I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 434 Huang Mingshan stood up!

He kept observing secretly, with various emotions brewing in his heart.

Especially that sentence:

——This technique cannot be used by immortals, only mortals can use it!


The higher the development of civilization, and tens of billions of years of practice memory seep into the bone marrow and form instincts, how can they open up other paths?

He kept observing and became more and more excited, knowing that this was the biggest opportunity in his life!

This person is responsible for a new era. If you get this person, you may be qualified to compete with the Emperor of Heaven and overthrow the old era.

"Let's see what he does."

He continued to remain calm, preparing to follow him all the way and see where his lair was.

But I saw that after this person brought all the mortals into the subspace, he suddenly clasped his fists towards the sky and said with a smile: "Master Dao is here, why don't you show up?"

Above the sky, Daojun Tianyue suddenly frowned.

Is this person discovered?

He glanced at the man, but remained calm.

"Master Dao, why don't you show up to see me?"

Huang Mingshan chuckled, sat down and started setting the table to drink tea, "What do you think of this new cultivation system?"

"I am a clone of Dao Lord from another world, and I came here specifically to cooperate."

"The real identity of this scholar who created the era is not here. I am pretending to be his identity to establish the power of people to cultivate immortality."

Huang Mingshan sneered,

"Master Dao, you don't think that you really met a wild sage from the pioneering era, do you? I met this person first and fell into my hands a long time ago. Now I'm here to seek cooperation."

And in the live broadcast room.

A group of people were also watching.

[Damn, he's so boring. Every time after defeating a mortal, he has to sit there and mutter to himself, what if he did the routine for half an hour? 】

[That must be the case. Now under martial law, they are arresting us everywhere. Who knows if these Daluo beings will find out and follow us in their lair! This is the best way to show the tail of the routine. 】

[Damn it, you all imitated the emperor of Jingzhou and started fishing! 】

[Hurry up and finish your lines. I think you are the number one player, not the time. 】

The players in the live broadcast room are all bored.

After watching this once or twice, I felt that he was an actor and his acting was quite similar.

But it gets boring if you watch too much.

Every time after collecting mortals, you have to go through a paragraph to solve the secret tracking incident, which is simply too troublesome.

And just when the players are bored.

Daojun Tianyue was struggling in his heart and thought to himself: "This person swears so much, is it possible that he really discovered my existence? Is he really here to seek cooperation?"

Before, he thought it was pie in the sky, but now he had found a hero who ushered in a new era!

But when I thought about it carefully, I started to feel something was wrong.

This restaurant, and even the organized conversation in front of them, are all premeditated and mature teams.

And the most critical point is: there is indeed someone behind him, deceiving the secrets, otherwise why can't he even figure out his heel?

But he is a cautious person and still plans to observe silently.

Until the other party said this:

"Humph, why don't you show up? I look up to you! Then I'll leave. I had a great opportunity to cooperate with you, but now I don't even dare to show up. In this case, there will be no possibility of cooperation between us in the future. Sex, I’ll just leave!”

Hearing this sentence, Taojun Tianyue couldn't sit still at all.

He doesn't dare to gamble.

If the other party is really seeking cooperation, you will miss a good opportunity.

Thinking of this, his figure gradually appeared.

Huang Mingshan, who was mumbling to himself, yawned in his heart, "Now that I have finished speaking, I should make sure that no boss is following me in the dark, then I can go back -"


A figure emerged from the void and appeared across the table.

Huang Mingshan: "."

Tao. Taojun! !

The level 110 maxed-out boss in "The Underworld" actually appears? ? Blocking the door to my Novice Village!

He was panicking, but he looked at the other party calmly and smiled jokingly: "Fellow Taoist, are you finally willing to show up?"

"Fellow Taoist, from which heaven are you coming? This so-called new system is?" Taojun Tianyue said slowly, staring at him closely.

"Haha, don't say it, don't say it." Huang Mingshan pretended to be calm.

He felt his pressure increase instantly.

"Ghost Story" is a different world in reality. As the first person on earth, whether he can lead the development and cultivation of the whole people depends on whether he can establish a firm foothold at this moment.

I feel like I am shouldering the future of the entire planet’s 7 billion people.

As a person who can fly freely, Huang Mingshan had the same idea as Wu Lang.

How is it possible to develop honestly and silently upgrade step by step?

He must be pulling the skin of a tiger, pretending to be an identity, and soaring into the sky!

He, the Emperor of Jingzhou, used Daleiyin Temple to pretend to be Daluo Taoist Lord and win people around.

Why can't I, Emperor Tiangou, use the concealing aura of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to pretend to be Da Luo Dao Lord? ? ?

He can pretend, and so can I!

Everyone is Daluo Daojun!

What's more, you can't do it if you don't pretend.

If we develop the system locally, sooner or later we will have to face Da Luo Daojun's awareness. As for imitating the emperor of Jingzhou and beheading the emperor?

No matter how many golden immortals you win over, they can't defeat Da Luo!

The Immortal World has long been saturated. Golden Immortals are as numerous as dogs, and they are not rare. They are the same number as in the mortal world.

Thinking of this, Huang Mingshan became more and more heavy, snorted coldly and said:

"The heavens where I come here? Naturally, they are far away from the heavens on your side!! As for the new system, you have also seen that the young heroic sage was enslaved by me and turned into a puppet!"

"The genius who ushered in an era came from a small world called Earth. He was young and passionate, and had the heroic demeanor to usher in an era for the world. He finally created the "Mortal Ancestor Scripture", but it was a pity that he was captured by me."

As a sage who pioneered an era, the best way to avoid being arrested, imprisoned and paraded on the streets is to pretend that he has already been arrested and paraded on the streets!

Disguise yourself as a corrupt existence on the same level as the other party, and talk to the same level!

At this time, Taojun Tianyue had no doubts.

In his mind, if he could shield his own calculations, the other party would be a big Luo. He suddenly said gently: "It's good luck. You captured someone from the era. How do you plan to cooperate?"


Huang Mingshan laughed wildly, "It's very simple. We secretly cultivate mortals together, disguise ourselves as heroes of the era, and promote the era together, gradually forming a huge wave! The two of us are the ancestors!"

Tianyue Daojun's eyes were cold, "Why did this matter develop during the twenty-three days of my rule? Why not in your heavens, that would be more convenient?"

This is also a temptation.

But Huang Mingshan did not dare to show timidity, lack of confidence, and cowardice.

If you look like you can't explain it, it will make you even more suspicious.

"Because if the reform fails in the heavens ruled by me and is discovered, won't I die?" Huang Mingshan sneered and said contemptuously: "When I come to your side to develop, you come to the front and you are discovered. In the transformation of the heavens, it is better for you to die than for me to die, and I still have a way out.”

"You are so bold."

Daojun Tianyue was suddenly slightly angry.

This is too straightforward.

This is using him as a springboard for the great Luo Biangan!

The other party has been hiding his identity, and he doesn't know his true identity. Even if he is discovered here, the Emperor of Heaven notices him, and kills him. The other party is still hidden in a certain great lord of the heavens, and he can start all over again.

He smiled brightly, and suddenly threatened him: "You are so upright and use me as a gunman, so you are not afraid that I will tell the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Stop pretending, will you tell the truth? I'm determined, you can't tell the truth!"

Huang Mingshan smiled immediately, stood up from his seat gently, and blew gently into Daojun Tianyue's ear.

The soft voice penetrates into the ears:

"Fellow Taoist, if you tell the truth, what can the Emperor of Heaven give you?"

"Give you the position of Emperor of Heaven?"


Huang Mingshan's eyes were contemptuous, and he suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly.

"The level of you and me is already at the end of the fairy world. No matter how you please the Emperor of Heaven, he will not be able to give you anything. But if you take the risk and cooperate with me, you can embrace the future."

The other party's confident attitude, and even the frivolous attitude of treating him as a subordinate, made Daojun Yuanyue hesitate a little.

"Come on, be the front-row partner that I recommend!"

Huang Mingshan's smile deepened.

"Let's have a drink." Huang Mingshan smiled and raised his glass.

Daojun Tianyue looked at the other party's smile, remained silent for a while, and also raised his glass silently.

The two clinked glasses and took a sip from each other.

Huang Mingshan suddenly said inexplicably, "Do you know that in this system, every spiritual root of a mortal can start to cultivate Taoism, and how many Taoist fruits can be condensed at the end of cultivation?"

Daojun Tianyue's pupils dilated violently.

He thought of the future for a moment.

Today, traditional spiritual roots are nothing more than a hundred avenues.

And this miscellaneous spiritual root can be seen at a glance, with hundreds or even thousands of avenues of the new system. Doesn't this mean that at the end of each system, there are hundreds of thousands of avenues and fruits?

Hundreds or thousands of new Da Luo seats were born?

You know, there are less than a hundred people in Daluo now.

This era is entering the next era of great explosion!

"Have you seen this prosperous age?" A full smile reached Daojun Tianyue's ears, "Why are you still hesitating?"

Huang Mingshan sat down again, his eyes full of imperial domineering, and he raised his cup, "You and I will be the future Emperor and Buddha! Together we will open up an era!"

"We can cooperate." Daojun Tianyue smiled and raised his glass, and his mind began to completely turmoil.

finally! !

Huang Mingshan suddenly smiled, but his heart broke out in a cold sweat. The danger of death was coming at any time, and his heart was beating wildly like he was walking on a tightrope:

Did I pretend to be successful?

But don't relax.

Huang Mingshan glanced at this old monster.

He clearly knows that according to this situation, he is the one who takes the initiative, and he needs to be stronger and more domineering to avoid suspicion.

"If you want to join, you can submit your name certificate."

Huang Mingshan smiled like a devil, "There are three great Luo who rule the heavens here, right? You don't want to share our achievements with the other two, right?"

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