Kurapika imagined that scene. The corner of an abandoned building was filled with red eyes, and a homeless man took them away like picking up garbage...

He restrained his emotions and asked: "Is this some kind of transaction method adopted by the Phantom Troupe?"

Jing Yang wanted to say yes.

But according to someone in the comics who said to Chrollo, "The leader likes the new and hates the old", Chrollo is the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to get the treasure he wants, but he will probably abandon it in the future if he gets tired of it. Such as the type of shoes...

Jing Yang sighed: "The Phantom Troupe is a group of thieves, not a businessman. If they want money, they will just rob it instead of exchanging it with others."

The Phantom Troupe slaughtered Kurapika's clan in exchange for these flaming eyes. After the novelty wore off, Chrollo probably just threw them in the building on the roadside without any protection measures. , because I don’t care at all.

"A tramp is just a tramp." Jing Yang said, "According to the information, even the tramp who accidentally entered the abandoned building was shocked by the beauty of those piles of flaming red eyes, and immediately realized that these eyeballs must be It is valuable, so it is not discarded or destroyed randomly, and then it has the opportunity to be dispersed and flow into the hands of different people..."

This time, Kurapika couldn't help but his eyes turned red, as if two angry flames were burning.

Are the flaming eyes that I regard as precious relics of my compatriots, but in the eyes of those murderous spiders, just trash thrown away carelessly? If they didn't care so much, why did they kill all the Kuluta tribesmen so cruelly in order to capture the Red Eye? Do these people... have even a tiny bit of humanity left?

"After entering the state of flaming red eyes, his energy is on par with mine..." Xiaodi looked at Kurapika, who was trying his best to control his anger, and thought, "But he is much weaker than Jing Yang."

My own energy level is now around 14,000.

Jing Yang’s is 18,000.

After Kurapika entered the flaming eye state due to anger, his power of energy increased sharply like adding fuel to the fire. It may now reach 15,000... Then Kurapika's power of energy in his normal state is about 5,000.

"The good news is that you can now handle the two matters of retrieving the Red Eye and revenge against the Phantom Troupe separately." Jing Yang said, "The bad news is that as far as I know, there is a person who likes to collect human bodies. The perverted parts will definitely get a considerable part of the Fiery Eyes through various channels."

"Who is he?" Kurapika raised his eyes and asked.

"A person of high authority, a person who is below one person and above tens of thousands of people in a country." Jing Yang said responsibly, "To a certain extent, he is more powerful than the entire Phantom Troupe combined. It’s hard to deal with.”

Kurapika's eyes narrowed and he finally nodded silently.

If it was Kurapika who stayed in isolation in the hermitage of the tribe a year or two ago, he probably wouldn't understand the meaning of Jing Yang's words. However, his whole family was killed, and Kurapika, who has lived alone in this strange outside society for so long, has collected a lot of information and studied the history of various places, especially the history of wars, which made him understand that the "position" mentioned by Zhen Yuanzi What does "high weight" mean?

And what Jing Yang is talking about is naturally the fourth prince of the Cajun Kingdom, the pervert who likes to pick young and beautiful women to live in the house, skin and bones for collection.

When this person appeared, he was still in the early stages of the Dark Continent Crossing Chapter of the comic book, and had not reached the stage of "illustrated novels" that Jing Yang was too lazy to read, so he still remembered it - especially the scene where the fourth prince appeared, the perverted Dama Jin Daodechi was sitting on a chair. The wall behind him was filled with collections of human body parts. It was also filled with jars of solution containing flaming eyes. In one of them, the solution contained the head of a young man.

Comic readers from previous lives speculated that the head was most likely Kurapika's former close friend.

The information Jing Yang bought from the hunter website yesterday also proved this in disguise.

Among the flaming-eyed "cargo" discovered by the homeless man was indeed a well-preserved boy's head. I don’t know what the reasons for the Phantom Troupe group were. They dug out the flaming red eyes of the others, but they cut off the young man’s eyes and head and took him away.

"So whether it's to deal with the Phantom Troupe or that high-ranking pervert, what you have to do now is to accumulate strength." Jing Yang advised, "Before officially dealing with them, first send out the available information from other channels. Retrieve the flaming eyes and make plans again.”

He stared at Kurapika, with a bit of solemnity in his tone, "Don't forget, you are Suzaku of the Akatsuki organization now, and your life must be saved until you follow me, the boss, to explore the Dark Continent. Before that, you can Don’t even think about dying casually—didn’t I train you in vain?”

"I won't die."

Kurapika closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they had returned to their normal black color, "I will not die before resurrecting my tribe."

Even if only one, part of it can be resurrected...

Is it meaningful that I can survive in this way?

"That's right!" Jing Yang patted his shoulder and slowly read out a name, "Nair=Chadman."

Kurapika suddenly came back to his senses and stared at Jing Yang.

Jing Yang said: "This is the only person who currently holds the flaming eye and whose identity can be determined from the information that Xiaodi and I obtained yesterday."

Xiaodi opened her phone, pulled out the photos of the information taken yesterday, and turned them over in front of Kurapika.

In the photo is another photo.

Nair = Chadman, male, 34 years old, resident of Waterloo City, Minbo Republic...

Kurapika's eyes immediately ignited with fiery red, and the energy in his body surged. He raised his hand and materialized a dolphin bookshelf floating in the air, "Volume 4."

"Book 4, 'Revelation'." The dolphin said, and a book floated out of the bookshelf and fell into Kurapika's hands.


The book was opened in his hand, and Kurapika's eyes were red, staring at the picture of the man named Neil Chadman on the screen of the mobile phone raised by Xiaodi.

"What are you doing?" Jing Yang asked confused.

Xiaodi looked at the book in Kurapika's hand - on the originally blank pages, strange and twisted words or patterns appeared one after another. In the end, these shapeless patterns completely merged into a ball, like an ancient god. His paintings are messy and indescribable.

Kurapika sighed, removed the bookshelf of "Revelations" and Dolphins, closed his eyes and said, "Sure enough, I need to actually meet this person, or at least have this person's belongings..."

Jing Yang suddenly said: "Are you trying to use the Book of Revelation to divine this person's location?"

An image of an old witch wearing a pointed hat performing magic tricks on a crystal ball appeared in Xiaodi's mind...

Kurapika nodded and said: "Only when entering the flaming eye state, the effect of 'Revelation' will be at its strongest, but even so, there needs to be enough 'information' to support it, otherwise it will be like what happened just now, No credible results can be obtained..."

Hey guys, this is specially prepared for the Phantom Troupe! Jing Yang nodded with satisfaction. Isn't this the ring finger soul-chasing chain that has changed its appearance?

In the comics, Kurapika uses his ring finger to search for the location of the gangster's eldest lady, like a map navigation.

However, in addition to having to see the target with his own eyes and having enough information to support it, there should also be some kind of time limit... Otherwise, wouldn't Kurapika in the comics be able to use the ring finger soul-chasing chain to locate the Phantom Troupe at any time?

"Don't bother. When it comes to finding someone, it's better to have a name and a surname. This works best." Jing Yang smiled and took out the hunter's license he picked up. "Basic personal information like this can be easily accessed with the help of hunter websites." You can check it immediately, and even the record of where he recently opened a house is clear..."


There will definitely be more than two chapters today...

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