I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 437 The Great Catastrophe of the Immortal World Is About to Begin

Sharyu'er next to her felt frightened when she heard this.

According to the husband's performance, the current Emperor of Heaven has guessed the true truth of the twenty-third day.

Is he a monster?

Products from a few supermarkets can be refined by any high-level monk. Most people would not doubt the impossibility of this, but he figured out the root cause behind it.

The self-righteous Emperor Tiangou thought that he had succeeded in fighting, but he had already fallen into the opponent's eyes.

At this time, as the fairy mist lingered, Shark Yu'er, as a minister, couldn't help but ask the Emperor of Heaven: "Your Majesty, do you really not need to pay attention to this great world?"

The Emperor of Heaven frowned and said: "Three thousand Dao Dao have risen, but there are only three thousand Da Luo. They are all ministers of the Emperor of Heaven. We, the three Heavenly Emperors, are the kings of their countless Da Luo Dao Lords. We are the real opponents to each other."


Wu Lang suddenly shook his body and turned pale.

The simulation is over.

Imitating the ancient Emperor of Heaven is an extremely heavy burden.

If it weren't for the fact that Emperor Tiangou and those people were too promiscuous, Wu Lang would have been too lazy to observe this scene from the perspective of the Emperor of Heaven just to be on the safe side.

At this time, Shark Yu'er quickly handed over the elixir. After Wu Lang took it, his complexion gradually returned to some color.

"Husband, is what you deduced true?" Same Yu'er couldn't help but ask.

"Do I look like him?" Wu Lang asked.

Shark Yu'er rolled her eyes, "I've never seen the Emperor of Heaven, how do I know? But it's almost the same as the Emperor of Heaven recorded in those ancient books."

"Probably, there are seven levels of possibilities."

Wu Lang calmed down his brain nerves and sat on the chair, still sweating on his forehead, "I took the perspective of the Emperor of Heaven and observed the information on the twenty-three day sky."

The personality portrait of the Emperor of Heaven has been almost established by himself.

Basically there won't be much difference.

You know, what is the first thing you do after going to school for thirty-three days?

Just collecting books like crazy.

Even if he has tricked those Golden Immortals now, he still lets them secretly help him collect books.

Of the Emperor of Heaven, even other unofficial histories, and even geographical environment information, all types, I can naturally see all the information, decisions, and records of the Emperor of Heaven for tens of billions of years.

It can be said that his omnipotent Taoist body has been enriched with huge knowledge.

Even in a sense, you can really open an intelligence department and become a professional.

This is where his physique is incredible.

Although the actual combat may not be as good as the fused empress, the information warfare itself is really powerful!

"Then you don't care about this?"

In the eyes of Shark Yu'er, the Emperor of Heaven seemed to be careless, but in fact he was raising fish, waiting for them to develop freely, and then harvesting them later.

That day, Emperor Gou and even a group of Huangquan Sect disciples were going to be paraded through the streets sooner or later!

"Parading through the streets to show off to the public will not lead to questioning and beheading by the Queen of Autumn."

Wu Lang chuckled and drank the spiritual liquid in one gulp:

"The Emperor of Heaven is a generous man. As long as there is no threat to his rule, he will be generous. Those Daluo Taoists are an example. They rule their own heavens as they please."

According to this situation, Emperor Tiangou is indeed a talent that pioneered an era, and it is very likely that the Emperor will ignore him.

If you are a weak chicken and are killed by other Daluo, forget it. If this young man who pioneered the era really stands up and subverts the entire era, and hundreds or thousands of Daluo appear, the Emperor of Heaven will not care and will let you become his subordinate. The greatest Taoist power radiates throughout the heavens.

Similar to Wu Lang.

They are all the type to let the world go free. As long as they do not threaten themselves, the best solution is to directly develop the outside world.

If the company boss only wants to drink tea in the office and interfere in the running of the lower-level departments, then he is not a qualified boss.

"He plays chess and keeps the animals free, and we also play chess and keep the animals free."

Wu Lang pondered for a few seconds and then said his decision, "The Emperor of Heaven and I are watching together to see whether those sand sculpture players, Emperor Tiangou, will be paraded through the streets, or whether they will succeed in resisting the Tao Lord's attack."


Sharry Yu'er's eyes suddenly lit up, "They are causing trouble in front of them, developing various eras, setting off huge waves, and the world is in chaos. We continue to seduce the golden immortals behind our backs to form a force, and we move resources steadily to our mortal world. ,Hell."

This is called dual-line operation.

"Yeah." After Wu Lang and Qiao Yu'er considered it for a while, they didn't want to pay attention to it.

After wiping their butts secretly, I decided not to wipe their butts.

That's it.

"On the contrary, if they fight and countless golden immortals break out into war, my sales can still grow stronger."

Wu Lang touched his chin and whispered in his heart, "He's taking too big a step to get Da Luo Taojun. It's better for me to get Jinxian for safety."

Develop like this.

Maybe during the thirty-three days of fierce fighting, the great catastrophe of heaven and earth comes, and I bring a lot of golden immortals into the mortal world, and the underworld may be able to evenly divide the number of golden immortals in the immortal world.

very perfect!

In this way, Wu Lang continued to retreat with anticipation.

One year later.

This is the first year to get the Time Cave.

Wu Lang opened his eyes, feeling a little overwhelmed and looking tired.

One day is equal to one year, and one year is equal to three hundred and sixty years.

More than three hundred years later, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Overcome the great tribulation, reach the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal!

Moreover, 213 purple girls and 403 purple weapons were raised.

The harvest is huge.

At this moment, Wu Lang finally understood why no one stayed in the Time Cave for more than a year. All the monks in the immortal world liked to adventure and fight in the secret realm outside.

Being in seclusion for too long will be boring to death.

Even though he is a ruthless person who works overtime and has never adapted, he still feels that he can't bear it anymore. "Let me take a year off and then retreat for another year."

Wu Lang made a decision that stunned the monks in heaven.

You know, other monks spend a year in seclusion, and then go out to take risks and relax for decades, hundreds of years.

"Phew! Comfort!"

He rarely stretched himself and looked at the outside world.


[Your disciple, Emperor Tiangou, has broken through the ninth level of Xuanxian! 】


[Your disciple, Emperor Tiangou, is good at business. He secretly reaches out to the nearby heavens to join forces, and has small-scale frictions with other local forces in the heavens. 】


[Your Huangquan Sect disciples, unite with Taoist Lord Tianyue, to educate mortal beings to practice cultivation. There are already 17.32 million cultivators. 】


[Your disciple Yun Rong followed Master Yun Changyu into the ancient secret realm, died, and is currently seducing his soul. 】


[Your disciple Liu Ping was brutally attacked by the Lotus Saint. 】


[Your disciple Liu Ping is turning on Dragon King mode and is engaging in domestic violence. 】


[Your disciple Liu Ping was brutally squeezed out of his cultivation by the Golden Immortal Saint. His body died and his soul disappeared. He is seducing his soul. 】


[Your disciples Xu Xinying and Mu Jiqiu are following the sect elders to study the new business alliance in this twenty-three days and are trying to join. 】

Not bad, very exciting.

Liu Ping also ushered in the first time in his life.

It seems that the demon sect's villain organization is indeed dangerous, and it just so happens that after this death, he breaks away from the demon sect's identity.

Soon, Wu Lang received another surprising message.

Emperor Tiangou actually requested that a large number of disciples be allowed to enter the fairy world and enter the public beta mode of the new map?

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