I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 126: Soul Out of Body

Cooperative telekinesis ability is a telekinesis ability that is completed by the cooperation of multiple telekinesis users.

For example, in the Greedy Island chapter of the comic, two such situations occurred.

One is the "Bomb Demon".

"Bomb Demon" is the nickname shared by three telekinesis users. It is also the key word for the special bombs they made, "Pinch of Gunpowder" and "Sound of Life". The three are responsible for the manifestation, release and operation respectively. part of the system. Gan Shu, the bespectacled man among the three main active people, is the one with the materialization type... He would lose in close combat to the enhanced type Xiaojie who would not hesitate to cut off one of his hands to release his special move, which is not enough. No surprise.

The other one is, of course, the "Island of Greed" itself.

Greedy Island is an island, but the entire game called "Greedy Island" covering the entire island is the "psychic ability" developed by Jin Fulis and his 10 friends. There is reason to suspect that the attributes of the 11 people involved in the development of the game cover all six systems: strengthening, change, realization, trait, operation, release...

"If this 'dream' ability is cooperative, then in other words, the person behind the scenes may not be Master Sky, or is it not just him?"

After ending the call with Bisji, Jing Yang said thoughtfully.

When I think of the Greedy Island, I can't help but think of the mountain I'm on right now, Fairy Water Mountain.

Could it be the same situation?

King and his gang built Greed Island, and Nitro and his gang built the mountain?

"If it's Nitro, there's a chance he'd be bored and pull off such a naughty act..."

Jing Yang is well-informed (he has seen various entertainment works in his previous life) and knows very well that old people like Nitro, who were already invincible when they were young and have been invincible for a lifetime, are so idle for the rest of their lives. Guy, it's not surprising that he can do any kind of tricks... As long as he can have some fun for himself, going out to beg for food can be regarded as a game in the world.

Yun Gu didn't know what Jing Yang was thinking in his heart. Before hanging up the phone just now, his master gave him the advice, "If the peach petal mark is still there after you go down the mountain, I will find a way to find someone to help you get rid of your thoughts." As for what happened on the mountain, What will happen during this period... Yun Gu is no longer a child. He has already left the army, so he can just act according to the situation.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Jing Yang said goodbye to Xiaodi, and pointed at the black skeleton painting on the coffee table before going out, "In the next few days, I suggest installing a surveillance camera in the room."

Video can capture thoughts.

In the comics, Yun Gu was able to use Hisoka's competition video to guide Killua to use "Condensation" to observe Hisoka's telekinesis ability "Stretchy Love", which was due to this.

Hart said distressedly: "Even if it is photographed, senior brother and I may not be able to see it..."

Just like they can't see the peach petal mark on each other's head.

If the black skeleton really appeared again, Hart was also worried that he and his senior brother would not be able to see each other.

It wasn't until Zhen Yuanzi and the two left that Hart suddenly realized, yes, even if senior brother and I can't see it, we can ask them to help us watch the videotape...

"This is why, when facing complex situations, it is best to have multiple telekinesis users form a team to act." Yun Gu taught earnestly, "For example, if there is an operation system in your team, you can avoid it in advance. There are many irreversible situations...so that the enemy will not be checkmate from the beginning.”

Return to the room. After Jing Yang heard the "click" of the door closing behind him, there was no movement for a long time.

He looked back and saw Xiaodi looking at him thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?"

"I was thinking..." Xiaodi said, "What the person on the phone said about Zhu Nian."

She looked at Jing Yang, and her eyes slowly fell to Jing Yang's chest.

"Your heart problem can also be solved by eliminating thoughts, right?"

"Maybe." Jing Yang lay on the sofa, "But that's the last resort. Look, haven't I been pretty good in the past few months?"

Xiaodi walked towards him, "It's just because no one died around during this time."

Jing Yang patted her hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I cherish my life much more than you do. Have I told you that my ultimate pursuit is to live forever!"

Xiaodi asked curiously: "So Jing Yang wants to explore the Dark Continent?"


"But you also said that the Dark Continent itself is the most dangerous place, full of unpredictable disasters..."

In order to live forever and out of cherishment of life, we have to explore the most disastrous place where we can easily lose our lives. This seems to be contradictory in itself.

"High risks lead to high returns. And before that, we have to make enough money first!"

"Live to be 28?" Xiaodi asked curiously.

"You still remember!" Jing Yang smiled.

This is what I once confessed to Xiaodi. If the body overgrows to about 28 years old and the heart and life problems are still troubled, I will definitely try my best to eradicate it.

And at that time, the last resort that I expected when "everything is exhausted" was of course Alluka = ​​beating up the enemy guest, the humanoid wishing machine of the killer family.

The dying thoughts of "Blackened Uncle Jie" can be completely wiped out by Aluka with a lift of his hand, allowing the dying Xiaojie to regain his life...

Isn't it simple for the all-powerful Alluka to solve this little problem with his heart?

Of course, the premise is that I can recruit Alluka when the time comes.

And the best way to "make a wish" to Alluka is, of course, through Killua.

And the best way to get through Killua's path is Gon.

There are still less than 4 years before the official start of the comic plot. I have a first-mover advantage and can accumulate strength. How can I establish friendship with Gon and Killua? Or if there is no other way, I can take advantage of the simple personalities of the two children. Regardless of other methods, as long as Alluka is still there, there is always a way.

Isn't Xiaojie looking for his father?

When the time comes, he can completely take out the needle from Killua's forehead, and then Killua himself will be able to remember that there is an omnipotent "Wishmaker" at home. Can Killua resist helping his gay friend?

The existence of Aluka is also the reason for Jing Yang's heart problem, but he is not too worried.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if four years later, I can neither solve the heart problem nor make Killua make a wish to Alluka, then I have failed too much. As a telepathic user who failed like this, how can I solve the problem? Maybe there is nothing more to say about heart problems, so just accept your fate.


Jing Yang took off Xiaodi's glasses and looked into her lavender eyes, "I'm worried that if I remove some thoughts related to death that may exist in my heart, my body may also change instantly. In the original, more childish state. This is..." He paused, shook his head repeatedly and said, "This is not good, it is very bad."

Xiaodi wondered: "Why is it bad?"

If this is the case, then the "life span" that Jing Yang lost due to the ripening of his body can be made up for.

Jing Yang said: "I think it would be better if he looks about the same age as you."

Xiaodi lowered his eyes, then raised them again with a flicker of his eye, and said calmly: "Let's look for Nitolomi together."

Jing Yang couldn't help but stretched out his hand, squeezed her cheek, and said with a smile: "We were going to look for her together, Doraemon."


Xiao Di huddled on the sofa and hugged Jing Yang, thinking that she could use the bulging-eye fish to collect all the nitolomi she found.

She suddenly had a feeling that maybe her ability existed just for this day, Jing Yang's dream.

The next day, morning.

The doorbell of the room rang. Jingyang and Xiaodi opened their eyes at the same time.


The rock bird that was sleeping in the ceiling lamp in the living room started to move on its own, and watched with question marks as it flew uncontrollably towards the door.


The bird's beak nimbly pecked at the access control phone and discovered that the person outside was the waiter.

In the bedroom, Xiao Di, who was resting on Jing Yang's arm, could clearly feel the muscles in Jing Yang's arm tightening, and couldn't help but turn her head to look at him in confusion.

From Yanque's first-person perspective, Jing Yang saw on the screen of the access control phone that the waiter outside actually had the head of a gray-scaled snake!

After shaking his eyes, Jing Yang stood up and walked out of the bedroom barefoot.

With his current physique, even if his arm was pressed by a piece of metal of the same volume all night, not to mention being pressed by an ordinary human head all night, he wouldn't feel anything bad.

If Jing Yang wanted to, he could maintain "tangling" 24 hours a day.

He opened the door.

The waiter outside the room door said politely: "...Mr. Zhen Yuanzi, please come to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel at 8 o'clock in the morning. The first session of the Xianshui Mountain Conference is about to begin."

When he noticed that Jing Yang was sizing him up, the waiter just smiled slightly and showed no abnormality. Seeing that Zhen Yuanzi didn't explain anything, he reminded him again, "Please tell Ms. Xiaodi," and then politely stepped away and walked away.

With a flutter, the little gray bird jumped onto Jing Yang's shoulders, its claws gripping the strong muscles like iron hooks.

"Is there something wrong with your eyes, or am I hallucinating so early in the morning?"

Jing Yang caught the little gray bird and stroked it while walking back and saw the little one walking out of the bedroom with messy hair on its head.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, Jing Yang said, "Get dressed and have some breakfast. This conference will start in an hour."

"Oh." Xiaodi went back to the bedroom barefoot.

They simply had breakfast together. At 7:50, Jing Yang and Xiao Di came to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, and met the two brothers Yun Gu and Hart on the way.

Hart's face was not very good, with two dark circles under his eyes. After asking, I found out that this boy had been worried all night about whether the black skeleton painted by Jing Yang would sneak into his room in the middle of the night and secretly absorb his life essence... The more Jing Yang listened, the more strange he felt. Just be angry, can you please stop regulating your energy, it will be easy to get drunk!

"If I don't suck Yun Gu, why are you sucking me?" Jing Yang comforted, "Don't worry, I will definitely despise you before I suck you dry."

"That's right!" Hart breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt lighter.

Yun Gu was ashamed, he was comforted, what about me?

More than thirty martial artists of different schools gathered in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

These people have practiced martial arts all year round and are full of energy. They are also used to getting up early to train. They are all in high spirits now and chatting and laughing with each other... Jing Yang and the others listened casually, and as expected, no one mentioned that they had climbed to the top of the mountain last night. Everyone was pulled into the bizarre dream, and no one mentioned the black skeleton. Everyone was guessing about today's competition. No one wanted to lose in front of the respected Sky Master, and they were all eager to try.

Many of them glanced towards Jing Yang and Yun Gu in a vague way.

After yesterday's Climbing the Immortal Stage, everyone already had a rough idea of ​​each other's strength levels.

There is no doubt that Yungu from Xinyuanliu, Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi from Sky Arena, and the talented fighter Zhehao are the best in this Fairy Water Mountain Conference.

Jing Yang looked at Zhehao who was gearing up.

This person is also from the operating department.

However, Zhehao's telekinesis ability requires a ring, an opponent, and possibly even a witness like a referee or an audience... Zhehao figured out that telekinesis in the sky arena for ring fighting. A capable person would naturally not prepare for last night's situation in advance. With Zhehao's ability, it is difficult to imitate Jing Yang's approach of "operating yourself in advance to avoid control".

It can only be said that there are differences between operating systems.

Soon, several waiters came and led everyone out of the hotel.

The group of people followed the waiter and walked through the hotel, gardens, courtyards, corridors... and finally came to an open practice field in the complex terrain of the back mountain villa.

Such a mountaintop, and only the second half of the mountaintop, can actually free up so much space.

In the open practice field, a middle-aged man with gray hair and a childish face was waiting for everyone. The person they saw yesterday was Master Sky.

Xiao Di, Jing Yang, Yun Gu and even Hart all noticed immediately that Sky Master's clothes had not been changed and were exactly the same as yesterday.

And, it's still as clean as ever.

It's not that the clothes look like they've been washed. This old man with gray hair and boyish face looks like he's been washed from the inside out, as clean as a spotless immortal.

"Thinking about the clone...?"

Such thoughts flashed through the minds of the four of them.

More than thirty martial artists stared at Master Sky with bright eyes.

"Courage, martial arts, willpower, Sky Master, how do you compare your courage in the first three days today?"

"Forget mountain climbing, it tests not only strength, but also eyesight. But if it's a competition of strength, I won't lose!"

"Will we lose? Haha!"

As soon as the first person spoke, the others quickly started talking one after another.

Some people even shouted: "We agreed that we would only compete in martial arts, not in reading Qi. In this case, everyone should take the initiative to enter "Extreme" and then compete in strength! Right?"

Everyone looked over and saw that this guy was tall and burly, covered in tendon meat, like a mountain of meat.

If they all entered "Extreme", and it was just a matter of strength, this guy himself seemed to have the greatest advantage, so he caused a round of boos.

"What's going on?" The burly muscular man asked in confusion, "Is there someone here who doesn't even know how to master Jue? It's not like that!"


"Do you think it's possible?"

Everyone was talking a lot, and just when they were about to make a move in advance, Master Sky smiled slightly, stroked his beard and said: "I have said, the competition in these three days is about strength?"

Just when everyone was stunned, Master Sky pointed his finger at everyone.

In an instant, more than thirty martial artists of different schools were caught off guard when they saw a finger coming from the air and touching their foreheads!

In an instant, more than thirty fingers were pointing at the foreheads of each of the more than thirty martial artists!

Release the system?

Such thoughts immediately flashed through Jing Yang and Yun Gu's minds.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Only hearing muffled sounds one after another around them, more than thirty martial artists of various schools were shocked to see that their "souls" and those of others had been knocked out of the physical body!

More than thirty groups of human-shaped "spirit bodies" were pointed out by Sky Master from a distance, and their bodies were all pointed out.

Master Sky smiled and said: "In these first three days, the competition is about will."

Everyone flew out from the back of their bodies, floating while looking at each other in disbelief, and then... Zhehao, like everyone else, looked in the same direction in an out-of-body state.

Yun Gu, Jing Yang and Xiao Di were all supported by the "hardness" formed by thick Qi. They stood still and did not move. The finger on their foreheads that Master Sky shot out from the air failed to penetrate them. Within the barrier of thought energy...

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