As mentioned before, Hunter World has an international server that stores everyone's identity information. In theory, even abandoned babies are obliged to register their identities.

V5 is the leader of this international order.

The Hunter Association is a partner of V5, and most of the privileges granted to the hunter license come from this.

Therefore, most information can be found on hunter websites through hunter licenses.

Especially information about ordinary people.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy any intelligence information on the hunter website, and ordinary people's information is the most complete and not valuable.

Jingyang and Xiaodi took Kurapika to the Internet cafe, turned on the phone and swiped the card. In less than 3 minutes and at a cost of about 20,000 ringnies, they got all the personal information of Nair Chadman, as well as his recent activities. Situation - of course, it is the activity track recorded with his identity information, such as where he ate, where he traveled, where he took the bus, which hospital he registered with, what fees he paid recently, etc.

They even found out how many properties he owned in the city where he lived.

"Waterloo City, Nair = Chadman is the head of the household, there are 3 properties in total." Jing Yang looked at the information on the screen, "Six months ago, the third property was purchased, and after that, every day Monthly consumption surged…”

Xiao Didi said: "He may have resold the flaming eye he got."

"Even so, we must find this person first." Kurapika said, "Waterloo City, I will book the ticket now."

"Buy 3 tickets." Jing Yang said.

Kurapika looked at him.

"You are a newbie, it is your first time to act. You are the boss, so I can rest assured by watching." Jing Yang waved his hand and said, "You're welcome."

Kurapika looked at Xiaodi.

Xiao Didi, who was standing behind Jing Yang's chair, said: "The second rule of the organization is that peers help each other."

Jing Yang, who was sitting on the chair, looked up and almost missed Xiao Di's chin. He said, "I thought you would say, Jing Yang, I will go wherever you go..."

Xiao Didi said: "Absolutely?"

Kurapika next to him saw that they actually started chatting, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Don't you explain it? What does 'Jing Yang' just mean?"

"Is there any explanation for this?" Jing Yang asked doubtfully, "My name is Jing Yang."

"Isn't your name Zhen Yuanzi?"

"My name is Tiandao."

Kurapika choked and immediately understood what Jing Yang meant. The so-called "Zhen Yuanzi" was probably the code name he only used in the Sky Arena.

Kurapika then looked at Xiaodi again.

Xiao Didi said: "My name is Xiao Di."

Kurapika then looked at Jing Yang again.

Jing Yang smiled and said: "The pervert I mentioned before who may hold some of the powerful positions with red eyes. With such an opponent, not only you will have a headache, but I will also have a headache!" He stood up and stretched out his arms. He raised a hand and said, "I had a hunch before that I might run into that pervert sooner or later. Now that I have a general like you who will face that pervert sooner or later, I feel much more at ease."

So, Jing Yang chose to use a pseudonym to avoid that person?

Kurapika was thoughtful and stretched out his hand to hold it with Jing Yang.

Jing Yang patted his arm, "Let's go, buy a ticket, and let's take a trip to Waterloo City."

The fourth prince of Kajin is the brother of the eldest prince from the same mother, so although Jing Yang's words slightly deviate from Kurapika's understanding, the deviation is not big.

On the airship heading to Waterloo City, Jing Yang and Xiao Di sat in front of the window and looked at the rolling sea of ​​clouds outside.

The last time we saw this scenery together was the last time...

The airship exploded immediately.

If it explodes again this time, there will be no help from kindhearted Paris Stone.

If you think about it carefully, that was already 3 and a half months ago.

After these three and a half months, he and Xiaodi separated because of Leizha's unlucky guy, and soon reunited in the Sky Arena, practicing while cleaning buildings and tourist attractions...

Three and a half months ago, I only had 9,000 qi, but now it has doubled, and I have 18,000 qi.

What's more important is the improvement of one's overall strength. Now even if I lose my telekinesis ability or force myself to enter "Zet", I can still go from the 1st floor to the 200th floor of the Sky Arena without any damage.

With the development and use of the ability "Meteor Like Wind" alone, even if I had the same strength of Qi today and faced myself three and a half months ago in a one-on-one fight, I would probably be able to push myself to the ground and fight back, and I would be sure to fight back. There is no chance.

If you add the new "Huabei Nian Qiu" ability, you can even use half the amount of Nian, or even less, to win completely.

Generally speaking, Jing Yang is satisfied with the growth and gains he has gained from his experience in the Sky Arena during this period.

"Are you worried about the airship crashing?" Kurapika came over.

Before boarding the spaceship, Jing Yang specially went to get a few more parachute backpacks and asked Xiao Di to store them with the eye fish in case of emergency.

Kurapika recalled: "The most recent accident I heard about was in February..."

Haha, we were there at the time you mentioned in February!

Jing Yang smiled and said nothing, thinking that if he developed the ability of change, could he create two wings and add some means of flying?

It's a pity that I am an operating system, and what I am least good at is the diagonal change system...

Xiaodi should be able to consider it?

Two wings sprouted from both sides of the big-mouthed fish's head... The spaceship exploded, and Xiao Di grabbed the magical girl's wand-like bulging fish and glided in the sky, while he could hold on to Xiao Di...

Seeing Jing Yang looking at her, Xiaodi tilted her head, and a question mark appeared on her head in confusion.

More than two hours later, the airship landed smoothly at the Waterloo Airport. The parachute backpack prepared in advance was not used.

Kurapika put the two nunchuk-like wooden swords behind his back, and his loose coat of the Kuluta tribe could just hide them.

Jing Yang gave Xiaodi and Kurapika two photos of Nair Chadman, the target of their trip.

"Since this guy happens to have three houses and three activity bases, let's separate and go to one place to find someone." Jing Yang used his mobile phone to send Chadman's address to them again, "Let's allocate it among them, shall we?"

Kurapika said, "I'll go to the one in the Triumph neighborhood."

According to the records they found, Chadman's most recent consumption record was around this house, and his medical records were also concentrated here.

"Then I'll go to Lanxi District." Xiaodi glanced at the phone.

"Then I'll take the remaining one." Jing Yang said, throwing something to Kurapika.

Kurapika subconsciously raised his hand to catch it. When he realized that it was actually a ring, he couldn't help but frown. When he took a closer look, he saw the pattern engraved on the surface of the ring. He guessed what it was and looked up at Jing Yang.

"Suzaku, B." Jing Yang smiled, "You don't know the characters in small languages, do you? Look at the inner surface of the ring. Is there a crescent moon pattern? As long as your skin comes into contact with this crescent moon pattern, we can get in touch - — Like telepathy, or a 'telephone in the brain'."

He raised his hand and gestured to the same style ring on his index finger.

Kurapika looked at Xiaodi, and there was one on her finger too.

Seeing him looking at himself and Xiaodi, hesitant to speak, Jing Yang asked doubtfully: "Is there any problem?"

"It's okay." Kurapika put on the C-shaped ring, and after concentrating his thoughts, he was indeed able to trigger the crescent mark on the ring. Two other crescent marks that could communicate intuitively came to mind, and he couldn't help but understand.

Soon, Kurapika left first.

Jingyang and Xiaodi belatedly looked at each other and looked at the rings on each other's fingers, "Did he mistake the rings on our hands for couple rings..."

"It's possible." Xiaodi said.

Jing Yang smiled and touched the ring on Xiao Di's finger lightly, "Let's go, see you later."


The two also split up.

With Jing Yang's current physical strength and speed, he wouldn't feel too tired even if he could run back and forth in this small town from east to west.

What's more, he is not short of money now, so he can just take a taxi...

Half an hour later, Jing Yang arrived at the location he was responsible for, which was in a semi-old community. Jing Yang first took the elevator up to confirm that no one was there, and then wandered around inside and outside the community.

"If you find the target, turn the A-shaped ring in a circle."

Jing Yang's heart moved and he gave himself an order.

The star mark on the back of his neck activated immediately, and the look in his eyes gradually faded...

There were not many twists and turns. After another half an hour, a small voice came from Jing Yang's mind, calling him back from his distraction.

【I saw him. 】

【OK. Xiaodi, just stare first. 】Jing Yang canceled the self-control of the star, and said he would see you soon, but it was really a see you soon! He stood up from the bench in the community and said, [Kurapika, come here too. 】

Waterloo City, Lanxi District.

In a shop across the street, Neil Chadman and a few companions didn't know what they said in the shop. The shop owner kept wiping sweat with a towel, tremblingly took out the cash box and took out several rubber band bundles. The good wad of banknotes was handed over. Chadman smiled and put it in his pocket. Several companions beside him cursed and smashed the glass of the counter, took away a carton of cigarettes and a bag of chewing gum, and left the store laughing.

"You are so shameless, you actually dare to talk back to Brother Nair, Tsk!"

"You should give these losers a lesson!"


Several people were walking with cigarettes in their mouths, talking and laughing. On the roadside ahead, a young man was leaning against the wall and seemed to be waiting for them. He looked over.

"Who is this kid?"

While his companions were chattering, Nair Chadman suddenly felt nervous. This young man's eyes, temperament... He was very sensitive because he was in a gang.

From the corner of his eye, Nel saw a black-haired girl with glasses across the street, walking towards them across the street.

what's the situation? Something's wrong...

Nair turned around, but suddenly stopped and saw an expressionless yellow-haired boy walking towards him not far behind him.

He looked intently at the yellow-haired boy's clothes and suddenly ran away.

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