I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 436 The Great Era

A few years later, with the help of Lord Tianyue, countless mortals on the 23rd day began to secretly enter the cultivation system.

At the same time, brand-new large-scale shopping malls - supermarkets - appeared on the land and gradually became popular.

Opening promotion, 20% off.

"What's this?"

Some monks stepped into it.

They were slightly surprised to see a dazzling array of paper, picture albums, seasonings, and interesting books.

Although there are no weapons or magic weapons for fighting, they are the spices of daily life.

But there are not many products.

Pens, ink, paper, inkstones, and even food, various snacks, and various integrated square bricks can be stacked to build architectural magic weapons, as well as various hanging bottles of medicinal liquids and bottles of fine wine.

Others such as toilet paper, shower gel, and shampoo cannot be sold at all. As an immortal god, there is no need for these trivial things.

There are only twenty or thirty kinds of products in the supermarket.

"This is so much fun."

“It has nothing to do with spiritual practice, but it’s good to have some of these things to pass the time.”

Sales started happening everywhere.

Under the secret promotion, this business alliance began to make a lot of money, and even with the crazy efforts of Daojun Tianyue, it has spread to the upper and lower heavens.

Even Daluo from the upper and lower heavens were surprised.

"Those three brothers, after a hundred million years, reached out to me again? This wonderful super large shop covers an area of ​​several acres. The leader calls himself Shen Wansan?? He is good at doing business and makes it easy to do business in the world?? It’s quite interesting.”

They decided to start imitating it.

They asked some of their strong men to completely reproduce it. It was very simple, and they quickly made packaged food and even building bricks with the same taste.

But we faced a new problem:

"There's no way this can pay for itself!"

"In order to imitate some low-end products on the surface, we have to hire high-level alchemists, pharmacists, and weapon refiners, and we even end up losing money."

One account after another is in front of you.

The leaders and disciples of other major sects all showed expressions of confusion.

How did the other party achieve low-cost operations?

And at this time.

In the Great Leiyin Temple.

Daojun Tianyue laughed loudly and looked at the revenue: "It's exactly what you imagined! They can imitate it, but it requires monks who are several levels higher, which is not cost-effective at all."

"Don't worry, this wave will definitely sweep across the world." Huang Mingshan was still sitting on his chair calculating accounts, "This is caused by the general trend of the world and the development of civilization of the times."

"You said this supermarket is the momentum of the development of civilization of the times?" Daojun Tianyue was puzzled.

Huang Mingshan explained seriously: "This looks like a series of large supermarkets. In essence, it has advanced from a primitive society of barbarian tribes to a natural economic society, and a large number of commodities have circulated in the market."


Lord Tianyue was surprised.

Is it the general trend of heaven and earth?

This mysterious black hand actually understood a corner of the future development of the world and grasped it?

Huang Mingshan explained: "Going back to our most ancient times, when everyone was a mortal, it was like this in the market. It is common sense that people have various behaviors!"

"After that, countless murderous fates of wind, fire, thunder, and lightning were transcended, forming a new social ruling class."

"This society is the society of the immortal world! They only know how to fight and kill. They all have a fighting destiny. In fact, it is quite abnormal."

"The emergence of these life-killing class powerhouses is the inevitable trend of history! In that tribal barbaric era, humans were backward and trapped by nature, wild beasts, and natural disasters. They needed this group of warriors to defend themselves! So their roaring heroes appeared Got it!"

"But now? The battle has subsided. It is inevitable that other fates should appear to complement the deformed society!"

Taojun Tianyue chewed the meaning.

Even he couldn't help but think that was the case.

When everyone's destiny is completed, a complete society is born, that is to say, today's world of commodity circulation is the right way.

But Huang Mingshan next to him had a calm expression.

This is the result deduced by countless sociologists and historians!

Nowadays everyone can practice cultivation and everyone is an immortal. Then there will be no immortals and everyone is a mortal.

And how will the new mortal society develop?

It will be similar to the five thousand years of development of the earth's history.

With the development of the times, the iteration of dynasties, the emergence of a large number of commodities, the industrial revolution, the birth of the natural economy, and the rapid circulation of currency, forming a sound natural economic society.

This is the inevitable result of the historical development of economics and civilization.

It's just a pity

Because the social structure of the fairy world is different, they don't know it at all.

Speaking of which, the development of world civilization is truly wonderful.

Their era of cultivating immortals and killing people, and their tribal warriors, don’t they correspond to the ape-man period and the slash-and-burn era of modern earth?

At that time, humans must be warriors to resist nature and wild beasts!

After humans become the top of the food chain, they will develop other non-combat professions, such as winemaking, painters, and literati, to fill in the spiritual gaps and form a complete society.

"So, the development of today's world is inevitable."

Huang Mingshan said: "With the emergence of bulk commodities, individual monks began to sell products, and human society was able to enrich life, so corporate collectives began to appear, and joint-stock systems were naturally born."

"No! This society is very deformed. The joint-stock system has already been born! It is common for several sects to join forces behind the scenes to run a mine or shop."

Nowadays, a large number of economic networks have begun to cover, and joint-stock systems appear frequently, so the stock market will naturally appear.

You know, the stock market on earth first appeared in 1602, and it was inevitable with the emergence of social forms.

In fact, the three cultivation religions that broke out in the mortal world are the inevitable choice of the cultivation system.

And this social economy is also an inevitable social form with the explosion of hundreds of professions in the market, both of which are the general trend.

"This is the true fairy civilization!"

Huang Mingshan draws a blueprint for the future, "This is the greatest era of civilization! No longer barbaric mountain monks, but countless gods in the marketplace, holding high an era!"

He glanced at Daojun Tianyue who looked shocked next to him, and sneered in his heart:

"No matter how smart he is, he can't see through it."

"Because he has no knowledge of this and it goes beyond his common sense."

"And outsiders, even if there are supermarkets all over the place, none of these indigenous people can see through the coming immortal era, and I will be the biggest mastermind behind it."

Thirty-three in the highest heaven.

"This is a great era."

The Emperor of Heaven looked down at the earth and received the tip, "I have seen through the possibilities of this era."

He smiled softly, his eyes seemed to have seen through the vicissitudes of the earth.

"Other fates appeared, the incomplete form of the common people was completed, and the profession of the human race was completed. I let it go for tens of billions of years and allowed it to develop. Has the sprout of a new era finally appeared in our fairy world?"

People in the world think that he alone cannot observe the entire huge world of heavens. In fact, he has eyes and ears in every heaven.

The other party is too bold!

Even though he was blind, he still saw those large and popular shops.

Others may be just surprised when they see those goods in the supermarket and cannot see the meaning behind the scenes.

And he has seen the possibilities behind the scenes.

In this form, other mortals with spiritual roots who cannot practice should be able to practice, and this world has entered the next prelude.

Everyone can practice.

"His Majesty!"

At this time, an immortal god slowly spoke, "Do you want to thoroughly investigate the twenty-third day, where the germ of the era broke out?"

"Why a thorough investigation?"

The figure of the Emperor of Heaven in the mist stood by the river, "Ai Qing, what do you think will happen when this era reaches its peak?"

"Everyone can practice. This will be the birth of countless Daluo realms!" This tall and mighty immortal god exclaimed in shock: "Hundreds, thousands of Daluo! Dao Lord! This era will bring There will be countless opportunities like never before.”

"Yes, countless Da Luo, that's all."

The Emperor of Heaven said slowly:

"This is an era of replenishing the common people. It is a small trend, not the general trend of the birth of the emperors of the other two realms. Their appearance will increase their power, but will not threaten my rule."

"The only ones that can threaten my rule are the other two Heavenly Emperors."

"And these Da Luo are Da Luo after all. I don't need to interfere with the freedom of the era. Interfering with the freedom of the people, but falling to the lower class. I can watch as they compete for the position of Da Luo."

This figure, which seems to have grasped all the truths in the world, smiled softly,

"The storm sweeping across the entire heaven is about to come, a supernormal era that transcends all eras is about to be born, and the three realms of heaven, earth, and man are about to be born."

"I am the Emperor of Heaven, can't I even accommodate Da Luo Tao Lord? That Tao Lord who controls the new era thinks he controls the future??"

"I am the real one behind the scenes."

"I am the real one behind the scenes."

In the mortal world, in the Great Leiyin Temple, when the light faded, I saw a young man playing the role of the ancient emperor of heaven, and behind him there was a shark pretending to be a minister.

Wu Lang put his hands behind his back, like the ancient emperor of heaven, and shouted softly: "I will overlook the struggle for hegemony among the great Luo, those bloody heavens, the young heroes are jumping up one after another, as before The roaring cry of the sun permeates the entire golden sky."

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