I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 123 I really want to pinch it

There is a cool breeze in the back mountain garden and the night is pleasant.

The few martial artists who came out for a walk just felt like they had taken a nap and were distracted. They did what they should do when they woke up. Those who took a walk continued walking, and those who lost interest went back to the hotel to rest. No one realized what happened, it was like a big dream, and the images in the dream were quickly forgotten within a few seconds after waking up.

This is what Jing Yang and Xiao Di saw when they woke up. The villa is still the same villa, but it seems completely different.

If Sky Master did all this in secret, what was his purpose?

Judging from the fact that Yun Gu had participated in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference before, and still acts like a normal person, even if what the Sky Master did, it seemed that it was not really harmful?

Is this Fairy Mountain Conference, which is said to have existed a hundred years ago, related to Nitro?

But in the information I checked, there was no connection between this conference and Netero, the Hunter Association, or the Heart Origin Stream.

The twelve rabbits and snakes are also here. Why?

One of them is an ancient document hunter, and the other seems to be a poison hunter. No matter how you look at it, they are not in the same league as the martial arts tournament...

The only other possibility is that Nitro brought him here.

The other is that they may simply come to appreciate the art exhibition...

"But it's possible that he has never done this before. This is his first offense, so Yun Gu doesn't know about it."

Jing Yang mused as he walked, "Of course, it's also possible that it wasn't Master Sky who was responsible at all, but a certain telepathic person who came to the top of Xianshui Mountain..."

Xiaodi said: "Maybe it's the black skeleton Jing Yang mentioned?"

"That thing looks like a villain, and it sucks semen into Yun Gu's face, making it look like an old monster from Montenegro..." Jing Yang said, "Is it some kind of mind beast? Or is it a manifestation? The transformed form of a person with the ability to change... Anyway, let’s go back to the hotel first and ask Yungu about the situation.”

The little gray bird flew in the night sky and landed on Jing Yang's raised finger.


Xiaodi left quickly with him.

Qianshan hotel.

The living room was brightly lit. "Maotu" Biyou was sitting on the sofa with her head tilted and her chin resting on the back of the chair. She was typing on her laptop quickly with one hand and occasionally picking up snacks next to her and putting them into her mouth.

Suddenly, she pointed out something.

A humanoid figure with green code twists and turns suddenly appeared in front of her.

"it's over?"

Biyou put her fingers stained with potato chip crumbs between her lips and sucked them clean, then stretched out her hand to grab the human figure where the green code gathered, as if she were grabbing a real doll model.

"Anyway, let's download it and take a look."

After observing it twice, Biyou took a picture of the green-coded humanoid on the laptop screen.

"Preparing for 'analysis'..."

She intertwined and stretched her fingers, and her joints crackled. She was moving her fingers to get ready for work, when she heard her cell phone ring.


Biyou held the phone between her cheek and shoulder. After connecting it, she spoke while typing on the laptop keyboard, "Gailu, did you accidentally fall asleep too?"

"It's not accidental." A hoarse and magnetic woman's voice came from the other end of the phone, commonly known as the sexy sister's voice. "It's because someone used their telekinesis ability to influence us."


Biyou twirled his fingers and said casually: "Then do you still remember what happened? I mean in that strange dream, if it is really a dream."

"I don't remember." Sishe Gailu said calmly, "Because I shed my skin immediately, and what was left in that strange dream was just a layer of my 'snake shed'."

"Why did you suddenly reveal your ability?" Biyou continued to type on the keyboard, "Our relationship is not that close."

Before the other party could answer, Biyou continued: "Me too, after discovering something strange, I made a "false agreement" and kept it there as my trumpet, but I actually woke up long ago... …Now, done!”

"What's done?"

"Of course it's the record of my trumpet in that dream. The analysis has just been completed." Biyou looked at the picture on the screen and asked casually, "If you also want to see it, come to my room within one minute. I won't Please wait!"

Before she finished speaking, a green snake as thick as a finger swam into her living room. When she found it, the snake hissed and sprayed out a cloud of green mist.

The green mist twisted and changed together with the thin snakes, and finally condensed into a beautiful woman with graceful black hair and black skin. She was none other than Gai Lu, the Snake of the Twelve Branches of the Hunter Association.

"It's a clone. I almost forgot that you are also a manifestation type. Oh, whatever, come and see."

Biyou glanced at it and then looked away, clicked the play button, and thought to herself: "The figure is really amazing. I really want to put my face in it, it must be very soft, right?"


Gai Lu's clone moved over and glanced at the side face of Biyou who had taken off the bunny ears headband. When she leaned over and looked at the laptop screen, she couldn't help but think: "After taking off the headband, it turned out to be unexpectedly cute. It's so cute." I want to pinch it and see..."

Hotel in the back mountain.

"Dong dong dong", shortly after the knock on the door, the room door opened. Hart rubbed his eyes and yawned, and trembled when he saw Zhen Yuanzi at the door.

He seemed to have dreamed just now that he was punching his senior brother and kicking Zhen Yuanzi. He looked very handsome...

"Where is your senior brother?" Jing Yang asked.

"It's in the living room." Hart said quickly, glancing at the black-haired sister who came with Zhen Yuanzi, and was a little confused about their purpose.

"Hart, let them come in." Yun Gu's voice came from the living room.

This voice was slightly tired.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di looked at each other and followed Hart in.

Soon they saw Yun Gu's shirt on the sofa was messy, his hair was raised a few times, he was yawning slightly and cleaning his glasses. After putting them on, he looked at Jing Yang and Jing Yang with a little doubt.

Yun Gu stood up and asked, "It's so late, what's wrong?"

Jing Yang looked him up and down.

Yun Gu gradually became serious, because it was obvious that Zhen Yuanzi's eyes remained focused on examining him.

"You are an enhancement type. You only have 20,000 to 30,000 thoughts, and you just climbed a mountain in the afternoon. Do you yawn so easily?" Jing Yang stared at Yun Gu, stretched out his hand and pressed down, "What I want to say next Don’t be afraid of things.”

Yun Gu was half puzzled and half amused, so he could only say: "Just tell me, I won't be afraid."

Jing Yang pointed out the window of their hotel room, "Twenty minutes ago, when the little guy was passing by the window, he saw some strange scenes in the living room of your room..."

Duh duh, duh duh!

Outside the window, a small gray bird, the rockfinch, was tapping the glass with its beak. Hart was surprised: "Bird?"

Hart went to open the window and let the rockfinch fly in.

Yun Gu had known before that Zhen Yuanzi was an operator-type ability user, so he immediately understood what he meant by "the little guy saw him when he was passing by". Either Zhen Yuanzi can communicate with his pet bird without any barriers, or Zhen Yuanzi can completely control his pet bird, or gain access to his pet bird's senses and even memory...

Jing Yang described to him the black skeleton lying on Yun Gu's body sucking the breath, and finally asked: "Did you feel anything wrong after you woke up?"

Hart was stunned.

Yun Gu frowned, "I did seem to have taken a nap on the sofa, and I felt a little tired when I woke up..."

He pondered for a while, motioned Jing Yang and Xiaodi to sit down, and asked calmly: "About the so-called dream, could you please tell me from beginning to end?"

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