attack little mortals usually haven't become immortals yet, so why can't they do calculations?"

"Headmaster, there must be something fishy about this matter." An elder said.

Just mortals missing.

Time flows so fast in the fairy world that there is no shortage of mortals, like weeds that cannot be burned away by wildfire.

"No, it's not simple."

The headmaster kept walking back and forth and snorted coldly: "Speaking of the disappearance of lower-level mortals, the latest [Cultivation Merchant Alliance] is very popular among the lower-level monks. With the famous dish of Xiu Zhen Restaurant - KFC, it's hard to believe that it is distributed everywhere. What does it have to do with it?"

Recently, these two things suddenly and inexplicably appeared in the local area, which made people have to connect them.

This restaurant is so profitable that even sects from all over the country are jealous.

And suddenly appeared on the territory of major local forces, making crazy money, how could they ignore it?

I also did some calculations, but I couldn't figure out who was behind the scenes.

The unwritten rule in the fairy world is: if the calculation fails, it means that your strength is recognized and you can come to my side for development.

Because it cannot be calculated, it means that the other party at least has a strong person of the same level, and even behind it, it may be Da Luo who is secretly planning it.

After all, Daluo Dao Lords have nothing to do for a long time, and they like to secretly set up secret forces in other heavens.

When the dragon crosses the river, who will offend the local golden fairy?

There were golden immortals who attacked these forces of unknown origin before, but they were suddenly wiped out.

Therefore, for countless billions of years, the major immortal sects have long been good at it. If they can't calculate the heel, they will pretend that they can't see it. They would rather suffer some losses than cause trouble.

But what about in front of you?

It's okay for you to open a shop here and make money, but if a mortal disappears, it's like the devil's fault.

"Is it possible that KFC was made by mortals?" someone exclaimed.

The demon gates present were startled, and their scalps suddenly became numb.

this? ?

Some people even feel nauseous.

Many elders present have been to the Cultivation Building and found it delicious.

"It's a small matter for a mortal, but there may be a conspiracy behind it. It's probably Da Luo who has intervened in our local Immortal Sect." Three great Luo!"

If this doesn't work well, he could also take the opportunity to join Da Luo's faction.

So it didn't take long.

This headmaster of Xuanming hurriedly went to the nine-story Buddhist pillars of Daleiyin Temple in his hometown to meet with Dao Lord.

In the garden, the fairy spirit lingers.

A Taoist king is sitting on the pavilion drinking tea, with a plate of KFC on the table, looking at the pond in the distance, looking like a handsome gentleman.

And he was already surrounded by other monks.

"Greetings to Lord Tianyue!"

On the spot, Headmaster Xuan Ming was shocked and secretly cursed these beasts for coming faster than him, and tried every means to hold them in his lap.

"I already understand this matter."

Daojun Tianyue spoke slowly, "This KFC is not made by ordinary people! It is a feathered spiritual bird with meat specially bred for food. You can eat it without worry."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that if it is not done by human flesh, then the KFC and the mass disappearance of mortals are not done by the same kind of people.

"But I can't even count as their heel." Taojun Tianyue sipped his tea.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's hearts exploded.

Da Luo!

This matter is the invasion of Daluo from other heavens.

It can't be counted as a follower, it's just other Daluo who are using their own rules and fruits to cover up the secret of heaven.

Daojun Tianyue also frowned slightly, "It's okay to develop and take root, but I am baffled by how to attack mere mortals."

Even he couldn't imagine the use of catching those mortals.

"Your Highness Daojun, do you issue an order to capture these business alliance villains? Is this Cultivation Restaurant wanted?" A leader said.

The thirty-three days of heaven are the system of princes.

Each heaven has a nominal local vassal king, and it is basically autonomous. The central heavenly emperor never cares about these local vassal kings.

Love intrigues and intrigues, and kills each other.

Even if the vassal king is seized of power, the Emperor of Heaven will only give a new Daluo existence and re-conquer him as vassal king.

This may seem like freedom, but it reveals an arrogance that lasts for tens of billions of years.

The so-called feudal kings are like little bugs of the times, silently watching them change life and death, competing for hegemony with each other, and paying no attention to them.

What's more, it is probably that the Emperor of Heaven is delegating power in his mind.

Both he and Wu Lang knew that only by allowing the times to develop themselves and building infrastructure could we give birth to the spark of a new era.

Unfortunately, over tens of billions of years, the traditional system of cultivating immortals has become more and more entrenched. Although it has reached its end, no other way can be found.

at this time.

"Search it."

Daojun Tianyue frowned secretly, "As for that KFC, I have asked the giant beast sect to resurrect the spiritual bird in it, so that it can be cultivated by you and start his restaurant business."

Gu Gu Gu Gu! ! !

After saying that, a white-feathered chicken appeared in front of him alive and kicking. ,

The other heads suddenly became excited.

The other party's business is booming, why don't they want to repeat it?

Naturally, they know the formula, and the spiritual bird is the key point. Now that they have this thing, they can copy each other's industry and make money.

So, less than half a day.

These beings who were busy trying to please Dao Lord began to frantically attack various industries of the [Cultivation Merchant Alliance], causing serious losses.

A few more days passed.

In a mortal city deep in the mountains.

"This scholar is willing to open a fairy gate for the world!"

In one place, Emperor Tiangou was still giving a speech from a high place, and the crowd was excited.

And in the dark.

A handsome man in green clothes stood in the void and observed silently for a while. Suddenly, his whole brain was buzzing, "The method of cultivation! Mortals actually practice it!?"

He has lived for more than 700 million years, and it can be said that he has seen astonishing scenes that have never been seen before.

This person is none other than Taoist Lord Tianyue of this world.

He was secretly investigating this time, but he didn't expect that the other party was so bold. After being surrounded and suppressed, he was still causing harm to mortals. He happened to be caught by his investigation!

"Scholar Tiangou?" He looked deeply, "The first scholar and sage who ushered in the era of cultivation?"

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