I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 127: The bad old man is very bad!

In a scene that was originally quite cool, the senior expert pointed it out, and all the juniors present were caught in the trick... As a result, three "fish that slipped through the net" were still holding on and were not affected, which was a bit embarrassing.

Especially for the other thirty or so fighters who were beaten to the point of "out of body".

Make a decision in an instant!

Everyone's "souls" looked at each other, and then quickly thought about it, we agreed that in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference, the competition would not be about thoughts or energy, but martial arts!

These three people used their mental energy to block Master Sky's moves. This is not martial arts and cannot be considered a skill!

Just thinking about it this way makes everyone feel much better.

Master Sky didn't look embarrassed that he couldn't get off the stage. Rather, he was very pleased.

Being able to be so alert and make a qualified defense immediately and resist with "firmness", it seems that the basic skills of these three young people are very solid!


Hart looked at the back of his body's head, as well as Senior Brother Yungu, Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi who stood on the spot and defended themselves against Master Sky's "attack", and he suddenly felt ashamed in his heart. Am I the only one who got tricked?

After Jing Yang and Yun Gu noticed that the fingers that appeared on their foreheads disappeared in the air, they glanced at the martial artists around them whose "souls" had been knocked out.

Even though their "souls" were punched out from the back of their heads, the bodies of the fighters still stood where they were.

There is no doubt that this so-called "soul" is Qi.

Master Sky pointed a finger in the air and popped out a little bit of the energy in these people's brains. Judging from the rich and vivid expressions on these people's "souls" and the numbness of their real physical bodies, part of their consciousness has also been transferred to the air that popped out of their bodies...

Jing Yang and Yun Gu looked at each other and found that each other was trying to understand the details of Master Sky's ability.

For a qualified telepathic user, one needs to maintain the ability to think and be efficient in combat at all times. This is Bi Si Ji who taught Yun Gu, and Jing Yang saw in the comics that Bi Si Ji taught Gon and Killua...

Master Sky stroked his beard and nodded, saying with satisfaction: "There is no need to be so vigilant. This move of mine is not powerful enough to really knock a person's soul out of the body! In other words, why is the soul, even for those of us who are familiar with Nian? , who can tell clearly? What I knocked out of your mind was just a little bit of anger and a part of the 'illusion'."

illusion? The more than thirty martial artists who were wandering outside were a little surprised.

Sure enough!

Jing Yang and Yun Gu understood clearly. Master Sky's move is more like a release system, so it will never really pop a person's soul out of the body. It is more like a strong "operation system" characteristic!

The release system is adjacent to the operation system. Even if Master Sky can really eject a person's soul out of the body, he will never be able to do it so easily.

The stronger the effect of thought ability, the stronger the restriction must be.

If you want to pop up a person's soul and achieve such a strong "control" of the other person's results and purposes, then it is impossible to achieve it by just clicking a finger in the air...

Either you need to pay a huge price, such as one life for another;

Either you need to set up complicated and difficult steps. The biggest role of these complicated and difficult steps is to provide the opponent with room for vigilance and counterattack. The powerful effect of "soul".

This is still the "ability to operate the system."

This finger of Sky Master is obviously a release system. Pure operation systems require more restrictions and a greater price. Obviously, the behavior of Master Sky in front of everyone just now did not conform to any point, so naturally there is almost no possibility that Master Sky will really eject the souls of these people out of the body...

"came back!"

There were screams of surprise from all around. After someone's "soul" left the body, his body that was standing numbly on the spot suddenly came to life again, and he screamed in surprise.

As his body was "resurrected", the "soul" that was punched out from the back of his head also "puffed" and quietly dispersed.

"Scared to death..."

"I really don't want to experience the feeling just now..."

"It's more peaceful to have a healthy body!"

The martial artists recovered one after another, and the "souls" behind their heads disappeared one after another, puffy and puffy... Everyone felt happy to be a new person.

From beginning to end, all they lost was the energy of their "soul" that had dissipated.

Hart's frozen body also came to life, and he slapped his head in frustration.

Both Jing Yang and Yun Gu realized that the real effect of Master Sky's move was not to make the opponent lose much energy, but to make the opponent mistakenly believe that his soul was out of body for a moment.

This is a control skill that uses release techniques!

The opponent was in a daze for a moment, not knowing where he was or whether his soul had left his body... This was the moment when Master Sky really showed off his killer move and was sure to win with one blow.

But at the same time, this one-finger move is also very obvious. As long as the opponent realizes that his soul has not left the body, he can immediately return to the body and regain his freedom... This is the restriction of this move, that is, it is powerful. risks associated with its effects.

Jing Yang couldn't help but remember that in the You Ke Xin chapter of the comic, Killua's grandfather, Jeno, just heard that Chrollo could steal other people's telekinesis abilities, and he immediately accurately guessed based on experience that Chrollo wanted to steal it successfully. , five prerequisites must be met.

Master Sky glanced at the crowd, and it seemed that only a few of them were qualified telekinesis users, and they were already analyzing the ability of their own finger.

"'Out-of-body experience' is just an illusion. As long as you realize this, you can easily regain control of your body." Master Sky stroked his beard and smiled slightly, "But on the other hand, you already have this concept in your mind. , when I pop your 'souls' out of the body again... At this time, it will be more difficult to maintain the state of 'wandering outside the body' and keep the physical body empty."

Hart's jaw couldn't help but want to drop to the floor. He guessed Sky Master's intention.

Is this the so-called competition of willpower?

Who can resist "wandering in the world" and not "return to the physical body"?

The rest of the people realized the challenge belatedly.

But Xiaodi raised her hand and asked: "If I win this competition, will there be a bonus?"

Hart was shocked. What was the point at this time?

Master Sky said: "There are always no material rewards in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference."

yes! So the focus is on honor! The other martial artists all looked over, especially when Shingen Ryu was involved, who wouldn't want to overwhelm the Shingen Ryu?

Xiaodi put down her hand and said calmly: "Then I give up."

"Of course you can." After Master Sky finished speaking, he looked around everyone, and finally pointed out again.


This time, Jing Yang and Yun Gu also failed to hold on.

More than thirty fingers teleported to everyone's forehead through the air, and a ball of Qi was fired from the back of everyone's head, turning into a ethereal human form like a soul.

This feeling……

Jing Yang and Yun Gu looked at the back of their heads, which were standing motionless, and at the hands that were now like spirits.

You can return to the physical body in front of you at any time...

This thought flashed through their minds. Jing Yang and Yun Gu immediately stopped their thoughts, and their "souls" that were almost scattered became stabilized.

"It's a bit like the trick of 'tangling'."

The "soul" floating in the back of Yun Gu's head was groping for the secret of maintaining the "fugue outside the body", "But it's not exactly the same..."

Of course it won't be exactly the same.

If it's exactly the same, Yun Gu's physical body is already entangled at this moment. And when the body moves, the "soul" behind the head will dissipate and disappear on its own due to the transfer of concentration to the physical body...


Within a few minutes, the "soul" behind a martial artist's head dissipated, and his body fell to the ground with a look of annoyance on his face.

If you are not firm in your thoughts, you will fail on the spot!

He just warned himself silently in his heart: "If you forget, you can return to your body voluntarily..." However, as soon as this thought arose, his body woke up and his thoughts returned to their original form.

It's like saying "Don't think of elephants" to a person, but the listener will definitely think of an elephant first.

Peng, Peng...

Ten minutes later, the "souls" of the two martial artists dissipated again, and their bodies revived. They looked at each other and sighed.

Is there such a comparison of willpower?

This is too difficult!

Jing Yang looked at the back of his head with a strange expression... He didn't feel any difficulty at all!

Is it because I have 100% control over my body?

Jing Yang's body stood calmly on the spot, his eyes were half-closed, his hands were naturally lowered, and the "soul" floating in his mind was also very stable, as if it was really a soul "wandering outside the body".

If you think about it carefully, you shouldn't get used to this "outside the body perspective" feeling!

When I project my consciousness onto the star bearer, I always feel this way...

Jing Yang has long been used to it.

Even the "soul" of Yun Gu on the side is sitting cross-legged in the air "meditating", trying his best not to let his thoughts scatter, because if he relaxes, all previous efforts may be wasted. After the work is completed, the illusion disappears and the main consciousness is revived in the physical body.

But Jing Yang's "soul" was a little idle... He looked in his mind, turned his head, and met Xiao Di's eyes.

Xiaodi tilted her head.

Jing Yang spreads his hands...

Another hour later, one after another the "souls" of martial artists dissipated and woke up in their own bodies.

Hart opened his eyes, and after realizing that he was out, he knocked his head again in frustration.

Recalling the feeling just now, Hart solemnly muttered to himself: "Not only can I not help but think of the risk of returning to the body, but the longer the 'soul' floats outside the body, the more..." He hugged him. His arms trembled, and his face wrinkled in confusion, "It's indescribably uncomfortable!"

"It's like the whole person is really dying from the inside out!"

Someone in the martial arts family who had been defeated before echoed with empathy.

A martial artist shook his head shudderingly and said: "I have been to the sea before, alone. Floating in the endless ocean, I didn't see anyone for ten days in a row, and there was no signal on my mobile phone, so I could only look in the mirror. Talking to oneself, it is easy to become anxious and depressed, and the strong sense of loneliness is deeper than the ocean... But I have to say, if I can persist in the same state for three days, I would rather float alone on the sea for three years!"

And his words also made everyone realize...the first test of willpower mentioned by Master Sky lasted for three days!

"The whole three days must be carried out in this state?" A "soul" looked incredulously, "Without interruption in the middle?"

Master Sky nodded and said: "Of course that's the case. How else can we tell the difference?"

"What should I do about eating?"

"Master Sky, please stop joking..."

"With your strength, it won't be a big deal if you don't eat or drink for three days." Master Sky stroked his beard and said with a smile, "What's more, who said you can't eat, drink, and defecate in that state?"

"Can you?" Xiaodi showed a rare expression of surprise.

Hart looked at her in surprise and asked: "Sister Xiaodi, are you because..." He looked at Zhen Yuanzi, who was standing still, and the "soul" behind his head floating in the air with his legs crossed.

Did Sister Xiaodi guess this situation from the beginning, so she abstained from voting just to take care of the body of Zhen Yuanzi who was unable to move during these three days?

Master Tian said: "In this test of willpower, the standard is how long your 'soul' that has been knocked out of the body can last, not how long your body can move."

Everyone suddenly remembered that Master Sky had long said that the so-called "soul" that was knocked out of the body was just their illusion. In other words, their bodies have always been normal and they have always been able to move freely. The problem is that if they want their bodies to move, there will inevitably be a problem of shifting their attention. Once the attention leaves the "soul" at the back of the head, " "Soul" can easily dissipate immediately...

How to master the balance is the real test.

Yun Gu understood this clearly.

Jing Yang also realized that the difficulty has not changed... As long as Jing Yang is willing, he can give orders at any time to let his body be entrusted to "Star Mark", not to mention eating, drinking and defecating, just giving it to everyone on the spot. A set of military boxing is simple.

too difficult!

Then go hungry!

Many of the twenty or so warriors who were still struggling to keep their attention focused on the "external soul" were almost screaming in their hearts.

The same goes for Zhehao.

It’s just three days without food or drink. What does it count? Or focus on——

"I don't care how you choose. As I said before, this competition is about how long the 'soul' in the back of the head lasts." Master Sky held out three fingers and said with a smile, "But the second competition three days later The competition is about martial arts. It is a competition of martial arts using this 'out-of-body' method of controlling the body."

Everyone was shocked!

Master Sky explained: "It is not easy to eliminate the interference of other factors and only compete with martial arts! Especially to eliminate the factors of strength... I was also very distressed. In the end, I could only come up with this method and asked for a trick. . In other words, those of you who can persist in the first competition, you have three days in advance to try to explore and become familiar with this method of remote control of the body and the use of martial arts. Of course, if you try this way, there will be mistakes. The possibility of causing the 'soul' to dissipate and being eliminated in the first game early would be easier than getting rid of distracting thoughts and starving for three days."

The bad old man is very bad!

This thought came to everyone's mind.

Yun Gu is really ashamed. Why does this Sky Master's style make people think of President Netero...

Jing Yang was speechless. Now, the second match has completely lost its suspense. You can just put the champion in your buddy's arms.

【Um? 】

Jing Yang's body, together with the "soul" behind his head, turned to look in the direction of the front mountain.

His move caused a strong psychological impact on other players.

Is it that simple?

Why didn't Zhen Yuanzi's "soul" dissipate because of his body's rash actions? !

Xiaodi was not surprised. As soon as she heard the rules of this competition, she understood that for Jing Yang, the first two games were basically not difficult at all... When she heard Jing Yang's surprised voice coming from the moon sign in her mind, she also turned her head. Look in the direction of Jing Yang's gaze. [Has Suzaku arrived? 】【Um. 】

[This guy is really lazy. 】

The "Jingyan Bird" flapped its wings and flew away from the branches, and was about to fly towards the front mountain. On the way, it saw a figure sitting very comfortably in the corner of the roof of the Villa Hotel.

It's Nitro.

"Oh?" Nitro suddenly looked towards "Jingyanque".

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