When Jing Yang and Xiao Di accidentally photographed a passerby, Kurapika, they thought that the Kuluta tribe's costume was so distinctive that anyone who knew a little bit about that massacre would probably not recognize it. It’s hard to get out.

As expected, Yun Gu also recognized Kurapika's identity early on and asked, "Are you a surviving member of the Kuluta tribe?"

Kurapika's eyes turned fiery red unconsciously and he answered silently. The color of the eyes caused by anger is listed as one of the seven most beautiful colors in the world. Such a rare eye color in the world, even if it is the first time to see it, you will never mistake it.

In fact, after spending these days together, Jing Yang was gradually able to understand the reason why Kurapika did this.

Who else in this world would wear this outfit besides him, Kurapika? He is already the last member of the Kuluta tribe. How could he be willing to cover up even wearing a compatriot's clothes? The Kuluta clan are the victims and should be condemned. It is the scum of the Phantom Troupe that are hiding in the gutter.

In response to Kurapika's inquiry, Yun Gu reluctantly replied: "Honestly, I really don't know. I have not come into contact with those in the Phantom Troupe. In fact, there are very few people who have actually seen them and actually fought with them... …There are even fewer people who have fought against them and survived.”

Kurapika closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had returned to calm, "I know."

In fact, Yun Gu's words already revealed a meaning. That is to say, in Yun Gu's opinion, among the people Yun Gu has come into contact with, there are not many people who are qualified to be opponents of the Phantom Troupe.

Of course, in Jing Yang's view, the reason why the Phantom Troupe has been able to escape justice all year round is certainly one of the reasons why they are powerful, and the convenience brought by their origin cannot be ignored.

These people from Meteor Street are basically like a group of "non-existent people".

They are powerful, so they are highly mobile; they do things without scruples, so they do not rely on social rules and regulations, and naturally they will not leave any real and reliable traces that can be traced.

In the comics, Hisoka was able to unknowingly come to the Sky Arena in advance based on Killua's online records and catch them off guard; but Hisoka pretended to join the Phantom Troupe in order to challenge Chrollo. , I estimate that it will last for a year or two or three, but I still can't find a chance for Chrollo to be alone. biquku

As a member of the group, it is not easy for Hisoka to contact Chrollo at any time. According to Hisoka, at the end of each operation, Chrollo would evaporate and disappear; even if he could be found, he would usually be accompanied by two or three companions. If more than one person with telekinesis ability cooperates tacitly, they can

Don't be afraid, even if you are a pervert like Hisoka, you still have to weigh it carefully.

Yun Gu asked: "Do you want to seek revenge from them?"

If it were Kurapika before he met Jing Yang, he would have nodded without hesitation.

But now, before he takes revenge on the Phantom Troupe, he has a higher priority goal, and it takes priority over the Phantom Troupe.

Kurapika said: "If I can get revenge, of course I will not let them go. But before that, I want to know their information. What I want to know even more... is the information about the eyes of the tribesmen who were taken away by them." biquku

"Their information is not easy to obtain." Yun Gu sighed, "There are many bounty hunters in the Hunter Association who want to arrest this A-level criminal gang, but even information about their whereabouts is difficult to find. There are Sometimes the news is false, sometimes the news is true, but the Phantom Troupe has disappeared when they arrive. Sometimes, the news is true and the Phantom Troupe is also there, but the bounty hunters never come back after they go there. …”

Xiaodi asked curiously: "There must be experts in the Hunter Association who can defeat them, right?"

Yun Gu explained: "Not all professional hunters are bounty hunters."

The meaning of this sentence is that even if there are powerful hunters who are capable of dealing with the Phantom Troupe, they may not be willing to spend their energy collecting intelligence, spending time tracking the Phantom Troupe, and risking their lives with a group of more than 10 skilled hunters. Fighting with those with telekinesis...

To give an unrelated example: The father of the comic protagonist Xiaojie, Jin Fulis, was rated as one of the top five telepathic people in the world by Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association. Is he strong enough?

But he doesn't even have time to deal with his own son, so how can he have the energy to deal with the Phantom Troupe...

Hunters and people with telekinesis are themselves the privileged class, or they serve the privileged class. Social rules and moral laws in the usual sense cannot restrain such people at all. If you really think about it, among the groups with hunter licenses, there are probably members who have committed more egregious crimes than the Phantom Troupe - such as Hisoka later, who also went to elect the new president of the Hunter Association. As a professional hunter who voted, must he have killed fewer people than the Phantom Troupe?

At that time, Kang Zai called Hisoka, who came to vote, a "murderer" to his face, but even such a murderer was still openly resting in the Hunter Association's election hall without anyone caring about him.

In this way, Kurapika left the ward slightly disappointed.

Jing Yang was in no hurry to leave.

Yun Gu saw that the three of them must be companions, and reminded: "The Phantom Troupe is really dangerous."

"Don't worry, his life is mine, and I won't let him die in vain." Jing Yang smiled and took out a card from his arms, "I want to ask,

What is the address of the hunter website? "

He shook the hunter's license in his hand.

Yun Gu was very surprised, "So you are a professional hunter?"

"I didn't say that." Jing Yang smiled slightly.

Yun Gu was stunned and understood what he meant.

Black license...

The Hunters Association stipulates that once a license is issued, it will not be withdrawn, nor will it be reissued if lost. Therefore, the Hunter Association does not deal with this kind of black license at all, and Yungu naturally has no objections - not to mention Zhen Yuanzi's strength, if you want to rely on a hunter's license, it is simply like bending. It is as easy as picking up a piece of paper on the ground with your waist, it is not difficult at all.

"Are you going to check the Phantom Troupe's information on the Hunter website?" Yun Gu reported a list of URLs, "Even if there is information for sale, I'm afraid it will be at a sky-high price."

"Thank you." Jing Yang put away the hunter's license, "Even if you don't have any information, it's not a bad idea to go surfing on the hunter's official website and see what's new."

"Why did you become so restless?"

After saying goodbye to the ward, Jingyang and Xiaodi found Kurapika outside the gate on the first floor of the Sky Arena.

"Is there any?" Kurapika opened one palm, lowered his head and muttered, "Maybe it's because the ability is gradually being completed, which makes me feel a little impatient..."

Jing Yang said: "In this case, it's time for me, the boss, to fulfill my promise."

Kurapika looked at him.

"Information about the capabilities of the Phantom Troupe." Jing Yang said earnestly, "I don't want our members to extinguish a light before we go to the Dark Continent. No matter what, I can't let you. Go and die in vain. Let’s do this. Tomorrow morning, you come to the apartment where Xiaodi and I live, and we can talk about the Phantom Troupe.”

"Okay." Kurapika took a deep breath and responded seriously.

Watching Kurapika go away, Jing Yang said to Xiao Didi: "Let's go find an Internet cafe to surf."

In the high-rise ward of the Sky Arena, Yun Gu was concentrating his Qi and accelerating his body's recovery when his cell phone suddenly rang again.

The nurse who was coming in to check on him glared at him and told him that he was going to rest!

Yun Gu raised his hand apologetically and answered the phone. I don’t dare not answer Master’s call.

"I forgot to tell you," Bisji's voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone, "Next month's Xianshui Mountain Conference, Sky Arena should also send invitations to you players, but remember not to accept it—— You can participate as a Shingen-ryu disciple." After a pause, "Because President Netero will also go this time."

"President Nitro?" Yun Gu said in surprise, "Master, aren't you going?"

"I'm not free recently, you can go for me." Bisji hung up the phone. With President Netero’s evil intentions, who knows what will happen?

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