I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 115: Ascending to Immortality

The small special airship of the Sky Arena stopped in the open space, and Jing Yang and Xiao Di boarded the plane smoothly under the guidance of the staff.

Except for a few smiling flight attendants, there was only one familiar face in the spacecraft - Zhe Hao. He was sitting cross-legged on the soft seat, closing his eyes and meditating. I haven't seen him for a while, and Zhehao's energy seems to be stronger.

Zhehao heard the noise and opened his eyes to see the two of them. I haven't seen him for a while, and Zhen Yuanzi's energy...well, I can't tell whether Zhen Yuanzi's energy has changed at all.

He smiled bitterly to himself, was he really getting stronger during this time?

Jing Yang raised his head to say hello, and he and Xiao Di found a seat not far away to sit down. Not long after, the airship retracted its landing gear and slowly took off.

It seems that among the players on the 200th floor of the Sky Arena, only the three people present accepted the invitation to go to Xianshui Mountain this time. Or maybe there aren't that many people who are eligible to receive invitations.

Jing Yang looked at the rising view outside the porthole, and suddenly asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Xiaodi sat across from him, holding her chin up, and just looked at him for a long time.

"Is there something on my face?" Jing Yang smiled.

Xiaodi said: "Suzaku is here for the fiery red eyes, so we must go to Xianshui Mountain. What is Jingyang here for?"

"Didn't Yun Gu also say that we are still in the development stage?" Jing Yang said, "Walking around and increasing our knowledge is also good for the development of mind ability. Recently, the increase in Qi has become slower as it approaches 20,000. It seems that we have really reached the bottleneck period again..."

According to Yun Gu, every 10,000 qi of thought, that is, every 3 hours of "hard" time, is an invisible threshold for most people. Jing Yang's "hard" maintenance time is getting closer and closer to 6 hours, and he is getting closer and closer to the second threshold. It's outrageous to think about it. Now every time Jing Yang maintains "Strongness" with all his strength, he has to spend nearly 6 hours of effort... The cost of trial and error in practice is getting higher and higher. Without tenacious concentration, I am afraid that at this stage, I will begin to have strong self-doubt, or simply give up on polishing and improving my mindfulness.

If you have these 6 hours, what can you do?

Airships of various sizes passed through seas of clouds, and in front of them was a high mountain towering between heaven and earth.

"Wow! Senior brother Yun Gu, is that Xianshui Mountain?"

"Senior Brother Yun Gu, what is the competition in the Xianshui Mountain Conference like?"

"Wow! There are so many airships! They are all flying to the top of the mountain... Why are we flying to the bottom of the mountain?"

Although there were many questions, they were actually all from the same boy, who was chattering a series of questions next to Yungu. The closer he was to arriving at Xianshui Mountain, the more excited the young disciple of Shingenryu became and found it difficult to calm down— -In fact, the young disciples of other sects and gymnasiums in the airship are not doing much better.

Yun Gu closed the book and explained patiently: "Hart, only those who participate in the Xianshui Mountain Art Exhibition will fly directly to the top of the mountain. Those of us disciples participating in the Xianshui Mountain Conference need to fly to the back mountain first and gather at the foot of the mountain... …”

"Actually, this is the traditional way to participate in the Xianshui Mountain Conference." A martial artist from another school next to him interjected.

"So that's it!" Hart suddenly realized, "But why is the martial arts tournament held together with the art exhibition?"

"If it weren't for the addition of the art exhibition, this conference might have been canceled for many years..."

"There are martial artists with such strength now, how can they definitely participate in it?"

Add this kind of martial arts exchange that has no opportunity for external exposure and no commercial activities? "

The other martial artists around shook their heads.

Hart seemed to understand. Not long after, the airship landed at the foot of the back mountain. After it stopped, Hart followed Yun Gu and the others off the spacecraft. He looked up and saw the towering mountain peaks - there were exclamations one after another from all around. Hart was shocked. He didn't even feel that he was standing in the sky when he was in the sky. At the foot of the mountain, I realized how majestic the mountain was. It stood in front of everyone, covered with clouds and fog, like an insurmountable natural chasm.

After all, the fog was thin at the foot of the mountain, and soon everyone saw an unusual stone staircase, zigzagging up the mountain wall, like a ladder hanging on the mountain wall, straight into the vast sea of ​​clouds, and leading to the sky.

The reason why it is said to be an unusual stone step is because the height of each step is not equal, and even the shortest and lowest stone step is more than half of Hart's height, and the higher stone steps are even taller than Yun. Gu is even taller, more than two meters tall - this cannot be called a stone step at all, but a stone platform.

"It's like a ladder for giants..."

"Are we going to climb up on our own?"

There were whispers from all around, and the young disciples couldn't help but feel numb. Of course, they were not so weak that they couldn't even climb the two or three-meter steps, but when they looked up, they saw that this was not one or two steps, but densely packed. , there are countless high and low stone steps, and some of them even wind up and down in a z-shape on the mountainside, as if they are intended to make climbers spend more energy.

"In ancient times, this stone step was called the Long Step to Immortality." Suddenly a voice came.

When everyone looked at him, they saw a middle-aged man with gray hair, a ruddy complexion, a face like a baby, and an air of immortality.

The middle-aged man looked up at Xianshui Mountain and stroked his beard and said: "Martial artists in the past believed that as long as you can reach the top of the mountain along this long ladder to immortality, you can use this ladder to become an immortal."

"Actually, the so-called becoming an immortal means that during the process of climbing a mountain, you gradually open the pores in your body, and finally master the use of Qi and awaken the 'mind'." He laughed dumbly and looked at the young people at the foot of the mountain. The martial artists said, "In other words, if there are people here who have not mastered Kung Fu to this point and want to forcefully climb the mountain, there is a risk of falling off the cliff and dying. You must think carefully before taking this ladder."

Hart looked at this man blankly and wondered: "Who is this old man?"

Yun Gu held Hart's head and greeted the middle-aged man together: "Master Sky, I didn't expect you to be at the foot of the mountain."

"Sky Master..."

The others also hurriedly greeted him. The crane-haired and childlike Sky Master looked at Yun Gu with a smile, "I remember Nitro's little apprentice, she was a pretty little girl. How come I haven't seen her for a few days and she turned into a young man?"

Yun Gu was ashamed, "Master Sky, please don't joke." He said seriously, "The disciple of President Netero you are talking about is my master Bisigi. Master Bisigi did not come this time."

Master Sky waved his hand, "It's not much different. This person is old and his memory is not good."

Everyone saw that he was spotless and energetic, as if he wanted to outlive the president of the Hunter Association. How could he show that he was older?

Everyone present was talking a lot, and gradually no more people came, so they discussed whether they could go climbing.

Master Sky stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, there are still a few people left."

Soon, there was a sound of breaking through the air behind everyone's heads.

, a small airship landed slowly. Everyone recognizes the logo on the airship. It is the symbol of the Sky Arena.

"I didn't expect someone to come to the Sky Arena this time..."

"It is said that the Sky Arena was built by Sky Master himself..."

Amid the discussion, the airship's cabin door opened, and two men and one woman quickly stepped out.

Hart suddenly asked curiously: "Brother Yun Gu, weren't you also in the Sky Arena before? I heard that you easily got the position of the building owner!"

"Just getting 10 wins can only count as half of the poster." Yun Gu explained, "And it's not easy. Especially the loss..."

"Senior brother Yun Gu lost?" Hart was greatly surprised. "Is it one of them who beat you?" He stared at the two men and one woman walking towards the crowd with wide eyes. The black-haired sister looked unattractive, so it should be ruled out... Hart gradually raised his head, looked at the tall and strong man approaching, and asked quietly: "Senior brother Yungu, is it him?"

Zhehao nodded to Yun Gu. Hearing the muttering of the little guy next to him, he glanced at him and said calmly: "I lost to Yun Gu."

"It's not him." Yun Gu also nodded. After Zhehao left, he looked at the two people behind Zhehao and said, "It's him."

Jing Yang walked over and asked doubtfully: "What is his and isn't his?"

Is there a little Nezha here? Jing Yang lowered his head and saw a stunned expression beside Yun Gu's legs. The young man in martial arts uniform was estimated to be in his early 10s and two heads shorter than Jing Yang. Looking at the qi in this young man's body, it is obvious that the pores throughout his body have been opened and he is able to use and train his qi. Jing Yang nodded in a friendly manner, but unexpectedly the young man took two steps back in shock.

A question mark appeared on Jing Yang's and Xiao Didi's heads at the same time.

Yun Gu smiled and said, "I heard that I lost to you, and he was a little scared by you."

A relational equation popped up in Hart's head: The strong man just lost to Senior Brother Yungu, and Senior Brother Yungu lost to the person in front of him... So how powerful must the person in front of him be?

Jing Yang pretended to be puzzled and said, "What's all the fuss about? Yungu, you're not that great, are you?"

Hart bared his teeth at Jing Yang, very dissatisfied with his behavior of belittling his senior brother.

Yun Gu and Jing Yang looked at each other and smiled.

There was also a long laugh from the side. The middle-aged man with heavy hair and childish face looked at the people on Jing Yang's side with satisfaction, and then raised his voice to everyone: "Everyone, please go up the stairs to the immortal. I am waiting quietly at the top of the mountain..."

He trailed off. Jing Yang felt like his eyes were filled with flowers, and this person disappeared in front of him.

There were sounds of gasping for air all around. Jing Yang turned around and asked Yun Gu, "Who is this?"

"This is Master Sky..." Yun Gu explained.

Jing Yang was shocked. How the hell did he look like he was from the same era as Nitro? Nitro is an old monster who is a hundred years old! This Sky Master must be in his early 100s to be considered of the same era, right?

"The ability to teleport?" Jing Yang guessed.

"Maybe..." Yun Gu didn't really understand either.


Over there, Zhehao took the lead, jumped up, and climbed the first half-man-high stone step. His movements were as vigorous as a spiritual ape, climbing up quickly without stopping.

Everyone was in an uproar and whispered, this person from Sky Arena is indeed a rare master.


Ka Wen has been stuck for 4,000 words without getting stuck, so this chapter can be regarded as the request for leave from a few minutes ago...I am such a waste, I kowtow to you all. Boom, boom, boom.

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