I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 440 Opening the Six Paths of the Underworld

Hou Tu followed Wu Lang as he moved along the ocean current, observing:

"In the next era, when the tide recedes and the continent returns to its nakedness, it will be the Western Continent that will dominate in the short term. Other eastern systems will develop in the later stages and will be quite weak by then."

"I have to say that this belief system has great disadvantages at first glance. In fact, the social system is really powerful in combat, and its power is too concentrated!"

Such as the God of Knights.

Every knight is helping his own god to cultivate his godhood. These countless believers have become his billions of idle clones. How terrible is it?

It is conceivable that the speed of cultivation of individual power is far inferior to that of gods like them.

"They even established their own kingdom of God among the three peaks in the underworld!" Hou Tu expressed curiosity. The line of faith seemed weak, but in fact it developed unexpectedly.

Then Houtu suddenly laughed, "By the way, even recently, they have given us some strange Western names, calling us Western gods, and they have also gathered faith for us."

"Oh?" No wonder Wu Lang felt that his power of faith as the Human Emperor had soared recently.

Hou Tu said with a smile on his face: "My name is the Goddess of Life, and you are the King of the Gods. You have a romantic personality. You are the only male god among the countless goddesses of all things in the world, the only male! All the gods in the world are your wives."

Wu Lang was speechless.

What kind of Western-style myths and legends is this?

I blame it all on my fate. I only have a good impression of women, and I have become a woman. As a result, I am a goddess. The world has misunderstood me too much.

He senses heaven and earth and counts with his fingers.

He instantly sensed when the tide was going out.

Seven years later, the tsunami returned to the ocean, and the submerged continent was exposed again and returned to Kyushu.

But it seems like seven years. In fact, in the ocean of time, ocean currents of various speeds cross it. It may be hundreds of years and several generations of changes in the past.

At that time, the most powerful Western Continent will really appear.

"The mortal world is going to get interesting."

Wu Lang quietly glanced at the vast ocean of the mortal world, "Let's go! Let's go to the underworld."

"You don't care about this mortal world?" Hou Tu was dumbfounded and said as if he was looking at a scumbag: "Don't you go see the gods you gave birth to? Every one of them wants to be embarrassed."

"They have grown up, and this world is under their control. In the future, heaven will invade the mortal world and the underworld, and they need to fight on their own." Wu Lang shook his head without saying much, and followed her into the underworld.


Under the gloomy sky.

There is no end to the road to hell, and countless innocent souls line up.

Even in order to solve the crowded queuing situation, the eighteen levels of hell have been reduced to a "waiting room", where the innocent souls on each level are waiting in line to draw numbers and wait to go to Huangquan Road.

Although, in this waiting room, the wandering souls will have some harmless little fun of torture while waiting.

Along the way, Houtu was also making introductions.

In addition to the seventh peak of the Ten Palace Peaks, the ninth peak was commandeered by their three religions and used as the life form reincarnation of their own practice system.

As for the Xiaoleiyin Temple on the tenth peak, the goblins have undoubtedly taken refuge in the Huangting people's sect, their own lineage of Buddhism.

The tenth peak is the peak of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It inherited the title left by someone and is now different from what it used to be.

There are also rumors that if hell is not empty, I will not become a Buddha.

Although Ksitigarbha himself has already ventured to heaven, the goblins still remember the heroic heroine who screamed passionately on the road to sterilization in the mountains and rivers.

The mountain spirits firmly believe that one day she will return to the underworld to take charge.

After all, he is a disciple of Tao Ancestor.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Xu Xinying has finally achieved success, and the structure of the underworld has begun to be perfected." Wu Lang could only sigh with emotion after hearing this. Those scenes in the past seemed like a world away.

Wu Lang even saw a female deity he had developed wisdom with, who had a gentle and quiet personality. She became Tingting and hid in the underworld to escape the war.

This little girl used to be very clingy and pestered him all day long, but Wu Lang didn't see her thoughts.

There are already too many gods in this world. I show invisible favoritism to everyone I meet, which can easily lead to misunderstandings.

Women are most prone to jealousy.

A high favorability towards oneself means that one has a lot of possessiveness and instinctively rejects and is jealous of other companions. This is even one of the reasons why they can fight.

Soon, Wu Lang met Po Meng and entered the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Among them, Wu Lang met his senior brother Chi Huaqing, who had been imprisoned and moved here for a long time.

He was completely crazy.

"What's going on?" Wu Lang was surprised. He had always ordered sustainable development and accepted customers once a week.

"He takes too many customers."

Hou Tu looked strange.

For the war, those gods gave birth to more powerful immortals, so they naturally paid attention to Chi Huaqing.

But they did not dare to disobey Taozu's order, so they threw Chi Huaqing into the cave of time.

But what about based on outside time?

This is equivalent to picking up customers dozens of times a day.

"Kill me, kill me!" Chi Huaqing screamed loudly when he saw someone coming.

Wu Lang frowned slightly.

Time flies, and the former imaginary enemy has fallen to this end.

Wu Lang's eyes suddenly became a little complicated. He was in silent retreat in the cave, but outside, the world was turned upside down, and people were constantly changing, growing, and dying.

I remembered the desolate scene when I first came to Huangquan Sect, and before I knew it, this place had flourished again, with countless ghosts gathering, and I became the second generation of Huangquan Sect leader, ruling Kyushu.

"Then, senior brother, let me help you get rid of it." With a stretch of his hand, Chi Huaqing completely walked towards death, and his fate was pinched in Wu Lang's hands.

Before, he could not make use of Chi Huaqing's fate, so he could only let him be artificially impregnated to give birth to a heavenly being.

But now, he has given birth to three thousand avenues with his own hands, and the Tao body of all knowledge has been fully developed, and he can use his destiny to completely transform it into the "Dao of Heaven and Humanity".


He reached out and grabbed it slightly, and the destiny fell into his hand. He looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation in front of him and said to Houtu next to him: "Why don't we take the opportunity to directly perfect the rules of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and open up the Six Paths."


He stretched out his hand and grasped it, and countless fragments of destiny rules in the six reincarnations began to linger, spiral, and classify, like bright stars in the sky.

"The Way of Heaven and Humanity, one is born with immortality, and when one matures, one becomes a Heavenly Person."

"The way of humanity is the permanent way, reincarnated as a human being."

"The animal path includes pigs, dogs, cows, sheep, and rabbits. They are reincarnated as ordinary animals with mediocre qualifications and are the most numerous path in the world."

"The path of Asura, monsters, monsters, and powerful non-human beings are born to be powerful, so they follow this path."

"The path of hungry ghosts and demons are cruel, imbecile, and trapped in instinct. This is the path."

"In the hell path, you can enter hell and never come out. In the underworld, you are a ghost and a god, and you are a billionaire. This is the path."

Wu Lang was very superficial. He initially divided these lives into six types, reincarnated them, and let nature take its course as to how they would develop.

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