I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 110 This is too unruly

You definitely can't run away.

The second Nel started running, the back of his head sank, his vision went dark, and he lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he had been thrown into the dead corner of an alley. The people who had surrounded him on three sides on the street were standing in front of him, and his companions had disappeared.

"Speak carefully if you have something to say!" Nair quickly raised his hand, squeezed the corner, and asked nervously, "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Jing Yang motioned to Kurapika to start.

Kurapika raised his hand and materialized the fourth volume of "Revelation", spread it out in his hand, and looked at Nel coldly, "Your name is Nel=Chadman."

"Yes, it's me." Nair nodded quickly, staring blankly at the book in his hand that suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Kurapika showed him the book.

Nair's pupils shrank, and his face actually appeared on the book! Although it is a portrait, like a sketch drawn with simple lines, you can recognize that it is you!

"As long as you lie, it will turn red." Kurapika said, "You can try and say that you are not Nel Chadman."

"I..." Nair swallowed and swallowed. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, if you want to ask anything, just ask. I promise, I will tell the truth for everything I know."


Kurapika stretched out his palm, like cutting tofu, and stabbed into the brick wall on the side.

"Okay, listen."

As Nel's face turned paler, Kurapika put his palm against Nel's left arm and faced Nel's portrait on the page of "Revelation", "Next, I ask Your question is, as long as you speak, the pattern on the book will turn red. As soon as the pattern turns red, your hand will be broken. Is that clear?"

Nel gritted his teeth and nodded repeatedly.

"Let me ask you, how many pairs of flaming eyes have you got?"

"One, a pair..."

"where are you now?"

"In...in...I sold it." After noticing that Kurapika's eyes became even sharper, Nel hurriedly said, "Really! What's the use of keeping that thing? I'll be gone within a few days of getting it. Sold!"

"Who did you sell it to?" Kurapika's tone was terrifyingly calm.

"I don't know!" Nel exclaimed, "How can this kind of business - ah!!!"

He screamed, his left arm was broken by Kurapika without hesitation, and the bones made a crisp clicking sound. The pain was so painful that his forehead was immediately covered with a layer of cold sweat, and his veins were pulsing.

Nair saw that on the page that appeared out of thin air in the hand of the yellow-haired boy, his sketch turned red after he lied.

"Next time I lie..."

Kurapika moved his palm to Nel's heart, and his eyes finally couldn't help but glow red, "Tell me, who sold it to."

"Sold to the Bonalon family!" Nair shouted quickly, "I sold to their young master! I really didn't lie to you!"

"The Bonarlon family, the gangster family?"

In the nearest Internet cafe, Jing Yang browsed the hunter website and quickly found out the information about the gangster family.

There are ten major gangs in the Hunter World, spread across several continents, and their leaders are collectively called the Ten Old Men.

Under these top ten gangs, there are naturally many small and medium-sized gangs. The Nosla family that Kurapika works for in the comics is this type. And this Bonarlon family is similar. The Minbo Republic, or the entire Everika Continent, is one of the top ten gangs. Two ten old men dominate the underground world. Small and medium-sized forces like the Bonalon family follow these two bosses to earn a living. .

The headquarters of the Bonalon family is in Waterloo City.

This is easy to handle.

In the Hunter World, gangs are legal business—as long as you can't get caught doing illegal activities. Their headquarters is naturally easy to find.

Nair was forced to lead the way, and soon led them to an ordinary-looking building.

From the front entrance, apart from the fact that the gatekeepers are a few big men all dressed in black and wearing sunglasses, which does not look like serious security guards, it is not much different from an ordinary office building.

The burly man in sunglasses who was guarding the door saw Nair leading the three young men and stopped him, raising his hand to signal them to stop.

"Don't you have eyes?" Nair suddenly raised his hand and punched the strong man's chest three times with his still mobile right fist. He scolded, "This is the person who is talking to the young master! Go and inform him quickly. Don't be in charge! If you delay your business, you will lose your life!"

The expressions of the big men in sunglasses remained unchanged. The one in the front looked at Jing Yang and the others. The one in the back said something with the walkie-talkie, nodded to everyone, and moved away.

Stepping into the office building and walking in the empty hall, Kurapika suddenly asked in a cold voice: "You just punched him three times. What does that mean?"

Xiao Didi said: "He must be a member of this gang."

At this time, two groups of gangsters emerged from the passages on both sides of the hall. They all raised their pistols and pointed them at Jing Yang and the four of them. The leader, Black Sunglasses, said in a deep voice: "Guys, our young master is waiting for you, please come."

Jing Yang looked around at the black muzzles and said, "I think it will be more respectable if we go up by ourselves. What do you think?"

Xiao Di was about to manifest the bulging-eyed fish as a weapon, but Jing Yang quickly held his hand down. He pointed at his heart, and Xiao Di did something like this...

"Anyway, work."

Jing Yang gave an order, and the three figures disappeared in front of the gangsters' eyes, followed by gunshots and falling sounds in the hall.

Bang bang bang!

There was constant gunfire upstairs.

In the lobby on the first floor lay a bunch of black suits with their heads tilted and eyes slanted as they passed out.

Nel was so frightened that his two limbs trembled. Those three people didn't look like humans at all. Their movements were as fast as black lightning, and bullets couldn't catch up with them! With so many people, they probably didn't hit even a single shot, and they were knocked down in pieces... Nair swallowed, rolled his eyes, and got into it.

The elevator door slowly opened, and a group of gangsters guarding the door were about to take action, but they saw that there were only a few unconscious brothers in the elevator. What about the intruders?

behind them.

Jing Yang, Xiao Di, and Kurapika stepped on the wall behind the gangsters guarding the elevator exit and stopped.

The energy on Kurapika's body transformed into a huge skeletal hand, sweeping away the group of gangsters who were astonished at the opening of the elevator as if they were grabbing garbage, and swept them all aside.

Kurapika had been deliberately controlling his strength, but the impact of the big skeleton hand made of anger still made this group of ordinary gangsters faint in an instant. The injuries varied in severity and they were piled up in the corner of the aisle like a black mountain.

"Which floor are you on?"

Jing Yang thought for a moment in confusion, then suddenly raised his head with Xiao Di, looked at the surveillance camera in the corner of the corridor, and raised his hand to wave.

The unbearable tragedy in the surveillance footage made the young head of the Bonalon family turn blue with anger - or maybe he was frightened.

Where did these three people come from?

It’s too unruly! I really asked my subordinates to invite them to come up for a detailed discussion. Why did it end up like this? How could there be such a person who doesn't even say a word and then takes action right away?

And with one move, he almost wiped out all his men in the entire building...

The three thugs in the black and white screen walked out of the screen and entered the next adjacent surveillance screen, which was the path leading to his room.

The young master had a sullen face, leaned back on the large chair, and turned around.

Outside the door behind you, footsteps are getting closer...

The young master opened the drawer. In addition to a pistol, there was also a gas mask in the drawer.

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