Jing Yang had a plan to build his abilities. He looked up refreshed and saw that Xiao Di was also experimenting with something.

She stretched out a hand, and the Qi wrapped around her hand was constantly changing.

The shape is changing.

Jing Yang's eyes gathered energy and he looked carefully.

Xiaodi seemed to want to... make her Qi become thinner?

"I want to make the Qi sharp." Xiaodi explained when he saw Jing Yang looking at him, "But it seems difficult."


The shape of the Qi on Xiaodi's hand is indeed "thinned". It is not compressible enough, so the Qi only becomes elongated and thin, and the degree of sharp change is limited.

Jing Yang suddenly said: "I understand, you want to use the sharp Qi to scratch the enemy's skin, so that you can use the eye fish to drain the opponent's blood."

Xiaodi nodded, "Yeah, because if the skin is not broken, the bulging-eyed fish can't suck it."

After spending so much time with Xiaodi, Jing Yang certainly knows a lot about the characteristics of the bulging-eyed fish.

One of them is that the bulge-eye fish cannot suck the contents of the enclosed object through the enclosed object.

For example, the blood and tissue fluid in the human body, as well as toxins and viruses mixed into the blood... These require a wound or a gap in the closed object to serve as a passage for the bulging-eye fish to swallow.

The bulge-eyed fish also cannot suck something that is attached to another object.

For example, houses built on the ground, trees growing on the ground, skeletons embedded in flesh and blood, nervous systems... and so on. But knock down the house, uproot the tree, pull out the bones, and it can be swept away with a crocodile.

If Xiaodi had the ability to effectively create bloody wounds on the enemy during battle, he could even use the bulging-eye fish to directly suck the opponent's blood from the wound until he died.

"But the premise is that the opponent's wounds have not healed before being sucked dry." Jing Yang shook his head and said, "As far as I know, some very powerful masters, especially martial arts masters and strengthening masters, can use only the strength of their muscles to Temporarily seal the wound and force hemostasis.”

For example, in the comics, Nitro's right leg was broken off by the ant king, and blood surged out. But as soon as Nitro gritted his teeth, the bowl-sized wound on the broken leg immediately shrank, and the blood stopped flowing on the spot.

Xiao Didi said: "There are very few masters like that, right?"

"If you think about it this way, that's true." Jing Yang said, "If the opponent stops bleeding quickly, you can continue to give him a few more blows, or add some new wounds. Eat small and frequent meals, and you can always feed the eye fish. "


March 3rd. Sky Arena Level 222. Jing Yang didn't have a game today, but he still came with Xiao Di.

This match is Yun Gu vs Zhe Hao.

Yun Gu didn't seem to know in advance who his opponent was in this match, so he was obviously a little surprised when he saw that the result was Zhe Hao.

It had been a month and a half since Zhehao lost to Jing Yang last time, and it took him more than 40 days to recover his energy and energy.

Today he took the stage again, with a full beard, looking a little more calm and resolute.

"After losing to Zhen Yuanzi, he seems to be stronger..." Yun Gu looked at the other person, calculating in his mind.

He seemed to be able to vaguely feel the looks of Zhen Yuanzi and the others coming from the lively auditorium and the arena, making him sweat.

Zhehao, who had 8 wins and 1 loss, faced off against Yun Gu, who had 4 wins and 0 losses!

The game started directly at the referee's order - surprisingly, this time, Zhehao did not use the telekinesis ability that was born in the arena. He just released all his energy and rushed towards his opponent with his fist raised. Facing Yun Gu's slightly surprised look, Zhehao launched the attack first.

"What do you mean? I have such strong mouth evasion skills?" Jing Yang in the stands was a little confused, "I just made a few random remarks, and then I got confused by this person and changed my style?"

Whether it was him or Xiaodi, they could tell at a glance that Zhehao and Yungu, who were fighting fiercely in the ring at the moment, had normal energy.

And the result of normal use of Qi will naturally be normal - Yungu's "hard" strength alone far exceeds Zhehao's, but Zhehao has not mastered this advanced application technique, and his defensive power is also It's just a little better than "Tang".

If Zhehao had used his telekinesis ability to force the two people in the ring to be unable to use qi, then it probably wouldn't be such a one-sided situation.

The referee was almost unable to read Yun Gu's consecutive scores.

When Zhehao was beaten to the point where he couldn't change his hands and was in a state of embarrassment, there was a burst of boos from the audience.

Zhehao's nose was bruised, his face was swollen, and he was injured, but his injured face showed no change in expression.

Yun Gu also stopped his offensive and asked, "Don't you regret not using your telekinesis ability?"

Zhehao gathered up the last part of his energy and answered with action. He smashed the floor and rushed forward again to receive the punch!


There was a roar in the arena.

Yungu wins.

Amid uproar and applause, his record came to 5 wins and 0 losses.

On March 7, Jing Yang won another victory, with a record of 6 wins and 0 losses.

It started to rain softly in the evening.

In the apartment, you can see the situation inside the house through the window. Jing Yang has an invisible mind ball condensed in his hand, and he is explaining something to Xiao Di in front of him. Xiao Di nods from time to time.

Kurapika looked at a line of scarlet text that gradually appeared on the paper, and finally closed the book. The number "5" was written on the black cover.

Book 5, "Judgment", is complete!

Time flies by with regular practice, competitions, and watching games.

Jing Yang's record on April 12th was 9 wins and 0 losses. He got the match point in advance and waited for Yungu.

Therefore, in the next month, Jing Yang basically stayed at home and focused on practicing with Xiao Di in the apartment.

Total thoughts...

Four major industries...

Derivative skills...

The ability to read...

Jing Yang's total thoughts have steadily increased, and his newly developed abilities have gradually improved.

By the end of April, Xiaodi also made progress in developing its capabilities.

May 1st. In the apartment.


Yanque, who often goes wild outside and hasn't been seen for a long time, came to Jingyang's side again and was caught stroking his feathers in his hands.

While Jingyang was playing, he sat on the sofa and watched Xiaodi's performance.

"The bulge-eyed fish."

Xiao Di made a move with his hand, and a ball of air materialized into a unique vacuum cleaner. On the base were two big eyes like goldfish eyeballs, and the slender pipe connected to it was a mouth with sharp teeth.


Xiaodi grabbed the head of the vacuum cleaner and didn't know what button he pressed. Suddenly he heard a "buzz" sound. The fangs on the head of the vacuum cleaner turned over and grew to the four sides and stood up, as if from a fang. The big-mouthed vacuum cleaner turned into a terrifying chainsaw head...

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