I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 99 Let’s play toss and catch!

In the few games Zhen Yuanzi watched before - in fact, after Zhen Yuanzi defeated Zhehao in the first game, Yun Gu guessed that Zhen Yuanzi was probably a telekinesis user of the operating system.

A telekinesis user of the operational system suddenly throws an unusual-looking telekinesis ball at you. What is your first reaction?

Of course, avoid it first!

For those with abilities of the operation system, trait system, and materialization system, everything in their body, even verbal conversations, and unusual movements may be "traps" set by them in order to meet the conditions for their abilities... Who knows that there is a mental ball with the number "100" inside Zhen Yuanzi's group. What will be the consequences if it is hit by it?

Number 100…

Why 100?

What does 100 mean?

Yun Gu's heart was spinning, and he stepped aside. At this moment, he was a little surprised to find that... the ball of thought that Zhen Yuanzi had just thrown at him had not yet hit the ground!

What kind of attack is this? Is the speed too slow?

Not only Yun Gu, but the 200-level players in the audience who could see the Nian Qi were also surprised. As bystanders, they could see it more clearly. The ball of Qi that Zhen Yuanzi threw towards Yun Gu was simply like It really looked like a ball of "qi", fluttering towards Yun Gu, but Yun Gu hid as fast as lightning, and even the afterimage could not be seen. He had already hid far away. The ball of "qi" Still falling slowly in a parabola in mid-air...

The referees and ordinary spectators couldn't see Qi, and they were a little confused at the moment. What did player Zhen Yuanzi do, and why did player Yungu suddenly hide so far away?

call out……

The mind ball with the number "100" inside swayed and finally landed.

Yun Gu watched helplessly as the ball of air fell to the ground and suddenly disappeared.

It’s not like disappearing after the energy explodes!

And just disappear into thin air!

Yun Gu suddenly turned back to look at Jing Yang - at this moment, there was a "swish" above Jing Yang's palm, and the ball of thoughts returned to his hand like a teleport.

Only this time, the internal number of the ball of energy in his palm had changed.


Numbers increased?

Increased, it seems that the number is not a countdown...

Yun Gu remained "strong" and on guard, while quickly analyzing the situation in his mind. It was very likely that the number inside the ball of energy in Zhen Yuanzi's hand was the "strength" of the ball of energy.

From the initial strength of 100 qi, it increased to 200 qi!

Has it doubled or increased by 100?

The reason?

Did it increase because it didn't hit me?

If it is such a convenient ability, then all Zhen Yuanzi needs to do is not aim at me and throw the mind ball to a place where no one is around, wouldn't it be possible to continuously add up the "value" of this ball of energy?

There should be other potential rules as constraints...

In the flash of lightning, Yungu's mind, which had been trained by his master Bisiji for a long time, had already made many different guesses about the ability of the mind ball in Jing Yang's hand.

Jing Yang tossed the "200" ball in his hand and said with a smile, "How about it? Let's play toss and catch."

As he spoke, he made a throwing gesture and threw the mind ball towards Yun Gu on the opposite side.


This time, the speed of the ball was very fast, and it flew through the air.

Although the referee couldn't see the ball, he heard the sound of breaking the air, and immediately started to explain excitedly - it was not easy, and he finally had material to explain!


The mind ball with the number "200" inside struck through the air. Yun Gu did not choose to dodge this time, but instead supported "Ken" with all his strength and crossed his arms in front of him.


The mind ball hit the solid wall formed by the thick air supported by his blocking arms.

It was like a broken stone hitting a building, without causing any harm to Yun Gu. It can't even break the defense.

It seems that the strength is indeed "200"...

Yun Gu thought this, but his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly saw that in the hand of Zhen Yuanzi on the opposite side, with a "swish", the mind ball once again teleported, appearing out of thin air in Zhen Yuanzi's palm.

The mind ball floated quietly.

The internal number clearly changed from "200" just now to "400"...

It’s doubled!

Yun Gu's eyes tightened.

Jing Yang grabbed this special mind ball whose strength doubled again, "Didn't I give you all the reminders? Come and play -"

"——Throw and catch the ball!"

He threw the mind ball towards Yun Gu again with great force.

It doesn't work to dodge or block and defend, so I have to take it on!

Facing the "400" thought ball coming through the air, Yun Gu took the initiative to meet it.

What on earth is this doing?

Most of the tens of thousands of spectators could not understand the operations on the stage. In their eyes, these two strange masters seemed to be playing a non-physical throwing and catching performance game with a tacit understanding... …

The power of that ball seems to have increased again!

Zhehao stared intently at the thought ball that Yun Gu caught in front of him.

Bang, Yun Gu caught the thought ball easily.

This is also normal.

His apparent Qi volume can now be increased to at least 2500 Qi after he enters the state!

What's more, when he knew to use both hands to catch the ball hard, he allocated more qi to his hands, and his defensive power was at the moment of catching the ball. Even the destructive power of 3000 qi could be prevented.

What's more, this mind ball has only "400" power?

After Yun Gu caught the ball, he was surprised to find that the ball did not disappear again. He turned over his hand and saw that the number inside the ball changed to "800".


Yun Gu was a little surprised. Jing Yang on the opposite side was already clapping his hands impatiently and said: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? It's your turn to throw the ball."


Yun Gu was silent for a while and then said, "According to the rules, if you don't catch it, will it turn into "1600" and then teleport back to my hand? "

As he said that, he let go and the mind ball fell freely to the ground.

The thought energy disappeared after touching the ground, and suddenly appeared in Jing Yang's palm.

Jing Yang looked down and pretended to be surprised: "Ouch! You were half right, the number really became "1600"! "

"It's a pity..." He smiled, "It's not teleported to your hand, but to mine. It seems that it recognizes people more?"

Yun Gu pushed up his glasses, exhaled, and said, "I understand. Sure enough, I still throw and catch the ball...

“Not catching the ball is a violation;

“It is a violation to defend but not catch the ball with your hands before it bounces to the ground;

“At the same time, the initiator must really throw the ball to the opponent, at least past the center line between you and me, otherwise it will be considered a violation.

“As long as there is a violation, the opponent will be awarded a new serve.

“Whether it’s illegal or not, the power of the ball is doubled after a throw and catch.

"Your ability is to bet on who can get the most powerful ball in that round and successfully hit the opponent...is that right?"

Yun Gu looked at Jing Yang, "This is a move to exchange injuries for injuries and risk your life."

As an enhancement type, I am obviously the one with stronger resilience and stronger protracted combat. Zhen Yuanzi is suspected to be of the operation type, how could he think of competing for endurance with his enhancement type?

"Correct answer!" Jing Yang grabbed the "1600" mind ball in his hand, "Catch it...this is the reward!"

He was about to throw it away, but Yun Gu had already rushed forward and punched him in the abdomen.

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