I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 462 Breaking through the Golden Immortal

The Era of the Western Gods is fifteen thousand years old.

The Western gods are shrinking their territory more and more, and Buddhism and Taoism are completely prosperous.

Although they wear their skin, they still practice their Dharma. Even the three great Buddhas are compassionate and guide all living beings to do good, using karma as the criterion.

At the same time, people gradually began to classify the innate ancient gods of the era based on their abilities and levels, dividing them into first-level gods, second-level gods, and third-level gods.

With the continuous discussion, division, classification and formulation of the outline of heaven and earth by countless scholars, the Illustrated Book of the Gods was finally completed.

A first-level god with unlimited potential, in charge of the entire main order of heaven and earth.


The twin gods who control life in time and space.

Empress Houtu who created the cycle of life and death.

The ancient emperor who created time.

Second level god.

There are three major leaders, each in charge of a god.

As well as the gods of the five elements with traditional spiritual roots, such as the God of Soil who controls the earth, the God of Air who controls the sky, and the God of Ocean who controls the ocean.

Third level god.

A lesser deity who has mastery over countless side branches.

Various innate immortal treasures, innate spiritual roots that have been suppressed, and major collateral gods that have been encircled and suppressed.

However, the quarrel continued.

According to this classification, what level of innate ancient god was the original Taoist ancestor?

Some people say: Taozu is a first-class god, alongside Houtu Empress. According to legend, they created the world after the great flood, and it was they who joined forces to create a goddess.

According to history, he is the only male god, and his status must be noble.

Some people also refute: Dao Ancestor is afraid that he is the human ancestor in the past. Although he opened up the era, he has been eliminated by the era and has no power.

As soon as this view came out, it received support from many people.

At present, Empress Houtu has shown all kinds of incredible power, perfecting the underworld and informing the three thousand gods in the world.

And Dao Ancestor has disappeared!

Clearly, his grip on the world has weakened.

It is even possible that there was a gap in the relationship with Houtu Empress, and they were very inconsistent and began to part ways.

No matter what, the people in the human world and the underworld have gradually forgotten the power of Taozu with the times, and it has become synonymous with opening up the era.

Although there is still respect, it is already the respect of the ancients and ancestors, and there is no reverence.

But some people say:

"Wait a minute, three thousand avenues. Logically speaking, there should be three thousand Taoist Lords, but in fact there are only more than two thousand seats! Among the three thousand avenues, one or two hundred are traditional cultivation avenues, such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning. , has long been proven to be the fruit of Taoism!"

"Indeed, these gods cannot attain these paths! They are at most the Golden Immortal Dzogchen. To break through the Great Luo, they must defeat the Tao Lords in the sky! Seize their way!"

At the same time, after careful classification, people discovered a strange point:

"Hey, why are there only more than 2,800 gods in the human world? Where are the more than 100 gods?"

"There are several deities in the underworld, such as Ting Ting, who assist in the underworld."

"What about the rest?"

Wu Lang looked outside and smiled instead:

"Is this a list of Pokemon? Level one gods, level two gods?"

He was speechless.

However, this also suits his heart.

Hide, hide and hide again.

When the Emperor of Heaven gets through to him, the Emperor of Heaven will definitely be very happy when he sees this human world:

It's almost the same era as I imagined.

The God of Life was born, and she was named Hou Tu. She was probably the one who ushered in a new era of cultivation, and then became hostile to her own daughter.

His daughter only took part of the space rights of the Great Leiyin Temple, but it turned out that she was suppressed.

More than twenty years have passed.

For the beings who live in the Time Cave, they have been practicing for 20,000 years.

The Era of the Western Gods, twenty thousand years.

The Taoist court, the Buddhist court, and the divine court completely divided the world.

The gods descended to earth, some were captured, some were killed, some were suppressed, some are still reincarnating and rebuilding, and some people have begun to touch the end.

Time flies by, generations of creatures on the earth are born and died, and countless heroes appear and die.

This day.

"I have a premonition that the Golden Immortal's method is about to be opened!"

Some people counted with their fingers and couldn't help but exclaimed. They felt that the order of heaven and earth had changed. Someone must have touched the threshold and began to try to condense their own rules and order into Dao Fruit.

Therefore, it will affect the Three Thousand Avenues.

"What a shame, the path given to us by those alien monks is not very reliable. Journey to the West, let us support a few monks to fight, and let them open up Daluo under pressure? It is useless!"

"But the resources they plundered from the fairy world were invested sincerely, but we didn't have any plans to invest in this. They lost a huge amount of resources, and we lost a huge amount of time. How could they do such a stupid thing!"

They plan carefully, how could they suffer a loss?

He deceived those stupid alien disciples throughout the whole process and made great contributions.

I don't get a hair out of myself.

Even, a lot of huge resources collected by the heavens were obtained from the hands of strangers from outside the world.

But in fact, they also lost time.

In this general trend of cultivation, time is everything.

"Why are they so stupid? That's all, that's all. Anyway, we just spent some effort and didn't foolishly put our hope in them."

"Bah! Their losses are not big."


"I heard recently. It seems that they lost money in Kyushu, but in their own secular world, they made a lot of money."

"What to earn?"

"This is what I learned from their traitor, the truth about Journey to the West!"

"The truth about the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West? These people have countless conspiracies. Is it possible that they really have some big plan to plot against us?" A Half-Step King was frightened.

"This is the truth about the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West that I found out!" A Taoist Lord choked for a while.

[Adaptation is not random fabrication, and jokes are not nonsense. In the second half of this year, the magical epic myth "Journey to the West" co-produced by the three major religions of the ancient world and the secular human world will be officially launched! 】

[We squeezed a large amount of funds from the fairy world, joined forces with General Supervisor in the mortal world, invested 10 billion fairy stones, and invited the Emperor of Heaven and Tathagata to participate in the performance, which absolutely guaranteed the restoration and authenticity of the scene. 】


"What are they doing in this secular world? Why don't they cultivate immortality? They don't seek immortality, they only focus on mortal affairs, and they spend so many resources on useless things. Are they stupid?"

"Damn it! It turns out that they thought there was no hope from the beginning. The Huangquan Sect really misled me about Buddhism and ruined my luck in Buddhism! It was a waste of huge amounts of time!" Tathagata Buddha was furious, "I have been so conscientious in my performance several times at a loss. "

"This emperor made a greater sacrifice! He was also beaten by a monkey." A Taoist Heavenly Emperor said.

Thinking of this, the Seven Black Hands couldn't help but feel toothache.

How can I accompany them to do such stupid things during this period of time?

Although I didn’t invest any money, I still got a lot of resources from the other party, so it didn’t seem like a loss.

But it’s frustrating!

The result of this "Journey to the West" is:

The three major teachings waste time.

Countless players lost huge amounts of resources.

However, in "The Underworld" they suffered huge losses, but in reality they made a lot of money. Everyone invested and held shares together, making unimaginable money.

Recently, Wu Lang has also been living a somewhat comfortable life.

"Nice shot."

Wu Lang was sitting on a chair in the cave, eating KFC and drinking drinks.

There is a computer in front of me, and I am watching the 723rd episode of the recent epic epic "Journey to the West", with countless bullet screens floating around.

"Here I go, this Zhu Bajie looks so much like him, where did he find it?"

"Can't it be different? All the well-known directors have been stationed on Huangquan Road for many years. They are looking for roles one after another, which is equivalent to starring themselves!"

"I'll go! Times have progressed!"

"How can we not make progress? Those beasts are so amazing! They actually thought of using this method to coax the top bosses in "The Ghost Story" to help them film."

"Princess Chang'e is also beautiful."

"Stupid, that is the real Taoist goddess Chang'e! How can this temperament be compared to that of our real-life actors?"

There are a lot of barrages, which can be called terrifying.

"It seems that the outside world has been having a good time recently. It's a very exciting adventure." Wu Lang felt that he had nothing to kill time before.

Playing cards, online games, and mahjong are all so boring. I didn’t expect that there are new tools to kill time now.

Lian Yu'er was also squeezing the mud and said with great interest, "Oh, the Jade Emperor did a good job. He was majestic and domineering, but he was beaten by a monkey."

"Of course it's good. After all, it's me." Wu Lang couldn't deny it.

He looked at Journey to the West for a while, and then looked at the barrage again.

Apparently he got the benefit.

These netizens are talking about the next "Fengshen List", "Nezha Naohai", "Liao Zhai".

But the West was not satisfied and planned to make a fairy tale about the gods of the West.

But everyone immediately started teasing him.

"This can be filmed! I totally agree with this! But it has to come from your Tower of Babel. No, Olympus invited your Zeus, and there are a lot of goddesses of heaven and earth to star in. These goddesses are not what anyone can do now." If you touch it, only that person can touch it, and you can only treat it as the protagonist."

"Yes, let's start filming! Let's start filming! Please be sure to ask me to observe, and it's best to find a few professional directors from island countries! Give them some guidance!"

"Bah! Daozu slaps you to death. He is secretly having a romantic affair. How can he make a movie for you guys?"

Suddenly, the players of the Western Foreign Server were fuming with anger.

These damn Eastern players!

Wu Lang also looked silent.

Sameyu'er frowned at the side, "Want to give it a try?"

Wu Lang shook his head, "The world has misunderstood me too much."

After he browsed the Internet again, Wu Lang took a look at the recent developments in the sky for the first time in a long time.


[Your disciple Liu Ping stepped into the ninth level of the Golden Immortal, but his realm has stopped. He did not dare to take risks without follow-up skills, so he started to establish a sect and established the Dragon King Sect. 】


[Your disciple Xu Xinying stepped into the ninth level of the Golden Immortal, stopped at the realm, and established Jianzhong Villa. 】


[Your disciple Yun Rong stepped into the fourth level of the Golden Immortal and cultivated a large number of cloud demons. Due to the war on the twenty-two, twenty-three, and twenty-four days, he was besieged for twenty-three days, and secretly moved to the clouds for the twenty-fifth day. Demonic kingdom, thrive. 】


[Your god Huaimi has broken through to the sixth level of the Golden Immortal. 】


[Your god Xingyi has broken through to the second level of the Golden Immortal. 】

There is no stagnation of progress on the other side of heaven.

And the biggest good news is:

Although the more than a hundred gods that he secretly threw into the heaven did not like fighting or practicing, food, dining, and sleep. The batch of salted fish that died at the beginning have now basically become golden immortals.

This also means that he is finally fully developed.

Bring one hundred mature Golden Immortal Dharma Intentions into your body and gather them together. Your Baixiao "Golden Immortal Dharma Intent" is completely condensed and you enter the realm of Golden Immortal.

"It's been so long since I reached the ninth level of the Celestial Immortal. I can finally break through a major level and continue working overtime." Wu Lang thought to himself.

He directly recalled the more than a hundred gods from the immortal world.

He said that he would not meet the gods in the mortal world or the people who were in danger of the great calamity of the three religions. However, these salted fish gods in the immortal world were no longer in the great calamity of the human world, so naturally they could be seen.

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