"Yun Gu's energy suddenly weakened?" Kurapika was quite surprised.

Xiaodi was suddenly enlightened and commented sharply: "The minds of the reinforcement type are indeed very simple."

An obvious feeling of exhaustion came over him, and Yun Gu couldn't help but gasp a little.

He calmed down and said: "Did you develop such a move specifically for this game? The purpose is to reduce the disadvantages caused by the gap in our telekinesis... But what if none of us take the initiative to remove this telekinesis ball? ? Will it continue to grow without limit, or will it have completely crushed one of us before that?"

And the question is, if this thought ball "expands" to the point of crushing one of them, will it disappear?

Or will there be some kind of bug?

Because the other party who caught the ball no longer exists, and it keeps returning to the other person's hands due to violations, and it keeps doubling, doubling, doubling...

"Is this..."

Whoosh, Jing Yang raised his hand, and another thought ball flew out of his palm. The number inside the ball was a brand new "100".

"Let's talk after we finish?"

He smiled and threw the new ball towards Yun Gu.

"That's fine!"

Yun Gu nodded to greet him.

After Yun Gu caught the ball, he did not hit it directly at Jing Yang, but threw it high and in a parabola to Jing Yang.

As expected, Zhen Yuanzi glanced up subconsciously.

Yun Gu stepped on it, picked up a piece of masonry on the ring and kicked it over. The huge stone slab blocked the view between him and Zhen Yuanzi.

With the help of the blind spot in his field of vision, Yun Gu ducked closer and walked around to one side, only to find that Zhen Yuanzi was also missing.

The stone slab was still being thrown away. Yun Gu moved very fast and walked around the stone slab, but Zhen Yuanzi was still nowhere to be seen. He looked down and saw Zhen Yuanzi's feet on the opposite side.

From the perspective of bystanders, such as Xiaodi, Kurapika, the audience and the referee, Yun Gu played a game of walking around the pillars with player Zhen Yuanzi after flying a stone slab... And they The pace of the circle was so fast that it almost turned into an afterimage, the kind that paused from time to time.

Yun Gu was surprised in his heart: "I didn't feel that he released the 'Yuan'. Is it purely because of his excellent five senses?"

You should have suppressed the sound of your footsteps!

But Xiaodi suddenly looked at the Yanque in his hand. The latter was staring straight at the ring. The look in his eyes was not the usual Yanque expression at all, but more like Jing Yang himself.

Are you stupid? My codename is Heaven!

With the help of Yanque's eyes, Jing Yang could clearly see the situation on the stage. Yun Gu wanted to distract his vision, but he was thinking too much.

At this moment, as the stone slab flew past, Yun Gu punched him.

Jing Yang took the move. The collision between the two rippled the stone slab and shattered it into pieces in the air.

The thought ball above his head rose to a high point and began to fall.

Yun Gu's potential energy is still abundant, and the "hardness" of his body has not weakened. The power of his fists and kicks has become heavier and more powerful than at the beginning, even when the battle was in full swing.

It becomes increasingly difficult for Jing Yang to distance himself.

He jumped up high, grabbed the falling mind ball first, and threw it towards Yun Gu on the ring.



Yun Gu didn't want to let the telepathy ball double to "800" and then return to Zhen Yuanzi's hands after failing, so he chose to catch it hard.

After catching it, the thought ball had quietly turned into "800".

Yun Gu smiled slightly, grabbed the ball and threw it towards Jing Yang who was falling in mid-air.

Jing Yang couldn't avoid it, so he braced himself to catch it, boom!

The mental ball hit him, and the movement was definitely more than "800" - Yun Gu used "Zhou" skills to wrap more energy around the mental ball!

Jing Yang held the ball in his arms, turned over and landed on the edge of the ring.

The referee shouted: "Excellent attack! Yungu player adds one point! The score is 5:2!"

The number in the mind ball changed to "1600".

Jing Yang throws the ball again.

As soon as the ball was released, he clasped his fingers to accumulate power, aimed at either Yun Gu or the Nian Qiu, and took action at the moment when Yun Gu was close to the Nian Qiu.

Yun Gu didn't want to catch the ball from "3200" again. After catching the ball, he caught Jing Yang's finger snap shot. His white shirt was torn. He didn't know whether it was an explosion or a scratch, leaving a blood stain.


Even with Yun Gu's strength, he really felt tired.

The telekinesis ball that had already turned into "3200" in his hand was clenched tightly.

The last round!

At this moment, whether it was Yun Gu or Jing Yang on the stage, or Kurapika, Xiao Di and other 200-level players who were watching the game and saw the mystery of the game, they all vaguely understood that the game had reached the most critical moment. If the power of this thought ball is doubled again to "6400", even if both of them are at their peak physical strength, they will definitely not be able to defend it, let alone now?

The winner will definitely be decided in the next round!

But the question is, can Zhen Yuanzi catch this "3200" before it becomes "6400"?


Yun Gu threw the ball brazenly. The mental ball with the internal number "3200" spun rapidly and hit Jing Yang like a cannonball.

If you choose to pick it up, you are very likely to be seriously injured!

If you choose to hide, the mind ball will return to Yun Gu's hand, and its power will be doubled to "6400"...

This move was developed just for this kind of opportunity!

Jing Yang gave a low drink, squeezing the potential energy in his body again and releasing it from his body. The long-term practice has worked. Even in his current exhausted state, he has been able to perfectly hold up a thick "hard" - and the trajectory of the mental ball is too easy to predict. Jing Yang will The "hardness" in the body flows, distributing more Qi to the front.

boom! ! !

The thought ball hit Jing Yang's arms like a cannonball, and Jing Yang spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

“Tsk—” The ring under his feet plowed out two parallel pits, and Jing Yang reluctantly stopped at the edge of the ring.

The ball in his arms stopped spinning, and even wisps of green smoke came out. Jing Yang's chest seemed to have sunk slightly, which showed the fierce impact of the ball.

Jing Yang groaned, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth again. He grinned, and the gaps between his teeth were full of blood.

The number inside the mind ball in my arms quietly changed to "6400".

He must not be allowed to shoot this shot again!

Yun Gu rushed over decisively and captured Jing Yang.

puff! The two collided head-on, and the blood from the corner of Jing Yang's mouth splashed on Yun Gu's face and white shirt.

"You're seriously injured. It's enough to hit you here. It's better to give up!"

Yun Gu clamped tightly on Jing Yang's wrist that was holding the "6400" mind ball.

"We've fought this far, how can we give up?" Jing Yang looked at the blood droplets splattered on Yun Gu's cheek, and resisted using his own thoughts to control the blood droplets into a five-pointed star in front of everyone and control Yun Gu. The urge to win easily... The star on the back of his neck continued to deliver healing power. The injuries on Jing Yang's chest and the injuries in his body were constantly being repaired. He struggled to wrestle with Yun Gu, trying to break free from the opponent's grasp.


Yun Gu restrained Jing Yang tightly and struggled to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, it changed from hand-to-hand combat to ground judo...

boom! The two wrestled and turned over, and the masonry floor of the arena shattered like a spider web.

boom! boom! boom! As the two of them struggled and wrestled on the ground, there were really not many places left in the entire arena where they could put their feet.

The referee was not on the stage from the beginning, but was giving commentary on the sidelines.

Who falls to the ground?

After all, the referee's vision was limited and he was reserved and did not speak arbitrarily.

As long as you hit this ball, you will definitely win!

Kurapika, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but squeeze his palms.

The outlines of Qi on the bodies of the two men wrestling on the shattered arena floor could be seen with the naked eye, becoming less perfect and less solid than at the beginning. They began to fluctuate, and their size also shrank a lot.

Xiaodi's expression remained unchanged, like an emotionless passerby.

In fact, when she saw it now, she was sure that Jing Yang would win.

A slight sweat appeared on Yun Gu's forehead, and he tried his best to suppress Jing Yang.

It was impossible for him to touch the mind ball that Zhen Yuanzi was holding. Who knows if Zhen Yuanzi can use just one or two fingers to fly the mind ball towards him?

The mind ball of "6400" began to flash red.

As long as he was suppressed for a moment longer... Yungu stared closely at the mind ball whose red light was flashing faster and faster, but suddenly felt that Zhen Yuanzi, who was suppressing him under him, suddenly burst out with a huge force.

The star mark on the back of his neck continued to activate. After Jing Yang gave him the order to explode with all his strength, the star mark carried out the order meticulously, regardless of how exhausted Jing Yang's body was and what kind of load the forced explosion would put on his body. The stunned Yun Gu was overturned.

Jing Yang grabbed the mind ball with his right hand, turned around and threw it towards Yun Gu.

After Yun Gu was overturned, he knew that he could neither hesitate nor hold his hand. After standing on one foot, he shouted low, clenched his right fist, and for the first time, he unleashed his full strength, which was comparable to a "hard" punch towards the scene. Yang waved away.

boom! ! !

Blood gradually covered half of Yun Gu's face and stained the lenses of his glasses red.

Kurapika's eyes began to glow red.

Xiaodi looked into the air.

The broken arm was reflected on the lens... The broken hand was spinning in mid-air, still holding the thought ball that was still flashing red light...

While Yun Gu was stunned, Jing Yang's broken right arm, which was bleeding profusely, suddenly stopped bleeding on its own.

He grinned and circled behind Yun Gu, holding Yun Gu firmly in place with one and a half arms.

Could it be...? !

Yun Gu was shocked and looked up - Zhen Yuanzi's broken arm was actually floating in the air!

The severed arm seemed to be wrapped in a ball of thought energy, and the thought ball was still held in his hand!

Can it still be like this? Kurapika looked slightly surprised.

During the referee's passionate explanation, the entire audience couldn't help but hold their breath.

Under everyone's gaze, the severed hand in mid-air seemed to be alive, grabbing the mind ball and throwing it towards the ring.


The thought ball flashed red and rushed towards Yun Gu.

Yun Gu knew that this was going to happen, so he tried his best to twist, but he was tightly hugged by Jing Yang behind him, and it was really difficult to break free for a while.

"Zhen Yuanzi won." Zhehao murmured in the audience.

"Two monsters..." Some other 200-level players couldn't help but swallowed, their hands and feet getting cold.

"Don't die." Jing Yang said, still imprisoning Yun Gu.

"Hard!" Yun Gu yelled, and his short hair seemed to stand on end.

There was no time to hesitate. He gave up on breaking free from Zhen Yuanzi's shackles and chose to flow the energy in his body. He completely gave up the defense behind him and concentrated it all on the front.

Almost at the same time, the thought ball of "6400" came and hit him like a meteorite.

boom! ! !

The atmosphere in the entire fighting venue seemed to be shaken.

Everyone could clearly see that Zhen Yuanzi and Yun Gu, who were hugging each other on the stage, seemed to have been hit head-on by some invisible shell falling from the sky, and were knocked upside down and flew out of the field.

Yun Gu, who was hit hard in the front, spurted blood on the spot, the shirt on his front was blown to pieces, and his spectacle lenses flew to nowhere.

After Yun Gu rolled a few times, he took a hard look at Jing Yang hanging on the edge of the ring, then tilted his head and fainted.

Snap, the broken arm fell from mid-air, bounced a few times on the broken ring, and rolled to Xiaodi's feet.

"KO! Player Yungu lost the ability to fight! Player Zhen Yuanzi reversed the game and won this game!" the referee announced passionately, then turned to Xiaodi on the stage, "Excuse me, are you——"

Xiaodi ignored the referee, picked up Jing Yang's severed arm, walked over and knelt down, and handed the bloody severed arm to him.

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