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Under Jello's arrangement, the Don Quixote family tried their best to publicize the auction. Without any surprise, the news reached the ears of all parties, and the North Sea instantly became noisy.

The big bosses in the Beihai underground world sent their underlings to confirm the truth of the news.

The reason why they attach so much importance is not because they are really interested in the great sword Kimpira, but to confirm a piece of information - does Doflamingo have a special connection with the mysterious "Dark Dragon"?

"No wonder the Don Quixote family has been so strong recently. If Dark Dragon is really willing to help, in the North Sea, as long as they defeat the navy from Marine Fando, no one can stop their expansion of power."

A respected gangster godfather put down his cigar and commented with a frown.

Morgans' subordinate Wrathion even deduced from the information released by the Don Quixote family that Doflamingo might know the specific whereabouts of the "Dark Dragon".

He told this judgment through the phone bug to Morgans who got the big news...

In the Beihai Navy Branch, female Major General Gion knows the whereabouts of her beloved sword and is preparing for the upcoming auction.

At this moment, she was sitting on the armchair, as if waiting for something.

In the trash can next to the chair, there was a love letter sent to her by Kake, the licking dog. Kake wrote in it that Gion was the most beautiful navy girl he had ever met, and the most perfect goddess in his mind.

At the same time, he also mentioned that if he could hold Gion's hand, he would live ten years longer.

Gion's response to these remarks was to throw them into the trash can and ignore them.

Gion hopes to use this cold approach to dispel the idea of ​​pursuing Kake,

"Gion didn't reject my confession, she must like me!"

"When we are together, I will break the ribs and make soup for her to drink."

The dog-licking Kaji was not rejected by Gion face to face, thinking that Gion also had a crush on him, and began to long for a sweet married life.

Gion didn't know anything about Kake's thoughts.

After a while, a professional disguiser from Beihai came over with various tools. After asking for advice, he started painting on Gion's face to disguise his appearance.

Looking at his unfamiliar self in the mirror, Gion asked uncertainly: "Is your disguise technique good? I shouldn't be recognized, right?"

"It must be possible. Many naval forces in the Navy Headquarters perform undercover missions, and they all come to me to disguise themselves!"

“There are no negative reviews so far!”

"They all agreed to come back!"

The disguiser lady assured, patting her plump breasts.

Judging from the way she spoke, she was a little proud.

But to Gion's ears, something felt wrong.

What's "no negative reviews so far" and "everyone who comes back says it's good", then those who can't come back can't give negative reviews even if they want to!

The disguiser girl put her arms around Gion's neck, smiled in the mirror and said, "Relax, we are all good sisters, can I still cheat you?"

"Well, I believe you!"

Gion looked back at his good sister, smiled and nodded.

Two and a half hours later, the disguised Gion looked at himself in the mirror, and his uneasy heart finally fell.

"What a big change!"

"And it's even more beautiful!"

Gion pinched his cheek and said with satisfaction.

As a woman who loves beauty by nature, a little increase in appearance can make her feel a big change.

In fact, her face was just a layer of glamorous makeup.

However, in this pirate world where everyone is face-blind, changing makeup is indeed a kind of disguise for the natives.

"Hehehe, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"Disguise, I'm a professional!"

The disguiser who felt good about himself packed up his tools and puffed out his chest with pride.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

“I’ll treat you to a seafood dinner next time we meet!”

Gion tilted his head and smiled, his tone relaxed and humorous.

"Okay, bye~"

The disguiser girl made a "wink", waved her hand to say goodbye, got up and left, leaving Gion alone in this room.

Gion looked in the mirror and touched his delicate skin, the small universe in his heart burning brightly.

"Hmph, with this disguise on my face, this time I will not only take back Jin Pilao, but also beat up that reckless man!"

"The special sea-floor stone chain finally comes in handy!"

I imagined that Jello was unable to exert his strength after being tightly bound by the sea tower stone chain, and then

Gion's lips could no longer be suppressed at the misery of being pressed down and ravaged by him.

After the fantasy time was over, she suddenly realized a fatal problem.

How could I bring the Sea Tower Stone Chain into the auction venue without being noticed?

This is a problem that must be solved!

Gion frowned and looked at his dress, trying to find a hidden pocket.

But unfortunately, women's dresses are mainly designed to be beautiful and don't have that kind of thing.

Just when she felt her plan was ruined, she suddenly noticed her broad mind.

"Forget it, never mind!"

After a brief mental struggle, Gion stuffed the sea tower stone chain into it.


Two and a half days passed quickly, and the auction held by the Don Quixote family was held as scheduled.

There were a large number of guests who came to participate in this auction, and many of them came not just for the grand finale of the auction item, "Golden Pilao".

The careerists tried to use this auction as a springboard, and their real purpose was to get close to the rising Doflamingo.

Competitors came to gather information to determine the relationship between the "Dark Dragon" and the Don Quixote family.

Some well-dressed Beihai officials wanted to use the auction to launder corruption money and bribe Doflamingo, which was a secret way of paying protection fees.

Of course, not everyone is so complicated. There are also people who simply heard that the Don Quixote family's special delicacy wool eggs are delicious and came here to try one.

Before the official opening of the auction, there will be a performance to warm up the auction, and drinks will be provided at the same time. Guests can drink and chat with each other during this time to achieve the purpose of making friends.

When the disguised Gion arrived at the auction venue, he attracted the attention of many people present with his gorgeous appearance and proud capital.

Two pirates were getting close to each other in a serious manner. One of them saw Gion dressed up, and the conversation immediately changed to this:

Q: "Good brother, what do you think of this knife in my hand? Use one word to describe it!"

A: "White!"

Q: "Huh? Bai? Shouldn't it be Li? How is that possible? You are taking a closer look!"

A: "Big, unusually big. If you can let me kiss her, marry her, or become the richest man in the world, I will do it!!"


When more and more eyes were on him, Gion became so nervous that his hands and feet began to sweat.

"You're clearly disguised very well, could it be that someone else has discovered your true identity?"

Gion obviously didn't know how lethal the weapon he was carrying was.

She thought she had accidentally exposed herself.


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