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Chapter 112 Thousand Ears Meeting

The young master was woken up by a slap in the face.

He opened his eyes and froze when he saw Jing Yang. He looked around and saw an unfamiliar room environment. He didn't know where he had been.

"Who are you?" The young master's mind was racing and he asked calmly, "Did I offend you all, or did our Bonarlon family offend someone..."

Jing Yang was too lazy to communicate with him and gave up his position to Kurapika to perform.

Kurapika still did the same thing, raising his hand to reveal the fourth volume of "Revelation", and after opening it, the young master's sketch appeared on the blank page. Kurapika held the pistol that the young master had before, with a book in one hand and a gun in the other. He said coldly: "Nel = Chadman said that he sold the flaming eye to you. Where is the flaming eye?"

Clicking, he pushed the safety, "If you lie, the pattern on the book will turn red. If the pattern turns red, I will shoot. I suggest you think carefully before answering."

Jing Yang was wondering, where did this kid learn firearms?

Before the Kuluta clan was exterminated, Kurapika was a simple boy who was isolated from the world. It has only been a year or two since the clan was exterminated. He learned the knowledge of the outside world very quickly... Maybe this is the power brought by revenge. The driving force. If you think about it carefully, this kid was able to develop such a complex embodied ability in three months. At the same time, he did not fall behind on the four major lines of mental ability and various application skills, and the accumulation of mental energy was also in a certain pattern. Kind of, quite large... This is also outrageous.

Who is the protagonist among us? Jingyang clicked his tongue and sat in rows with Xiaodi, watching the young master's face change in front of Kurapika, which was extremely exciting.

The young master is feeling miserable, what's going on?

You guys made such a big fuss, I thought you might have provoked a sworn enemy at some point!

Is this the result?

Just for a pair of inexplicable eyes?

Tell me earlier!

I told you earlier that it was just such a trivial matter, as for using knives or guns?

"Three," Kurapika began to count down, his finger on the trigger, "Two..."

"I said it, I said it!" the young master said quickly, "I sold it! Really, I bought this thing just for resale. A pair of eyeballs, they are beautiful, but I am not a collector..."

"Who did you sell it to?" Kurapika's tone became calmer.

"Ma Xiu = Harrison!" the young master explained quickly, "He is a painter, not very famous, not very famous. You may not have heard of it, but you can definitely search it on the Internet..."

Kurapika's expression remained unchanged. He glanced at the pattern on the page of the Book of Revelation, but it didn't change color.

The young master probably felt that it was a false alarm and was very depressed, but he also felt that there was no need to hide it. He loosened Matsumoto's messed up tie and said: "If you are looking for him, I can provide you with a free suggestion - this guy has recently been I haven’t had any works for a few years. I heard that I was going crazy trying to find inspiration and stimulation. He was not short of money, so I was able to sell him those red eyes at a high price..."

Noticing that Kurapika was looking at him coldly and raising his gun again, the young master quickly said: "Xianshui Mountain Expo! Next month's Xianshui Mountain Art Exhibition, that slutty bastard, when he gets those pair of eyeballs He was so excited that he said it was nonsense like inspiration was surging. He would definitely not miss this year's Fairy Water Mountain! If you want to find him, this is the best time..."

Soon, Kurapika, who felt like he couldn't ask anything more, raised the butt of his gun and knocked the young gang leader unconscious.

At the Internet cafe, Jing Yang plugged in his hunter's license and searched for information about the painter Masiu = Harrison.

Unlike the previous Nair Chadman, this rich painter has assets in several different cities and even different continents. His recent real-name consumption records and hotels he stayed in are also in several different places. City……

With this messy information and some ordinary photos, Kurapika couldn't use "Revelation" to divine the opponent's current location. If he could meet the other party in person, he would probably be able to pin the other party's location to a specific city on the map, but since he has never met, the fortune teller is at a loss.

Jing Yang looked at the "Xianshuishan Art Exhibition" on the screen and fell into deep thought.

Why does it sound so familiar?

He pulled out his phone and found the message sent to him by Sky Arena.

"The invitation to the Xianshui Mountain Conference is from June 16th to June 26th..."

Jing Yang typed on the keyboard to search for Xianshuishan Conference and Xianshuishan Art Exhibition. Sure enough, the same term was found.

"How come the boxers and the artists are the same thing?"

Jing Yang clicked on the entry and started browsing.

The so-called Xianshuishan Art Exhibition is actually a derivative of the so-called Xianshuishan Conference...

The Xianshui Mountain Conference is a martial arts exchange meeting that took place a hundred years ago. It is named after it is held every year in Xianshui Mountain and brings together outstanding martial artists from different martial arts schools around the world.

As for the origin of the Fairy Mountain Conference and the Sky Arena, it is also very simple. The original organizer of the Xianshui Mountain Conference was the head of the Tiantianliu Martial Arts Sect. The leader of the Sky Flow is the founder of the Sky Arena... However, over the past few decades, the leader of the Sky Flow rarely appears in the public eye, and there are fewer and fewer disciples of the Sky Flow. As the sect declines, the attributes of the Sky Stream in the Sky Arena are increasingly stripped away, becoming more and more like a commercial organization and a pure fighting platform...

After fifty or sixty years of development, as the influence of the leader of the Sky Flow gradually faded, the activities of the Fairy Water Mountain Conference have become more complicated. Now, in the 10-day conference, only the original martial arts competition remains. It was held on the last day, and the first nine days turned into art exhibitions and exchange meetings such as art exhibitions and concerts. Many people believe that the day when the martial arts tournament will finally be completely canceled is not far away.

"Since invitations will be sent to people above level 200 like me, it seems that the arena is still connected to the so-called sky stream." Jing Yang closed the web page, "So, what do you think?"

Xiaodi raised her hand and said, "I didn't receive the invitation."

Kurapika said: "Then, the scope of invitations are either 'little landlords' like Jing Yang and above, or players who have outstanding performance on the 200th floor..."

"The posters are all very busy people and probably don't have time to attend such a conference." Jing Yang shook his head and said, "Kurapika, you have two choices now. One is to go back to the Sky Arena and reach the 200th floor in the shortest time. , performed 'excellent performance'..."

"What about two?" Kurapika asked.

Jing Yang smiled and typed a few more words on the keyboard to search the information database of the hunter website.

"Thousand-Ear Club".

The so-called Qian Er Society is an organization similar to a mercenary mission agency. Judging from the results of Jing Yang's query, this is basically a sub-organization of the Hunter Association. The Hunter Association headquarters mainly handles large official orders, and some tasks assigned by the private sector, as well as various anonymous tasks, will be handled by the Qian Er Association with private hunters. Of course, many professional hunters will also contact them through Qian Er. Will come to choose tasks and earn some living expenses.

Jing Yang said: "Second, as a folk hunter, you can find and accept tasks that will allow you to sneak into the Xianshui Mountain Convention or the Xianshui Mountain Art Exhibition. I think this kind of mixed activities should be Someone entrusted me with a bodyguard mission. If it doesn’t work, we still have three.”


"Xiao Di and I will sneak into Xianshui Mountain first. You can keep in touch with us through the ring, and then find an opportunity to sneak up again..."

Kurapika thought for a while, "It's better to go two."

He looked at the information on the screen about the distribution locations of the Thousand-Ears Society that Jing Yang paid for in different cities, "I also want to get as much experience as possible so that I can better regain the eyes of my tribe."

"Experience is practice, don't accidentally kill yourself."

Jing Yang stood up, raised a hand, and a flying star bubble flew out from his fingertips, "Do you want to insure your life? Of course, it depends on you whether you accept it or not."

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