I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 445 Mirror Crack

"Transcendence, doesn't exist?"

After arriving at the Sea of ​​Creation, Mo Ling had been a god of various kinds, and had observed the world from the perspectives of various creatures.

He now had the same feeling as the elf:

Transcendence, does not exist.

Living beings have their own sufferings, and gods have their own troubles. No one can truly transcend.

Just as Mo Ling was lost in thought, the elf suddenly turned his attention to one place.

"Your companion seems to be trapped."

Hearing the elf's reminder, Mo Ling quickly focused his attention on the puddle.

I saw Li Luo riding on the building block bird, spinning around in a constantly folding mirror space.

"They seem to have accidentally run into the cracks in the mirror."

"Mirror cracks?" Mo Ling asked puzzledly.

"Yes, I told you before that the Sea of ​​Creation is like a factory. There are cracks between different 'equipment'. They don't know where they got in." The elf looked carefully at the situation of the two and explained.

"Can you let them out?"

"Of course."

As the elf spoke, a golden light emerged and sank into the small puddle in front of him.

"We have to go there in person, which is a bit troublesome..."

As soon as the elf finished speaking, Mo Ling felt that his vision suddenly flew forward and plunged into the calm puddle.

Then, countless mirrors flew from the front. Mo Ling only felt that he passed through layer after layer of mirrors and entered the angle where the mirrors intersected, constantly reflecting.

Finally, the vision stopped changing, and Mo Ling found that he had stopped in a strange mirror space. The strangely shaped mirrors combined into a strange hollow world, surrounding him in the center.

"This place is so strange, it is both a crack and a place for gods to worship..." The elf said puzzledly.

"Don't you know where this is?" Mo Ling was a little surprised.

"I just became a god, of course I don't know everything." The elf explained while looking at the mirrors around him.

After the vision circled around, the elf seemed to have discovered something and said in surprise: "Did you find it? This is a cube, just like your head."

"Cube?" Mo Ling didn't react for a while.

After the elf reminded him, he realized that the mirror here had exactly six faces, and the six faces were all squares of the same size, forming a cube.

"It is indeed a cube, a very regular cube."

Mo Ling looked around, but couldn't find Li Luo and the building block bird.

"Where are they?"

The elf didn't answer Mo Ling's question, but continued to control the vision to rotate continuously, making Mo Ling a little dizzy.

"It's so strange, the simulation scene actually overlapped with the cracks in the mirror..."

"What do you mean?" Mo Ling didn't quite understand.

"That is... we are now somewhere in reality and in the simulated world of the Sea of ​​Creation, and the two places overlap."

Hearing the elf's explanation, Mo Ling was stunned: "How can it be like this? Isn't the simulated world fake?"

"Not necessarily." The elf immediately retorted: "Some races' wishes will create a real world."

"When I was fulfilling wishes with those companions before, one race's wish was to 'create a habitable world', so their simulated world directly became the real world, and their entire race also moved into that world."

Listening to the elf's introduction, Mo Ling thought of balloons.

Balloons are creatures that come from the simulated world to the real world.

Since creatures can become real, the world can certainly become real.

But what does "overlap" mean?

Both real and virtual?

"Is there really such a strange place?"

Mo Ling looked at the mirror in front of him. The layers of mirrors kept overlapping, stretching endlessly, constantly reflecting the mirror on the opposite side, extending to the distance.

However, Mo Ling did not see himself. He and the elf only extended their vision to here. Of course, there would be no entity that could be reflected by the mirror.


"What is that?"

Mo Ling actually found a blurry figure on the mirror, with a transparent body, and was looking at himself motionlessly on the other side of the mirror.

"When did this appear?"

Looking at the strange figure, Mo Ling's hair stood up immediately, and he quickly reminded the elf: "Look in front of you, what is that?"

"In front?"

The elf slowly approached the mirror, and the figure also approached.

However, what Mo Ling did not expect was that the transparent figure was extremely conspicuous, but the elf said in confusion: "There is nothing."

The elf could not see it? Mo Ling was shocked.

When he came to the mirror, the outline of the figure was already very clear:

It was like a human sculpture made of glass, with a smooth light all over, standing motionlessly in front of the mirror.

"You really didn't see it? It's just a sculpture, very similar to the glass sculptures we saw in the trench before, but it's in human form..."

Mo Ling carefully described the appearance of the glass sculpture, but after listening to it, the elf still said in confusion: "There's nothing in the mirror in front of me."

"It seems that only I can see it." Mo Ling's heart sank.

Suddenly, he thought of what the elf said before.

"This is an overlapping space. Could it be that the elf and I are not in the same place now?"

Mo Ling quickly told the elf his guess.

After listening, the elf thought for a while and said affirmatively: "It is very likely that we are separated into the real world and the simulated world."

"In other words, although our vision has come to the same place, we see different worlds."

At this moment, the light and shadow of Mo Ling and the elf, who were sitting next to the puddle, were superimposed.

And in this strange mirror crack, his and the elf's vision were divided into an unknown plane.

It took Mo Ling a long time to recover from the shock.

He looked at the glass sculpture in front of him again, and had a bold guess in his mind.

"You step back a distance, about two meters." Mo Ling said to the elf.

The elf quickly stepped back two meters according to Mo Ling's request.

And on the other side of the mirror, the glass sculpture also stepped back two meters.

"Move one meter to the left..."

The glass sculpture opposite moved one meter to the right following Mo Ling's perspective, always staying in front of Mo Ling.

"Can you turn your vision upside down? One hundred and eighty degrees."

"I'll try."

The elf followed Mo Ling's instructions and turned his vision upside down.

The glass sculpture also turned upside down.

"Look back."

The elf turned around quickly.

There was still a glass sculpture on the mirror behind.

Mo Ling could now determine his guess:

"This glass sculpture is not someone else, but myself!"

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