I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 122 I heard it (Part 2)

what's the situation?

Jing Yang looked at the group of gray-scaled snakes all over the ground, and noticed that wherever he and Xiaodi went, the heads of the snakes with their heads held high began to rotate...

Xiaodi said silently: [Are animals also pulled into this dream world? 】

[Look around, are there any rock sparrows nearby? ] Jing Yang maintained a wandering speed similar to that of the surrounding "zombie tide", [These things shouldn't eat birds...]

Besides, in this state, can you afford it?

The surrounding "zombie tide" was crowded and densely packed, obviously exceeding the thirty-odd martial artists staying at Back Mountain Villa.

In other words, there are so many "shadows" here that look like dreams but not dreams, including those who participated in the art exhibition in Qianshan... Jing Yang and Xiao Di pretended to be of the same kind while quietly moving in the "tide of corpses", When passing by Yungu, Xiaodi's eyes were full of doubts, obviously he couldn't recognize who this person was; Jingyang lowered his head and saw that even if Hart was dreaming, he was also practicing his fists steadily, even if it was strengthening. It's so simple to a certain extent...

Speaking of which, Nitro seems to be an enhanced type, but that bad old man is so evil, how can he be so innocent?

Jing Yang then thought about it. When he was young, Nitro insisted on throwing ten thousand punches every day out of gratitude. His sincerity finally awakened and he became invincible... With this mentality and this experience, one cannot deny his "innocence" ", at least on the road to becoming stronger in martial arts, he is extremely simple. He is so simple that he can rely on team tactics to safely defeat the Ant King, but he is still willing to challenge the stronger one by himself. He has a high score. Down, it also determines life and death.

Suddenly, Jing Yang, who was floating on the ground like a soul shadow, stopped, drifted back a little, and looked at the person who just passed by.

It's a bunny girl!

[The person you saw in the cave? 】 Xiaodi asked from the side, curiously looking at the "Mao Rabbit" Biyou who was wandering around in a dream but not a dream.

Biyou's dream painting style is particularly different from others.

Others are just weird dreams, but what's floating around her body is like web pages and pop-up windows that are opening and closing rapidly... When it comes to surfing the Internet, Jing Yang is willing to call her the best.

Jing Yang knew that Mao Tu was in Xianshui Mountain. But even a master like the twelve-armed Maotu was involved in this strange dream world, which was beyond Jing Yang's expectation...

Jingyang and Xiaodi drifted away, avoiding the gray-scaled snakes that were fading away like a tide.

The web pages and pop-up windows that flashed rapidly on Biyou, who was wandering forward unconsciously, turned into lines of green code from time to time, scrolling around her...

The "zombie tide" is still wandering towards the peach tree in front. Looking at the mountains is a dead horse, but looking at the trees seems to be the same. Jing Yang gradually discovered that the peach tree was really terrifyingly tall. It was forty or fifty meters high. It was full of dreamlike peach blossoms. They drifted away in the wind and drifted towards the "tide of corpses" that was slowly approaching.

【Is there anyone under the tree? 】

Jing Yang and Xiao Di's voices sounded in each other's minds at the same time, and they both looked intently at the giant tree with lush peach blossoms.

A stone statue about one meter high sat quietly under the tree.

The stone statue sits cross-legged, with extremely long earlobes hanging to its shoulders... This is a stone Buddha statue.

The stone Buddha has no kindness or compassion, no anger and no joy. It seems that he has been sitting here since the beginning of the world and will not move at all until the end of the world.

Stone Buddha's eyes were half closed, and he looked down at the chessboard in front of him quietly.

Jingyang and Xiaodi quietly looked at the stone Buddha who was motionless, and then looked at the chessboard opposite each other. There was not a single figure... Who were they playing chess with?

Everyone is half real and half imaginary, but this stone Buddha is real, just like the huge peach tree next to him, as if he is part of this dream world.

But the stone Buddha suddenly moved.

Shi Fo turned over his hands and picked up a white piece between his fingers. He clicked it on the chessboard with a "click" sound.


As the sound of falling pieces spread across the chessboard, it was like a strong wind sweeping around, passing by all the dreamy figures who wandered over.


Jing Yang seemed to hear a faint sound coming from somewhere.

He looked up and saw countless peach blossom petals swept across the night sky by a gust of wind, spinning rapidly and converging into a huge silhouette, like an infinite Bodhisattva, looking down at the world, raising a palm shaped by infinite petals and shooting towards the grassy plain. Come down...

Stone Buddha is Nitro?

When the giant palm with petals fell, Jing Yang looked at the stone Buddha under the giant tree. The Buddha statue was covered with cracks. He turned his head and looked towards Jing Yang. He smiled and finally collapsed...

Boom, the big palm of peach petals fell into the world, drowning everyone.

The "Jingyan Bird" flew through the night sky and landed on the roof of a building in Qianshan. It turned its head and rubbed the feathers on its neck, feeling a little cold.

He twisted his head, raised his wings and rushed down, flying between the buildings on the front mountain, rushing through the glass doors in mid-air, and walking through the empty exhibition halls... Wherever he passed, the people he saw were not there. I dozed off on the chairs in the corridor with my head against the wall, or fell asleep on the sofa in the hotel room...

"They're all Mouri Kogoro, right? Did you find your spot before falling asleep?"

Jing Yang controlled the little gray bird to fly out of the window, hover in the air for a moment, and fly towards the back mountain.

"I'm afraid it has the ability to correct memory..."

"When these people wake up, they probably won't remember how or when they fell asleep, or even wonder if they dozed off for no reason..."

"Jingyan bird" flew into the back mountain villa.

"Is it the ability of a certain operating system? If so, why did I get tricked? If not, what is the explanation for that dream world? Is it a collective illusion? Or is it a real alien space?"

"Space-based abilities? But what about me, Xiaodi, and others in the dream space? What's going on in that form? At least it's definitely not a real body..."

"And most importantly, where is the person who made this noise?"

"Or to be more direct, what on earth is the so-called Sky Master of the same era as Nitro doing?"

A big dream pulled everyone on the top of Xianshui Mountain into it. Jing Yang really couldn't think of anyone other than the so-called Sky Master who could do such an amazing feat.

"Jingyan Bird" was thinking while flying. It suddenly raised its head, turned several somersaults due to sudden stops during its rapid flight, and finally stopped with flapping wings.

Thanks to the birds' eyes on the side of their heads, when he was flying past the Houshan Hotel just now, he seemed to have seen a strange scene in a certain room...


"Jingyanque" landed at the window of that room and turned to look into the room.

On the carpet, Hart was lying on his side with a crotch, and his short arms and legs were kicking from time to time. He was probably dreaming of practicing some kind of magic boxing... And on the sofa, Yun Gu's shirt was lying messily, and he seemed to be covered with black brush lines. The outlined black humanoid skeleton is lying on Yun Gu's body, and the black skull is facing the sleeping Yun Gu...

Outside the window, the little gray bird's head turned, and its eyes reflected the breath of Yun Gu being sucked into the skull eye holes of the black humanoid skeleton...

In the other eye of the little gray bird, the Bodhisattva in the night sky condensed into petals was reflected, and he took a photo of it...

Boom, endless peach petals flooded their sight, and Jing Yang and Xiao Di suddenly woke up in the pavilion.

What is that black skeleton on Yun Gu’s body?

Is that stone Buddha Nitro?

Not only the rabbit, but also the snake?

Is the so-called Sky Master an old cunt?

Jing Yang couldn't help but rub his temples. When the stone Buddha that seemed to be Nitro was finally submerged by the giant palm of petals and collapsed, he seemed to see among the lingering figures, someone who looked like the "Si Snake" from the Twelve Branches. "The sexy elder sister... She was just taking a walk, but why did she create so many inexplicable things that make people feel dizzy.

Why hasn’t Kurapika, the dog-headed strategist, arrived yet?

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