I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 114: The same era as Nitro

"Today is May 22nd. There are still more than 20 days before departure on June 15th. Winning 8 wins is enough."

In the apartment, Jing Yang looked at Xiaodi, "As long as you don't meet a master like Yun Gu, even if you don't use the bulging eyes, you should have no problem dealing with the newbies on the 200th floor."


Xiaodi nodded.

Since there is no need for protruding fish, we can only rely on basic skills. Jing Yang opened his stance, and used a thick stream of Qi to form "hardness" all over his body. He sparred with Xiaodi, who also held up "hardness", in a "flowing" way... There were stars on each other, and the intensity of their training was , it will be more intense than the average person, after all, there is no need to worry about getting injured.

Bang, bang, bang...

The rock bird opened its mouth on the window sill and was very confused. Why do humans like to fight when nothing happens?

In another city, Kurapika found the location of the Thousand Ears Club.

In the small building that looked shabby from the outside, a middle-aged man with a landlord-like temperament was holding a cigarette and typing on the keyboard. After learning the purpose of Kurapika's visit, the middle-aged man puffed on his cigarette and looked up and down on the ground suspiciously. After talking about Kurapika, is this too young?

However, being able to find this place is considered a bit of a skill, but it's not easy to question the other party.

The middle-aged man flicked the ashes from his cigarette and asked, "What is my name?"

This question seems a bit confusing.

Kurapika was about to become suspicious, but suddenly his eyes froze, and he could clearly see that as the middle-aged man finished speaking, a puff of air rose from his fingers that were flicking the cigarette ashes.

This mass of air was like smoke, and it quickly transformed into a line of text.

So that’s it, if you don’t activate the ability to read, you won’t even be qualified to accept the mission... Kurapika read out the words about the change of ki on the middle-aged man’s finger.

The middle-aged people were even more surprised. This young yellow-haired boy actually mastered the ability of Nian, and the speed and proficiency of "Condensation" were also very smooth.

"Do you have any requirements for the task?" The middle-aged man's attitude became more serious.

"As long as I can go to the Sensui Mountain Art Exhibition next month." Kurapika said, "The employer should be a painter."

"Let me see……"

Middle-aged man typing on the keyboard.

On May 24th, in the Arena on the 211th floor, after the referee announced the start of the game, Xiaodi rushed to his opponent with lightning speed and punched him with a blank expression.

Her opponent obviously didn't expect that this quiet and inconspicuous girl could have such explosive power. He hurriedly released his Qi to fight. As a result, the thin layer of Qi on his body was shattered by Xiaodi's punch, and he sprayed out wildly. The blood flew out of the field, and a small piece of his chest almost collapsed... The referee was stunned and went to confirm that the player had passed out before announcing Xiaodi's victory.

Xiao Di showed no change in expression. Amid the overwhelming applause from the audience, he looked towards the corner of the auditorium and Jing Yang gave a thumbs up gesture from a distance.

Obviously, Xiaodi remembered the matter of death, so he didn't directly kill his opponent with one punch...

"Is she finally willing to compete on stage?" A voice from the side came closer.

Jing Yang asked: "Aren't you going to attend the Xianshui Mountain Conference?"

Turning around, I saw that it was indeed Yun Gu. His injury looked almost healed, except that his face was slightly pale. Jing Yang suspected that he had turned pale from being bored in the ward.

"Oh?" Yun Gu pushed up his glasses, "Did you accept the invitation to the Sky Arena, or..."

Jing Yang nodded while staring at Yun Gu.

Yun Gu smiled and said: "I will participate, but as a disciple of Shingen Ryu."

"As expected." Jing Yang asked curiously, "What kind of conference is this? Those of you from regular sects should be familiar with it, right? What kind of charter is it..."

Yun Gu explained: "I only participated once a few years ago."

After a pause, he said: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just a gathering of young disciples from various sects and masters from the Sky Arena for martial arts competitions and exchanges. If you have anything special to say, That is why all the young martial artists can have a glimpse of the Master of the Sky..."

"Sky Master?"

"He is the leader of Sky Style, a highly respected martial arts master..." Yun Gu said, "It is rumored that he is a martial artist of the same era as President Netero."

"Why rumors?" Jing Yang wondered.

"Master Sky appears less and less in front of people, and there are even many rumors. Some say that he has passed away long ago, and some say that he died of a serious illness... I was lucky enough to meet Master Sky when I participated."

Jing Yang couldn't help but smile: "You should have met your president Nitro, right? How does this Sky Master compare with him?"

Yun Gu said honestly: "With my eyesight, how can I tell the difference between the two of them..."

"That's true!"

Jing Yang nodded.

Yun Gu smiled and said: "I just happened to see you and came to say goodbye. Since I want to participate in the conference as a Shingen-ryu disciple, I have to go back to the gym first. If you participate, you can compete again then."

"How dare you be so arrogant even though you are a defeated general?" Jing Yang jokingly stretched out his fist, "Let's talk about it then."

Yun Gu fist bumped with him, waved and turned to leave.

On May 30, the opponent Xiaodi met was the guy who used paper airplanes who had fought against Jing Yang before.

The idea of ​​controlling paper airplanes is good, but it’s a pity that it’s used in the wrong direction. The opponent's telekinesis power is not outstanding, but he chose "bombing", an attack method that requires more telekinesis power... If he applies any special effects to the paper plane, he may be able to win by surprise, but he has to compete with Xiaodi's qi. The quantity is obviously far inferior.

A paper plane hit Xiaodi, but it couldn't even hit the "hardness" made of her Qi. Xiaodi walked all the way over and raised his fist in front of his opponent's horrified expression.

More and more energy gathered in the fist, and the opponent rolled his eyes and fainted from fear.

"The winner is Xiaodi player!!" the referee announced passionately, and the audience cheered enthusiastically, "In just half a month, Xiaodi player has gained momentum and has achieved an impressive record of 7 consecutive victories! Will she repeat Jin Yuanzi’s perfect 10-game winning streak? Let’s wait and see!!”

Following the referee's voice, the big screen also split into two halves, one left and one right. The left picture showed Xiao Didi, who had no expression on the ring and looked a bit cute, and the right picture cut to Jing Yang in the audience - I don't know. When did the camera catch Jing Yang watching the game?

Jing Yang waved to the camera, and the audience cheered even higher. I don’t know whether he was cheering for Zhen Yuanzi’s reputation, or because he was inspired by the big screen camera.

On June 1st, Xiaodi won her 8th victory and as soon as she walked out of the fighting arena, she received an invitation to the Fairy Water Mountain Tournament in the Sky Arena. Xiaodi naturally gave up and continued the game, which disappointed many people who were eagerly looking forward to her 10-game winning streak... Taking advantage of Children's Day, Jing Yang and Xiaodi had a good time playing for a few days, and the time suddenly passed. Then, in a blink of an eye, it was the 15th, and the airship sent by Sky Arena to Xianshui Mountain was about to depart.

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