I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 318 Black Sand

"Stop it..."

Mo Ling closed her eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, a bicycle appeared in the square, a black bicycle, and the person on it had disappeared.

Mo Ling was also stunned for a moment.

"Where are the people?"

He quickly looked outside, and saw that the black shadow had disappeared, and the black sandstorm that was originally surging was rapidly falling, falling to the ground, and quickly disappearing.

Blah blah blah...

Like a black rain.

The cyclist was not outside either. Mo Ling searched for it for a long time but couldn't find it.

Until all the sand fell and everything became calm, the cyclist did not appear.

Only the shabby-looking black bicycle was parked quietly among the squares.

From time to time, some black sand and dust fell from the frame, floating to the metal ground and dissipating quickly.

Mo Ling, whose search was fruitless, could only walk forward and came to the bicycle.

Looking at the car at such a close distance, Mo Ling also had a different feeling.

This car is obviously in tatters, but it has a different kind of beauty.

The dark dust has angular edges and keeps falling down, like black feathers.

Mo Ling couldn't help but stretched out her hand and gently caught the black sand.

However, when the sand fell on his palm, a picture flashed in Mo Ling's mind.

"Stationmaster, we have organized all personnel to evacuate now, it's not too late."

Fragmented images flashed by, and a hurried report suddenly sounded in Mo Ling's ears.

Is this what happened at the Quicksand Monitoring Station?

However, the scene passed quickly, and Mo Ling saw nothing.

He quickly looked at his hands, and the sand that had just fallen on his hands had completely disappeared.

The palms were empty, there was no black at all.

But Mo Ling knew that the scene just now was not an illusion.

He looked at the bicycle that was still emitting black dust, gritted his teeth, and put his hand on it.

"Stationmaster, we have organized all personnel to evacuate now, it's not too late."

The same picture appeared again, but this time it was extremely clear, and the anxious report sounded again.

"We cannot evacuate all personnel unless it is absolutely necessary... The Quicksand Monitoring Station still has a lot of research data, as well as equipment and rare relics that were transported here after all the hard work. These are the efforts of many people."

The person in front of him who was called the stationmaster replied calmly.

However, there was still a trace of anxiety unavoidable in his words.

"But stationmaster, what should we do? Can't we sit still and wait for death? The bat army will arrive soon. By then, the monitoring station will sink faster and no one can escape..."

Anxious breathing began, and Mo Ling could even hear a slight heartbeat. He suddenly realized that these images seemed to be someone's memories.

What we see now is the perspective of the person involved when the accident occurred at the Quicksand Monitoring Station.

“Is it a cyclist’s perspective?”

However, something is wrong.

Why is the person in front of me the webmaster? Who is the owner of that perspective?

Isn’t the cyclist the station manager?

Many questions flashed through Mo Ling's mind, but he could only continue reading...

"Xiao Zhang, don't worry. You have many ideas and are smart. Go to the relic library to find out what relics can be used to face this crisis. We have so many relics, it's impossible not to have any useful ones, right? ?”

"But stationmaster, it's too late...forget it, I'll go look for it."

After the owner of the perspective reluctantly answered, he quickly turned his head, opened the door and walked out.

"Xiao Zhang...this seems to be the name of the owner of the perspective."

Xiao Zhang also quickly arrived at the relic warehouse. People nodded to him along the way, and he responded to them one by one.

After arriving at the relic warehouse, as soon as the guard saw him, he opened the door and let him in.


After thanking him, Xiao Zhang rushed in and started searching on the shelves.

The dazzling array of relics was dazzling, and some of the relics still had sand on them. It seemed that they had just been discovered and had not had time to clean them.

Xiao Zhang took the electronic screen and scanned these relics. He reacted quickly. As soon as he saw the functions of the relics, he could tell whether they were useful or not.

Mo Ling didn't even see some of the relics clearly, so he was passed over by Xiao Zhang and eliminated directly.

"It's useless, it's useless..."

Xiao Zhang seemed very anxious, but there were so many relics and he just couldn't find the right one.

At this moment, a message appeared on the electronic screen.

Webmaster: "Go to shelf No. 6. On the third floor from the bottom up, there is a pile of sand. That might be useful."

It's a message from the webmaster.

Xiao Zhang did not hesitate at all, immediately followed the instructions and found the pile of sand.

It also seemed to be a newly discovered relic, with a warning sign attached to it.

Xiao Zhang pointed the electronic screen at the sand, and a brief introduction to the relic was displayed.

[Relic: Freezing Sand Pile]

[Price: unknown]

[Ability: Use the sand to copy objects and make sand sculptures, which will completely fix the copied objects and prevent them from moving]

[Discovery location: Second floor of the abyss]

[Discovered by: Not filled in]

Looking at the introduction of this relic, Xiao Zhang instantly felt like he had discovered a treasure. He froze on the spot and looked at it carefully several times.

Soon, he sent a message to the webmaster, and also attached a brief introduction to the relic.

"Stationmaster, you can use this relic to secure the Quicksand Monitoring Station."

The webmaster's reply came quickly and was very brief.

"Bring it here."

After a while, Xiao Zhang returned to the stationmaster's office with the packed sand.

However, a new problem arose. After the researcher in charge of this relic came to the office, he reported the restrictions on the use of this relic:

"You have to copy the real thing in person. If you copy from a photo or model, the final thing will be an electronic screen instead of a real object."

"In other words, the user needs to build sand sculptures while watching the monitoring station to fix the entire quicksand monitoring station, but this will take a long time. The bat army will be coming soon. We don't have that long. time."

"Moreover, this relic has very high requirements for the determination of the details of the sand sculpture. It must be extremely precise, and the proportions of details cannot be wrong. This will take a long time..."

Listening to the researcher's words, everyone was silent, and the hope they had just found was shattered.

Several people in the office stood helplessly like this for a long time, until the webmaster broke the silence again.

"Forget it, Xiao Zhang, go look for it again and see if there are any other useful relics." The stationmaster said helplessly.

"No, stationmaster, we can't waste any more time. We have to take action now. I can use this relic. Let me do it. Time is enough for me..."

He looked at the arrival time of the bat army on the surveillance screen and said very seriously.

"Two hours, forty-five minutes and twenty-eight seconds... not enough time."

Xiao Zhang picked up the electronic screen and began to calculate.

"Ten times the time, almost a day, more than enough."

After thinking for a moment, he looked at the stationmaster and said with great seriousness: "Stationmaster, I need a storage place for sand sculptures. The people around it must be cleared, and there must be wind protection measures, and there must be a way for me to leave the monitoring station. Ask the guards to let me pass..."

Xiao Zhang made a series of requests to the webmaster, and the webmaster nodded and wrote them down carefully.

"That's almost it. That's it. I can't communicate with you during this period. You must do as I say."

Xiao Zhang stepped forward and firmly picked up the bag of sand.

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