Hart trotted over to make four cups of tea and brought it over. On the sofa in the living room, Yun Gu quietly listened to Jing Yang finish talking about the collective dream-like experience not long ago.

Zhen Yuanzi was very sure that in that dream, he saw the figures of Yun Gu, Hart and other martial artists who were climbing together.

But Yun Gu has no memory of this at all.

Even if he dozed off on the sofa, he was not even sure. In terms of physical sensation, it was just a trance. His posture on the sofa changed a little, but other than that, there was nothing unusual... ...At first he felt tired, and he just thought he was in poor condition. It wasn't until Zhen Yuanzi came to visit that he realized there was another reason.

"Stone Buddha, Bodhisattva..." Yun Gu pondered, "If that is really a projection of a dream, then this is indeed very similar to what President Netero would look like."

"Besides, I'm very sure that President Netero is indeed in Xianshui Mountain." He raised his head. Before coming here, his master Bisji had already informed him of this, and there was no reason that Zhen Yuanzi would know about Shenlong in advance. The whereabouts of President Netero have never been seen. "All the details are consistent with your statement..."

"Isn't that bad?" Hart put down the brewed tea, held his head in his hands, and said in shock, "Senior brother, you were ruined by something strange while you were dreaming!"

What does it mean to be ruined?

Cold sweat broke out on Yun Gu's forehead.

Jing Yang took out a pen and paper, put it on the coffee table, and scribbled, "This is the scene at that time. This is you, Yun Gu, and this is that strange thing with a black skeleton."

Yun Gu and Hart looked closely, wondering: "Which one is which?"

Xiaodi also came over and took a look. Looking at the graffiti-like work, a question mark appeared on his head.

"Meeting stars like the wind"!

Jing Yang activated the star mark on the back of his neck, controlled his hand to grab the pen, and quickly drew a new picture on the paper according to the picture in his memory, as if printing a photo.

Hart looked down and saw the scene that was like being on the scene, the black skeleton lying on senior brother Yun Gu's body, and the black eye holes that drew from the sleeping Yun Gu's face. His scalp suddenly became numb and his short hair stood on end. He got up and jumped away in fright: "What kind of monster is this!"

But Jing Yang pulled him back.

"Xiao Di, did you see it?"

Jing Yang pressed the little guy's head, brushed his short hair away, and looked at the top of his head.

Xiao Drop condensed his energy in his eyes, and looked closely at the top of Hart's head, only to see a piece of white and red petals falling on Hart's head as if it were real.

Peach petals!

Jing Yang and Xiao Di looked at each other and both recalled the dozens of meters high peach tree in that dream that could not be ignored, as well as the peach petals that were always flying all over the sky.

Jing Yang stretched out his hand and wiped the top of Hart's head, but he could not touch the petals, and the petals would not move. It was more like a mark than a thing.

Jing Yang stretched out his hand towards Xiao Di, who lowered his head.

After brushing the hair on Xiao Di's head, Jing Yang didn't find any petals on Xiao Di's head.

He lowered his head and Xiaodi also checked him, but found nothing.

"Is there something on top of my head?" Hart was confused, and Yun Gu was also checking the top of his head.

Yun Gu muttered to himself in confusion: "Nothing..."

He raised his eyes to look at Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi, and immediately understood, lowering his head to let Zhen Yuanzi check them.

Both Jingyang and Xiaodi saw that there was also a peach blossom petal that looked as if it were virtual and real on top of Yun Gu's head.

"This must be some kind of mark, and it could be the operating system." Jing Yang let go and pointed at Hart, who was full of question marks, and asked Yun Gu, "Can you really not see the thing above his head? It's a peach petal. .”

"Is it the peach tree in the dream you mentioned?"

Yun Gu understood, but still shook his head, "No, I can't see it."

"In other words, targets marked by peach petals cannot see each other's marks." Jing Yang pondered, "And Xiaodi and I were not marked, so we can see it. Of course, Muggles who don't understand reading can't see it either. arrive."

He was naturally referring to the large number of ordinary people in Qianshan who came to participate in art exhibitions.

Hart was at a loss, but he keenly discovered the blind spot and asked puzzledly: "Why haven't you been marked?"

However, Yun Gu understood that Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi were probably controlled by Zhen Yuanzi's operating system ability in advance, so they could avoid this peach petal mark.

Jing Yang said: "Yun Gu, you said you had participated in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference before, but I asked you several times before, and you were a little vague. Did this happen last time, and you were 'marked' by a similar telekinesis ability? However, after going down the mountain, I gradually forgot what happened on the mountain..."

"Some conditional abilities do have the effect of memory correction." Yun Gu sat on the sofa and pondered, "But it is precisely because my memory of the last time is not clear that I cannot be sure whether the situation this time is the same as the last time. Same..." He crossed his arms and muttered to himself distressedly, "But since the dream you mentioned contains someone suspected of being President Netero, I think there won't be too serious consequences..."

Xiaodi turned her fingers on the side of her head and looked at Jing Yang in confusion.

Obviously, she didn't understand Yun Gu's brain circuit. You have been marked by an unknown ability, and you are still here "without serious consequences". Are you too arrogant?

Jing Yang said: "I'm sitting here thinking about it, but I can't come up with a result. Why don't you call someone who is familiar with the Xianshui Mountain Conference to ask?"

"Do you have the phone number of your president?" he asked sincerely. At this time, of course, Nitro was most likely to give the most comprehensive answer.

Yun Gu shook his head, took out the phone, hesitated again and again, and dialed the number.

Beep, beep, beep...


The call is connected. Yun Gu raised the phone in the air, farther away from his ears.

"Do you know what time it is at night? Master, don't I want to take beauty sleep?!"

A strong "girly voice" came from the speaker of the mobile phone, holding back her anger and reprimanding, "You have one minute to give me a reasonable reason..."


A big question mark appeared on Xiao Di's head. Why did Yun Gu's master sound so young?

Master? !

Hart almost had a myocardial infarction. Why did Senior Brother Yungu's master sound like this?

Yun Gu explained quickly, turned the call on his cell phone to external playback, and signaled to Jing Yang and Xiao Di: "This is my master, the gem hunter Bisji = Kuruka. Master, this is Zhenyuan." Zi and his companion Xiaodi. They came specifically to remind me about the dream, and they also discovered the marks planted on me and Hart..."

"Hello." Jing Yang couldn't help laughing and waved hello to the phone.

Xiaodi said nothing and looked at the mobile phone held by Yun Gu calmly.

Bisiji's calm voice soon came from the phone. Of course, the voice still sounded like a little girl: "The situation you encountered in Yungu, this peach petal-like mark, is probably the ability of the operating system. But What I want to remind you is that what can leave a mark is not necessarily the telekinesis ability of the operation system. Sometimes, even the enhancement system can mark people - for example, after leaving a mark, it can strengthen teammates or treat them. Things like that.”

"And since Zhen Yuanzi is of the operation system and has qualified himself to perform operations in advance, thereby becoming immune to the interference of the enemy's operation system abilities, then of course, what you call dreams is by no means an operation system ability. The result..." Bisji analyzed calmly, "If I were to speculate, I would guess that this is the materialization system.

"The other party materialized a dream world, and then made it virtual through the method of 'invisibility'."

"Materialize an entire dream? This is an entire mountain top, and everyone is pulled into it... What kind of telepathic person can do this?"

Qianshan Hotel, Gailu's clone said doubtfully.

Biyou's expression remained unchanged. He tapped the keyboard a few times and brought up another window. A three-dimensional modeling diagram of Xianshui Mountain appeared on the screen.

"What if the entire mountain was engraved with divine characters inside and out?"

Click, she hit the button.

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