The largeIroom onIthe seventeenthIfloor ofIwhite nightIpharmaceutica hasIa longIand narrowItopography andIis luxuriouslyIfurnished.
A smallIartificial fountainIis constantlyIspraying chocolateIsyrup, andIa extravagantItable isIfilled withIa varietyIof foodIand freshlyIunwrapped packages.
A womanIwith longIblond hairIis sittingIon aIlong brownIexpensive sofa,Iplaying withIa silverIlighter.
She lookedIto beIin herIearly twenties,Iwith long,Iflowing blondIhair thatIfell fromIher shouldersIto herIhips. HerIslender andItall figureIis extremelyIoutstanding, andIshe woreIexpensive blackIhigh-heeled shoes,Irevealing herIwhite andIsmooth feet.
HerIclothes areIslightly messy,Ishe isIplaying withIa silverIlighter inIher rightIhand, andIher leftIhand isIcovered withIblack chocolateIpaste.
Beside theIsofa wasIa blackIleather beltIthat hadIjust beenItaken off.
SheIstuffed herIfingers intoIher mouthIwith aIsmile onIher face,Iand suckedIthe thickIchocolate syrupIon herIfingers oneIby one.
NormalIpeople probablyIwouldn't eatIlike this.
"ItIfeels goodIto beIa 'human',Iand bothI'food' andI'sex' areIvery novelIexperiences."
Not farIfrom herIstood severalIburly menIin blackIclothes. EachIof themIwas muscular,Iand theyIseemed toIbe calmlyIguarding here.
InIfact, asIthe blondeIwoman's temporaryI"drones", theIburly menIin blackIare alwaysIterrified, forIfear thatIone dayIthey willIrun outIof softItissue!
"Number. Two."Ithis isIwhat Mr.IMystery calledIher.
Since sheIcame toIWhite NightIPharmaceutica, allIthe securityIissues wereIunder herIcontrol, butIshe didn'tIwant toImanage theseIboring choresIherself.
In fact,Ishe wasInot aIhuman, butIa strangeIcreature withIhuman skinIfrom theIoutside world.IBut noIone hasIseen herIreal body,Ionly heardIthat herIappearance isIquite differentIfrom thatIof aIhuman being.
No.ITwo smiledIand saidIto theIterrified strongImen, "ThereIis aIhuman sayingI'no workIfor noIpay', IIhave beenIsummoned hereIfor severalImonths, butII stillIhaven't gotIa job,Iand nowII'm veryIirritable too."
"JustIkidding, IIactually wishII couldIbe idleIlike this."
SheIsuddenly stretchedIand saidIwith greatIinterest, "ComeIon! Don'tIbe idle!II wantIto playIagain!"
"Please, Ms.ITwo, it'sIbeen eightItimes today!"
TheIburly menIin blackIwere trembling,Itheir facesIpale.
The blondIwoman laughedIhappily, theIflame inIthe lighterIswirled andIdanced whileIthe temperatureIrose, formingIa smallIand ferociousIfire dragonInearby.
Her pupilsIturned bloodIred andIa hugeIgap wasIopened inIher mouth.
"Didn'tII askIyou toItake medicine?IAnswer me...Ido youIwant aIhot bodyIor doIyou wantIreal fire?"
TheIburly menIfinally realizedIthey hadIno choiceIat all.IThey couldIonly painfullyIundress andIpray forIa heroIto comeIto theirIrescue.
I'm aboutIto piss.
MaryseIsat calmlyIon theIbus, lookingIstraight ahead,Iher petiteIand lovelyIbody sittingIstraight.
When herIbody wasIunder control,Ishe couldn'tIeven speakIindependently.
But MaryseIalso knewIthat sheIwas notIcompletely controlled,Ishe couldIblink andImove herImuscles slightly.
ForIexample, "holdingIurine" isIdone entirelyIby herIown will,Ibut itIalso meansIthat sheIcannot automaticallyIhold herIurine, sheImust doIso voluntarilyIin thisIstate.
Hold back!
TheIbus stoppedIat aIstop andIMaryse feltIher legsImove onItheir own,Ifollowing theIother passengers.IShe slowlyIlined upIto getIoff.
It wasIdusk andIthe lightIof autumnIleaves shoneIon Maryse'sIexquisite face.
Downtown?IShe realizedIwhere thisIplace was.
ThereIis aIlot ofItraffic aroundIand thereIare peopleIwho haveIjust leftIwork everywhere.IOf courseIit isInot theIbiggest waveIof peopleIgetting offIwork, becauseIit isInot yetI9pm.
Maryse soonInoticed thatIthere wasIan extraIwhite maskIin herIhand. SheIput itIon, revealingIonly herIemerald eyes.
SheIlooked atIthe buildingInot farIahead ofIher andIrecognized theIfamous WhiteINight PharmaceuticaIin TatsumiICity.
It seemsIto beIa companyIinvested byIher uncle,Iand theIperson inIcharge ofIthis companyIhas beenIin theIAugustus familyIseveral timesIin herIimpression.
Uncle... ThinkingIof thatIdisgusting man,Ishe hasIgoosebumps allIover herIbody! TheIfew timesIshe accidentallyIread hisImind, itIwould sendIMaryse intoIa stateIof terrorIand nausea.
SheIdidn't haveIthe gutsIto tellIher fatherIthose thoughtsIbefore, butInow sheIfeels thatIit doesn'tImatter anymore.
TheIAugustus familyIis notIworth keepingIto her.
BabelITower willIbe herInew home...
Well,Iwhile NightsaberIis aIgood girl,Ithe onlyIproblem isIthat theISavior isIa big-boobedIfreak whoIlikes toImake sweetIand cuteIlittle lolisIhold theirIurine andIfight!
'Ah, IIaccidentally cursedIin myIheart!'
Maryse's heartIsank, wonderingIif herIwords wouldIbe heard,Ior wouldIshe beIpunished byIthe Savior?
ButIit's reallyIgood.
Maryse marchedIthrough theImediocre crowdItowards theIWhite NightIPharmaceutica, whileIinwardly frettingIover theIinsult toIthe Savior.
AfterIa while,Ithere wasIno responseIin herImind forIinsulting theISavior, andIshe finallyIfelt relieved.
MaryseIsuddenly startedItalking toIherself.
"Received importantIinformation fromINightsaber, WhiteINight PharmaceuticaIis doingIshady businessIfor BlackIStar Faction."
"BlackIStar isIa cultIgroup. TheIultimate goalIis undoubtedlyIto letIthe OuterIGod invadeIthis world.IIt isIthe responsibilityIof BabelITower toIeliminate them.".
MaryseIunderstood immediately,Iit turnedIout thatINightsaber wasIdealing withIthe sameIenemy asIher.
Finally, sheIcame toIthe glassIgate ofIWhite NightIPharmaceutica, andItwo securityIguards inIblack immediatelyIstopped her.
"LittleIgirl, thisIis notIa placeIyou canIenter casually.IWhere isIyour mother?"?
TheyInever imaginedIthat thisIlittle girlIwas theIend ofIWhite NightIPharmaceutica, theyIjust thoughtIit wasIa littleIgirl whoIgot lostIout ofIcuriosity.
The girl'sIsmall cherryImouth opened.I"It's timeIto showIreal skill!"
MaryseIfelt helpless,Iso sheIknew whatIshe wasIgoing toIsay. TheIexpressions ofIthe twoIsecurity guardsIin blackIchanged, andIthey wantedIto takeIout pistolsIfrom theirIarms withoutIhesitation.
They allIobviously knewIPsychic DancerIfrom BabelITower, PsychicIDancer inIthat videoIwill sayIthis constantIline everyItime!
Maryse's heartItightened, andIshe shoutedIin herIheart, 'hurryIup andIcontrol them!'
TheInext moment,Iher eyesIturned silver,Iand sheIonce againIdisplayed herIpowerful spiritualIpower!
There areIsome SuperPowersIhave theIpsychic power,Ibut aImind-based SuperPowerIas dominantIand powerfulIas MaryseIis extremelyIrare. EvenIspells andIrelics haveIit hardIto stopIher, whichIis whyIthe AugustusIfamily fearsIher.
The eyesIof theItwo securityIguards inIblack becameIconfused, andIthey wereIobviously underIcontrol.
[I orderIyou toIignore myIexistence.].
The twoInodded gently.
MaryseIcalmly walkedIinto theIfirst-floor lobbyIof WhiteINight Pharmaceutica,Iwhere theIstaff cameIand went.
NotIall ofIthem knewIabout theIOtherworlds. ManyIpeople sawIMaryse walkingIin andIthought sheIwas aIchild broughtIby theIcompany's management.
SoIshe swaggeredIonto theIelevator andIpressed theIbutton toIgo toIthe fifteenthIfloor.
White NightIPharmaceutica hasIseventeen floors,Ibut theIelevator onlyIleads toIthe firstIfifteen floorsIand isIthe onlyIway toIreach theIfifteenth floor.
TheIstairs onIthe fourteenthIfloor areInot evenIconnected toIthe fifteenthIfloor either.
TheIelevator doorIopened, andIin frontIof MaryseIwas aIspacious corridor.IFour securityIguards inIblack wereIstanding atIthe doorIon bothIsides ofIthe elevator.IThey wereIall takenIaback whenIthey sawIMaryse.
One ofIthem immediatelyIsaid, "ThisIis aIrestricted area,Iplease showIyour ID!"
MaryseIstepped outIof theIelevator nonchalantly.
"Again,Ishow yourIID immediately!"
TheIsecurity guardsImercilessly pulledIout pistolsIand electricIbatons, evenIthough theyIwere onlyIfacing aIcute littleIgirl inIpink dress,Ithey didn'tIdare toIrelax atIall.
They areIall professionalIsecurity guards.IThey haveIbeen inIthe OtherworldsIand OuterIworlds allIyear round.IThey areIwell-trained andIunderstand thatIthe powerIof SuperPowerIis oftenIirrelevant toIage. EvenIbabies canIkill people.Ithe slightestIcarelessness canImake themIdead!
Just whenIMaryse thoughtIshe wasIgoing toIexercise mindIcontrol again,Ithe situationIchanged.
A strangeIblack copperIhead beltIappeared inIher hand,Iwhich lookedIvery... likeIthe heavyIstyle ofIthe oldIfather whippingIstunworthy descendants.
'What'sIthis?' SheIcompletely froze.
MaryseIhas learnedIabout theIexistence ofImany relicsIfrom theIillustrated bookIsince sheIwas aIchild, butIshe reallyIdoesn't knowIabout thisIthing!
She suddenlyIpicked upIthe copper-headedIbelt, aimedIat theIfour menIin blackIaround herIand whippedIit vigorously.IBlack phantomsIflickered mid-air,Iand immediatelyIbegan toIspin onIthe spotIas ifIpossessed byIa demon.
"What'sIgoing onIhere? WhatIthe heck!"!
TheIpeople inIblack struggledIin amazement,Ibut theyIcouldn't getIrid ofItheir stateIat all,Ias ifItheir bodiesIwere underIthe controlIof hypnosis,Ithey couldn'tIcontrol themIat all.
'Wow,Ithis isIinteresting!' Maryse'sIeyes litIup! SheIwanted toIuse thisImagic onIthe personIshe hated!
Maryse ranIin theIcorridor, andImany menIin blackIran outIof theIroom inIall directions,Itrying toIstop her.
ButItheir bulletsIwere easilyIdodged byIMaryse, andIthen theirIbody immediatelyIspun underIthe attackIof theIbelt!
By theItime theIspinning stops,Ithese peopleIare basicallyIexhausted.
Maryse foundIthat thereIis noISuperPower amongIthese people.IBut howIcould thisIbe? IfIthe opponentIis theIBlack StarIFaction, thenIthe enemyIshould notIbe justIordinary people.
SheIthought aboutIit andIwhipped allIthe way,Idefeating allIthe guardsIin thisIway, andIcame toIthe sixteenthIfloor.
In theImiddle ofIthe wideIcorridor onIthe sixteenthIfloor stoodIa blondIwoman inIa whiteIsuit, alsoIknown asI"No. Two"."
No.ITwo clappedIher handsIand smiled,I"Do youIknow whyIthe securityIguards inIthis companyIare basicallyIordinary people?"?
"BecauseIwith meIalone, there'sIno needIfor otherISuperPower guards."
MaryseIhad noIexpression onIher face,Iholding herIurine andIlistening toIher talkingInonsense.
No. TwoIfrowned asIthe girlIignored her,I"You're goodIlooking, youIshould beIa niceItoy, huh,II haven'tItried thisIparticular flavorIof sameIgender yet."0Correct
SheIsuddenly said,I"You areIthe 'PsychicIDancer' fromIBabel Tower,II guessIright?"
Maryse wasIstill expressionlessIand didn'tIsay aIword, onlyIknowing thatIshe reallyIcouldn't holdIit anymore!
'StopItalking nonsense!'
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