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Chapter 102: It’s not that easy to kill

"Congratulations to player Zhen Yuanzi for winning ten games out of ten and successfully qualifying to challenge the poster!"

The huge fighting venue echoed with the referee's excited shouts.


"Ten consecutive wins! Ten consecutive wins! Ten consecutive wins!"

The audience also made a lot of noise, and the applause and cheers became a sea.

Such a scene is extremely spectacular and shocking, and it also makes other players who come to watch the game have mixed feelings. Who doesn't long for the one who enjoys these applause and honors on the ring?

However, after watching this game, no one was convinced by Zhen Yuanzi.

The ten consecutive victories were achieved by relying on his strength!

Not to mention Zhen Yuanzi, even Yun Gu, who lost to Zhen Yuanzi, no one here dares to say that they can survive ten moves under him... Anyone with long eyes can see that Yun Gu is even more angry than Zhen Yuanzi is even stronger. Compared with Yungu's strength, it's as ridiculous as a child of a few years old trying to arm-wrestle with an adult...

But in Yungu like this, Zhen Yuanzi actually won.

Who can be dissatisfied?

Zhehao was convinced anyway. He took a deep breath, turned around and left amid the noisy cheers around him.

"Zhen Yuanzi! Ten consecutive victories! Zhen Yuanzi! Ten consecutive victories!"

"Lord! Lord! Lord!"

On the ring, Jing Yang waved to the overwhelming cheers around him - he was waving with his severed hand.

The referee was stunned by this posture, and he asked: "Player Zhen Yuanzi, you'd better take care of the injury as soon as possible. If you perform surgery immediately, you might be able to reattach the severed limb..."

"Oh, there's no need for that. You'd better treat him first." Jing Yang gestured to Yun Gu.

A group of medical staff had already rushed over, put down the stretcher, and lifted the unconscious and seriously injured Yungu up, preparing to send him to the emergency center on the 200th floor of the Sky Arena for treatment.

"My side..." Jing Yang bit his severed hand and held it between his index fingers. With one hand, he pulled off the blood-stained shirt that had become somewhat tattered during the battle, and casually removed the severed hand. He pressed on the broken part of his right arm and wrapped it with a torn shirt, "...it's just a minor injury."

Is this a minor injury? The referee was really confused.

Xiaodi tied a knot in Jingyang's shirt that was wrapped around his broken arm.

Aren't you worried about him? The referee looked at Xiaodi, his confusion deepening. This little girl seems to be Zhen Yuanzi's companion. Why can't there be any look of concern on her face?

The things of these experts are really confusing!

In fact, ever since the moment Jing Yang's arm was broken by Yun Gu's punch, the broken arm has been wrapped in mental energy, and it is in a state of being disconnected from Jing Yang's body in mental energy. At this level, it can't even be It was completely said that Jing Yang's arm was broken.

Even if Xiaodi doesn't help him get his arm back, driven by Xingbiao's self-healing power, the arm will move towards Jing Yang's body...

At this moment, inside the shirt wrapping Jing Yang's broken arm, the broken arm was wrapped by the self-healing force and connected with the broken part of Jing Yang's right arm. The broken wound naturally joined together, and even the blood vessels, nerves, and bones were all connected. The joints were perfect... Even if there were some defects, with the help of the restorative power given by the star, flesh and blood gradually grew, nerves were interrupted, and the cracks between broken bones were filled and bridged...

This is a case of being wrapped in a shirt, so outsiders naturally cannot see this amazing self-healing and recovery effect.

Jing Yang held the shirt covering his broken arm with one hand and asked the referee: "In other words, am I qualified to challenge the poster now?"

Referee Chen Chen said: "In fact, even now, you can already be regarded as the landlord."

Jing Yang asked unexpectedly: "What does this mean?"

The referee said politely: "After you recover from your injuries, contestant Zhen Yuanzi, you can apply to challenge any of the 21 building owners on the 230th to 250th floors, and inquire about the relevant details."

"Okay then." Jing Yang followed his lead and did not embarrass the referee. He walked out of the ring with Xiao Di, where Yun Gu had already been carried away.

After getting off the ring and going to the players' tunnel on the sidelines, I saw Kurapika's sulky face.

"Are you too reckless?" Kurapika stared at Jing Yang's severed arm wrapped in a blood-stained shirt, "It's just a ring match! Is it necessary to go to this point? For an insignificant event competition, but sacrificed an arm... eh?"

He was shocked to see Jing Yang tearing off the bloody shirt covering his severed arm - how could there be any other severed arm? Jing Yang's right arm is still attached!

Kurapika was stunned for a moment. He looked at Jing Yang and then at Xiaodi. After calming down, he said to himself: "I see, you have treatment methods..."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it wasn’t really a broken arm.

"Boss, I'm not that stupid." Jing Yang patted Kurapika's shoulder with his right hand, "I'm not an enhancement type, why am I so upright?"

Kurapika couldn't help but look sideways. You are not an enhancement type, but your self-healing ability is much more powerful than that of the enhancement type.

The resilience of the strengthening system is stronger. This knowledge point was given to him by Jing Yang...

It was also based on this knowledge that Kurapika developed the ability of the first book "Redemption". His first book contains enhanced healing capabilities, which can be fully utilized through the "Absolute Time" of the flaming eyes! According to Kurapika's tests, even if an arm is severely fractured by a heavy blow, it can be quickly healed within a few seconds.

But if your arm is broken, flies off, and lands on the ground, can you pick it up and put it back together or recover?

The most important thing is, can the severed muscles, blood vessels, nervous system... still be used normally?

This is beyond the capabilities of Kurapika's first book, "Redemption."

This really cannot be redeemed...

But Jingyang did it, and it seemed that Xiaodi was not surprised at all by his powerful recovery ability - Kurapika realized belatedly that Xiaodi immediately went to the ring. The purpose of helping Jing Yang pick up his broken arm was to help him reconnect his severed limbs faster.

"Hey! Hey! Stop thinking nonsense." Jing Yang waved his hand in front of Kurapika, "I still need your help, let's go."

He led Kurapika and Xiaodi out of the Sky Arena and went straight to the rented apartment.

Kurapika didn't quite understand what he meant by asking for help.

Xiaodi asked: "Do you think that after defeating the man with glasses, the mind ball will disappear?"

"You mean..." Kurapika was stunned, "That mind ball is still there?!"

His vision and hearing are far superior to ordinary people, so he can clearly observe the conversation between Jing Yang and Yun Gu in the previous game, as well as the changes in the numbers in the ball in Jing Yang's hand.

At this moment, he suddenly realized what Xiaodi meant.

It's not that Jingyang likes to inquire about Kurapika's telekinesis information, and Kurapika deliberately conceals the telekinesis he developed himself, but that Kurapika has been quite immersed in the telekinesis of his six books in the past two or three months. During the development, they did not specifically inquire about the new abilities that Jing Yang developed for the competition with Yun Gu - in fact, Kurapika was not willing to inquire about other people's Nen abilities.

If I remember correctly, the value of the last memorial ball used by Zhen Yuanzi to defeat Yun Gu was "6400".

"Well, here it is."

Jing Yang flipped his hand, and a ball of thought appeared, but the number inside was not "6400" as Kurapika thought.

But "11900"...

And, this number is still decreasing...




The mind ball seemed to be growing in the Qi on Jing Yang's hand. As the number in the mind ball continued to decrease, the energy in Jing Yang's body also became weaker - as if the mind energy was being continuously drained away by the mind ball.

"It's not that easy to drive."

Jing Yang threw off his shoes, jumped on the sofa and sat down cross-legged, looking at the parasite and vampire-like thing in his hand with pain, continuously absorbing the little thought energy left in his body, "It's formulated Even if I am a developer, I must abide by the rules of telekinesis - this is probably what is called a willingness to gamble and accept defeat, right? Huh? Or should it be called a willingness to gamble and accept victory?"

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