I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 94: If you change your waistcoat, I won’t recognize you?

After Jing Yang listened, his first reaction was, is this ability too simple?

If the ability to resurrect only requires exchanging lives for lives, then there must be many people who would be happy to cultivate a large number of dead soldiers who can be used as their own "resurrection coins".


Jing Yang's thoughts changed.

Whether the ability to read can be successfully developed, apart from the fact that the effect of the ability must be roughly equal to the price paid, there is another very important factor - that is, the person with the ability to read.

To develop the ability of thinking, you can put "talent" and "effort" at the two poles of the scale.

The closer you get to the "talent" on the right end, the more likely it is that the telekinesis ability will appear on its own without even noticing it, and it will be automatically formed. It even requires the person with the telekinesis ability to slowly explore the automatic formation. The specific content of abilities, these abilities often appear in the operation, characteristics and embodiment systems of the lower three systems;

The closer to the "effort" side of the left end, there is nothing to say. The most extreme example is naturally...

Well, Jing Yang originally thought of Isaac Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association, but if he thought about it carefully, Nitro was probably a monster with both talent and hard work.

When Nitro was middle-aged, he felt that his martial arts had reached a limit. Out of gratitude for martial arts, he punched 10,000 punches every day to show his gratitude. In the midst of such diligent and unrestrained "efforts" that can be called a devil, two years later, Nitro's strength improved to an incredible level. I am afraid that it was also after that that Nitro jumped to the top. The strongest human warrior in the world.

Jing Yang guessed that Nitro's Hundred Styles of Guanyin might have formed naturally at that time.

On the balance of "talent" and "effort", getting one can greatly promote the development and formation of mind ability. If you can do both, you can make rapid progress...

There is a kind of lever on this scale, which is "oath and restriction".

Having a deep awareness, making a vow, and self-restraint is equivalent to stepping on the accelerator to the bottom and soaring directly on the road of developing mind ability... If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent person.

Jing Yang looked at the "Resurrection" book in Kurapika's hand. With Kurapika's character, he probably made some harsh vows and restrictions in exchange for the unimaginable effect of resurrection.

Xiao Didi said: "You have to reach the Dark Continent and find the Immortal Rice before you can use this ability safely. Isn't this a very strict restriction in itself? Otherwise, if you only need to use this ability once, Kurapika himself probably won't be good for a few years. Alive.”

Jing Yang said: "Even if it's just one life for one, it's quite beyond the norm. Kurapika, this ability isn't that simple, is it?"

Kurapika lowered his eyes and remained silent, then raised his eyes and said, "This ability is only effective for the flaming eyes. It can only resurrect the owner of the flaming eyes."

"If I use it to resurrect someone other than my tribe..." he said calmly, "I will immediately die of cardiac arrest."

Xiaodi suddenly said: "It turns out that I used my own life to make the oath. No wonder it has such a strong effect."

Jing Yang thought to himself, "Is it because of what I said to fool him into joining the organization?"

He asked again: "Why heart paralysis?"

In the comics, Kurapika made an oath and restriction to his binding middle finger chain: if he uses it on anyone outside the Phantom Troupe, he will be pierced through the heart by the chain wrapped around his heart and die!

And this chain wrapped around his heart is the ability of Kurapika's own pinky chain of commandments.

Verbal statements and swearing with the ability to take practical actions are obviously more weighty. The leverage effect of vows and restrictions, and the promotion of the ability to read, can be called a raging fire cooking oil. The more it burns, the more it burns. He was burned to pieces. Only this kind of extreme awareness can enable Kurapika, who has been training for less than a year in the comics, to defeat the Berserker Wojin of the Phantom Troupe in a duel...

But why is it heart palsy now?

Could it be...

Kurapika replied: "This is the ability I plan to give to the fifth book - 'Judgment'."

"But this book hasn't been formed yet." He closed his eyes and said firmly. "When it is finally formed, the first name written on it will be my own."

Jing Yang wanted to speak but stopped, stopped but wanted to speak again.

Is it okay if the pinky chain of commandments turns into a notebook of death?

Don't tell me, Kurapika, you look a lot like Light Yagami...

Xiaodi counted on his fingers and asked curiously: "The third book is used to deal with the Phantom Troupe, the fifth book is used to make an oath? The sixth book is used to resurrect your tribe. What about the other books?"

His Nen ability was slowly trained and developed under the guidance of these two people, not to mention that he had already agreed to join their organization. Kurapika did not hide it and replied: "The first book, "Redemption" ”; the second volume, “Hell Fire”; the fifth volume, “Revelation”. The effects of other systems such as the strengthening system and the transformation system are added respectively... After I entered the trait system state of flaming red eyes, these six books Only then can they exert 100% of their respective abilities.”

"However, only the third and sixth volumes are currently in shape." He sighed, "The other four volumes still need to be slowly polished."

After Kurapika enters the flaming eyes and transforms into a special type, in addition to the increase in the total amount of ki, his special type also has a special telekinesis ability - "Absolute Time".

After activating "Absolute Time", Kurapika will become a perfect hexagonal warrior. He can exert 100% of the six major systems of Nen ability without any shortcomings.

But what Kurapika didn't tell Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi was that his "absolute time" had a fatal restriction: while "absolute time" was activated, every second that passed, he would be burned. hours of life...

When he heard Kurapika say that the name of the fifth book was "Revelation", half of Jing Yang's heart quietly fell back into his stomach.

Sample, isn't this just the Ring Finger Soul Chasing Chain with a different name? Gee, you think I wouldn’t recognize you if you changed your vest?

Jing Yang patted his third son on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Practice well, I'm very optimistic about you."

Kurapika's eyes suddenly turned blind.

"Then I will continue to practice." He said, "I want to develop all my abilities as soon as possible."

"Haste makes waste, and you can't relax on other basic skills." Jing Yang reminded and asked, "By the way, how much do you think now?"

Kurapika thought about it for a moment, "I have been able to maintain 'hardness' for nearly 50 minutes recently..."

"Oh, that's almost 3,000 qi!" Jing Yang nodded, "What about the flaming eyes state?"

Kurapika shook his head and said: "I haven't tested it in the red-eye state. But it feels like there should be a 2 to 3 times improvement."

The real reason is that with his current proficiency in basic skills, when using "Hardness" in the flaming eye state, it is easy to "misoperation" and judge "Hardness" as an enhancement field, thereby inadvertently activating "Absolute". "Time" to increase the power of "Jian" to 100%...

As soon as "Absolute Time" is activated, 1 hour of life will be burned in 1 second... Even if the increase in the amount of energy in the flaming eye state is only twice the usual amount, if you practice a complete "hard", it will still take a full time. 6000 seconds! A full 6,000 hours of life have been burned, which is 250 days!

Kurapika has not yet cherished his own life to this extent...

"Really? That means the total number of thoughts is close to 10,000! It's amazing!" Jing Yang smiled, "But we have to keep working hard. We want to go to the Dark Continent together. This level of strength is far from enough. Let's work hard together. !”

Kurapika smiled slightly, and his smile faded a little as he turned to leave.

He did not tell Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi all the restrictions on the ability to "resurrection" the book.

Basically, the various abilities of his embodied books can only be fully exerted in the "absolute time" state of the flaming red eyes - "Resurrection" is no exception.

Even if they become stronger one day in the future and are lucky enough to successfully set foot on the Dark Continent and find Nitolomi...

If you want to resurrect the companions of the Kuluta tribe, you don't just put their flaming eyes that you have recovered on the book, and they will be resurrected immediately and successfully end.

How long the resurrection process needs to last depends on how long his "absolute time" lasts in the forced form...

As for the consequences of being lucky enough to resurrect a tribesman, that is not something Kurapika is willing to consider. In his opinion, all costs and consequences are not worth mentioning.

After Kurapika left, Jing Yang continued to think about his new abilities.

After one month of practice, my total amount of thoughts has finally increased to 14,700 qi! Close to 15,000!

The time required to maintain "firmness" each time has been extended again, and now it takes a full 4 hours and 5 minutes... If you don't have enough concentration, just standing still for 4 hours will be a waste of time. kind of torture. What's more, maintaining "hardness" every minute and every second requires a huge amount of concentration.

But even with such an improvement in mental capacity, there is still no chance of winning against Yungu's strengthening system.

One month ago, Yun Gu's amount of thoughts was nearly twice as much as his own. I'm afraid Yun Gu had almost 20,000 thoughts at that time. One month has passed and Yungu has definitely improved.

Trying to fight head-on is definitely a bad idea.

I don’t want to use Xingbiao’s control ability in the ring.

The magical power of snapping fingers needs to be used carefully and at an angle.

In this way, we must find a way to defeat the strong with the weak... Jing Yang recalled Yun Gu's elegant and easy-going face, and inexplicably thought of Leiza who always had a smile on his face.

When I think of Leza, I think of him as a release type...

When I think of him as a release type, I think of his ability to teleport like playing volleyball...

Think about it...


"Then steal a hand of Leza?"

"Well, I just want to borrow this form of mind ball, and add other constraints as you like... It doesn't cost any money anyway, so I'll give it a try, what if it works?"

The ideas in Jing Yang's mind gradually became clear.

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