Although no one was left behind, most people were not relaxed. Some people simply fell down after climbing up and breathed for a while. Among the people who were gradually reaching the top of the mountain were Jing Yang and Xiao Di. They were walking and chatting without even a drop of sweat on their bodies.

Yun Gu stretched out his hand, but his junior brother Hart gritted his teeth and turned it over by himself. Yun Gu smiled elegantly.

"I succeeded!" Hart lay down happily on the ground, and then was pulled up by Yun Gu, "Don't just lie down like this, walk slowly to take a rest."

Hart groaned and followed with a sore back. After realizing that many other martial artists who were older than him were not any easier than him, he couldn't help but straighten his back a lot.

He looked at Yun Gu again. Not only did Senior Brother Yun Gu not break out a drop of sweat after climbing to the top of the mountain, but even his clothes were only slightly damp on his sleeves and trousers - the nearly ten kilometers of winding road to immortality. It's a long walk, and most of it is in a sea of ​​billowing clouds. It's much more difficult to keep your clothes from getting wet than not to sweat.

"Senior Brother Yun Gu, how did you do it?" Hart felt both honored and really curious.

Yun Gu explained: "Just release more Qi on the body surface."

In fact, it is "hard". However, my junior brother's cultivation has not reached this stage yet, so I won't impose concepts on him.

Of course, Yungu is not for filling cups, but for climbing on steep mountain roads. Maintaining "firmness" is conducive to dealing with emergencies, not to mention that it can improve the training effect - if it is just mountaineering, this so-called long step to immortality, For the current Yungu, it is really not a challenge. With Yun Gu's current power of thought, he could truly remain calm and relaxed for the first three or four hours of maintaining his full strength.

And Hart was shocked.

Just release more Qi on the surface of the body. Senior brother, you can speak so easily when you open your mouth!

Even if he maintained a simple "tangle", he would not be able to endure the entire mountain climbing process... and the standard of "tangle" is just to maintain the Qi on the body surface under normal circumstances.

Among the more or less embarrassed people, Yun Gu and the other two people quickly discovered the other two people walking in front.

Hart was shocked again. He saw that Zhen Yuanzi's clothes were all clean, including the skin on his forehead and even his hair. Not to mention the sweat and dew.

There wasn't even a drop of water, and she looked even more calm than her senior brother... On the other hand, the glasses sister next to her had some dew on her spectacle lenses, and her black hair was slightly moist due to the clouds and mist in the mountains.

He is worthy of being the one who defeated Senior Brother Yun Gu... Hart looked at Jing Yang, Jing Yang happened to look over, and Hart took half a step back.

What's going on?

Jing Yang led Xiao Di and walked towards the pavilion with Yun Gu and others. In addition to Sky Master, there was also Zhehao who was the first to reach the top.

"The future life is terrible!"

Master Sky looked at the crowd. There were as many people as there were at the top of the mountain. He nodded happily, his eyes paused slightly on Yun Gu, Jing Yang, and Xiao Di, and he smiled even more satisfied.

"The Xianshui Mountain Conference is a gathering for martial arts exchanges and exchanges, rather than a competition for mental abilities."

Master Tian raised three fingers one after another and said with a smile, "Therefore, everyone, this conference will not discuss Qi, but only martial arts. The path of martial arts is strength, skill, and intention! The three are indispensable. Starting tomorrow, the ten-day conference will , three days of bravery, three days of martial arts, three days of perseverance, exchanges and exchanges, there is no difference between sects, but there are differences between each other..."

Zhehao asked: "What's the remaining day?"

Master Sky stroked his long gray beard and said with a smile: "On the 10th day, sixteen people will be selected to perform martial arts in public."

Zhehao asked no more questions, his eyes lit up with fighting spirit.

Hart secretly glanced at Zhehao. This tough man from the Sky Arena, his clothes were soaked by the clouds and fog from climbing all the way. It was neat, but as long as he got wet, Hart's evaluation in his heart would inevitably be lowered by a few points - he was indeed the one who lost to Senior Brother Yun Gu.

The crowd was in an uproar.

At this moment, they have all heard that this schedule is similar to the arrangement of the Xianshui Mountain Art Exhibition in Qianshan - the art exhibition is also 3+3+3, and the last day left is probably the so-called martial arts performance. The so-called publicity means to perform martial arts publicly in front of all the celebrities and rich people who come to participate in the art exhibition as well as a group of artists.

If I have to say it, martial arts is also a kind of art.

"Then, if you are willing to go with me, come with me." Master Sky, with his fair hair and boyish face, was full of energy and said with a carefree smile, "Come to my back mountain."

Zhuang Xiao will stay for a few days. "

After saying that, he disappeared out of thin air again, everyone was shocked and gasped.

What if it's better than reading ability?

Jing Yang was speechless. If you can't compare with your teleportation ability, why don't you always show off your "little tricks" of teleportation?

Really handsome!

How enviable...

Zhehao walked out of the pavilion first. The gate of the villa opened automatically after he approached, and the scene inside the villa came into view. Everyone filed in one after another.

Jing Yang asked: "Comparing strength, skills, and perseverance? How can perseverance be compared... Yun Gu, have you followed this process before?"

Yun Gu recalled for a moment and said, "About yes."

"Are you so confused?" Jing Yang shook his head, noticing the expression of Xiao Di walking on the other side, and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

Xiaodi said: "That person's body is so clean."

that person?

Jing Yang realized that she was referring to Sky Master, who had just performed another performance in front of him.

Hart nodded secretly. Master Sky is definitely the most powerful here, and naturally the "cleanest" one.

"He probably teleported directly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It's spotless and very..." Jing Yang said, hesitating in his words, "Normal... normal..."

The so-called cleanliness on the body that can be noticed by even the smallest droplets is not simply whether there is dust on the body.

How to describe it? Jing Yang recalled what Sky Master looked like just now. If he had to describe it, there was no trace of life on him, just like a new product that had just left the factory.

Xiaodi blinked and looked at him.

Jing Yang pondered: "Isn't it possible that Master Sky is a mind clone from beginning to end?"

If there is no special need, the object manifested by the mind-qi instrument will not be manifested together with useless things such as stains, dirt, dust, dirty spots, etc., and it will naturally appear clean, and it will be extremely clean.

If the Sky Master that he and others saw all the time was a clone built by his mind, then his ability to disappear out of thin air at every turn would be better explained. It's just that the person who created this clone got rid of it...

Yun Gu laughed dumbly, but gradually began to think about it and became silent.

Walking into the back mountain villa, there was not a single person in sight in the huge manor. The cold wind on the top of the mountain whistled past, and the door behind everyone slowly closed...

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