Jingyang and Xiaodi had lunch and boarded the Sky Arena airship to fly to Xianshui Mountain. After arriving at the foot of the back mountain, they climbed the mountain for a while. It was already evening.

In the evening, at dusk, in the deserted villa, the door slowly closes behind you, and a cold mountain breeze slowly passes by...

What you see is a flat main road leading to the interior of the villa. On both sides are trees that Jing Yang cannot recognize and an open lawn garden. The dim sunset glow covers the entire floor. In the halo of dusk, six men and women who looked like waiters at the villa came from both sides and calmly asked everyone whether they were staying at the hotel in the villa, dining, or exploring the villa.

"Let's stay here for now. What do you think?" Jing Yang looked at Xiaodi.

"Okay." Xiaodi nodded.

"We can take a walk after dinner in the evening."


Even though he knew Xiaodi would definitely follow his decision, Jing Yang still had the habit of asking her everything.

Soon, more than thirty martial artists of various schools who participated in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference headed to the hotel where they were staying under the guidance of the waiter at the villa. Even if they plan to visit the villa, everyone wants to get familiar with the residence first.

"What are you looking at?" Yun Gu noticed that his junior brother was staring. He followed his gaze and saw that the little guy was looking at the waiters from the villa who were leading the way.

Hart said sheepishly: "I wonder if they are like the dolls Nian made..."

Yun Gu laughed, but corrected him: "We were talking about clones, not puppets."

"Is there any difference?" Hart said confusedly.

Seeing Xiaodi's eyes also showing curiosity, Jing Yang smiled and said: "The puppet is the 'other' and the clone is 'me'. Generally speaking, things like puppets and mind beasts are the domain of the release system; clones, usually Speaking of it, if there is no difference between it and the real flesh and blood body, then it is called a clone, and this belongs to the realm of the embodiment system."

Just like what Jing Yang said to Men Qi at that time, those involving physical transformation and transformation generally belong to the realm of embodiment. After all, strictly speaking, even the alienated body parts must first have Qi to manifest. Only the corresponding parts can be used - for example, the old housekeeper of the Hakka family, Zi Po Nian, can transform into a motorcycle or a jet plane. The telekinesis ability is called Yamato Nadeshiko's seven-stage transformation, and she is the embodiment of it. Those with chemical abilities.

If we really want to be more serious, Xiaodi's bulging fish and Kurapika's six books can be regarded as some kind of "doppelgangers" of them, but they are not made of flesh and blood, nor do they have the projection of their consciousness. .

Regarding Jing Yang's statement, Yun Gu nodded in agreement, but still raised a finger and corrected: "Strictly speaking, telekinesis beasts are not exclusive to the release system. Those with telekinesis abilities in the six major systems all have derivatives of telekinesis." The possibility of beast…”

"Strictly speaking," Jing Yang also raised a finger to correct him, "no one belongs to a single system of telekinesis. It's just that one of the six major systems has the greatest advantage. In other words, every telekinesis user They all have the talent to release, so naturally every person with telekinesis ability has the potential to form a telekinesis beast..."

For example, Xiaodi, she is a person with the ability of the manifestation system. She is separated from the release system by a change system and a strengthening system. The efficiency of cultivating the release system skills is only 40%, but 40% is far from 0.

Yun Gu thought for a while and smiled: "That's right. Your statement is closer to the essence."

Hart's eyes were blurred when he heard it, and he probably didn't understand it very well. Jing Yang asked, "Have you ever done Shuijian pose?"

"I am an enhancement type!" Hart raised his hand proudly.

"Yeah, I can see it." Jing Yang said.

Yun Gu and Hart had question marks on their heads.

Xiaodi nodded. She heard Jing Yang talk about the theory of using personality to predict cognitive abilities...

Mountain Villa Hotel.

Jing Yang specially requested a double room, swiped the key card with Xiao Di and pushed the door open and walked in.

Jing Yang walked to the window and found that the window was unlocked, which was convenient for him.

Opening the window, not long after, a little gray bird flew in with fluttering wings, swung around the room twice, shook off its feathers, and then landed on the back of Jing Yang's hand.

Seeing this guy, Jing Yang thought of the bunny girl he met inexplicably while hiking. Until now, he doesn't know which translation name to use to call her... After all, the language of the Hunter World is not Jing Yang's mother tongue. If it is the name of a person he "knows", Jing Yang will inevitably correspond to the Chinese pseudonym of the comic character he came into contact with in his previous life.

When I think of the bunny girl, I think of her "Madoka" that covered the entire cave, and even popped out a little, so that I, who was possessed by the rock bird, noticed it...

"Practice again while you can still remember it."

Jing Yang let Yanque play by himself, then turned around and called Xiaodi, "Come on, let's go together."

Xiaodi is manifesting into a bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner, releasing her and Jingyang's belongings.

"How do you describe the feeling of 'circle'? It feels like drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other..."

In the hotel room, Jing Yang and Xiao Di described their new understanding of "circle". Xiao Di listened quietly and nodded occasionally.

The sky outside the window got darker a little bit.

Yun Gu knocked on the door of Zhen Yuanzi's room. After hearing "Please come in" from inside, he pushed the door open and entered.

Inside the room, Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi were sitting on two sofa chairs with their backs to the door.

"Aren't you going to eat? The restaurant here is pretty good."

Yun Gu smiled, but Jing Yang and Xiao Di didn't respond.

He was a little confused. He took the next step and landed on the carpet. His expression suddenly changed slightly, and he was a little surprised.

"You move your left foot, and half of it is on the carpet." Jing Yang, who had his back turned to him, said at this moment, "right?"

Yun Gu looked down and said, "Yes."

He took back his left foot and asked, "'Yuan'?"

"What's the range?" Jing Yang said, turning around on the sofa chair, and asked Yun Gu with a smile, "Can you tell?"

"'Yuan' is difficult to see at first glance. According to legend, 'Ze''s application skill 'Hidden' was originally inspired by 'Yuan'..." Yun Gu's eyes instantly condensed into two balls of energy, "' Ning is just an auxiliary, mainly relying on the heart to feel." After a while, in his feeling, an outline appeared vaguely in front of him.

Centered on the smiling Zhen Yuanzi on the sofa chair, there is a field formed by Qi, buckled on the floor like a cover, containing Zhen Yuanzi and Xiao Di, who is facing away from him on the other sofa chair next to him.

"Seven meters in diameter." Yun Gu said, tapping his toes on the carpet, "This is the edge of your 'circle'."

"Did you master the 'circle' during the mountain climbing?" He looked at Jing Yang steadily.

"The seven-meter diameter range, that is, three and a half meters from front to back, left, right, and front, seems to be my current limit." Jing Yang thought to himself, "It's too short. It's too short. Apart from finding things on the ground that can be used as a top, such a It’s better to use ‘Condensation’ to observe short distances...”

Xiaodi's "circle" is only about two meters in diameter, and the range is too small. Xiaodi even spans most of it with his arms spread out. Jing Yang's "circle" is inside it, like a big man. Such a small bowl that Yun Gu didn't even notice that Xiao Di's "Yuan" was in it.

"What about you, Yun Gu?" Jing Yang asked.

Yun Gu shook his head and said, "I don't know how to 'round'."

He explained: "I am a reinforcement system, and I am relatively lacking in strange means. In order to deal with emergencies, I am not very willing to release my energy to form a 'circle', so I think it is better to take advantage of the reinforcement system and use it to Strengthen the five senses of the body, and even the sixth sense, to make up for the shortcomings in this area..."

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