So fast!

Even among those in the audience who could also use Qi, their eyesight could barely keep up with Yun Gu's speed. The moment Zhen Yuanzi made a gesture of throwing the ball, Yun Gu disappeared on the spot, almost sticking to the ground of the ring. With a few steps, he suddenly rushed to Zhen Yuanzi, and punched with strong Qi. It hit Zhen Yuanzi's abdomen.

Can't hide! Kurapika's eyes widened.

However, he escaped.

Yun Gu's fist wrapped with thick Qi almost brushed against Jing Yang's side...

Out of stock?

A trace of surprise flashed in Yun Gu's eyes.

His punch was for the sake of speed, not to injure Zhen Yuanzi.

Simply to interrupt Zhen Yuanzi's pitching action.

As long as he keeps interfering with Zhen Yuanzi's successful pitching, he doesn't have to think about whether he can catch the ball or not. But this ball stayed in Zhen Yuanzi's hand, but it could always occupy one of Zhen Yuanzi's hands. This was a great advantage for Yun Gu... But the punch he made unexpectedly was actually suppressed by Zhen Yuanzi. Motoko was twisted away in the flash of lightning.

What is the reaction speed?

When they missed each other, Yun Gu and Jing Yang's eyes met, and then they both moved at the same time.

Yun Gu instantly changed his moves, and his forward movement was stepped on by his foot. He changed his fist to an elbow, and the energy flowed rapidly from the fist to the elbow.

Jing Yang grabbed the "1600" ball in his hand and threw it at Yun Gu as if he was blocking a shot.


The ball of thought collided fiercely with the Qi gathered in Yun Gu's elbow, making a sound that made the air in the ring vibrate.

Such an exaggerated movement made the ordinary audience who couldn't see the anger scream, "What the hell happened? Are they still flesh and blood?"

Compared to them, Jing Yang was the one who was more shocked. The force of Yun Gu's elbow was too strong. The "1600" thought ball collided with his elbow, but it didn't make him happy at all. On the contrary, it was The palm of his hand that grabbed the ball was numb from the shock, until the last point where the two of them wrestled suddenly shook, and the "1600" ball bounced high.

Half of Jing Yang's arms were numb from the shock, his muscles ached, and his skin was bleeding.

"Excellent attack! Yungu player scores another point!" the referee shouted quickly.

The ball of thought bounced towards the ceiling of the brightly lit arena overhead, while Yun Gu pursued him with an overwhelming attack.

However, Zhen Yuanzi's reaction speed surprised him again. Even though he was already injured, Zhen Yuanzi was still able to respond to his own attacks excellently. Every punch was handled properly, as if Zhen Yuanzi's heart was not at all. He is capable of chaos, is not affected by any situation, is always in the best state of competition, and always makes the most correct decision without thinking at the fastest speed that is close to instinct and intuition...

The thought ball flew to a high point and began to fall freely to the ground. The two people on the ring had been going back and forth, fighting fiercely for dozens of times.

In such a close combat, Jing Yang quickly fell into a disadvantage and was suppressed by Yun Gu's powerful fists and kicks - the opponent's moves may not be better than his own, but his strength was too strong.

In Yun Gu's rare flaw, Jing Yang didn't even have time to react with his naked eyes and brain. The star mark on the back of his neck had already made a choice by the instructions given to him, affecting Jing Yang's Qi and Jing Yang's body. He kicked toward Yun Gu's fleeting flaw and hit Yun Gu's body hard.


Yun Gu was kicked so hard that he seemed to be drifting on the ring and fell back several meters.

His movements are already perfect...

Yun Gu stopped and stabilized his body.

Yun Gu Shang secretly admired Jing Yang's martial arts, not to mention other ordinary players and ordinary spectators.

Even Kurapika, who is proud of his family's kung fu skills, has to admit that Jin Motoko may be the most outstanding person he has ever seen in terms of martial arts skills...

Of course Xiaodi knew that these martial arts skills of Jing Yang were essentially the effects of his operational ability "Meteor Like Wind".

Jing Yang told her that there was a man named Xia Ke in the Phantom Troupe whose ability was very similar to his. The difference is that the knight will lose his self-awareness when he uses his abilities to operate himself, and has the full ability to take care of his body to fight. However, Jing Yang's ability does not. He is neither in a completely mechanical mode, nor does he fight completely autonomously... …but the subjective consciousness and operational ability are completely integrated, regardless of each other.

To use Jing Yang's expression, this is no longer as good as water, but as good as the wind.

Water is formless but has quality, while wind is formless and has no quality, completely unrestrained.

However, even Jing Yang, who fought as freely and happily as the wind, had suffered injuries of varying severity from engaging in such a high-intensity close combat despite insufficient physical strength.

This is even after he has a star to speed up his self-healing.

Yun Gu, on the other hand, was basically uninjured except that he did not look as elegant and calm as before and had consumed part of his energy.

Jing Yang shook his arm. The arm that was numb and bleeding from Yun Gu's elbow before had gradually recovered under the treatment of Xing Biao.

He looked at Yun Gu and pointed upward.

Yun Gu looked up and saw that the mind ball that had been bounced just a few seconds ago had just landed on his side.

Snap, he subconsciously reached out to catch it, and when he looked closely, the number in the ball had changed to "3200".

Jing Yang took a deep breath and exhaled, spread his arms and squatted slightly, making a posture like a goalkeeper, and said with a smile: "Do you want to throw it? If you throw it and I catch it, it will become "6400"! Even with your solid wall-like defense, you definitely can't stop it, right? "

Yun Gu thought for a moment and said, "You can fight with just one hand."

As he spoke, he grabbed the "3200" mind ball with his left hand, stepped forward, and smacked Jing Yang with his right palm, boom!

A wave-like shock of energy exploded toward Jing Yang.

The range was too wide. No matter how good Jing Yang's "Meteor Like Wind" technique was, he had nowhere to hide. He could only raise his arms. Under the powerful wave of air, all his clothes were blown out of his body. It was churning.

Tips for releasing the system? Sure enough, the power is not enough...

But he was just trying to block my vision... Jing Yang looked through the gap between his arms to block, and saw that Yun Gu on the opposite side had rushed in front of him again.

boom! The two fists and feet collided.

Yun Gu kept his left hand holding the mind ball away from Jing Yang, and after removing his strength, he turned around and whipped him with his leg.

boom! Jing Yang parried, took advantage of the situation, retreated, and jumped out with his fingers.

Just as Yun Gu was about to pursue him, an air bullet pierced through the dust and hit him hard on his body, causing his momentum to stagger.

It was also at this time that he caught a glimpse of the thought ball in his hand, which was actually emitting a flashing red light.

What does this flashing red light mean?

While Yun Gu was stunned, another thought bomb came. Yun Gu quickly dodged, and with a bang, a small crater was blown out of the ground where he was standing just now.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Jing Yang stood at a distance and fired several rounds with his magical power, hitting Yun Gu's legs and feet!

Yun Gu held the ball and dodged again and again, and the red light of the bullet in his hand flashed more and more frequently... He suddenly asked loudly: "Is there a time limit for holding the ball and not shooting?"

Can you still ask this in person?

Kurapika, who was watching the battle, was originally immersed in the fierce exchanges on the stage, but now he was left speechless by Yun Gu's straightforward question. Even if you ask, no one else will——

"Of course." Jing Yang said.

——Why really answer? Kurapika glared at Jing Yang on the stage.

Jing Yang smiled at Yun Gu and said, "As a friendly reminder, since it is a game of throwing and catching, there is an option to stop playing. The side holding the ball can actually take the initiative to cancel it."

"Huh? Really?" Yun Gu looked at the thing in his hand that was flashing red and almost turned into a red thought ball in surprise, "Then let's cancel it."

His hand shook, and the thought ball with the internal number "3200" that kept flashing red light collapsed, shrank, and almost disappeared...

The reason why I almost want to disappear...

In an instant, Yun Gu's expression suddenly changed. The released mind ball turned out to be like a black hole, wildly swallowing the energy from his body.

Just a short moment!

It was as if one-seventh of Yun Gu's remaining potential energy had been swallowed up in one gulp by a greedy beast.

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