I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 107 Abandoned like a waste

In fact, there are computers with Internet access in the apartment that Jingyang and Xiaodi rent. However, if you use a hunter's license in your residence, you may attract people with malicious intentions who are eyeing the hunter's license. In order not to have an uneasy sleep at night. As a student, of course it is necessary to find a public place to use the hunter's license. A humble ordinary Internet cafe is naturally a good place to go.

Jing Yang chose a corner with few people and many empty machines, opened a machine with Xiao Di and sat down. After entering the URL of the hunter website that Yun Gu told him, a very weird cutscene with a brain pattern appeared on the screen, a technology Li Chengmei’s special website popped up.

The main interface looks like a bar door, and then prompts you to enter the hunter's license number and insert the hunter's license.

Jing Yang glanced at the number on the hunter's license he picked up in his hand, entered it on the keyboard, and then put the license into the card reader peripheral that is equipped with all computers in the world.

With a click, the door of the Hunter Bar slowly opened.

The entire website is made like an online game, and Jing Yang seems to be controlling a first-person perspective game character and walking into this online bar dedicated to hunters.

There were a few drinkers sitting scattered in the bar, and there were actually some people playing games in front of the game console in the corner of the bar. I don't know if they were NPCs or other hunters who had logged in.

There is also an NPC-like guy like a bartender at the bar...

Jing Yang controlled the mouse and clicked on him, and a dialog box popped up. He opened his mouth and said: "What kind of information do you want?"

Then an interface popped up, densely packed with all kinds of information, divided into categories. From entertainment news to confidential news, it is dazzling to see, and almost everything is covered.


You might as well just rob! Jing Yang rolled his eyes, closed the dialog box, and continued browsing the information list.

He searched for "Biyangde" using keywords, and the result was 0.

I searched for "Gold = Fulis" again, and the result was also 0.

I searched for "Nitro" and found some results, but with a little information, it turned out that it charges 2 billion Nitro!

It's hard to say how much information about Nitro the 2 billion denim information can contain... Jing Yang shook his head and closed the dialog box. President, are you using this method to generate income to subsidize the association's finances?

Finally, Jing Yang searched for the keyword "flaming eyes" and actually found a result.

Jing Yang clicked on it, and the bartender NPC prompted: "The information on the flaming eye costs 1 million ring."

Jing Yang's first reaction was that the Phantom Troupe seemed to have taken away the firepower from them.

Red Eyes took action. In other words... I am afraid that a considerable part of the flaming eyes may have fallen into the hands of the fourth prince of the Cajun Kingdom and become one of this perverted collection.

Xiaodi made a sharp comment: "It's only 1 million, it's really cheap."

After leaving the Internet cafe, Xiaodi and Jing Yang walked side by side on the night streets and asked, "Does Jing Yang want to help him find those eyeballs?"

"Anyway, besides practicing, we don't have anything specific to do..." Jing Yang said, "Just think of it as a side mission. Most of the people who get these red-eyed people are not good people, and they are probably very rich. .When the time comes, the eyeballs will belong to Kurapika and the money will belong to us, isn’t it a win-win situation?”

"It makes sense." Xiaodi said.

"Whether it makes sense or not, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Jing Yang said with emotion, "I don't know if our Suzaku's heart will be able to bear it tomorrow after he hears the information I bought from the boss."

The next day, Xiaodi opened her eyes, touched the glasses on the bedside, took them out and put them on. After yawning slightly, she saw that she had already sat up and was looking at her mobile phone.

Noticing her gaze, Jing Yang showed his phone to him, "Why is Sky Arena still posting advertisements?"

"Xianshui Mountain Conference..."

Xiaodi saw on the screen of her phone a text message sent to Jing Yang from Sky Arena, inviting Jing Yang to attend a conference from June 16th to June 26th.

"Are you joining?" Xiaodi asked.

"Let's talk about it then." Jing Yang motioned to the knock on the door of the living room outside the bedroom, "The side mission is here."

On the sofa in the living room, Jingyang and Kurapika sat opposite each other. Xiaodi took a bag of biscuits and ate them while watching.

"The Phantom Troupe has 13 members. Each one has a spider tattoo plus a number as a symbol. Number 0 is their leader Chrollo."

Jing Yang said straight to the point, "Chrollo is a trait type, and his ability is to steal other people's abilities. As for the other members, as far as I know they are: Ma Qi, a transformation type, whose ability is to turn Qi into thread; Wojin, the enhancement system, there is nothing to say, just huge brute force, no obvious characteristics, but no special weaknesses; Xia Ke, the operation system, remember, when facing the operation system, if the opponent takes the lead, you will lose; Franklin , the release system, in short, it is a long-range teleportation attack; Finks and Nobunaga, these two are also strengthening systems, the strong one is good at hand-to-hand combat, and the latter is a swordsman; the most difficult one is Pike Noda, her ability I I don’t want to see her for a second…”

Xiao Di bit into the biscuit and looked at Jing Yang curiously.

"Paknoda, special type. Her ability is... to read memories." Jing Yang said, "Kurapika, you don't want your memories to be browsed by people like that, right?"

As for the others... Kubi was tricked into the Greed Island by himself, so he said no

He must have been killed by Leiza; Xiaodi was cut off by himself, and now he is the second member of the Akatsuki organization, Doraemon; Jingyang himself does not understand the abilities of Feitan and Peeling Rift, so he will not talk about it casually. ; and Hisoka most likely has not joined the Phantom Troupe at this moment.

As for the original number 4 of the Phantom Troupe and the number 8 who was replaced by Xiaodi, who is now in charge, Jing Yang has no idea.

Even so, the information he has revealed now far exceeds Kurapika's expectations.

Kurapika frowned slightly, lowered his head and pondered, silently sorting out the information given by Jing Yang.

"But I still want to say that within five years, I don't recommend you to confront them head-on." Jing Yang added, "These people are all powerful masters. You also heard what Yun Gu said, Talented people can quickly accumulate a considerable amount of telekinesis. These people in the Phantom Troupe definitely have many head start advantages over you in the practice of telekinesis. But your advantage is that as your telekinesis ability improves, After training, the progress will definitely slow down. You can quickly improve your strength in the next five years and shorten the gap with them as much as possible..."

If it were the previous Kurapika, his eyes would be burning red now, glaring at Jing Yang angrily.

However, because of Jing Yang's intervention, Kurapika, who had the goal of resurrecting his tribe, just remained silent when he heard this. This time it was a long and tangled silence.

Just by listening to Jing Yang briefly describe the abilities of those murderers, you can understand why they have been able to escape justice for so long.

The three reinforcement types can serve as attackers; the trait type, operation type, and weird abilities can serve as the core of intelligence and tactics; there are also the change type, release type, and unknown members that even Zhen Yuanzi doesn’t know about, which can also be greatly enriched. The composition of the team. It can be said that as a team composed of telekinesis users, the Phantom Troupe has almost no obvious shortcomings...

And as Jing Yang said, those two traits in the spider are particularly wary.

One can steal the ability from others. One that can steal other people's memories.

Under normal circumstances, I’m afraid no one would want to run into these two people...

"But I have to find them." Kurapika raised his eyes and said, "I have to get the whereabouts of the clan's flaming eyes from them."

"About this..." Jing Yang sighed, "I can tell you the whereabouts of the flaming eyes. But you have to agree first, and you have to be able to calm down after hearing the next information."

"Go ahead." Kurapika said calmly.

Jing Yang said: "Nine months ago, a homeless man found all the flaming eyes that were placed there by someone in an abandoned building. Since then, these flaming eyes have flowed into the black market, and now they are probably all over the world. Scattered into the hands of different buyers and collectors..."

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