I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 439 Western Religion, Western Continent

He still sneaked out to relax.

And no one stipulates that the Taoist ancestors were locked in death, ignoring the great calamities of the world, and could not come out for a walk.

As for?


[Your mount, Evil Buddha Emperor, kneels three times and knocks nine times outside the door, begging to open the door. 】

Of course I don't care.

When he set foot in the mortal world of Jiuzhou, he realized how terrifying this battle in the Divine Court was.


The water is rolling.

The mountains turned into land, and the basins turned into oceans.

The entire Kyushu Sea of ​​Seasonless Bitterness originally covered an area of ​​six floors, but now it covers an entire nine floors.

The world has turned into an ocean world and entered the abyssal doomsday era.

In this era, there were large ships everywhere, and the land of Kyushu almost sank to the bottom of the sea, becoming a ruined city of the old civilization.

Human beings began to live on ocean currents, living in the ocean of time that was accelerated to varying degrees, and avoiding the unbearable higher ocean.

The entire land of Kyushu has entered a weakened version of the Immortal Realm, the Velocity Cave.

There are earth monks who build floating islands that float on the ocean currents.

There are wind monks who build sky islands, use clouds as vast oceans, and sail across the sky.

There are water monks who build undersea cities using square bricks and lurking in the deep water.

And more ordinary monks, in the era of national practice, cultivated giant squids, carrying land masses on their backs, showing their teeth and claws, and living on them in small sects and villages.

In Wu Lang's era, the King Squid was of little use.

But as the times jumped up and became the mainstream of the times, it gradually began to bear the destiny and became the main transportation of this era, known as the "savior of life."

"A new era of ocean currents, a new civilization, has begun."

Wu Lang stood high in the sky, just about to ponder, "The era of the cultivation system is completely sprouting, heading towards unknown brilliance."

What about ocean current coverage?

This is a real shakeout!

When the era of ocean currents fades away, people will completely enter a new era of civilization under the rapid development of time.

Nothing can be broken or established.

There is no need to worry about it yourself.

As long as you overlook each era, you will feel like the Emperor of Heaven is high above, spanning tens of billions of years.

But now, there is no doubt that the Emperor of Heaven is standing at the end of the civilization of cultivating immortals. There are as many golden immortals as dogs, and the civilization has reached its limit.

At this moment, his own mortal world, the underworld, has just begun to sprout. He has to go through catastrophes of the ages and version changes before he has a chance to catch up with the ultimate level of civilization in his heaven!


In the distance, I saw Empress Houtu arriving in person.

"Master." Houtu looked gentle.

"You came?"

Wu Lang nodded, "You come with me for a walk."

The natal puppet magic weapon back then, as he was in charge of the six realms of reincarnation, now he is in charge of the underworld, and he gets along well with Po Meng.

Then Hou Tu was not too busy, so he came to take a walk with him.

As the lord of the underworld, she and Wu Lang, the lord of the human world, basically ignored things and let the gods of heaven and earth continue to fight for hegemony in the era.

It can be said that Wu Lang is the father who gave birth to them, and Houtu is the mother who raised them.

The human era at this time was created by the two of them.

Wow! !

Wu Lang and Hou Tu landed on a large ocean current ship together.

A small settlement of sea nomads lives here.

There are more than 30,000 people, and the hull is in the shape of a pyramid.

The poor people living on the bottom floor are full of clothes drying racks, broken huts, and the building structure is messy, like an Indian slum, while the upper level of the pyramid is a wealthy area with luxurious buildings and powerful monks living there.

"This is a disciple of Tao Ting. Everyone uses the attribute aura in the air to condense magical powers. He calls himself a 'Qi Refiner'. He is a branch of the cultivation system and practices various spells." At this time, Hou Tu slowly spoke, "So, here Class is the clearest.”


Wu Lang looked around curiously.

Slums and such are the most normal, no different from Kyushu in the old days.

Hou Tu smiled and said:

"The people's emperor's court next door practices karma. It's different from here. In disasters, everyone does good deeds and works together to overcome difficulties!"

"Cultivation of good deeds, accumulation of good deeds, helping each other, in order to have a better life in the next life, very united and selfless, even risking one's life to protect others, calling himself an 'ascetic monk'."

Wu Lang raised his eyebrows.

Taoism cultivates this life, Buddhism cultivates the next life.

After the underworld of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the branches of the two cultivation systems suddenly became different!

Hou Tu added: "As for the last divine court, it is probably the one who believes in the gods. Under the gods, all living beings are equal. Everyone worships the gods. The gods give fragments of their godhead to believers. The believers help refine their own rules and order. The gods protect you. Safety!"

This is a pure incense system.

The three religions in the world each have their own strengths!

In fact, there is a fourth religion, the modern religion.

Developed in the sky by a certain player, he made some random things. Hundreds of professions were driven by the industrial revolution, mechanization, building business districts, improving productivity, and starting to make money everywhere.

But at present, in the short-term development, the strongest combat power is the belief system, and the weakest power is modern religion.

All sentient beings helped these "gods" start practicing, which was countless times faster.

The leaders of the Jiejiao Cult, headed by these people, have reached the level of immortality. If it were not for their lack of enlightenment, they would have entered the realm of golden immortals.

After thousands of years of accelerated cultivation in Time Cave Heaven, it is simply unbelievable.

It's no wonder that the other two sects are going to launch a great flood to destroy all the nets, submerge the Nine Provinces, destroy the low-level believers like Shenting, and curb their development.

"Master, you didn't watch the world-destroying battle." Hou Tu suddenly laughed and said: "Their fight was much more intense than the battle between you and King Pan back then. The overwhelming battle between gods and gods even caused a great flood. .”

Wu Lang shook his head.

What catches your eyes?

I closed the curtains at that time.

It affects my practice.

"The other two sects are currently struggling to survive in the face of the Jiejie sect."

Houtu smiled and said: "Even recently, Jiejiao has called itself the Western Sect. It has divided the territory of three continents and called itself the Western Continent. It has planned professions for its believers and distributed gods, knights, mages, and wizards. Each believes in its own god. They will be given the core of their professional godhead.”

Wu Lang was surprised.

This is definitely a player who is making plans and setting up troubles in the mortal world.

Wu Lang took a closer look and found that it was true.

They are the new foreign players who have recently joined, and they are giving strong support to Jiejiao, and Western religion, and they have transformed the belief system into their own style of belief.

The goddess of war, the goddess of knights, the goddess of light, the god of wizards.

The Eastern players also responded tit-for-tat, scolding their foreign server players.

People teach Huang Ting, the unity and harmony of Buddhism.

In the Taoist Taoist court, the Qi refiners fight for hegemony.

In the Shenting, which joins forces to resist Western religion and believe in the Godhead, a battle of camps has formed between the two sides.

In the previous life, "Underworld Ghost" originated in China, but in the later period, players all over the earth were qualified to call it the second world.

And every game has wars in foreign servers and domestic servers, which are obviously affected at this time.

"It's quite interesting."

Wu Lang smiled in his heart.

His vision was very far-reaching.

There is motivation only when there is competition. Aren’t foreign players from the outside world like leeks?

Treating everyone equally and treating all living beings as equals is the kind of mind he should have.

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