Just like Yungu.

In the comics, he is the master of Killua who is the protagonist of the duo and is assigned by the Hunter Association after passing the hunter test. Like Yinda to Men Qi, he is responsible for guiding Killua to learn telekinesis abilities... As a result, this The King of Mysterious Lake just taught Killua the basic skills and left it alone. It didn't even involve the real telekinesis ability derived from "fa".

Yun Gu naturally has his own reasons. For example, for Gon of the reinforcement system, there is no need to deliberately pursue telekinesis ability; and Killua, the hunter association, has no control over the development of telekinesis ability for beating enemies...

However, comparing it to Inzenabi, the master who guides Kurapika in the comics, it is inevitable that people will feel that this guy Yun Gu is really out of tune.

Kurapika trained with Yin Zenabi for half a year. Not only did he learn Nen, but he was even able to use the high-end application technique "Hidden" skillfully. He also developed the chain of his Nen ability. The one he developed here is Refers to the level of being able to single-handedly kill the Phantom Troupe's Wojin and kidnap the Phantom Troupe's leader...

It can only be said that there are gaps between mentors.

Naturally, Yun Gu didn't know how Jing Yang was slandering him. After Jing Yang and the others approached, he smiled and said, "I also got 9 wins."

Jing Yang made a gesture of invitation.

Yun Gu happily went to the front desk with him and received a new combat application form.

Under the excited eyes of the female staff at the front desk, they quickly filled out the form and handed it back. The beautiful young lady looked at both sides and was extremely excited. She kept smiling and said: "Okay, on May 15th, we will arrange a duel between the two of you. Please be fully prepared in the next five days... "

Zhen Yuanzi is going to have a fight with Yun Gu!

Both of them are 9 wins and 0 losses! Whoever wins can create a record of 10 wins and losses and be qualified to challenge the poster!

This is so interesting!

Xiaodi looked curiously at the excited female staff member, who coughed and reminded: "Contestant Xiaodi, your 90-day battle preparation period has passed, and you already have a record of 1 defeat. If you are in 10 If you have a record of 4 losses before winning, you will be disqualified from the competition..."

"Oh." Xiaodi said with a half-bow, "Thank you."

Is this a thank you thing?

Watching the four people leave and enter the elevator, the female staff member at the front desk was in a mess, and she really couldn't figure out the brain circuit of this Xiaodi player.

"That's right! The fight between Zhen Yuanzi and Yun Gu is more important... That's right!" The female staff member excitedly took out her mobile phone and quietly dialed a number to her good friend. She made a series of beeps and coos with excitement on her face. "It will definitely be very lively. I will also take half a day off on the 15th to watch the game!"

What class are you taking?

I won't be able to go to class on any day. If you miss such an interesting game, it will be gone!

After parting ways with Yun Gu on the 200th floor, Jing Yang and the others continued to take the elevator downstairs. Through the transparent glass cover, they could see the fierce battles in different arenas in the sky arena from top to bottom. situation.

One notable feature is that the closer to the ground and the lower the floor, the more stages there are in the same fighting venue...

"By the way, Kurapika, have you completed all your telekinesis abilities?" Jing Yang turned around and asked.

"Absolutely." Kurapika said.

"How much is the difference?"

"I still need to supplement some means of frontal combat... Didn't you remind me that it's best to practice in the Yamagata method. What I chose to materialize is books, which lack direct combat effectiveness, so I also took into account the transformation-oriented moves... …”

Kurapika said, raising his right hand.

Both Jing Yang and Xiao Di saw that the Qi wrapped around his right hand gradually changed its outline, condensing into a...skeleton palm?

The skeleton's palm is very large, and as the Qi extends, it can expand forward and around, increasing the distance of the attack.

"I know you are smart and talented." Jing Yang commented, "But I didn't expect you to be so smart and talented. It's not easy just to develop six books with such a complicated mechanism. You can also change the Has the system developed to this extent?”

Kurapika smiled slightly, and the energy in the shape of the skull palm in his hand was released, turning into a materialized black book.

On the cover of the book, there is a flaming number "2".

"Volume 2..." Xiaodi muttered to himself when he saw this.

Forgot the name? Jing Yang flicked her head. If I remember correctly, the second volume is called "Hellfire".

Kurapika opened the first page of "Hellfire", which can probably be regarded as the title page.

On the title page, there is a picture of a huge skeleton covered in bone spurs, terrifying and tragic...

"I call it 'Skeleton Knight'." Kurapika lowered his eyes and said slowly, "With the power of this book, I can develop it faster."

"Don't tell me that whatever you paint on it will become something..." Jing Yangxu raised his eyes.

"Maybe." Kurapika asked, "But even the 'Skeleton Knight' is not completely finished yet."

In fact, although he can use the effect of the second book "Hellfire" to speed up the development of the ability of the change system, all this is based on the maximum effect of the second book.

In other words, in the process of developing the system of change with the help of the second book, he must first materialize the book and then turn on the flaming eyes throughout the process.

Every time the flaming eye's telekinesis ability "Absolute Time" is held for *** minutes, one hour of life will be consumed...

Jing Yang said: "Anyway, when your telekinesis ability is complete, we will talk about the Phantom Troupe."

"I'm not an official member yet, I know." Kurapika closed his eyes and was silently angry for a while, then suddenly asked, "Are you sure you can defeat Yun Gu?"

"Why are you so obsessed with winning? It's just a competition, whoever wins or loses doesn't matter." Jing Yang said sincerely, "It's not a life-or-death duel. What's important is having fun."

He really does his own thing...Kurapika turned into a dead fish-eye again.

After he left, Xiao Di saw Jing Yang and said, "Zhuo, what's the matter with Zuo Neng!"

"Huh?" Xiaodi was confused.

"I mean, I forgot to clean up..."

"Forgot something?" Xiaodi asked curiously.

"His ring! The code name for the C-shaped ring hasn't been added yet..."

"What code name will Jing Yang give him?"

"Well, the secret must not be leaked!"

"Jing Yang hasn't thought about it yet?"

"That's right..."

The two chatted while walking along the street towards the apartment where they lived. In mid-air, the rock bird stepped on the back of a crow, glided in mid-air, opened its mouth very humanely, and seemed to be yawning...

The time has finally arrived on May 15th!

The 200th floor of the Sky Arena was extremely lively on this day. Countless fighting enthusiasts and spectators poured in. Tickets for today's game were hard to come by, and they were already being sold to the sky.

In his room, Yun Gu was meditating with his eyes closed, adjusting his state.

The energy all over his body was like a calm ball of water, wrapping roundly around his body.

It is obviously Qi and should be as light as water, but it has a solid feeling as thick as a rock, as if even a huge amount of force cannot shake it.

When it reached 1:30 in the afternoon, Yun Gu opened his eyes.

It's time to go!

Yun Gu stood up calmly, pushed the door open and walked out.

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