In the dim cave, the mobile phone was like a ball of light that kept selecting, hitting the little gray bird that accidentally entered the cave.

After all, Jing Yang was not a real bird, so his reaction speed was delayed for a moment. Yanque's body is not as useful as his own, with insufficient agility, insufficient physical strength, and insufficient Qi... On the contrary, this bunny girl's movements are decisive enough, sharp enough, quick enough, and skilled enough, just like a master ball thrown. Pokémon trainer.


Anyway, the Poké Ball...oh no, the phone hit "Jingyanque" accurately.

It still hurts!

"Jingyanque" flapped its wings and jumped away. The mobile phone bounced in mid-air, but the glowing screen was always pointed at itself.

Over there, the bunny girl who threw her cell phone said "Huh" in surprise.


She tapped on the laptop with one hand as if playing the piano with five fingers.


The screen of the mobile phone that had just hit the "Jingyan Bird" on the head flickered, and a colorful pixel-style cutscene appeared - a group of flies flying all over the screen!

No, it's a firefly.

Some of these fireflies have yellow tail lights, some are green, but what they have in common is this halo - the number of pixels they occupy is far greater than that of ordinary fireflies, and is even larger than their bodies.

A firefly probe made of colorful pixels appeared on the mobile phone screen, dragging out a ball of yellow light, which seemed to light up the dark cave a little. This bright ball of light is reflected in the pupil of the bird's eye on the writhing side of the "Scenery Rock Bird". The original pixel-style fireflies also turned into real insects as if they were being fleshed out, fluttering their wings and flying.

Soon, fireflies one after another, dragging yellow and green balls of light, flew out of the phone screen one after another... clatter! Hundreds of fireflies rushed out of the phone screen, like a whirlwind of yellow-green light spots. In just a moment, the cave that was dark and gloomy just now became as bright as day, with yellow and green light groups intertwined like clouds. Floating in the cave.

Jing Yang was really shocked. What is this? The electronic pet came to life?

It was with this brightened vision that he could truly see clearly the appearance of the bunny girl who just threw the phone at him - this innocent and cute girl with a rabbit ear headband on her head, wasn't she from the Hunter Association? The "Mao Rabbit" among the twelve earthly branches? Is it called Pyo, Piyo, or Biyo?

The different translations of the Chinese group are really annoying!

When he first read the comics, Jing Yang had an unforgettable memory of this character.

This girl with bunny ears who looks petite and slender always keeps her computer and mobile phone close to her during meetings. Even when collecting votes for the election of the new president, she can lie down and lean on anything but never stand properly...

He has the demeanor of a housekeeper like me, and stands out as a fellow person.

So, was this rabbit really throwing a "Poké Ball" just now?


The floating mobile phone screen flashed for a moment, taking a photo of "Jingyan Bird", and then the entire mobile phone turned into a ball of air and disappeared.

"Maotu" Biyou was holding the laptop with her left hand. She turned her right hand over and the phone that had just disappeared reappeared in her hand.

She held the phone in her right hand and typed for a while on the laptop she held in her left hand. In an instant, one by one, line by line, countless symbols that looked like green codes flew out from her body or from the laptop screen in her hand. I don’t know if Yanque was really angry. Even though Jing Yang was already Even if he tried hard to focus his energy on the bird's eye, it would be difficult to see clearly what the rabbit was doing.

Well, it is very likely that even if Jing Yang's true form is present, it is difficult to say that he can clearly see the reality of this person.

The twelve earthly branches of the Hunter Association may not all be top-notch combat masters, but one of Nitro's purposes in setting up the twelve earthly branches is to find such people to play with him.

In the words of Pariston, the vice-president of the Hunter Association who is also a member of the Twelve Branch, "I really want to play games with the president again" after Nitro's death, that is "Nitro" President Tero is too strong, he cannot understand the feelings of the weak"... The leader of Shingenryu and the president of the Hunter Association, Isaac Nitro is a true elitist.

In the hunter exam at the beginning of the comic, there were so many candidates, including the disguised Ilmi, the perverted fruit farmer Hisoka, the standard Avenger protagonist Kurapika, etc., but the one who could make Nitro take a second look was Just Gon and Killua.

Being able to penetrate into the eyes of the old monster Nitro, practice with him, and play games is not something that ordinary masters can do.

"Maotu" Biyou held the mobile phone in his left hand and pressed it a few times with his thumb. Soon the mobile phone emitted an electronic sound: "The gray-feathered bird is a subspecies of the Little Sparrow. Its main habitat is in the Nuo Amili continent, Europe. A few areas in the western part of the Chima Federation..." It's a real bird, not a telepathic beast... In other words, this bird has been subjected to some kind of operation by a telepathic person?

Is this a "Poké Ball" or a "Pokédex"?

Jing Yang thought to himself, if the rock sparrow didn't have its own star mark, when it was hit by her mobile phone just now, it would have been sucked into the mobile phone and used as an electronic pet like these fireflies?


Biyou put away her phone and glanced at the little gray bird that had already hid in the crack in the mountain wall where it entered the cave. Not only was the other party not afraid, he even tilted his head to look at her.

Jing Yang simply felt that this rabbit girl’s ass

Calm and calm, somewhat similar to Xiaodi.

"Don't fly around." Biyou reminded again.

It should be a pet bird raised by someone with telekinesis abilities who came to participate in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference, right? In this case, it should be possible to understand the meaning of human language.

She continued to walk in the cave with her laptop in her arms, looking around at the mountain walls that had nothing special in Jing Yang's eyes, as if she was working.

If Jing Yang remembered correctly, this was an ancient document hunter.

Is there any remnant of ancient writing on the stone walls of this cave? What bunny ears Nico Robin...

Soon, the "Jingyan Bird" squeezed out of the gap in the mountain wall where it came from.

Jing Yang was not an ancient document hunter, so he had no interest in the things in the cave. On the other hand, it is also the self-consciousness in Yanque's mind that is chirping - it seems that Maotu's temperament is somewhat similar to that of Xiaodi, which arouses its vigilance and urges it to run away quickly.

The rock bird flew out of the cracks in the mountain wall, and the cold wind of billowing clouds and mist hit my face, which immediately made me energetic.


The rock sparrow spread its wings and circled twice, then continued to fly upward along the long steps on the cliff.

In the cave, Biyou pressed her phone a few times, and the fireflies fluttering like the Milky Way turned into countless pixels and flew back to her phone screen, and the entire cave suddenly went dark.

Unaffected, she continued walking around the cave with her laptop in one hand.

She wasn't observing with the naked eye.

The entire environment in the cave seemed to have been scanned, and the areas covered by her "circle" seemed to have been analyzed and then three-dimensionally modeled, more and more completely presented on her computer screen...

When Zhehao was the first to reach the top of the mountain, he did not have the joy and sense of accomplishment that the first place should have.

When he caught up with Zhen Yuanzi and passed them, he clearly saw that Zhen Yuanzi looked distracted. Zhen Yuanzi and his little girlfriend really regarded this mountain climbing as a couple's mountain climbing to relax? This place is called the Long Step to Immortality!

There is a mountain villa with pavilions and pavilions interspersed with villas and hotels.

The end of the long steps to ascend to immortality is just outside the gate of this villa. After walking up the long steps to the top of the mountain, you can see a dead tree standing on the edge of the cliff, with bare branches extending towards the cliff, like a welcoming pine after it dies...

"Finally reached the top!"

"I'm so exhausted..."


One after another, more than thirty martial artists of various schools climbed to the top of the mountain.

Jing Yang looked up at the dead trees on the cliff for a while, then turned around and saw a pavilion outside the villa. The person in the pavilion is the middle-aged man with gray hair and childish face who was at the foot of the mountain not long ago, who is what Yun Gu calls the Master of the Sky.

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