I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 446 Glass Sculpture

"I turned into a glass sculpture?"

The sculpture stayed there quietly, motionless.

The sculpture would only change position when Mo Ling asked the elf to adjust its position.

Mo Ling quickly told the elf about his discovery.

"You should have entered the simulation." The elf guessed: "Now you should be playing a certain race."

After listening to the elf's words, Mo Ling calmed down.

He remembered several previous simulation experiences, when he would also become other races and experience their lives.

"It seems that you have become a container again..." the elf said helplessly.

"My original body is not here, can it be used as a container?" Mo Ling was very surprised.

The elf pondered for a while and explained: "It shouldn't be like this. I guess it's because you are now the god of the Sea of ​​Creation, which means that you are connected to the entire Sea of ​​Creation, so you were remotely selected as a container."

It can be like this?

Mo Ling didn't know the operating principle of the Sea of ​​Creation, but he was very surprised.

"Can you see my companions over there?"

The most important thing now is to find Li Luo and the building block bird and rescue them.

"I can't see them, but I know where they are."

The elf said as he turned his view and flew towards a mirror.

Mo Ling, on his side, watched the glass sculpture in the mirror fly towards him, getting closer and closer, and finally collided with it.

The expected collision did not occur, and Mo Ling directly passed through the mirror and came to another hollow mirror space.

As soon as he came here, Mo Ling began to observe the surrounding environment.

"A cylinder..."

There is still a glass sculpture in the mirror, looking at him quietly.

Just as Mo Ling was observing, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound, like the sound of glass shaking.

"Who are you? Why did you come to my world?"

Who is it? Mo Ling hurriedly looked at the source of the sound and found that it came from the top of the cylinder. A lifelike rabbit sculpture was lying in the corner of the edge of the cylinder, looking at him vigilantly.

Before the vibration of the glass disappeared, Mo Ling suddenly had a feeling:

"I can resonate with this vibration."

Mo Ling didn't want to give up any opportunity to communicate, so he quickly followed the sound and began to resonate.

The surface of the glass sculpture on the mirror began to vibrate slightly, and the same sound as the rabbit came out.

"Is this your world?"

Sure enough, they can communicate.

"Yes, this space is my world. Where are you from?" The rabbit in the corner answered.

It seemed to care about where Mo Ling came from.

"I came from another space. There is a cube over there." Mo Ling answered.

The vibration of the glass continued and echoed in this space.

But the elf couldn't hear it at all, and asked curiously: "What have you found?"

"I saw the creatures in this simulated world and was communicating with it..."

Mo Ling was doing two things at the same time, while telling the elf about the scene in front of him, he controlled the glass sculpture and talked to the rabbit.

"You came from another world? How did you do it?" The rabbit was very surprised when it heard that Mo Ling came from another space. It jumped down from the edge of the cylinder, came to Mo Ling, and kept circling around him.

"I... came directly through."

"Come through?"

The rabbit was very surprised, and then suddenly hugged Mo Ling's thigh.

"Take me away!"

"Ah?" Mo Ling was frightened by the rabbit's strange behavior and almost started to teleport directly. Fortunately, he calmed down in time.

"Why do you want me to take you away?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"Because it's too boring..."

The rabbit was obviously lonely for too long, and complained to Mo Ling...

Mo Ling also learned about its past.


It turned out that the rabbit was trapped in this cylindrical space since its birth.

This cylindrical space is its entire world.

It has no companions, and the only object it can communicate with is the reflection on the other side of the mirror.

Whatever the rabbit does, the reflections will follow.

After realizing this, the rabbit proclaimed himself the god of the cylindrical world.

Those reflections are all its people.

At first, the rabbit was happy to take its people to do all kinds of things. It enjoyed the feeling of being sought after. All the reflections were learning from it, which made it feel very proud and satisfied.

However, as time went by, the rabbit slowly realized that its people were very stupid and could not do anything at all. They could only learn from it in a rigid way.

Therefore, the rabbit felt more and more lonely, and this cylindrical world became more and more boring.

The rabbit wanted to break the mirror and go to other places. It didn't want to be trapped in this limited space anymore. However, no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't break the hard mirror.

Not only that, it was also worried that after it left, these stupid people would fall into complete silence without anyone to learn from.

So, it could only stay in this boring world and continue to be a god, ruling these stupid "people".

The yearning for freedom and the responsibility of God tortured the rabbit at the same time, making it very entangled.

"I don't want to be a god anymore, it's so boring..." Rabbit said while hugging Mo Ling's thigh pitifully.

Mo Ling looked around and explained helplessly: "Those are not people, they are all fake."

"Fake?" Rabbit was a little confused.


Mo Ling hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the rabbit the truth.

"You are not a god, and they are not imitating you. This is just the characteristic of the mirror..."

Mo Ling spent a lot of effort to explain clearly the principle of specular reflection.

The rabbit, who learned the truth, hung on Mo Ling's lap for a long time before he recovered.

"I am not a goddess?"


"Are all my people fake?"


Mo Ling was a little worried that the rabbit wouldn't be able to withstand such a blow.

But what he didn't expect was that Rabbit was extremely relieved.

"Then I'm relieved. In this case, I can leave with peace of mind."

It hugged Mo Ling's thigh tightly again and begged: "Take me away!"

Mo Ling was stunned and replied: "I can't take you back to my world, but I can try to take you somewhere else, because I want to find my companions."

"Of course! You can go anywhere, I can help you find it together!" Rabbit saw that Mo Ling agreed, and agreed directly regardless of the conditions.

Seeing the rabbit stalking him so hard, Mo Ling had nothing to say.

"Let's go to the next place." Mo Ling said to the elf.

He was also quite curious as to whether the rabbit hanging on its thigh could pass through the mirror with him.

The glass sculpture came close to the mirror again, and the rabbit hugged the sculpture's thigh tightly.

Another shuttle, just like before, the sculpture effortlessly passed through the mirror again and came to another mirror space.

After passing through the mirror, Mo Ling immediately looked at the surrounding mirrors.

In the mirror, a crystal clear glass rabbit is hugging the thigh of the sculpture, which looks quite weird.

"Successful." Mo Ling reminded.

"Succeeded?" Rabbit raised his head buried under his body and looked around, becoming more and more excited as he looked.

"Yeah! I'm transcendent!"

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