I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 317 Another Cyclist

What surrounds this strange cyclist is not black mist, but black sand.

These surging gravels made Mo Ling feel like he was back in a sandstorm on the second level of the abyss. The only difference was that the black gravel around the cyclist still made an unpleasant friction sound.

At this time, the black sand was constantly surging, slowly surrounding Li Luo.


Li Luo asked in a low voice again. Although he was still probing, his hand had quietly touched the end of the purple hand rope.

This weird cyclist in front of me really cannot make anyone let down their guard.

The surrounding black sand seemed to be surging faster, and the distance between it and Li Luo was getting closer and closer.

"It's not good."

If he had good intentions, he should have communicated long ago, but the cyclist in front of him kept manipulating the strange sand, seemingly trying to block Li Luo's path.

Li Luo looked at the spreading black sand and didn't hesitate anymore.


She shouted at the cube, then turned around and ran back quickly.

"Run? Not fight?"

Mo Ling, who was just about to take action, was stunned by the shouting, but he quickly reacted and fled backwards with Li Luo.

As Li Luo ran on the street, she turned around to check from time to time. It wasn't until she saw that Cube was following her that she felt relieved and speeded up.

However, the dark environment still affected her escape.

The electronic screen could only illuminate a short section of the road ahead, and Li Luo was not very familiar with Paradise Island, so she could only slow down from time to time and observe the obstacles in front of her.

Those irregular and weird buildings looked like grotesque giant beasts in the darkness. They blocked Li Luo's escape. She could only stop and change directions.

The cyclist rode that strange bicycle and chased closely behind Li Luo, forcing her to keep changing directions and traveling through different streets.

The sand doesn't move very fast, but the cyclists ride fast.

As he moves, a line of suspended black sand will be left behind, like a black wall.

Not long after, the area was covered with rich black sand, and Li Luo realized that his escape route had been blocked unknowingly.

"It's not that he couldn't catch up with me, but he kept forcing me to circle around here!"

Li Luo looked at the black sand in front of him and said in shock.

It was not easy to tell the direction in the darkness. Li Luo didn't know when he had already been here, and there were traces of the cyclist's pursuit in front of him - those suspended black sands.

"There's no way to escape. There are all these things around here."

Li Luo gasped and said to Cube.

At this time, Mo Ling's field of vision was covered with black sand. They tightly surrounded Li Luo and seemed to be moving closer to the center.

The cyclist was still following Li Luo, hiding in the darkness and keeping his distance.

Mo Ling was also a little frightened at this time.

"This was a premeditated hunt."

From the moment the cyclist appeared, he never thought about catching up with Li Luo. Instead, he kept forcing Li Luo to run away, draining her energy, and also used the chase to leave behind the black sand that surrounded her.

Unknowingly, Li Luo had fallen into his circle.

Moreover, his hunting behavior was very skillful, and it didn't look like it was his first time doing it.

"He is wise? Then why refuses to communicate?" Mo Ling was a little confused.

Li Luo asked more than once, but the weird cyclist always remained silent and came to kill him without saying a word.

"It's so weird..."

Mo Ling was confused now, but he knew that the cyclist must not be the one he and Li Luo met in the morning.

This is another cyclist.

Whether it's distortion or something else, cyclists have become their enemy these days.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling did not hesitate anymore, aimed at the floating black sand, and activated the teleportation.

After the black sand came into the square, it seemed that it had no support at once, fell to the ground with a clatter, and quickly dissipated.

Before Mo Ling had time to check, the black sand had turned into ashes and disappeared.

"What the hell is this?"

The shape of the gravel was pitch black, and it would disappear quickly after being out of control. Mo Ling was also confused at this time.

Not fog, not sand, like some unknown material.

At the moment, Mo Ling didn't have time to worry about it, and quickly focused his attention on the black sand that was gathering around him.

When the teleportation was started again, the black sand was scattered on the metal ground again. After a few bounces, it disappeared again.

After transmitting several times in succession, the same phenomenon occurred.

The black sand outside seemed endless, and Mo Ling could only keep teleporting the approaching black sand.

Not only that, the black sand not only did not dissipate under Mo Ling's transmission, but there were more and more of them, and the surrounding black became more and more intense.

Looking again at the cyclist in the darkness, there was no trace left, leaving only a fast-moving black shadow, shuttling back and forth in the black sand.

Wherever the black shadow moves, the black sand will quickly become extremely rich.

As the black shadows shuttled back and forth, a black sandstorm gradually rolled up around them.

The sudden strong wind blew Li Luo's hair into chaos, and her expression became more and more solemn.

"There's more and more sand..."

She was like a lone boat standing in a sandstorm, helpless.

"We need to solve it quickly. We can't let him continue to make sand." Mo Ling made up his mind and locked the black shadow that was quickly passing through.

He didn't want to take action against the weird bicycle. Mo Ling knew his ability. Once he took action, it might cause unknown consequences.

Even a normal cyclist during the day may be affected.

But the current situation was critical and he had no other option.

The sandstorm was getting bigger and bigger, and it was only a drop in the bucket that he could send sand, so he could only target the source of the black sandstorm.

The black shadow moved very fast, but it could not escape Mo Ling's lock.

Looking through the turbulent black sand, Mo Ling saw the fast-moving black shadow.

The cyclist, covered in black sand, was bending forward and pedaling the bicycle so fast that it was blurry.

Driven by him, the bicycle turned into a gust of wind that kept sprinting forward. Black sand lines burst out from the frame, stretching behind it. The wheels whirred, pushing the entire bike into the sky.

Through the black goggles, Mo Ling saw the ferocious face of the cyclist.

It was an extreme form of madness.

Black sand like saliva flowed out of his mouth, also turning into black lines and drifting backwards.

The blackened eyes were staring straight ahead, the cyclist's veins popped out, and the whole body and the bike became one, like an overloaded machine.

Gears rotate violently, chains tighten, and parts fly off...

Mo Ling sighed and pointed the teleportation frame at this crazy machine.

"Stop it..."

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