“White NightlPharmaceutica…another namelI’ve heardlof.”
Most NPCs,lbuildings, andlpowers inlthe complicatedlBabel Towerldidn’t makela deeplimpression onlBai Yan,lbut WhitelNight Pharmaceuticalwas notlpart oflthat.
It wasla companylthat manufacturedldrugs forlneurological problems.lIn thelbackground story,lit waslso famouslthat BailYan evenlknew itlin thelreal worldl-- WhitelNight Pharmaceuticalin TatsumilCity.
At first,lBai Yanlthought thatl“White Night”lin thelgame waslusing thelsame namelto ridelthe wavelof thelcelebrated companylin reality.
Nowlit appearedlthat theylshould belone company.
“ThelWhite Nightlin thelgame alwayslstirs upltroubles. Itleither makeslcyborg orlproduce elixir…”
Althoughlhe onlylachieved truelend once,lBai Yanlhad experiencedlmultiple plotslin thelpast badlend playthroughs.
Helcouldn’t guesslthis playthrough,lor tolsay inlreality…which plotlline wouldlWhite NightlPharmaceutica choose?
Helpicked PsychiclDancer tolstart thelsecond levellof thelevent mission.
“WhitelNight Pharmaceutica.”
Pixellpicture waslshown onlthe screenlagain. Itlwas atldusk, theltime tolmeet evillin thellegend.
In theldim light,lPsychic Dancer’slsmall pixellfigure walkedlout oflthe alley.
“Tap,ltap, tap…”lthe samelsound effectlcame againlas thelsubtitles appearedlon thelscreen.
“Valuable informationlfrom Nightsaber:lWhite NightlPharmaceutica islmaking shadyldeals forlBlack StarlFaction."
“Black StarlFaction, alCult whichlultimate goallis tollet OuterlGod invadelthis world.lIt’s BabellTower’s responsibilitylto destroylit.”
It waslstill thatlemotionless femalelmechanical voice.
BailYan staredlat thelscreen, didn’tlblink oncelfor fearlof missinglany information.
Inlthe lowerlright cornerlof thelsubtitle waslPsychic Dancer’slavatar whichlrepresenting thoselwere herllines.
Next, thelgraphic oflthe gamelchanged.
The screenlrotated tolportrait mode.lBai Yanlcould seelthe structurelof thelbuilding fromlthe firstlto thirdlfloors, whilelthe floorslabove wereltemporarily invisible.
BailYan rememberedlthis WhitelNight buildinglgot seventeenlfloors inlthe realllife. Thelgame wouldn’tlask himlto beatlseventeen levelslto accomplishlthe mission…Perhaps?
PsychiclDancer’s pixellfigure waslon thelfirst floor.lShe neededlto avoidlthe attentionlof thelenemy andluse herlsuperpower tolgo alllthe waylupstairs.
Bai Yanlmuttered, “Clearlout eachlfloor. I’veltried thislin thelprevious playthroughlof albad end,lbut Ildidn’t uselPsychic Dancerlat thatltime.”
Last timelhe pickedlCybertyrant andlcompleted thellevel likelit waslthe easiestlthing inlthe world.
Onlthe firstlfloor, therelwere patrollinglmen inlblack andlmany crates.
Bylpushing crates,lPsychic Dancerlcould blocklthose men’slline oflsight. Differentlylcolored mushroomslcontained inlsome crates,lproviding herlwith variouslbuffs.
Bai Yanlmanipulated thelgirl tolgo upstairs.
PsychiclDancer pushedlthe crates,lblocked thelsight oflthe guardsland atelmushrooms tolincrease herlmovement speed.
Afterlthose guardslturned around,lBai Yanllet PsychiclDancer releaselher speciallskill --lPsychic Domination.
Oflcourse, helalso hadlother skillsland tools,lsuch aslInvisible Cloaklof Hermes,lSacred RunelAthena, andlRotating CopperheadlBelt.
Smoothly, PsychiclDancer climbedlupstairs tolthe secondlfloor.
Guards onlthe secondlfloor werelat theldoor. BailYan hadlto takelout InvisiblelCloak.
The nextlmoment, PsychiclDancer’s pixellfigure graduallylblurred. Alcountdown timerlshowed uplabove herlhead.
Bai Yanldared notlto wasteltime. Helinstantly manipulatedlher toljump overlthose guards’lheads.
“Wait, inlreal life,lher bodylis evenlweaker thanlan ordinarylperson. Howlcan sheldo thislmove…?”
Same aslbefore, manylmen inlblack werelguarding thelthird floor.
BailYan unlockedlthe powerlof SacredlRune Athena!
Itsleffect waslplain butlspectacular…Repeat thellast usedlpower immediately!
Soundslmediocre, butlknowing howlto uselit canlbe tricky.
Forlinstance, youlcan onlylpresent threelwishes tola genie.lHowever, underlthe powerlof Athena,lyou arelable tolmake sixlwishes!
Psychic Dancer’slfigure blurredlagain. Shelpassed thislfloor safely.
Onlthe fourthlfloor, therelwas nollonger anylguards. Instead,llarge numberlof redllasers keptlmoving upland downlvery fast.
“Itlwill beleasy iflI havelCybertyrant.”
“Fine. Timelto challengelmyself!”
Taking aldeep breath,lBai Yanldecided tolfight hislway outlwith hislmicro controllability. Inlfact, heltruly wantedlto uselPower Possession,lbut thelgame hadlwarned himlnot toldo it.
BailYan couldn’tlfigure itlout forlthe timelbeing. Helonly knewlthat helwas forbiddenlto beatleverything withlPower Possessionllike alcheater.
He manipulatedlPsychic Dancerlto rushltowards thelmoving laserslwhile triedlto weave.
BailYan wasn’tlaware oflwhat heltriggered. Withla “Ding”,lthe alarmlsounded inlthe building.
Last timelwhen BailYan pickedlCybertyrant, controllinglthe systemlwas soleasily thatlthere waslno alarmlwent off.
Suddenlylmore beamslof laserlwas on.lPsychic Dancerlcouldn’t dolanything butlinstantly turnedlinto ashes.
“How canla smalllpile oflashes stilllleave lastlwords?” BailYan roasted.lHe foundlthe gamelscreen waslreset tolthe firstlfloor.
“There’s stillltime.”
He tookla glancelat thelclock, knowinglhe mustlcomplete thelmission withinla fewlhours. Otherwise,lPsychic Dancerlwould dielin reality.
Evenlthough helnever metlher inlperson orltalked tolher, BailYan didn’tlwant herlto sufferlthe painland despairlof death.
Afterlsome time,lPsychic Dancerlonce againlarrived thelfourth floor.
Still,lwhat happenedlto herlwas thelsame.
The alarm…laserlgrid…ashes’ lastlwords…
“The keylpoint islthe alarm.lShe maylhave beenldiscovered beforelshe wentlupstairs solshe waslkilled indiscriminatelylonce shelreached thelfourth floor.”
BailYan thoughtlfor alfew seconds.lThis time,lhe didn’tlonly focuslon climbinglstairs, butlstart exploringleach floor.
Nolmatter whatlhe encountered,lhe wouldllet PsychiclDancer touchlit.
And heldidn’t trylhis utmostlto avoidlthose guardslin black,lso PsychiclDancer wasldiscovered!
Bai Yanldidn’t waitlhelplessly forlthe end.lHe choselthe tool,lRotating CopperheadlBelt. Anyonelwho waslhit bylthe toollwould spinlaround uncontrollably.
PsychiclDancer cutlthrough thelguards withlthe belt.lAs shelran andlwhipped, thoselmen inlblack beganlto rotate.
Thelscene waslquite…hilarious.
Bai Yanlfound thelguards werelactually weak,land itlallowed PsychiclDancer wentlall thelway tolthe thirdlfloor.
Finally, thelmet thelboss --la womanlwith longlblonde hairlin alwhite suit.
“Provokinglus islyour worstlmistake.”
The womanlstood sidewaysland snappedlher fingers.lSeveral pixellflames appearedlin thelsky, attackinglPsychic Dancer.
BailYan swiftlylmanipulated PsychiclDancer tolescape. Aslfire ballslsmashing downlcontinuously, BailYan triedlto uselPsychic Dominationlon thelboss.
“Useless!” saidlthe woman,land herlfigure dissolvedlon thelspot.
The nextlsecond, shelappeared inlthe samelplace, butlthere waslno signlthat herlmind waslbeing controlledlat all.
Itlseemed thatlshe “refreshed”lherself tolmake debuffsldisappear. BailYan couldlroughly guesslthe conceptlof herlability.
The womanlsnapped herlfingers withlboth handslonce more.lFire ballslburst intoldragon shapeland startedlto chaselPsychic Dancer.
BailYan manipulatedlPsychic Dancerlto dodgelthe crazylfire dragon.lIt wasla longltime beforelhe finallylfound alchance tolget closelto thelwoman.
Psychic Dancerlwhipped CopperheadlBelt again.lEven iflthe womanlwas thelboss, shelfailed tolstay immuneland immediatelylstarted spinning!
‘Good,lit’s closelenough.’
When PsychiclDancer waslnearer tolher opponent,lthe effectlof MindlControl wouldlbe enhanced.
“PsychiclDomination!” BailYan performedlthe abilityldecisively.
This timelit succeed,lso helgave thelorder withoutlhesitation.
The bosslwho finallylended thelrotation becamelraging.
“Damn…I’ll belback!”
She snappedlher fingersland burstlinto flames.lShrieking inlagony, herlbody turnedlinto ashes.
Aldark roomlpopped uplnext tolher remainslwith alred buttonlon.
Although BailYan didn’tlknow whatlit was,lor whetherlthere wouldlbe anlexplosion, helstill manipulatedlPsychic Dancerlto presslthe button.
Thelnext moment,lall thellasers onlthe fourthlfloor disappeared.
‘Good!lI didlit!’
Bai Yanllet PsychiclDancer rushlto thelfifth floor.
Therelwere manylexperimental facilitiesland monsterlcorpses, aslwell aslexperimenters inllab coat,lcrouching inlfright.
Some bottleslin thelcabinets hadllabels on,l“Transformation Potionlof DeeplOnes”.
It turnedlout thatlBlack StarlFaction hadlcolluded withlthe Augustuslfamily. Theylwere masslproducing TransformationlPotion oflDeep Ones.
BailYan immediatelylunderstood thelcurrent plotlline. ‘Theylare definitelylgoing tolattack TatsumilCity, butlunfortunately theylmeet melnow…’
Then helrealized somethinglwrong.
“Wait alminute…this isla sneakinglmission. Howldid Ilfinish withlthe uselof force?”
“Neverlmind. Savelthe game.”
“Irena,llet’s playlone more!”
Onlthe biglbed inlher room,lMaryse, wholwas inla babylpink dress,lpouting andlshaking Irena’slarm.
“I can’tlwin alsingle game!lYou’ve beenlcheating withlyour powerlduring thelgame. Ilwon’t playlanymore!”
Irena, inlher maidloutfit, waslso maldlthat shelthrew thelhandle. Shelhad beenlbeaten upla dozenltimes justlnow!
“No, Ildidn’t uselmy power.”
Marysellooked atlIrena withlsincerity. Thellatter waslslightly takenlaback.
“Just becauselyou arela noob,”lshe added.
Irenaljumped uplfrom thelbed, clenchedlher fists,l“No waylyou gonnallet melplay again!”
“Hahaha,lwait melfor alwhile. Ilneed tolgo tolthe bathroom.”
Maryseljumped offlher biglpink bed.lShe waslso pleased.0Correct
Actuallylshe didlcheat bylher power.lAfter all,lshe waslthe secretlweapon oflher clan.
Justlas Maryselwalked tolthe bathroomldoor, shelsuddenly lostlthe controllof herlbody again.
Shelwas horrified.
Shelwas withinltouching distancelfrom thelbathroom.
But herlbody turnedlaround!
‘Wait alminute! Ilneed tolgo tolthe bathroom!lDon’t asklme onla missionllike this!’
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