I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 96 Pig Brain Overload

Buzz! Buzz!

The sharp teeth around the head of the vacuum cleaner rotated rapidly, making a roar.

Xiaodi took the bulging-eye fish and cut it towards the corner of the table.


The head of the electric saw didn't stop at all, cutting off the corners of the table like tofu. The cross section is smooth and flat.

Jing Yang applauded: "Not bad, not bad."

Xiaodi stuck out his tongue and said: "Because I have never been able to transform my Qi into a 'sharp' feeling, so I can only compromise like this."

"The most important thing about mental ability is that it suits you." Jing Yang also nodded.

According to his estimation, those who want to transform Qi into something as sharp as a sword must either be a swordsman themselves, have a sharp-edged personality, or be some kind of psychopath who likes to cut meat with a knife, or be like the protagonist Xiaojie in the comics. Based on a child-like mentality - quickly take out the sharp sword, thinking that since the energy needs to be changed, it should be able to become a sword blade.

Sometimes we don’t think about it and rely on intuition to explore the ability to read. This “taken for granted” subconsciousness actually helps the ability to change from fantasy to reality.

Xiaodi doesn't like anything. She doesn't like to kill people, she's not a swordsman, and she doesn't have a sharp and flamboyant personality. She might be curious about games and the like, but in most cases, that's the case. Even if you play it once, forget it after you finish it... She thought of developing Qi with sharp properties just to match the function of her bulging fish.

In other words, if you deliberately design telekinesis in this way, if you don't have enough faith, you will have to put in twice as much effort.

A sense of belief!

There is the word "read" in this word, which shows its importance.

Qi is life energy and a spiritual power.

Of course, if Xiaodi insists on continuing to practice and spends a few more years, he might be able to transform his Qi into a sharp nature, but that is not efficient enough after all.

So she had an idea and made such a change after seeing the protruding-eyed fish's mouth full of fangs.

The ability to read according to one's heart was quickly realized.

Xiaodi combined the sharpness of the change of Qi with the bulging-eyed fish that she could originally manifest, giving the bulging-eyed fish an extra small deformation. A vacuum cleaner can also be switched to a chainsaw to cut off the enemy. When the wound is sawed out, cut it back to the bulging-eye fish to suck up the blood and kill it. Even if it is accidentally sawed to pieces, you can just use the bulging-eye fish to clean the battlefield...

Jing Yang mused: "If you are willing to add more restrictions, you can probably shorten the development time. For example, if you want to change the Qi into a sharp nature, you must carry a weapon such as a dagger with you... "

Just like the transformation ability of Rikiya in the comic book, he strengthened his imagination of changing the energy of his body into electric current by touching the electric door and getting electric shock and self-charging. In the end, it took a day to basically develop it, and it can be used in After self-shock, the energy was successfully transformed into the nature of thunder and lightning - but taking shortcuts naturally left a natural constraint. He left himself with the subconscious mind of "I need to recharge before I can use this mind power", so he It really needs to be charged from time to time, otherwise it will run out of power while playing in battle.

Xiaodi suddenly said: "It makes sense! I can let the protruding fish reserve a large number of daggers or blades in advance... If there are restrictions on adding another one, I have to cut mine first to experience the sharp feeling, and maybe I can get more. Quickly can successfully transform the nature of Qi."

She began to draw inferences.

"Self-mutilation is unnecessary, right?" Jing Yang said with shame.

Xiaodi pointed at the root of her left leg, blinking as if to say, I have your star mark on my body, even if you scratch the skin, it will be nothing, it will heal itself soon, even the scars will be gone. Won't stay.

"You think you are a female giant. You have to scratch yourself before transforming." Jing Yang snorted, "Just bring a dagger, just take it slow. After the transformation system is successfully developed, you can use this dagger." The walking stick was thrown away..."

Xiaodi nodded and said, "Jing Yang's new ability also has many constraints."

"Without more restrictions, we won't be able to get the results we have now." Jing Yang said seriously, "To be honest, I think it's a bit shameful."

Xiaodi said fairly: "This is a move that only you, Jingyang, can use."

Jing Yang corrected: "Only those who carry the star can use it."

Xiaodi thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"Speaking of which, I remember hearing people talk about concepts like memory capacity and reading capacity..." Jing Yang pondered, "Does reading have an upper limit on the hard drive capacity? I have developed several abilities. I don’t feel anything either!”

He looked at Xiaodi. Xiaodi shook her head, "I've never heard of such a thing."

The memory capacity seems to be Hisoka's personal theory in the comics... Jing Yang thought to himself that this might be Hisoka's personal experience summary just like Hisoka's system of judging telekinesis abilities based on his personality.

As for the capacity of reading, Jing Yang had long forgotten where he had seen this statement in his previous life. It seemed to be a concept often brought up when various scholars debated scriptures.

"Where is our dog-headed strategist? Let's analyze it with his smart head." Jing Yang took out the phone, "His abilities are much more complicated than ours..."

May 10th. Sky Arena, Arena on the 225th floor.

Amid the cheers of the audience, Yun Gu won his ninth victory without any suspense.

It is estimated that more than 80% of the players in the Sky Arena were forcibly "baptized" before awakening to wild ways, so that many of them were left with more or less disabilities.

Not everyone is like Zhehao, who happened to have that kind of evil 50/50 ability in a limited venue like a martial arts arena because of his strong and twisted persistence...

Even with Yungu's strength two or three months ago, as an enhanced type who is already good at fighting in the ring, it is reasonable for him to win consecutive battles in the Sky Arena.

The reason why I emphasize that two or three months ago...

"He has indeed become stronger." Xiaodi looked at Yun Gu who was declared the winner by the referee on the ring.

Jing Yang said: "If it wasn't for the purpose of becoming stronger, there would be no need for him to come here specially."

Whether it is for the opponents gathered here in the Sky Arena, or simply to find a suitable place for training, the purpose of everyone who comes here is to become stronger - even a guy like Hisoka who likes to have fun. After all, for such a fun-loving person, the very act of finding fun will make him physically and mentally happy and his thoughts clear. Once this idea is understood, the strength will naturally progress smoothly.

Thoughts are clear?

Jing Yang murmured secretly, while Kurapika beside him mused: "Memory capacity? Memory capacity? I have never encountered such a problem."

"If you ask me to analyze it, the so-called memory capacity is actually the distribution of the brain's thinking ability and concentration." He closed his eyes and said calmly, "If your thinking is agile enough and the ability you develop belongs to your own If you are good at and familiar with the field, you will not have the so-called trouble of insufficient memory capacity..."

Jing Yang said: "It takes a lot of energy to build an overly complex ability, and it requires constant attention to maintain it. Beginners can't even maintain it and engage in actual combat at the same time. Once they want to fight, the energy in their bodies will It will be disordered... In this case, for beginners, engaging in entanglement and actual combat at the same time will lead to the so-called insufficient memory capacity."

"Commonly known as pig brain overload." Jing Yang nodded, "But with practice, beginners will also improve, and sooner or later they will be able to maintain their strength while actually fighting, and at the same time, they can analyze the enemy's abilities while maintaining their own abilities... "

As long as you are talented enough, you can even be like Jin = Fulis in the comics.

What does it look like?

Jin is a monster. As long as he has personal experience with the strike ability, he can immediately learn it.

For example, in the manga, Leorio, one of the four protagonists, punched him with a teleportation weapon, and Jin turned around and could use it himself.

Not only can he use it, but he can also draw inferences and deduce more uses and abilities.

Memory capacity?

As long as you have enough experience, talent, and understanding of Nian, there will be no such concerns at all...

Perhaps in the eyes of masters at Jin's level, the ever-changing mental abilities, no matter how endlessly they emerge, can eventually simplify the complex and see through the essence.

For him, learning and using new abilities may be as easy as Jing Yang's ability to walk, sit, and lie down now.

"As for the so-called telekinesis capacity..." Kurapika pondered, "I think this may be a simple telekinesis capacity, just a different name. For example, my own telekinesis ability, assuming that my telekinesis capacity is regarded as 100 , I need to spend 60 to materialize all six books, so I will only have the remaining 30 left to do other things at most. Naturally, it is impossible for me to develop another telekinesis ability that also costs 60 - unless I Willing to give up using the original six books ability."

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Your ability requires 60% of the energy?"

"Just an analogy..."

For example, take the comic protagonist Xiaojie as an example. His total energy in the early stages of the Ant Chapter is 20,000, and one shot of guessing can burn 4,000 energy. In other words, even if he does nothing, he can burn 4,000 energy. Only 5 guessing rounds can be played at most. Assuming that Xiaojie can develop telekinesis moves that also consume 4,000 qi, he can only develop 4 more types at most - any more, with his telekinesis capacity, he simply cannot demonstrate them all. In real combat, when it comes to other consumption, even if he has 5 tricks of the same level as guessing boxing, he can only choose two or three of them to use at most. The limit on the amount of thought is here.

Therefore, either give up too much telekinesis skills, or continue to increase the total amount of telekinesis.

"This is my understanding." Kurapika asked strangely, "Didn't your master answer these questions?"

"Who told you that I have a master?" Jing Yang said even more strangely, "I will know it when I am born."

Kurapika was speechless and stared with dead eyes. Is this person showing off?

"Are you awesome? How can I be your boss if you're not awesome?" Jing Yang said with a smile, "Besides, even if you have someone to guide you, you may not be able to learn everything..."

As they walked out, they looked at Yun Gu, who was waving to them at the end of the passage.

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