I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 98: When did you get the illusion that I haven’t used my abilities yet?

The match between Zhen Yuanzi and Yun Gu is a highly anticipated one.

The time came to 1:40 in the afternoon, and the largest fighting venue on the 229th floor was already full of seats. Thousands of spectators were bustling. Even if everyone was just chatting and laughing in a low voice while waiting for the start of the game, they formed a huge crowd. The noise like waves and the roar of people spoke of this situation.

In these three months, the 14 players who lost to Yun Gu and Zhen Yuanzi also came to watch the competition in twos and threes. Everyone occasionally looked at each other and turned their heads away in embarrassment, pretending not to notice.

Zhen Yuanzi and Yun Gu both won nine out of nine games. The reason why only 14 players were defeated by the two was naturally because several people lost to them one after another.

Just like Zhehao.

Zheluo glanced at his expressionless brother and said worriedly: "Ah Hao, there's no need to come and watch, right? There's nothing to watch in the game between those two guys! You also got 9 wins, as long as you win one more If you show up, you can become the owner of the building. There is no need to fight with those two people..."

If Zhehao hadn't recovered from his injuries for a while after losing to Yungu and concentrated on training, he would have taken the lead and won 10 games by now.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm fine. I'm not trying to be vindictive." Zhehao said, "I want to see with my own eyes who of the two will win, that's all."

Zheluo seems to feel that since he lost to Zhen Yuanzi and... no, that time he lost to Zhen Yuanzi, his younger brother seems to have become different.

Logically speaking, my brother lost so miserably in the ring that day and had almost no power to fight back in front of Zhen Yuanzi. Shouldn't he be holding a grudge and feeling deeply ashamed?

What did Zhen Yuanzi tell his brother?

"If it flies around again, I'll stew it in the pot for you." At the exit of the contestants' tunnel, Jing Yang caught the rock sparrow and rubbed its restless head angrily.

"Chichi! Chichi!" the little gray bird chirped at him, looking confident.

Kurapika, who also came to watch the game, saw this and said: "The more serious the threat, the less deterrent it will be after it is not fulfilled."

"Jiji?" Iwajak yelled, glaring at Kurapika, as if to say, what the hell, you, a human with thick eyebrows and big eyes, really want to see me punished?

Jing Yang smiled, "This is the effect we want. If I just say it casually, it will be so scared that its hair will fall out. Then can we still joke in a friendly way?"

Kurapika was speechless.

Xiao Di turned his fingers on the side of his head, as if asking Jing Yang, is Kurapika's head not really bright?

If Jing Yang really wanted to command the rock sparrow, he could just use the star mark on it to control it. Why is there really any need to be verbose?

At this time, Yun Gu came out of the contestant tunnel on the other side, looked over at them, and pushed up his glasses.

When their eyes met in the air, Jing Yang felt like the thoughts in his body were boiling.

Can you win by yourself?

You won’t know until you fight!

Jing Yang ignited his fighting spirit and said, "My hands are so itchy, let's start a fight!"

"Come on." Xiaodi took the rock bird and waved.

After falling into her hands, the rock bird immediately stopped calling and was extremely well-behaved.

As Jing Yang and Yun Gu entered the stage at the same time, the cheers and applause of the audience in the already noisy and huge venue climbed to a higher level again.


The host didn't even need to use his words to heat up the atmosphere, but it was already about to overthrow the 229th-floor high-hanging ceiling.

Kurapika asked: "How high has his mind level increased?"

Xiaodi touched the smooth and soft feathers of the rock bird that was as good as a chicken in the palm of her hand, and said, "About 18,000 Qi."

Nearly twice as much as 3 months ago!

This is still the case when Zhen Yuanzi takes into account the training of the four major industries and the development of new capabilities...

Kurapika mused: "But it doesn't even seem to be at the level of the opponent 3 months ago."

"Well, no." Xiaodi agreed, "And now the man with glasses has become stronger again."

Just when Kurapika didn't know what to say, Xiaodi said calmly: "The odds of winning are not high."

She looked at Jing Yang's figure on the ring, "But after all, there is."

On the ring, a white light flashed across Yun Gu's spectacles, and he asked, "Your energy has improved a lot compared to three months ago."

Jing Yang stood opposite him, with a referee in between. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Both each other."

"Can I ask how much it has been improved to?" Yun Gu said, "Your total amount of thoughts."

Are the strengthening systems so straightforward? Jing Yang said indifferently: "No more, no less, 18,000 qi. What about you?"

Yun Gu said elegantly: "Twenty-six thousand qi. It's also three months of practice, but my improvement is not as good as yours."

In other words, the total amount of energy in Yungu three months ago had exceeded 20,000 qi... Jing Yang said: "The increase in energy has begun to slow down again recently. This happened before. You know what happened. ?"

Yun Gu smiled and said, "How about we have a nice chat after this fight?"

"That's fine!" Jing Yang readily agreed.

The referee sandwiched between the two was even more pleased. This is a competition arena, not your chat room. Look around, thousands of pairs of eyes are staring at you eagerly.

"So, player Zhen Yuanzi, player Yungu..."

The referee looked left and right, and the two players nodded to him.

The fight is about to begin!

The vast majority of the audience just likes to watch fighting competitions for fun. Only a few in the crowd, those fellow contestants in the Sky Arena, whether they were telekinesis users on the 200th floor, or ordinary players below the 200th floor, who heard about this high-profile game and came to watch, all subconsciously He tensed up his nerves and stared at the ring without blinking.

After the referee gave an order to announce the start of the game, Yun Gu and Zhen Yuanzi stood opposite each other and assumed a starting stance for a competition.

Ordinary spectators and ordinary players have not noticed anything unusual.

But the players on the 200th floor and above were suddenly shocked and looked at the two people on the ring in disbelief. They released all the energy in their bodies at the same time after making the starting pose.

The rich white light, which only those of them who could also use Qi could see, burst out fiercely on the two of them.

The astonishing size gives people an instinctive feeling of intimidation...

It seemed that they, who should have been experienced in many battles, were reduced to innocent little white rabbits who accidentally wandered into the jungle and encountered a confrontation between a liger and a tiger. They turned around and ran away uncontrollably.

They and those two people...were not on the same level from the beginning!

drink! ha!

At the same time after the game started, both Jing Yang and Yun Gu immediately released their entire body's Qi, building up a thick "hard" on their bodies that was both offensive and defensive.

Very solid basic skills...

The two of them observed the state of Qi in each other's whole body. It was really as solid as a rock, but also had a lightness like flowing water.

Jing Yang took the lead and disappeared on the spot.


Where he was standing just now, a corner of the ring's bricks collapsed.

Yun Gu punched the air next to him.


Jing Yang's figure suddenly appeared, just in the direction of his fist. The two fists collided with each other, making a dull roar.

The referee was secretly speechless. With just one punch, the air around him seemed to be shaken, and the ring beneath his feet was also shaking.

What an exaggeration!

This is not a competition between two flesh and blood bodies. It is simply like two large cranes swinging heavy hammers and colliding in the air.

Jing Yang's fists ached slightly, so he grabbed Yun Gu's wrist and kicked Yun Gu in the face.

Yun Gu leaned back and lowered his waist to avoid the kick.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the flow of Qi on Jing Yang's body... Zhen Yuanzi was gathering Qi on his other foot!

"It's a spinning kick hidden in a blind spot."

The proportion of Qi distributed by Yun Gu's body began to flow, and a thicker Qi barrier instantly piled up on one side of his body. Almost at the same time, Jing Yang turned around in the blind corner and hit hard with a spinning kick. Come up.


If "Jian" means evenly distributing 50% of the manifested energy on the body surface, then Jing Yang's kick uses "flow" to specially distribute 80% of the manifested energy, increasing its power.

As a result, Yun Gu saw through it, and Yun Gu also used "flow" to mobilize 80% of his apparent energy defense.

Yun Gu's magnanimity already surpassed Jing Yang's.

Jing Yang's kick did not break the opponent's defense, but his own feet were somewhat shocked.

The star mark on the back of the neck is like a seed, affecting the energy all over Jing Yang's body.

Jing Yang's eyes were filled with sapphire-like light. His fists and feet were like shadows, turning into shooting stars and fighting Yun Gu in close combat.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom boom...

The two of them performed dazzling offensive and defensive moves in a small space in the ring in an instant. The referee was stunned and grabbed the microphone not knowing what to say.

It stands to reason that an excellent attack is worth 1 point, a very good attack is worth 2 points...

However, the two players' offense and defense were too fast, and the referee couldn't see clearly!

boom! Jing Yang seemed to have punched Yun Gu.

The referee excitedly wanted to score, but the next second Yun Gu slapped Jing Yang on the head, pushing Jing Yang backwards.

Knocked down... The referee was about to change his words when he saw Jing Yang flipping upside down, crushing a corner of the ring bricks, and then rushing towards Yungu almost flying, seemingly unaffected at all.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

The referee was speechless and continued to watch the fierce battle between the two sides that seemed to have not changed much.

Even though the referee, who was used to seeing gods fighting above 200 floors, was like this, the audience was even more dazzled and confused, and at the same time couldn't stop cheering and applauding.

You don’t care whether he can see clearly or not, as long as he looks handsome, that’s it!

Thunderous applause!

The players who came to watch the game below the 200th floor all transformed into Mr. Satan, and their jaws were so shocked that they almost dropped to the ground... Are these two people's skills, speed, and strength still human?

The players who came to watch the game from the 200th floor all had solemn expressions. Some of those who had been beaten by the two men on the stage even had cold sweat on their foreheads... It seemed that when they were beaten, Zhen Yuanzi and Yun Gu were not at all. You didn’t use your true strength! Save a life...

Zheluo looked full of questions, but he was even more worried about his brother's condition. Zhehao stared straight at the two fighting on the ring. Could he be stupid?

Kurapika's eyes gathered energy and he stared at Jing Yang and Yun Gu who were fighting fiercely in the ring.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Kurapika is now considered an expert, and the more he watches, the more frightened he becomes. The two of them control Qi so well. They use "flow" so proficiently that it perfectly fits the name of this move. They are so fluent. . To them, Qi does not seem to be something that needs to be concentrated and deliberately controlled, but a part of their body that moves according to their heart like an arm.

The proportion of "hardness" on the body is distributed from left to right, up and down. In the process of seemingly simple and direct fist and kick fighting, every punch and kick has gone back and forth, and no one knows how much psychological game has gone through.

You must accurately identify how much qi is allocated to the opponent's incoming fist, and then use the same or more qi to defend!

If the prediction is wrong and the opponent's heavier punch hits the weak point of your own Qi, even if your strength should be higher than the opponent's, it is very likely that your defense will be broken and you will be injured.

What if the opponent just feints with a shot and hides other killing moves?

Therefore, you must closely watch the flow of Qi on the opponent's body, and your eyes must remain in a "condensed" state at all times...

"Condensation", "hardness", "flow"...

In actual combat, the proficient use of these basic skills is the top priority. If during normal practice, maintaining "hardness" consumes 1 qi every second, then during actual combat like this moment, the consumption per second will increase 6 to 10 times...

During the fierce fight, Jing Yang and Yun Gu stared at each other at the same time, found a rare opening, and punched each other without hesitation.

boom! ! ! !

Yun Gu punched Jing Yang in the face, but Jing Yang's fist just hit Yun Gu's jaw...

Jing Yang was beaten backwards, and after a few steps, he stamped his feet until he sank slightly into the masonry of the ring, and then he stopped.

Yun Gu just raised his head slightly and took half a step back with one foot.

It was only 3 minutes, but it seemed to last as long as 3 hours... The entire audience seemed to be quiet for a moment, and then gave a tsunami of applause, whistles, and cheers.

"Uh, excellent attack! The Yungu player counts 1 point!" the referee said quickly, "The score is 1:0!"

There is no time limit for games above 200 floors. Whoever defeats the opponent first to lose their ability to fight, or gets 10 points first, wins.


Jing Yang wiped his nose, wiped away the nosebleed, and rubbed his face. Yun Gu's punches and kicks were really heavy.

It should be said that it really deserves to be a strengthening system!

Compared to Jing Yang, Yun Gu looked much calmer and less embarrassed. His shirt and hair were just messier, but he didn't look obviously injured.

But Yun Gu was a little surprised. He clearly saw that Zhen Yuanzi's bleeding nose seemed to have stopped bleeding from his last punch.

Just a few seconds...

This kind of resilience is even inferior to my own strengthening system.

"The opponent is an enhanced type, why would they choose close combat?" Kurapika, who was watching the game, was a little puzzled. "What's more, the opponent is stronger in terms of total telekinesis and apparent telekinesis... Close combat There is no advantage at all.”

"My total energy volume is 26,000 qi, and my current energy volume can generally be maintained at 2,400 qi." Yun Gu repositioned his hands and said to Jing Yang calmly, "And yours The total amount of energy is 18,000 qi, and the actual qi seems to be..." He recalled briefly, "1700 qi. But the actual power does not seem to be that strong." He looked at Jing Yang, "So it is not a strengthening system. ."

"Correct answer! But there is no reward." Jing Yang snapped his fingers and dusted himself off.

Yun Gu said seriously: "Let me remind you, my philosophy is that as an enhancement type, I don't need fancy abilities. But it doesn't mean that I don't have my own telekinesis ability..."

"I can break the boundaries, increase my physical strength, and enhance my offense and defense." He said, "Moreover, after I enter the state, the loss per second will be further reduced... What about you, after the intense close combat for just three minutes, The energy has been almost exhausted, right?"

Jing Yang shook his arms and legs and said with dead eyes, "You are so heartless, why are you telling me this?"

Yun Gu was ashamed and explained: "Because I feel that you have chosen the wrong way to fight me, so you may continue..."

"Are all the strengthening types so upright?"

Jing Yang said with a smile. To Kurapika, the smile seemed to have a treacherous tone.

"When did you have the illusion that I was just fighting a close combat with you, an enhancement type?" Jing Yang said, flipping his palms and shaking, a white ball of thought popped out of his palms, quietly Suspended in mid-air in his palm, "My ability conditions have been met."

In the middle of this ball of thoughts, there was actually a series of numbers floating in the air.


This doesn't look like an ordinary telekinesis bomb... Just when Yun Gu looked at the telekinesis ball, Jing Yang had already thrown the telekinesis ball with the number "100" inside at him.

not good!

Yun Gu quickly dodged.

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