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Chapter 111: Can you resist rose poison by beating up enemies?

"Look, I just said it would be more respectable to come up like this, right?"

After Jing Yang knocked on the door, he unscrewed the door handle and pushed in - click, he accidentally applied too much force and the handle was twisted off.

Jingyang walked into the house with Xiaodi and Kurapika, and threw the broken handle aside.

The room was very spacious, but there was only one person, sitting on the large chair behind the desk, with his back to them. There is a rectangular screen placed diagonally on the desk, which seems to be connected to many surveillance screens.

Kurapika asked: "Are you the young head of the Bonalon family?"

The man with his back to them didn't answer.

Kurapika was about to ask, but Jing Yang stopped him with his hand.

Jing Yang gathered some air in his ears, and his hearing suddenly became much stronger, and he heard a little rustling sound of air flow.

Seeing this, Xiaodi gathered energy in her ears - but it was too late. She felt weak, and when she collapsed, she was held up by Jing Yang's hand. Jing Yang whispered in her ear: "Stand up straight and act normally."

The star sign at the root of Xiaodi's left leg was like a seed that melted into Xiaodi's whole body, taking over the actions of her body...

Poof, Kurapika's eyelids trembled, and he half-knelt on the floor, forcing himself to look forward. The man behind the desk with his back to them finally turned around.

"Hahaha, I found it too late."

The young master wearing a gas mask turned around, and before he could feel complacent for a few seconds, he saw that only one of the three intruders had been knocked down, while the other two men and one woman were still standing there, their expressions on their faces. Look at yourself freely - how is this possible?

"You, you guys... it only takes 10 seconds to inhale 1ml of this neurohypnotic gas, and even a tiger will completely lose its ability to move... How do you..."

This guy is wearing a gas mask, and people can feel his shock at this moment.

Jing Yang glanced at Kurapika who was about to faint next to him, "As a friendly reminder, he is much stronger than the tiger. However, poison resistance cannot be covered no matter how strong you are. It requires special training... ..." He waved his hand to Kurapika, who rolled his eyes and fainted unwillingly.

So what's going on with you guys acting like you're okay? ! The young master roared in his heart, looking at Jing Yang walking towards him calmly step by step, he raised his pistol without hesitation.


The muzzle of the gun burst into flames, and the bullet accurately hit Jing Yang's raised arm.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The bullet was blocked by a layer of air on his arm, and the bullet rotated slower and slower. Before the kinetic energy was completely lost, it finally touched Jing Yang's sleeve, and finally fell sadly, landing with a thud on the floor.

Yes, Xiaodi behind him closed the door of the room under Jing Yang's control.

Jing Yang stretched out his hand and casually took off the gas mask on the young gang leader's face as he looked at him with constricted pupils.

Eight seconds later, the young master's eyes were distracted, saliva was drooling from the corners of his mouth, and he collapsed and passed out.

"Didn't you say 10 seconds?" Jing Yang threw the gas mask aside.

He looked back at Xiaodi.

It should be noted that, theoretically speaking, Jing Yang and Xiao Di at this moment were indeed affected by the so-called neurohypnotic gas - but before he felt something was wrong with his body, Jing Yang used the star mark on the back of his neck to He gave the order and controlled his body through self-control.

At this moment, his body's nervous system may be paralyzed, but he can command his body's actions like a game character.

The same goes for Xiaodi. Even if she is attacked, her body can still move freely under Jing Yang's control with the help of the star mark on her body. Because in essence, at this moment, she is not acting through the brain issuing instructions and transmitting information to various parts of the body through the nervous system. The signal of the hypnotic gas interfering with the nervous system cannot affect anything.

"Use 'Protruding Eye Fish'." Jing Yang gave the order and picked up a pen on the desk.

Xiaodi moved his hand, and a ball of gas materialized into a bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner with a grinning mouth.

Jingyang took the pen and stabbed a small wound on the back of his hand, then scratched Xiaodi's arm, and then struck Kurapika, who was unconscious on the floor.

"Absorb all the sleeping toxins from this room and our bodies." The droplet activated the bulge-eyed fish.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The bulging-eyed fish opened its mouth and swept away the hypnotic gas in the entire room. Not only that, but also wisps of invisible toxins flew out from the wounds on Jing Yang, Xiao Di and Kurapika that were drawn by the pen. , was also eaten clean by the bulging-eyed fish - because the self-healing power of the star mark on his body was too strong, Jing Yang had to poke wounds on himself and Xiaodi several more times.

The devil knows why all the neurotoxins have been absorbed by the body. Small bulging-eyed fish can use simple trauma as an entrance and exit to absorb all the toxins...

Jing Yang thought it was best not to discuss this with Xiaodi.

What if after thorough research with her, she finally realizes the truth and thinks it is unscientific, and then because of a change of concept, she cannot use this god-level detoxification technique? That is not Blood loss?

Muddle-headed subconscious ideas are sometimes good. For example, Xiaodi's bulging-eyed fish cannot absorb living things, but she obviously does not think that things like blood, bacteria, viruses, corpses, etc. are alive, so this subconscious mind is reflected in the ability of mind, and these things are Take it right.

And if a biologist develops a fish with bulging eyes, it probably won't be able to absorb blood - wouldn't cells and bacteria be alive?

Kurapika woke up leisurely and immediately raised his breath vigilantly.

"Yes, you are the most qualified among the people who came this time." A cold voice came.

Kurapika rubbed his head and got up. He looked up and saw Jing Yang looking at him seriously on the seat behind the desk. And the young master who had tricked them was lying on the ground beside him with his eyes crooked. Xiaodi looked at Jing Yang who didn't know what he was doing, even more confused than himself...

Kurapika asked in surprise: "Are you immune to the sleeping gas?"

"To say it's immune is definitely an exaggeration." Jing Yang said modestly, "It's barely affected!"

As he said, being powerful in the Hunter World does not necessarily increase the body's poison and drug resistance. Otherwise, in the comics, Chrollo's poison-covered dagger scratched Killua's father's arm, and the latter But there was no reaction, so Chrollo wouldn't be so surprised... Only experts who have eaten poisons as a meal from an early age can be regarded as rare talents with full poison resistance.

Jing Yang even suspected that the poison of the rose bomb and the strange body of the enemy guest might be able to withstand it.

After all, rose bombs should be quite famous. As an expert in beating enemies, since they have developed poisonous qualities since childhood, there is no reason not to include rose toxins in the list of things that need to be overcome...

Doesn’t being unaffected mean immunity? Kurapika's eyes suddenly turned blind, and he suddenly found a wound on his arm that had appeared at an unknown time.

"In order to remove the poison from you, I gave you a knife." Jing Yang stood up with a smile and picked up the unconscious young master like a dead fish, "Let's go, let's talk about it later if you have any questions. We'll stay here for a long time. Well, let’s talk somewhere else first…”

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