I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 463 The Lower Realm of the Emperor of Heaven

Half a month later, Wu Lang found more than a hundred golden immortal gods in the heaven.



There was a lot of excitement on the seventh peak.

It's rare for them to get together on the seventh peak.

Empress Houtu stayed with them happily in the mountains for several days, chatting about daily life, adventures and various experiences in the fairy world.

"Ah, you have worked hard." Empress Houtu said softly.

"It's not bad, mainly because those golden fairies helped us. They won't die and helped us survive many crises." They said, they were a group of personal nannies, and they were so good that they could fly up.

The group of golden immortals who were tricked into Daleiyin Temple thought that this was a test for this mysterious Daoist Lord Daluo!

Therefore, they try their best to cultivate.

After they finished chatting, Wu Lang absorbed a hundred of them into his body.


A hundred Dharmas gathered together, and the Golden Immortal Dharma was cast.

The body is like a rushing river, with overlapping rules and orders gathering and surging.

At this moment, Wu Lang had completely entered the last realm of human beings and promoted the rules of order in his body.

Golden Immortal level.


He took a deep breath and showed a satisfied smile: "It's finally here!"

If it were in the outside world, all kinds of strange phenomena would inevitably break out, but at this moment, he suppressed this strange phenomenon in the Great Leiyin Temple.

This is his gist:

Keep a low profile.

"What are your plans next?"

Wu Lang was in a good mood.

I glanced at the more than a hundred golden immortals in front of me. They had not been degraded in the immortal world, and their intimacy level was full. They didn't have any thoughts about themselves while chatting here.

"Master, we want to meditate in Daleiyin Temple for a while!"

"Yes! We are too tired from our adventure in the fairy world."

"We haven't been with Master for a long time, and there is also Master Sharyu'er."

they chirped.

This group of gods were all docile and did not like to fight, so they were eliminated to death at the very beginning of the war between the three religions.

"Okay." Wu Lang did not refuse, "You can play in my Great Leiyin Temple and rest for a while."

Soon, Wu Lang left the group of chattering girls in the living room, hid in his room, and began to explore new functions.

Golden Immortal Dharma is obviously a major qualitative change.

Wu Lang felt that his perception of heaven and earth had become extremely keen, as if he had truly transformed into the ancestor of the three thousand avenues.

Even at this moment, he finally saw the long river of destiny.


He secretly saw the rules of the Three Thousand Avenues floating in the long river of destiny, and above the Three Thousand Avenues were the three most majestic thrones of rules.

It is like three thousand ministers and three kings.

This is the destiny of the Three Thousand Great Luos and the Three Heavenly Emperors.

He sensed the three thrones high above. Two of them were sitting on phantoms, and two Dao fruits, time and life, had been condensed.

And only half of the remaining incomplete throne is space.

Under the three thrones, he saw that among the three thousand avenues, more than two hundred rules had turned into entities from the hazy nothingness, and there were already Daluo Dao Fruits.

The numbers are:

Two hundred and seventy-one.

This is the number of Tao Lords who have attained enlightenment and condensed the Tao Fruit.

"There are more than expected." Wu Lang frowned, "It seems that there are still some Dao Lords hidden in the heaven."

When he saw this scene, he felt that no wonder the Emperor of Heaven felt something the moment the Emperor of Life in the Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared.

I have also seen this long river of rules and destiny.

"But just because he peered into this long river, he didn't know that I existed! He thinks that there are only three heavenly emperors. I am beyond his tens of billions of years of common sense."

And at the same time.

Wu Lang also found that after advancing to Baixiao Fayi, he gained a new [God List] ability.

As the fourth major rule artifact, it naturally has its own heaven-defying abilities.

If you think of this as an identity card game, the card you take is a mortal's practice, and it is the [regicide card] that symbolizes the three thousand low-level courtiers who rebelled against the three supreme monarchs.

The weak in the world fight back.

With three thousand underlying rules, he launched a charge against the three supreme emperors, and finally tied with them.

Naturally, it has a majestic power that is not weaker than the three supreme artifacts.

This ability is mysterious and mysterious. To put it simply:

[I don’t know everything, I don’t know everything. I knew it for 50,000 years before I knew it, and I knew it for 50,000 years later. 】

To simplify it further, I can not only simulate the Emperor of Heaven in the past, but I can even deduce the future and calculate everything in the future.

Be knowledgeable and move toward omniscience and omnipotence.

This is the Taoist ancestor.

And the level of this calculation for the future will not be lower than that of the Emperor of Heaven!

"You really don't know everything, you don't know everything." Wu Lang sighed with emotion, and started the first deduction on the list of gods.

"I want to know when the Emperor of Heaven will descend to earth."

A mysterious message came:

[Requires 397 times my mana]

Wu Lang's eyes lit up.

It actually works.

Although the requirements are a bit high, how huge is my magic power?

Now the first level of Jinxian is comparable to that of a half-step master, or even a step longer. It has to be cleared 397 times in a row to deduce this information.

But it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully.

It’s about the Emperor of Heaven.

"Come on." Wu Lang didn't panic, feeling like a rich man, "I have money."

Three hundred and sixty years a year.

He spent two full years, more than eight hundred years in the cave of time, using it as a power bank, charging and replenishing it again and again. His body was drained nearly four hundred times, which was even more tiring than daily practice.


Wu Lang suddenly saw pop-up windows with messages from the future.


[Twenty-three years later, more than 40,000 years ago in the Western Earth Era, the Changsheng Empress completely opened up the Daluo method and secretly tried to break through. 】


[Your god, the Immortal Empress, was brutally attacked. The identity of the seven black hands was directly exposed. Buddhism and Taoism were completely reduced to their influence. The two major religions knew that they were the camp of the Emperor of Heaven and came to earth. They were willing to be loyal to the Emperor of Immortal Heaven and invade the mortal world. The two religions began to encircle and suppress the Western religion! 】


[The great calamity broke out, and all life was in ruins. The innate gods of Taoism and Buddhism began to integrate into Western religions to resist the enemies of the heavens. The war between immortals and mortals began, and the world competed for the seat of the first Taoist king in the new era. 】


[Your disciple, an alien player, claims to be able to help these seven masterminds to seize the first fruit of the same kind of Taoist kings in the heaven, allowing seven people to attain the traditional seven Taoist kings. 】

[The Seven Black Hands hesitated. They were not living a very good life. They felt that they were being targeted by the Taoist Taoist. Their Taoist lovers cheated on them, their love affairs were ruined, everything went wrong, and they often went crazy. They were secretly cursed by the Taoist Tao, and they seemed to be in the wrong. It's the whole world. 】


[The seven masterminds behind the scenes chose to agree. Their plan was indeed amazing. It brought together the power of countless golden immortals in the mortal world and had a high probability of success. The seven masterminds tried to 'seize the Dao' from the same kind of Taoist kings in the mortal world, but were brutally defeated by the seven masters in the heaven. Zun Daojun counterattacked: "Who dares to steal my Dao Fruit secretly?" ’]

[It turns out that these alien players have evil intentions and have already informed the seven Tao Lords in the heaven that someone will try to sneak attack and seize the Tao, so that they can prepare a counterattack. 】


Mission Impossible?

Wu Lang was speechless when he saw the future more than twenty years later.

But he soon saw something even more outrageous.


[The seven black hands in the human world were severely damaged by the counterattack. Although the Seven Dao Lords in the heaven were well prepared, they were also hit hard, and both sides suffered losses. 】

[The alien players showed off their real second-level killing move. They encouraged the twenty-three Heavenly Moon Dao Lords, Tianyang, and Tianxing to attack the Seven Dao Lords who had just counterattacked and seized the Dao in the heavens. They took advantage of their unpreparedness and succeeded. Kill it. 】


[The alien player has already cultivated seven new ninth-level golden immortals with traditional spiritual roots of the same kind in the human world. The fisherman profited and instantly began to seize the seven great kings who died in the heaven. 】


[There are four continents in the world, alien players, fishermen are profiting from it, and they have seven traditional Taoist kings, seven of which are at level 110. Everyone cheers. Since the server of "Underworld Ghost" has been launched, there are finally players with full level. 】

[The seven masterminds behind the scenes were brutally suppressed. The three Buddhas and the Four Heavenly Emperors were replaced by seven alien Taoists. The aliens occupied the two major religions, took over the power and continued to attack the Western religion. The seven great Luo asked the Immortal Empress to hand over the New Great Luo Ancestor Scripture. . 】

Wu Lang was silent.

I didn't expect that the future era would develop like this.

Although the seven half-step masters have their own bad luck, the player's chain plan is indeed amazing.

They first used "Journey to the West" to make the other party relax their vigilance, and then they actually launched a sneak attack on them.

Dark and cruel.

[Your god, the Immortal Empress has already prepared, so what about Da Luo? They had just achieved enlightenment and their cultivation level was not high, so they used the same methods they used to besiege Jingzhou in the past, and at the same time summoned countless ninth-level golden immortals to achieve enlightenment everywhere, and the other party could not stop them. 】


[Although more than 400 golden immortals of your gods were attacked and killed, there are eight scattered Daluo who have achieved enlightenment, fighting against the other two religions. At this point, the ancient gods of the West and the mortals of Buddhism and Taoism have formed two major power camps. 】


[You have practiced hard in the cave, observed the human world, and reached the ninth level of the Golden Immortal. Your attempt to prove the Tao failed. Others have achieved Daluo. You have become the Emperor of Heaven. It is countless times more difficult. Failure is normal because you have found the proof that the Emperor of Heaven wants. The way of Tao is not different. 】


[In the 50,000th year of the Western Earth Era, Taoism and Buddhism fought with the gods of Western religions and successfully learned the new Daluo method secretly. The two religions also appeared in large numbers in the new era of Daluo. The era of Daluo Daojun began to appear, and the Daolords of the heavens began to appear. The era is reaching its peak. 】


[Taoism and Buddhism tried to attack the Tower of Babel, thinking it was easier to control than the underworld. 】


[Your Daleiyin Temple was unable to defend against Lord Daluo and was attacked. 】

Wu Lang fell silent immediately.

You beat seven black hands, beat my gods, and then come to beat me?

It is indeed a natural disaster to upgrade and fight monsters.

He saw a scene.


"He finally showed up."

"He is dead! Our top players are all Da Luo Daojun."


[They saw your true face, a mere ninth-level Golden Immortal, and thought there was nothing to be afraid of. Dao Ancestor was really just a facade. 】


[You, the ninth level of the Golden Immortal, absorbed a hundred gods in an instant, entered a hundred Daluo Dao Fruits into your body, crushed all the aliens from the sky with one hand, killed hundreds of Dao Lords, and the blood flowed like a river. On this day, the heaven Everyone underground knows who the most terrifying existence in the world is. 】


[The foreigner was defeated miserably and returned to the base camp. He did not dare to advance any more and developed with peace of mind. He also killed the seven masterminds behind the suppression. 】


[The next moment, all the people in the fairy world saw an unforgettable scene, a majestic god standing in the sky, "united"! Thirty-three immortal heavens merged into one immortal heaven and received a dimensionality reduction attack. Countless people were crushed and destroyed, turned into pieces of paper, and all life was reduced to ashes. The only remaining immortal heaven received a huge energy supply and traveled to the future. 】


[In the Immortal Ruins Forbidden Zone in the human world, time is rapidly iterating and changing, green grass is growing, and all things are gestating. It seems that the long evolution of tens of billions of years has been turned into a fast-forward movie, condensed into just half a day. middle. 】

[The Immortal World has come to this world, replacing the Immortal Ruins restricted area. 】

【"open"! With a low cry, time was cut off day by day, and the time in the entire Immortal Ruins restricted area was re-isolated. In this world, the Immortal World was split into the first day, and the next day, and the next Immortal Heaven appeared every day. A month later, Thirty-three immortal heavens appeared, the immortal world came to the world, and war began with the human world and the underworld. 】


[The Emperor of Heaven deduced the past and the future, and spent three times restarting the time travel. Your calculation power at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal was not as good as his, and you lost to the Emperor of Heaven. You were attacked and destroyed. 】

Wu Lang frowned and said, "After killing those seven and a half-footstep masters, he ended up here with me? Bringing thirty-three days of innateness to this world? That old bastard is really disgusting."

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